![]() "Kick Ass" star Chloe Moretz stops on the red carpet of her 2011 Toronto International Film Festival Premiere for "Hick" It is time for the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival!!
The 37th TIFF is rolling out another star studded line up for its event. With legitimate A Listers like Johnny Depp, Tom Hanks, Robert De Niro & Will Smith coming, as well as up & comers like Jennifer Lawrence, Aaron Taylor Johnson, Emma Watson & Marion Cotillard, as well as notable TV stars like Bryan Cranston, Christina Hendricks, John Goodman & Keifer Sutherland, this festival will be full of star sightings around Toronto for the next week & 1/2. The festival is starting off with a roar as "Looper" starring The Dark Knight Rises star Joseph Gordon Levitt & Die Hard legend Bruce Willis opens the festival. Other notable titles are -"Spring Breakers" featuring a trio of the next generations "in" names James Franco, Selena Gomez & Vanessa Hudgens. -"Anna Karenina" with Keira Knightley & Kick Ass star Aaron Taylor Johnson. -"Argo" The Ben Affleck directed & starred in thriller featuring John Goodman & Bryan Cranston. - "Cloud Atlas" featuring Tom Hanks, Hugo Weaving & Halle Berry. -"Silver Linings Playbook" featuring Robert De Niro, Bradley Cooper & Jennifer Lawrence. & -"The Company You Keep" directed by Robert Redford & starring Shia LaBeouf & Mr. Redford himself. Thats only a 1/2 dozen of the 100s of films featured at the festival. Of course, most of Hollywoods star power will be on hand promoting their projects. Every year I have a top list of who I want to get. Here is my 2012 crop (list was made before some late additions to the list of attendees was known) My top 25 list 1- Johnny Depp - Its Johnny freaking depp. You know, Officer Hanson. How could I NOT put him 1st? 2- Will Smith - The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air, Men In Black 1 & 2, Independence Day. MOST years, he probably would have been #1 with a resume like that. 3- Colin Farrell - In Bruges is 1 of my favorite movies ever. The main 3 from the film are all apparently coming...but he was the only confirmed 1 when I made the list. 4- Tom Hanks - You heard of that film Toy Story? No? How about Toy Story 2? Toy Story 3? A League Of Their Own? Forrest Gump? I knew you woulda heard of something hes done if I named enough. 2 Academy Awards. Nuff said. 5- Robert De Niro - My hope to get him is waning. 2 years in a row I have been within inches of getting him, only to go away shut put. Is 3rd time the charm? 6- Bryan Cranston - Walter Fucking White. Do I need to say more? 7- Aaron Paul - Cant get 1 member of Breaking Bad without getting the other, right? 8- Hugh Laurie - Gregory House is 1 of my favorite TV characters ever. Got snubbed by him last year. Trying to right that wrong this year. 9- Jason Bateman - In the last year or so I became an Arrested development fan. I got Jason in 2007, but didnt care much as I had not seen a second of AD yet. Now, different story. 10- Aaron Taylor Johnson - I got Hit Girl Llast year, this year, gotta get KICK ASS. 11- Hugo Weaving - Loved V For Vendetta. 12- Saoirse Ronan - Although I got her last year, this year, I wanna get 1 that isnt sign in a gawdawful dying silver marker. 13- Brendan Gleeson - In Bruges star. 14- Eli Roth - Loved Grindhouse & Inglourious Basterds. Dont love ALL his work, but the ones I do, are pretty awesome. 15- Ralph Fiennes - In Bruges star. That is all. 16- Mary Elizabeth Winsted - As the actress playing a cheerleader in a movie in Death Proof she was automatically on my list. Her role in Live Free Or Die Hard solidified it) 17- Jennifer Lawrence - The Hunger Games. Enuff said. 18- Saskia Rosendahl - Every TIFF I find 1 "dont know much about her" name that intrigues me. This year, Saskia caught my attention. 19- Selena Gomez - Even though I got her several times in the past, I havent got her in awhile. 20- Pierce Brosnan - James Bond should always make any list. 21- Helen Hunt - got her before. But would like to get again. 22- Christina Hendricks - just too hot not to want to get. 23- Viggo Mortensen - got him before...but now, theres even MORE films of his I like. So I want him again. 24- Ray Liotta - Wild Hogs, Goodfellas...and he has his own honey. 25- Keira Knightley - Hmmm'ed & hawwed about who gets 25tyh. In the end, decided the POTC star trumped Marisa Tomei being in My Cousin Vinny. Honourable mention - Gwynyth Paltrow, Bruce Willis, Olga Kurylenko Marion Cotillard, Steve Buscemi, Ray Liotta, Christopher Walken, Kate Hudson, Javier Bardem, Marisa Tomei, Jude Law, Lena Headey, In 2010 I managed only 8/20 (but managed my #1 Michael C. Hall) http://canadagraphs.weebly.com/1/post/2010/09/my-top-20-wants-at-tiff-2010.html In 2011 I managed only 9/30 (but managed my #1 Chloe Moretz & 4 of my top 5 INCLUDING Madonna) http://canadagraphs.weebly.com/1/post/2011/09/the-2011-toronto-international-film-festival-starts-this-week-here-is-my-top-30-want-list-for-tiff-11.html How will I do in 2012? Who will I get? Who will I miss? Will Mr. Depp keep the #1 streak alive? TODAY TIFF KICKS OFF!! I will try to update my blog with reports of my daily ventures when time permits. I will certainly cover every day...eventually, just might be a couple days late sometimes.
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September 2014