![]() Arrow, the 2013 Best Action Or Drama Program winner in the Best Of TV Awards 2013 filmed scenes at the Vancouver Trade & Convention Centre (which was the same place they had Ollies welcome home party in the pilot) for a scene from this last episode of season 2 before the Olympic Hiatus. In this scene, I was uncertain exactly what was happening, partially because of the glare off the glass I was watching thru, but also, I could only see about 20% of the entire scene. I now know, it was for an election rally for Moira Queen...yes, murderer turned politician. This would be too absurd to believe if Rob Ford wasnt a thing that exists. At the time I thought I had caught photos of a nice mom/son embrace, but as we all know from the episode now, this was a less than pleasant encounter between mother & son. On set was a variety of cast over the 2 days they shot there. Stephen Amell, Susanna Thompson, Willa Holland, Emily Bett Rickards & David Ramsey were certainly there at times. Colin Salmon was also on set for the scenes, but I never saw him around. Here are the handful of pics I got that day. Sorry I am so late posting them, Christmas & my year end awards, which Arrow won a couple of, got in my way of blogging about my set encounters. Better late than never?
![]() Arrow shot some scenes in East Vancouver 1 evening a couple months ago at Heritage Hall (which has been used by lots of film crews... including Arrow). Arrow is also up for several of our Best Of TV Awards 2013 A couple months ago, I caught Arrow filming near my house (its actually been happening A LOT this season). On this particular day, they were filming scenes in 4 spots throughout the day for episode 209 "Three Ghosts", the mid-season finale. A garage across the street that was all tented up to keep the light out was used for some scenes that included some Starling City PD. Roger Cross & Paul Blackthorne did scenes in there with several other Officers. This was of course the scene we now know as where Lucas Hilton is killed. Meanwhile, across the street they had scenes shooting with Kevin Alejandro & a bunch of people inside the Chapel Arts building. Later in the evening, they shot scenes in front of the Patricia Hotel with David Ramsey walking into the hotel to talk to a desk clerk while Stephen Amell's character (played by his stunt double Simon Burnett in these takes) sat in the car. Later, a scene at the back end of the hotel had Diggle (played by his stunt double Sylvesta Stuart) jumping off outside stairs onto the ground. I caught a few of the practice takes earlier in the day, but by night time, there was too much equipment in the way & lighting was so bad that I didnt get any shots of the actual stunts. Arrow airs every Wednesday on The CW in the U.S. & CTV in Canada as part of their AmellWednesdays with The Tomorrow People. Here is a video of Caity Lotz & Paul Blackthorne shooting the scene from episode 205 "League Of Assassins" where Sara lets her father Quentin Lance, know she is still alive. Video Of Arrow shooting a scene for episode 202 with The Hood, China White & Bronze Tiger10/17/2013 Last night, you saw episode 2 of season 2 of ARROW. In it, you saw the return of China White & the debut of Bronze Tiger. Here is a short video of 1 of the scenes that was done with the stunt team for this episode where Arrow (Simon Burnett) drives thru an abandoned street & throws something at China & Bronze Tiger that explodes. You can see my photos from this night, including the FIRST photos of Bronze Tiger on set HERE You can catch past episodes of ARROW online In the USA HERE In Canada HERE Here is a video from ARROW shooting the season 2 premiere on July 18, 2013 on busy Granville Street in the entertainment district of Vancouver. The scene has Stephen Amell and David Ramsey as Oliver Queen & John Diggle talking about the wave of copycat vigilantes over-running Starling City since The Hood went AWOL after the earthquake. Arrow is on Wednesday nights on The CW at 8 PM/ 7 Central. You can catch this episode of Arrow already online U.S. viewers only can see it on The CW website Canadian viewers can see it on The CTV website THIS BLOG POST CONTAINS MINOR & MAJOR SPOILERS FOR "ARROW" EPISODE 205. If you do not want to know anything prior to the episode airing, do not read the article or view the photos below. A couple months ago I photographed "The Black Canary" on set. At the time, I had no clue who it was. As it turned out, it was the stunt double for the recently cast new Sarah Lance (who btw looks NOTHING like Jacqueline Macinnes Wood.. the original Sarah Lance), Caity Lotz. Finally, on a late end of August night, I saw Caity Lotz in person filming... and what a scene I stumbled onto. On this particular night, I managed to find Ms. Lotz filming scenes with Paul Blackthorne (Quentin Lance, Sarahs father). The scene? Sarah lets her father know shes alive! It took place on a quiet street in the Downtown Eastside mere feet from where I saw Supernatural filming scenes a few weeks earlier. This time, as Starling City. A scene for episode 205 titled "League Of Assassins" the scene has Quentin walking to his car, seeming pleased with himself over something, till he realizes someones coming up behind him. He slyly slides his gun out & quickly turns around, gun drawn & points it at the person. As the mysterious person comes from the dark street into view, the shocked Quentin Lance sees a face that he cant & immediately, doesn't believe. Its his daughter, Sarah. She motions to him & closes in on him, eventually getting close enough to put her hand on his gun & push his hand down. After Quentin accepts who it is, a large emotion filled hug takes place between the two, and you can hear Quentin mutter "your mother was right". A little later, another set of scenes was done. This time, Caity was off for the rest of the night. It was now Felicty Smoak doing scenes with Quentin Lance, as Emily Bett Rickards showed up to film scenes. Emily & Paul did scenes where Felicity stands on a street corner waiting for Quentin to return home from a shift. As he approaches, she rushes up to him & eagerly tries to get his attention about a matter that she says has his life in jeopardy. I couldn't hear all the details, but she brings up Malcolm Merlyn in the conversation. It ends with Quentin closing the door on Ms. Smoak & her speaking at him thru the door "so I guess you aren't leaving town?". What can the mysterious trouble for Quentin be? I saw some details for their next day of work, and I can say... its either confusing me to no end, or really interesting how they are playing it. All I will say is, it includes Oliver & Sarah at the Queen Mansion being attacked by... someone (not gonna say who) & the scene takes place prior to the scene where Sarah talks to her dad photographed below. Apologies to anyone who feels ripped off that these FREE photos are sometimes grainy/blurry. I do this with a $500 camera, not a $5000 camera remember. Arrow returns on The CW for season 2, October 9, 2013. |
All photos posted in this blog are shot by Canadagraphs. Permission to use the photos on your site, blog, tumblr, facebook or other online outlets is allowed if you follow 2 rules 1- DO NOT remove any watermarks on the photos, this includes cropping around them, Without prior written permission or emailed permission from this site. (contact form is on the left) 2- Credit this blog page or the individual blog post in your posting. If you would like to use photos seen here unedited, contact me thru my contact page, and depending on your need I may be able to accommodate smaller requests. Depending on the orders/photos, I may charge a fee for my time (usually about $2-5 an image depending how many you want) Canadagraphs Arrow blog sectionBlog posts containing Arrow be hind the scene photos, or candid photos of stars from the CW show ARROW will be in here. Autographs of the new CW hit show can be found in the "Arrow Autographs" section on the left side. Archives
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