THIS POST CONTAINS MILD SPOILER PHOTOS OF AN UPCOMING EPISODE OF "ONCE UPON A TIME" SEASON 3. If you don't want to read or see any spoilers from this season prior to the airing of it, do not continue reading, or viewing the photos. . . . last warning. . . A few weeks ago, I caught Once Upon A Time filming a few blocks from my house with a couple of their main cast. In this particular scene they filmed Henry & Emma walking across the street of a New York intersection. Of course, with the mid-season finale now aired, we now know that Henry & Emma are living in New York City with their new memories. Unfortunately, I only got there in time for 1 take... and with the considerable rain that was falling this day, I didnt have the best position for the scene as I looked for a spot that was dry & sort of in view. In any case, here are the shots I got of the 2 BOTVA (Best of TV Awards 2013) finalists that are still going on right now, Jennifer Morrison (sexiest actress) & Jared Gilmore (best youth actor) filming that 1 take for an upcoming episode of OUAT. Earlier in the day, they filmed scenes at a "NYPD Station" which had Colin O'Donoghue & Jennifer Morrison filming a very notable scene for CapitanSwan fans. I'll have some of those photos coming soon (probably early 2014). Once Upon A Time will return March 9, 2014 on ABC in the U.S. & CTV in Canada. The longer than usual hiatus is probably to avoid competing with the Winter Olympics... but I don't know why they aren't
![]() In the mid-season finale for the ABC fantasy drama Once Upon A Time, we saw a massive shocker, Rumplestiltskin kills himself along with his father aka - Peter Pan, to save the people of Storybrooke from Pans curse. What this means for the character Robert Carlyle portrays is still uncertain. I suspect he'll be back after a few episodes away (not insider knowledge, just my personal feeling), but for now it is RIP Mr. Gold/Rumple. At the time they filmed the scene in which he stabs Peter Pan thru the back & in turn himself too, I didnt know he was killing himself along with Pan, I just saw him shove the knife into Pan (aka - Robbie Kay ) and assumed he was killing him. I got to the set late on this day, and missed the earlier scenes with Regina out in the middle of the street. By the time I got there, they were filming the scene below from the angle of just the left side of the group as it was just Michael Raymond-James as Baelfire & Emilie de Ravin as Belle who were also on set with Robert & Robbie. Something that has been an issue in season 3 has been how unpleasant the rude & unprofessional new security team has been. Instead of the old team they had, who although at times frustrated some regulars, would at least reason with the regulars & minimize the efforts some of us would go to to take shots. This new team (btw- they got FIVE guys to do the job that 2 were doing last year....and not very well lol) thinks heavy handed aggressiveness will work...well, it doesnt, all it does is drive us to be more creative in doing what we do.... for example, I stood 2 blocks away to get photos they didnt want me getting from the other side of the set (which had a LOT more stuff in the way & it would have been in their best interests to just let people shoot from there.....then maybe the plethora of spoiler pics some posted on twitter earlier wouldnt have come up so much). But they will learn eventually....or maybe they wont? In either case, people will get their shots, they just might be more creative in making it happen. Because of my position (2 blocks away) you can see some of my photos are pretty grainy & I am sorry if you feel disappointed in these FREE photos I offer you. For those appreciative of whatever is offered, here it, photos from my vantage point of Pan & Rumple meeting their fates. Once Upon A Time season 3 has gone on their Winter Hiatus & returns March 9, 2014 (later than usual in an effort to avoid competing with the Olympics) on ABC. THIS POST MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR AN EPISODE OF SEASON 3 "ONCE UPON A TIME". Do not read the blog post if you want to avoid those minor spoilers. The photos contain no notable spoiler. . . . last warning . . Season 3 of the ABC fantasy drama "Once Upon A Time" has rarely been seen around this year by the locals. With most of their production now in studio for the Neverland scenes, finding the cast on location has proved to be a challenge for most. So no shock, yesterday was my 1st venture to a OUAT set this season. It was in New Westminster at the house used for Regina. This particular set of scenes involved Dr. Archie Hopper (Raphael Sbarge), Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla) & a guest star who I cant name...because no one knows the name outside of the crew. I know what the scenes entailed somewhat, but cant go into too much detail. Just to say, it is a flashback scene involving the pair & baby Henry. There was nothing to see of the actual filming, unless you were there bright & early when they did a short scene of Archie walking to/away from the front door. The rest was all interior. We did however catch up to both stars outside. Raphael, on his lunch break, stopped to sign for the 7-10 fans that were there before heading back inside to do more work. Lana, after her filming concluded around 7 PM met all the fans, which by then was close to a dozen, and signed autographs & took photos. Below is a few photos from last night. I will have a few more photos of non-location OUAT interactions to post soon. Included in there will be some Jennifer Morrison pics from recently, and some leftover forgotten about pics from last season of Jamie Chung (Mulan) & Sarah Bolger (Princess Aurora) & a few from a friend who was at this past summers San Diego Comic-Con. Once Upon A Time season 3 is currently airing Sunday nights on ABC & CTV. This past weekend the cast for the ABC fantasy hit "Once Upon A Time" headed down to San Diego for their 3rd Comic-Con.
I managed to catch the cast either going down, or returning this year. While I was glad to see Robert Carlyle was back to being the happy to see us Bobby I remember from season 1 (he had soured a lot in S2 & I was afraid what S3 might bring) I was quite displeased to see the already unfriendly Emilie deRavin, who at least in the past would begrudgingly stop to sign if you could catch up to her speed walking self, now just outright refuses, even when she has to wait 45 seconds for her driver. The rest of the cast was great going to & returning from Comic-Con. The casts super-couple Josh Dallas & Ginnifer Goodwin chatted with us & other fans going there & returning. Jennifer Morrison donned her trademark ball cap pulled down low to avoid being seen, but still happily signed & chatted when she was recognized. We caught Lana Parrilla heading down to SDCC, but missed her returning. While we managed to get both Colin O'Donoghue & Michael Raymond-James going to & returning. Most of the cast told us how they loved doing these events, but one who I wont name, did state that they were not too pleased to be doing it, it isn't their thing, but is doing it because its expected. I admire that honesty, because you know theres dozens of others that were sent to San Diego to promote things that also didnt want to, but lie & say "oh yeah, I love doing that". Another person we saw coming in while we were there, but didnt know at the time who it was, Meta Golding (who will be in the next Hunger Games Movie) who is believed to be a newcomer to the cast, I have yet to learn what role she is getting. If anyone knows, please feel free to update me. Here are the photos of the cast interacting with the fans as they depart & return from the SDCC this past weekend. Tomorrow is the season 2 finale of the hit fantasy drama "Once Upon A Time".
Below are a few photos an acquaintance of mine took on his day at set of "Mulan". I put Mulan in quotations, because while it is certainly the Mulan character for the scene, it was certainly NOT Jamie Chung portraying the role. So who is the new girl playing Mulan this week? I asked Sarah Bolger about Chung, asked her point blank if she had been re-cast. She adamantly said "no". So is this "Faux-Lan" a 1 off because of a scheduling conflict with Jamie, or this new, still unknown actress be taking over Mulan for good? Tomorrow night on ABC in the U.S. & CTV in Canada yu can catch the season 2 finale of ONCE UPON A TIME. To see more photos of them shooting this season, check my other OUAT blogs here Occasionally, if you are on your way thru an airport, look around at the people you see there. It might be someone famous.
While seeing the OUAT cast in YVR is not a rarity, they did become much less common this season for me. But here is a handful of the encounters I had with them. Mostly Ginnifer Goodwin & Josh Dallas, Jennifer Morrison or Lana Parrilla. Occasionally I saw other cast members, like Jorge Garcia, Sarah Bolger or Michael Raymond-James as well. I dont recall which weeks these photos are from. Some of them have been in my blog section for a few months. But here is an assortment of pics of them when they came thru & how great they have been at interacting with the occasional fans & regulars that might see them. This blog post contains possible spoilers for "Once Upon A Time" season 2 finale episode. If you dont want to know anything about this episode, DO NOT read the article or view the photos.
. . . . last warning . . Late last week I made the trek out to Steveston to catch some filming of the ABC hit "Once Upon A Time" as they were working on the season finale right now. When I got there, I found them not in downtown Steveston as I assumed they would be, but out at Garry Point Park, a couple blocks west of there. Cleverly wedged in amongst a pile of trees in a little garden, they filmed a couple scenes there, including the 1 I managed to get a few pics of. In this particular scene I saw Henry (Jared Gilmore) playing on a rope while Mr. Gold (Robert Carlyle) watched. Off camera Emma (Jennifer Morrison ), David (Josh Dallas) & Mary (Ginnifer Goodwin) waited for their cues. Because of the conveniently placed garden rocks & trees, you lose the group for a few seconds, before eventually catching Emma & Henry talking infront of a rock, leading to Henry tightly hugging Emma in what appeared to be a very saddening moment as both characters showed sadness on their faces. Also in the scene was Beverly Elliot...somewhere. I never saw her in the scene, but heard them calling out her cue. I saw at the set, so I know she was there, just didnt see her in the scene. During the day, several of the stars met with fans, including Jared Gilmore, Josh Dallas, Robert Carlyle & Beverly Elliott. As well Ginnifer Goodwin & Josh Dallas stopped for a couple fans during a short break at the food tent, despite being needed back at set immediately. Once Upon A Time wraps season 2 production April 6th. NOTE - I know recently some OUAT fan sites & tumblr boards have been aggressively attacked with threats of legal action from a new photographer about using his photos without his permission & some of you are probably gunshy about ever doing it again. You may use these photos, as with ALL my photos on TWO CONDITIONS. 1- Dont remove the watermarks. 2- give credit, by sourcing this blog post, or my twitter profile as the source. 3- if you want them untagged, I do sell them without marks. Be advised, many of the photos have been cropped in to show just the material that is relevant. |
All photos posted in this blog are shot by Canadagraphs, unless otherwise stated, and are the property of the site owner. Permission to use the photos on your site, blog, tumblr, facebook or other online outlets is allowed if you follow 2 rules 1- DO NOT remove any watermarks on the photos, this includes cropping around them, Without prior written permission or emailed permission from this site. (contact form is on the left) 2- Credit this blog page or the individual blog post in your posting. If you would like to use photos seen here unedited, contact me thru my contact page, and depending on your need I may be able to accommodate smaller requests. Depending on the orders/photos, I may charge a fee for my time (usually about $2-5 an image depending how many you want) AuthorThe blog posts in here are about the interactions & set reports for the former ABC hit "Once Upon A Time". Archives
May 2018