THIS POST MAY CONTAIN NOTABLE OR MILD SPOILERS. If you do not want to read or see spoilers of any not continue.
Last Warning . . . If you have already read my previous blog in this section, you are aware that on day 1 of shooting for the 5th & final season of Fringe, I caught up to the cast & crew on multiple occasions that day. The earlier shoot, with Anna Torv, Josh Jackson & the girl who is playing the young Henrietta (only heard referred to as "Abigail") wrapped up in the mid-afternoon & some of the cast moved on to a 2nd scene over in False Creek. The second scene had Josh Jackson, John Noble, Jasika Nicole aaaaaand Georgina Haig (adult Etta) doing a scene where the group drives up to a war zone looking area. Etta is driving a ratty looking tin van as the Fringe team, now without the resources of their era at their disposal, ride along with her. The group shows up to a destination. As they get out Walter looks across the van to the drivers side & looks upset/annoyed/angry about something that you dont see since it is just a green screen there. The other members join him & walk forward. Soon Peter sees a large wall covered with spray painted Observers on it (a fact I didnt notice till a fan pointed it out to me). Peter runs up onto the car & peers over the barbed wire covered fence. Astrid eventually joins him up there & there is this funny moment (to me at least) where Astrid cant even see over the fence.... I wonder what conversation if any is had between the characters at that time. There wasnt much else done on that location in the time I was there.... they MIGHT have filmed longer with other scenes, but I dont know. In either case.... here are the 2nd set of pics from day 1 of shooting for FRINGE with Peter (Josh Jackson), Walter (John Noble), Astrid (Jasika Nicole) & Henrietta "Etta" (Georgina Haig) working on this scene. Plus, I am going to for a second hijack my own post just to make some of you Fringe fans out there aware of an event you might not have heard of yet (and if any cast ever read this... hey, try to free up your schedule for them) August 10th to 12 in Vancouver, BC there is the 1st unofficial mid-scale sized Fringe fan event planned called "The Fringe Event" Tickets are a tad pricey, but it has lots of fascinating features planned...and fingers crossed, hopefully a cast member or two will grace them with their appearance. Might I also say at this time, I think it was TERRIBLE of Warner Bros. to DENY this group permission to show an episode of Fringe on the big screen. Terrible, archaic thinking, disrespectful decision to a fanbase that actually ASKED you thru the proper channels & is doing all this for charity. PS- small reminder since this was a repeat problem last season. If these photos are re-posted on your site, blog, tumblr, facebook page or elsewhere. Removing the tags & not posting the source for the material (ie- the link to this blog) may have your post removed by your sites host & could cause deletion of your site depending on what the terms of service state for unauthorized posting of materials. Please ONLY post images in whole AND with link credit
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THIS POST MAY CONTAIN NOTABLE OR MILD SPOILERS. If you do not want to read or see spoilers of any not continue.
Last Warning . . . July 18th 2012 marked a pretty important day for the millions of die-hard Fringe fans on the planet. Today was day 1 of shooting for the 5th season of the hit sci-fi program on the FOX network. While FOX president Kevin Reilley really deserves much of the credit for the little show that could getting a 5th season (MOST networks would have axed it & if it were not for Reilley being a fan of the show himself...maybe Fox would have too?) it really was us, the fans who made it happen more than anything. The twitter hashtags to give the show a face in social media, week after week helped. Of course, so did the idea (that I strongly nudged towards some of the facebook groups out there trying to save the show) of not just contacting network people, but the very advertisers buying commercial time on the show...let them know you were seeing the ads they paid to have on our program. In the end, all of these little things added together and coerced the powers that be to add 1 (albeit shortened) last season of Fringe. Day 1 started in Stanley Park, I think. I dont know if any filming happened prior to me getting there, but I know from the night before when their trailers passed me going TO Stanley Park, they were going to be in or near there to start shooting. The scenes they shot there involved a couple interesting spoilers. 1st- Peter & Olivia appear to be married. I actually DID NOT notice this there.. I only noticed this after looking thru my pics at home. Both characters were wearing wedding rings for the shoot. So sometime between now & a few years from now, they appear to have married. 2nd - There are going to apparently be some scenes that are NOT from 2036 as well. This particular scene is maybe 4-6 years in the future. The reason I can assume that is... Peter & Olivia were doing scenes that involved a young Etta (played by a girl who I only heard refered to as "Abagayle" - NOTE - her name is Abagayle Hardwick). The daughter of Peter & Olivia that we meet in episode 419 as a grown 20something woman, was being filmed today in the park as a 4-6 year old girl. The scene seemed to involve Peter & Olivia enjoying a picnic before its ruined when Peter sees some Observers & is calling out to Etta to come to him, then eventually Peter & Olivia running out to grab her as a swarm of Observers came stomping thru the field like a plague. Eventually the scene was completed. I got Anna & Josh to sign autographs as they left, and soon, everyone was off to set up for the next shoot they had at a different location. I will definitely have more pics later on from this scene, and of course, some more from a scene they did later in the day at a different location that Astrid & Walter were also a part of. For now, heres a few of The Observers, Peter (Joshua Jackson), Olivia (Anna Torv), Etta (Abigail ??) & of course, a couple Polivia pics. As well as Josh in between takes in a leather jacket. PS- small reminder since this was a repeat problem last season. If these are re-posted on your site, blog, tumblr, facebook page or elsewhere. Removing the tags & not posting the source for the material (ie- the link to this blog) may have your post removed by your sites host & could cause deletion of your site depending on what the terms of service state for unauthorized posting of materials. Please ONLY post images in whole AND with link credit |
AuthorThis is the blog for the TV show Fringe. It discusses scenes that I saw filmed, as well as interactions with the cast. Any posts pre-July 2012 can be found in the "Random bloggings" section. Archives
January 2013