Since COVID-19 shut down the industry, and much of the world. This is the first Batwoman set I have made it to since they started back up in early September. THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "BATWOMAN" A SEASON 2 EPISODE . If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE. I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. Last night I found the cast & crew of Batwoman in New Westminster filming a couple scenes for an episode. I BELIEVE it was for episode 202, but I dont know that to be for certain. The first set, at the Anvil Centre in downtown New West, saw the building dressed up to be Gotham General Hospital. A TV crew was there doing a report, and it seemed to be about the line up of people there seemingly waiting for something. That something? An antidote for "Bat Toxin". Yep, Batwoman is writing in a story line about some Bat themed issue that is poisoning people, and people lining up to get a cure to it. Considering the point we are at currently in the world, this seems like a bit risky to me. While there, I saw a Gotham Ambulance, as well as a Hamilton Dynamics truck parked there. Which made me wonder.... who runs them now, since Catherine died. Mary? Someone else? Last thing I noticed at this location, was that 1 of the transportation vehicles for cast actually had a custom license plate that reads "BAT-WMN". Would be nice if more shows did this lol. Make it easier for me when I am just passing by to know which production it is, without having to stop and look around. After this scene wrapped, the crew moved about 2 1/2 blocks away to their night shoot location. For the evening shoot, the crew had moved over to a produce market on 10th street. There they had a scene where a couple of attempted masked up thugs went into the store looking to rob it. Unfortunately for them, someone else was in the store. This would be my first look (and I believe the public as a whole) at Javicia Leslie as Ryan Wilder, aka... the new Batwoman.
The scene (to the best of my interpretation, gotta remember, they dont always film things in order) seemed to have these two barge into the store, try to rob it, before Ryan throws a bottle at them, causing a scuffle that generates a bang, before Ryan gets tossed across the floor, and the thugs leave without any money, or even their guns. Is this altercation what inspires her to become Batwoman? Later, there was a short scene with Ryan still there, and a CROWS guard now also there, and she seems to look at him with a look of confusion or annoyance before she goes over towards where the cash register area is, and the CROWS guard follows suit. Not long after that, they wrapped the night. So, about the Batsuit. Unless her Batsuit is going to be a blue jacket over an orange shirt, with 1970s yellow & brown pants, and some gold & white Nike shoes..... I am guessing this wasnt it. Maybe next time? Lastly. This was the first full film set I got to really observe in action. While I had been to a couple of other productions so far, I never really got to see fully how sets are working around the new COVID-19 era restrictions. First observation I made, I was really impressed with the vigilance of the crew to wear their masks at all times. I fully expect to find some slackers in that department, but I never saw any.... or maybe they've already been weeded out since this is week 3 for them now. I also got to see 1 of their coronavirus testing areas at the set (didnt go into it, but saw the precautions needed to be in there), and that as well looks like they really are taking this seriously, as each person who went in was in head to toe PPE just to get their test done. I also got to learn a bit about the "zones" that everyone has now. Each crew member has a different coloured badge, and can only work with people with that same colour badge. As for cast, as soon as their scene was completed, they immediately had masks back on till the next take. There was sanitizer almost everywhere you went. No more just casually going from 1 place to another because it might be most convenient for you. If you arent allowed in a space, you cant go. From what I heard from the few crew I chatted with, it does not seem (yet) to be causing any delays with filming. So hopefully things can remain this smooth throughout. Lastly, 1 crew member when I asked about working with Javicia compared to Ruby, while they didnt comment on Ruby specifically, they did say they love working with Javicia. So we finally have our 1st look at the future new Batwoman. We get to find out that there is some sort of "Bat Toxin" that people are desperate to get an antidote for. What will all this mean? In the next couple days, there may be some short video from set to post. Just need time to edit it. So check back later this week for that. Batwoman returns in January 2021, Sunday nights on The CW in the U.S. You can find my other Batwoman blogs HERE Want more Arrowverse materials? BEHIND THE SCENES of The Flash go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for The Flash go HERE BEHIND THE SCENES of Supergirl go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for Supergirl go HERE BEHIND THE SCENES of Arrow go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for Arrow go HERE
THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "BATWOMAN" A SEASON 1 EPISODE . If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE. I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. Last month I had the newest CW super hero show, Batwoman filming in the alley right beside my apartment. I do not know what episode number it was for, but almost certainly it was for 16,17 or 18 (unless it is a picked up scene from a prior episode). Unfortunately, it was also on a night that a couple TV shows I watch were on, namely The Flash. So I only got to spend about an hour at the set. I had planned to go back a bit later, as they were scheduled to be there till the wee hours of the morning. But in a rare instance (although its the 3rd time its happened to me this season with a set) they wrapped more than 5 hours early. I did manage however to get a few photos of Ruby Rose on set in her full costume in the little time I was around. In the scene, she seems to grab a man (uncredited at this time) and shove him up against a car & interrogate him, before the man scurries off. I had hoped to see a bit more of the scene later.... I didnt know it was going to be done so quick. I will have a bit of video from this night at a later date. I am pretty far behind on videos right now. So maybe later this month. Check back here then for it, or you can subscribe to my Youtube channel to see when it finally is uploaded. My Patreon members will see it sooner. UPDATE - February 24, 2020 - video has been added below. Batwoman airs Sunday nights on The CW in the U.S. You can find my other Batwoman blogs HERE Want more Arrowverse materials? BEHIND THE SCENES of Arrow go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for Arrow go HERE BEHIND THE SCENES of The Flash go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for The Flash go HERE BEHIND THE SCENES of Supergirl go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for Supergirl go HERE THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "BATWOMAN" A SEASON 1 EPISODE . If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE. I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. UPDATE: NOVEMBER 4, 2019 - Actor on set playing Mouse has been identified. Info has been updated in the article. On Friday night I came across the next program in the ever continuing DC Comics Arrowverse for The CW, Batwoman. They were shooting scenes for an upcoming episode. I didnt get the episode number, but I would estimate episode 8, might be 7. Its hard to get a read on where they are filming wise so far as they have frequently been doing extra days due to balancing schedules. This scene was in the evening in the Downtown Eastside in an area known as Arch Alley that is used by a lot of film crews. For this scene, they had the alley dressed to look like an apocalpytic alley with a homeless camp, and a burned out car. The scene had Rachel Skarsten as Beth/Alice, Sam Littlefield as Johnny/Mouse and an unknown actor. They were doing a scene where Alice walks up to the burned out car, sets a large metal case on the back of it, while talking to a person behind her which we eventually would find out is Mouse, and in front of her. Alice eventually reaches into the case, and pulls out a large weapon and points it at a man standing several feet away in the alley. At some point she either shoots the gun, or makes an action of shooting the gun, and the man in front of her looks behind him as she does. She then calls Mouse over, takes him by the hand and walks away past the other man down the alley. After the scene wrapped, Rachel & the other actors left, and the crew moved over to shoot scenes a couple blocks away with Ruby Rose, Meagan Tandy and a lot of CROWS security that you can read about HERE. There is also video below of the scene from there, and from this set. The video for the Batwoman & Sophie scene is courtesy of @TheMyscirabound on twitter. Batwoman will debut on The CW in the U.S. October 6, 2019. You can find my other Batwoman blogs HERE Want more Arrowverse materials? BEHIND THE SCENES of Arrow go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for Arrow go HERE BEHIND THE SCENES of The Flash go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for The Flash go HERE BEHIND THE SCENES of Supergirl go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for Supergirl go HERE THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "BATWOMAN" A SEASON 1 EPISODE . If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE. I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. On Friday night I came across the next program in the ever continuing DC Comics Arrowverse for The CW, Batwoman. They were shooting scenes for an upcoming episode. I didnt get the episode number, but I would estimate episode 8, might be 7. Its hard to get a read on where they are filming wise so far as they have frequently been doing extra days due to balancing schedules. On this night of filming the cast & crew were in downtown Vancouver filming in an alley off of Richards Street. There was an earlier shoot down the road from there that I will have a different post on later this week featuring Rachel Skarsten as Alice. But this specific shoot had a lot of CROWS trucks & guards, along with two cast. Ruby Rose was there as Batwoman, and Meagan Tandy was there as Sophie Moore. This was the first time I really saw 2 cast filming at the same location yet. This was the 9th set already I have been to for this show, and it was the first time I saw two regular cast on the show in the same scene. The production had a sign outside on Richards labeling a building "Gotham National Bank", so its safe to say after I left at 2 AM, they likely were going to move out there to shoot too. But the scene I saw was completely contained in the alley way, with CROWS trucks & guards driving up & down the street in the background. In the alley, we have Sophie in CROWS attire come up behind Batwoman with her gun drawn. A moment goes by, and next we see Sophie looking up into the sky and Batwoman is no longer where she was standing. After a few takes of that scene, they broke for lunch & when they came back from lunch, it seemed they might still be doing that scene, so I called it a night. Batwoman will debut on The CW in the U.S. October 6, 2019. You can find my other Batwoman blogs HERE Want more Arrowverse materials? BEHIND THE SCENES of Arrow go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for Arrow go HERE BEHIND THE SCENES of The Flash go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for The Flash go HERE BEHIND THE SCENES of Supergirl go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for Supergirl go HERE THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "BATWOMAN" SEASON 1 EPISODE 4 titled " Who Are You". If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE. I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. On Friday night I came across the next program in the ever continuing DC Comics Arrowverse for The CW, Batwoman. They were shooting scenes for episode 104. If you are thinking "wait, did you not already do episode 104 a few weeks ago?", you would be correct. But this was for additional scenes that they either did not have time to shoot at that time, or, they decided later to add. Every show does them from time to time, it is rare for me to report on the original, and pick up scenes though.... especially at the same location. The crew was back at the Vancouver Club building in Downtown Vancouver. Of course last time I was there, I got to exclusively report o seeing the Batwoman costume out and about for the first time in Vancouver publicly, just not worn by the shows star, Ruby Rose. That night a pair of stunt doubles had the costumes on. While Ruby was dressed as Kate Kane. The opening scene I saw shot was a young girl and her mother standing in front of the "City Of Gotham Museum Of Antiques". The girl reaches down to grab something off the ground, shows her mother, when a moment later some major incident catches everyones attention and they all look up, and forward in panic. After that scene. It was time for some stunt work. The stunt doubles did a great scene where Batwoman takes a running jump off a staircase, does a roll, and lands next to a child who she then protects all in 1 motion. As someone who was pretty athletic when I was younger, I will say, the ease this stunt person did the scene with amazes me. This actually would officially be the first time I saw Batwoman in action, as the last time I just saw the people coming & going from the building. After the stunts team did the heavy lifting, the shows star came in, for the first time I have heard of anywhere in Vancouver on set in her full Batwoman outfit. An important detail too is, this confirms that by episode 4, she will have the full costume we all see in the promo images. It was reported by anyone that has seen the full pilot already, she does not end up with the full design in the pilot. Once Ruby was on set as Batwoman, a scene was shot with her, and a young child actor where she protects the child from a threat, while pulling out a Batarang and making the would be threat aware she isnt messing around. Once the threat seems to be done, the young girl emerges from under Batwomans cape, says something to Batwoman, and Batwoman allows her to touch her face/mask. The one interesting thing I noticed during the evening was, that at one point they changed the generally white Batsignal to a dark red (in the photos, the red doesnt seem nearly as dark as it did in person... maybe it will look darker on TV). I dont know if this was something specific for this scene, or if Batwoman will have an all red logo all the time. Guess we will have to wait and see. After that scene, they went on a lunch break, and I opted to end my night there, as I had been working another set earlier in the day, and this was going on 10+ hours of sets for me. Batwoman will debut on The CW in the U.S. this October. You can find my other Batwoman blogs HERE Want more Arrowverse materials? BEHIND THE SCENES of Arrow go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for Arrow go HERE BEHIND THE SCENES of The Flash go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for The Flash go HERE BEHIND THE SCENES of Supergirl go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for Supergirl go HERE THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "BATWOMAN" SEASON 1 EPISODE 4 titled " Who Are You". If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE. I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. So far the series has filmed a lot in places that are not terribly visible. This was the 5th set I had been to for Batwoman, and it was the first time I really got a clear look at a scene done for the show. That said, it was not till the 3rd night of their shoot. This episode is being directed by Holly Dale, a veteran director of all of the Chicago (Med, Fire, & P.D.) shows, as well as Timeless, Reign, Castle, & Law & Order SVU, and many more. On the first night, they shot all interiors at the Vancouver Club. This time, the club was repurposed to be a museum. On that night I saw a bunch of well dressed people going in & out of the building through out the evening. But the real shocker for me was when I saw not 1, but TWO people dressed as Batwoman come out at one point. Neither of which was the shows lead Ruby Rose. A bit later, I finally for the first time since the show came back to start filming season 1, I saw Ruby at set.... unfortunately it was as she was leaving for the night at 4 AM. But at least I can finally confirm she isn't just a figment of everyones imagination as many may wonder after her cancellation of San Diego Comic Con. On the second night, again interior shooting was done. Again on that night I saw someone in the Batwoman costume that was not Ruby. In fact, I did not see Ruby till almost the end of the night as she showed up to work. During 1 tour I took away from the set during the night to investigate a different film set I was given a tip about, I came across their circus, and snapped a couple shots of some of the trailers there. Most notably was Sophie Moore, but more interesting was the non-regular cast I saw. A trailer for "Magpie doppleganger", and trailer for "Batwomen" and more curious one for "Batmen". At one point in the evening I did think I saw a guy come out in Batwoman gear, but my camera at night is far from reliable, so by the time it decided to do its job he was long into the darkness that surrounded much of the building. I saw a couple women dressed in short blond/silver hair and leather pants. Were either of them the "Magpie doppleganger" I saw the trailer for? Was 1 of them actually Magpie? I usually would think it could just be the stunt double of the actress, but 1 was a white woman, and the other Asian. So I am less sure that it was a stunt double, and not perhaps 1 being the doppleganger, and the other being the actual Magpie. I did at one point see a Sophie Moore (unsure if it was Meagan Tandy, or her double. Lighting was not ideal there outside of right in front of the door) walk out, but never saw her return. I left this set earlier than the night before, at around 3 AM because they had turned off all the outside lights, and most of the inside lights for whatever they were shooting, so being able to see anything was pointless. The third night they moved outside. Unfortunately, it was a busy night for me, and on top of it, there was inexplicably a massive crowd around the set for much of it after the first two nights there being less than 5 people total, suddenly a crowd of 60+ was there at one point. So I did not spend a lot of time there, and missed a scene that Ruby shot as Kate Kane later in the evening on the sidewalk. When I first got there I saw a variety of "Gotham" themed vehicles parked along the street. I find it funny that "Gotham Taxi" has a basic 7 number phone number. Gotham is supposed to be a city of 10 Million+, and Vancouver is a city of 600K and they have 3 area codes. Time to update the phone numbers a bit. Reality has passed the idea you can get away with a 7 digit phone number in a metro area now. While I was there however, I did see a scene shot that I never really quite understood. It seemed to have a bunch of the gallery guests out on the sidewalk for some reason. It seemed the boom mic was following this blonde girl in glasses, as she moved from 1 area where a couple of women flanked by CROWS security came up to talk to her, then several feet away she seemed to be talking to a different group of women. Was this Margaret Pye aka "Magpie"? I cant say for certain. I was unaware at first when I was shooting it that the woman on the head set might have been the focus of the scene. It wasnt till I looked at my photos later and noticed the boom mic was following her, and she was the only person in both parts of the scene. I left not long later as the crew were working hard to keep people from seeing the scene at all, and I didnt think there was much there to really see. Apparently I should have stuck it out, as I said earlier, Ruby did a scene out there that you can see in this gallery HERE from Celebrity Wotnot (unlike my photos, you very much will have to PAY to use theirs.... so be warned.). Want more Arrowverse materials? BEHIND THE SCENES of Arrow go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for Arrow go HERE BEHIND THE SCENES of The Flash go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for The Flash go HERE BEHIND THE SCENES of Supergirl go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for Supergirl go HERE THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "BATWOMAN" SEASON 1 EPISODE 1 titled " ". If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - New Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE. I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. With the announcement earlier this week from The CW that Batwoman would officially be joining the schedule of shows for the network this fall, it seemed like a good time to finally work on my blog post for the filming I saw done here. This production was kind of tough to track down over the 2-3 weeks they were here filming the pilot earlier this year. But I did catch up to them at 1 location on multiple nights. The Vancouver Art Gallery is used often for filming. Almost every production has filmed there. On the first night, they did an exterior shoot down in front of the gallery in the early evening. The scene saw a lot of Gothams elite going into an event that Mayor Akins was seemingly hosting, as massive banners saying “Mayor Akins” were hanging off the building. In front of the heavily guarded entrance for the event there was a CROWS Security truck at one point, along with dozens of protesters holding up a variety of signs in support of Batman. This sets the stage for the scene to clearly be from in the past, prior to when Batwoman comes to town as the hero of the city. But, the signs also indicate Batman hasn't been around much of late. Will we ever find out why? Will this be one of the seasons main stories to solve? Or will the Batwoman writing team just gloss over it, and shove it aside, and alienate the majority of Batwoman fans who come into her story through the more recognizable Batman by never paying off the acknowledgement of his existence? Cool extra thing throughout the shoot was, the use of the "Bat signal" in the sky in various spots. Much to everyone who was there watchings disappointment, it is nothing like the machine shown in the show. It is a far smaller lens, and more of a tube, with the Bat logo deep inside the tube, and not on the lens, to make the logo look bigger in the sky. On the final night, there seemed to be even less to see, as there was no exterior shoot going on, except a really small one on 1 side of the building that I almost missed because of the strategically planted tree that mostly covered the angle unless you are walking right through the narrow space it was shooting. I had seen it shortly before, but there was just a stand in up there at the time, and I didn't see any crew set up to shoot, so I mistakenly passed it off as maybe just a crew member standing there. A very small unit (literally a camera person and 3 other crew to cover off the area from people stepping into it did a shot that they might have done multiple times for all I know, but I sadly only caught them on the very last take. It had Ruby Rose staring down off a makeshift perch they had built just for the scene. The light on her was so bright, my photos basically looked like I photographed a ghost standing there. But once she walked away from it I saw it was her, but she would never come back for another take there, so that was all I saw of Batwoman actually shooting that night, and it was really just as Kate Kane. Some of the cast were on set throughout the two nights. But it is possible more than what I saw were there too, as much of what was shot was up on the rooftop during a rooftop party scene. Ruby Rose – Kate Kane / Batwoman Elizabeth Anweis – Catherine Hamilton Kane Nicole Kang – Mary Hamilton Meagan Tandy – Sophie Moore Rachel Skarsten – Alice Camrus Johnson – Luke Fox Dougray Scott – Colonel Jacob Kane Batwoman begins their 1st season on The CW October 6, 2019. Here is the heavily criticized Batwoman trailer. Which has almost 400,000 dislikes, 83% dislikes to 17% likes, and a whopping 7% of all views received garnering a dislike vote. Good news for them, they have a few problems to fix their writing problems. Below there is my set of photos from that shoot. |
Batwoman Blog
This is for blog posts about the The CW series "Batwoman" PHOTO PERMISSIONS
****UPDATED JAUNUARY 2021**** All photos posted in this blog are shot by Canadagraphs. Permission to use the photos on your site, blog, tumblr, facebook or other online outlets is allowed if you follow the rules stated in THIS POST Main rules include 1- DO NOT remove any watermarks on the photos, this includes cropping around them, Without prior written permission or emailed permission from this site. (contact form is on the left) 2- Credit this blog page or the individual blog post in your posting. 3- Adhere to the LIMIT of photos allowed for the type of post you are making. If you would like to use photos seen here unedited, contact me thru my contact page, and depending on your need I may be able to accommodate smaller requests. Depending on the orders/photos, I may charge a fee for my time (usually about $2-5 an image depending how many you want) Archives
December 2021