THIS BLOG IS ABOUT FILMING FOR EPISODE 219 OF "ONCE UPON A TIME" The post containts photos of filming, as well as scene description & speculation.
IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW/SEE ANYTHING PRIOR TO THE EPISODE AIRING.... DO NOT CONTINUE READING OR VIEWING THE PHOTOS! . . . Last warning . . Last week I made the trek out to Steveston to see the ABC hit fantasy show"Once Upon A Time" do a bit of filming. Since the last time I saw them, in downtown Vancouver a month or so ago, some big reveals have happened...mainly that Neal/Baelfire is Henry's father, and that Rumplestiltskin/Mr.Gold is his father, making Henry's Golds grandson.... and you thought YOUR family had issues. This particular day I saw 2 scenes being shot. The 1st had Robert Carlyle (Gold) & Lana Parrilla (Regina) walking along a path thru a fence in the background as Jared Gilmore (Henry) had a little play battle with wooden swords with his newfound dad Michael Raymond-James (Neal). So it looks like the Gold-Cassidy-Swan-Mills family is seemingly doing fine... although, no Emma hanging around during the boys playtime. Is there a rift between her & Henry after he found out she lied to him? Or is this simply some father/son bonding time as his grandpa & adopted mom chat in the background? Only time will tell. There was a lot of playing around leading up to the scene, which was shot in 3 or 4 parts. In a couple takes Jared clipped Michael on his hand with the wooden swords hard enough that he went running away shaking off the hit. Later in the day, they moved over to a pier, where they did a scene with Lana Parrilla & Jennifer Morrison (Emma) sitting on a bench, as Emma was holding the fairytale book of Henry's. I also took a few photos of the prop carps & signs, most notably for me, the 1983 computer ad on a bus stop. A left over from when they filmed the flashback episode that is coming up soon...or were they doing another flashback scene in this episode? So here is the photos from that day. Enjoy. This episode will be #19 of season 2.
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THIS BLOG CONTAINS POSSIBLE SPOILER DESCRIPTIONS & PHOTOS FOR ONCE UPON A TIME SEASON 2 EPISODE 14. Please DO NOT continue reading or viewing photos if you dont want to be spoiled.
. . . Last warning . . Last week I was given a heads up by someone about a OUAT shoot in Gastown. By the time I got there, they had moved from the street to inside a bar. I caught the Once Upon A Time crew out filming in the tourist trap neighbourhood of downtown Vancouver. This was the FIRST TIME since the pilot I had found them downtown, and only the 2nd time since the pilot they had been down here. Last time they filmed downtown I was out of town & it involved scenes with Jennifer Morrison, Michael Raymond James & Eion Bailey doing flashback scenes on the backstory of Emma Swan. So what were they doing in the big downtown core of Vancouver this time? More flashback scenes???Well... NO. These scenes were clearly current day scenes...and you will see why as you read on. The 1st night I found them filming in the popular Blarney stone Pub. Scenes seemed to only involve two actors, Michael Raymond-James & Jennifer Morrison chatting in a bar in the SoHo district of New York City. The scene was practically impossible to see any of except for a very small slivver of window that wasnt covered with black drapes. From there, all you could see was Michael, and if you angled your head the right way, for a breif moment, Jennifer would be partially in view. Not a lot to see there...and this, I didnt take many shots. The next day, they filmed out on the street. I missed a scene earlier where Jennifer Morrison & Michael Raymond James did a chase scene that ended with 1 of them tackling the other in an alley. When I arrived they had moved that same scene back a bit and were prepping things to shoot the chase scene that would lead to the alley tackle. Jennifer Morrison & a stunt man in place of Michael Raymond James did a scene where they ran thru New York City traffic. The big SPOILER came after that when they moved further up the street to where this scene would start. That is when I saw a most unlikely combo of people step out of a New York City Cab together. As the cab showed up, the 1st take I noticed Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) & Henry Mills (Jared Gilmore) get out of a cab with a 3rd person.... it wasnt till I look at the photos after the take & realized the 3rd person was...... MR. GOLD (Robert Carlyle). This is a pretty large spoiler (in my opinion) on a couple fronts. 1- Emma and Gold working together? 2- Gold is out of Storybrooke. The scene had the 3 of them get out of the cab together, look up at a building then proceed to the building before Emma stops and notices someone jumping off a fire escape & start running away (the start of the chase scene). While many people saw the scenes in the alley & of Emma running thru traffic, very few stayed around for the largest reveal scene of the day with Mr. Gold being out of Storybrooke. First off, I dont know if these were scenes for episode 1 or episode 2, because I was told conflicting things on what order they were filmed in.
Anyways, on this given day, several cast members were on set. Josh Dallas (David/Prince Charming), Ginnifer Goodwin (Mary Margaret Blanchard/Snow White), Jennifer Morrison (Emma Swan) & Emilie DeRavin (Belle) were going into Mr. Gold's pawn shop. I will post some more pics from the night shoot (many of them are a bit grainy/blurry because of the lack of light) from those scenes, but here are the daytime shots form set. Also, a couple photos of a souvenier the production team gave local shop owners for their co-operation throughout season 1 filming. A replica VW Beetle like the 1 Emma drives signed by Jennifer Morrison. This particular 1 is on display at Sara's Old Fashioned Ice Cream Parlour right next door to Mr. Golds. POSSIBLE SPOILERS IN THIS THREAD. IF YOU WANT TO READ NO SPOILERS, LARGE OR SMALL, PLEASE DO NOT CONTINUE READING OR VIEWING PHOTOS.
. . . . LAST WARNING Back in July I caught Once Upon A Time filming in downtown Storybrooke (aka - Steveston, BC) for the start of season 2 of OUAT. I have been told that they were filming episode 2 at the time, even though it was 1 of the 1st days of it COULD be from the Premiere, or episode 2. The scenes all were at Mr. Golds. 1st was Regina (Lana Parrilla) in Mr. Golds (Robert Carlyle) pawn shop. Later scenes with David Nolan (Josh Dallas) going into Mr. Golds were filmed. It was all interiors, so there was very little to be seen from a filming aspect. Infact I spent most of the time in 2 of my favorite eating places there. Dave's Fish & Chips and Sarahs Ice Cream Parlour, both of which are on each side of Mr. Golds shop conveniently. All the cast that were there came over & interacted with the fans at 1 point or another. The pics provided are from those interactions.... including 1 where Josh Dallas meets a fans wiener dog, Emma. Josh, without hesitating responds to the fan by saying 'Thats not my daughter" (referring to Prince Charmings daughter on the show, also named Emma). Another post with more filming from that week & a bit more info on Storybrooke is coming up soon, |
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May 2018