The 2014 Toronto International Film Festival is almost upon us, and I am putting the final touches on my trip there as we speak (or in this case, as you read... or if you are reading this after I have completed it.... a while ago). Although this years roster is widely regarded as the worst in a long time, perhaps ever, there are still names to be found this year, and as usual, I have compiled my list of MY Top 25 (not always the top 25 names...but the top 25 I am hopeful to get). This years list consists of a bit of everything. From comedy icons like Bill Murray & Adam Sandler, to super hero action stars like Chris Evans, Andrew Garfield & Robert Downey Jr. There is even some true legends like Denzel Washington, Al Pacino & Morgan Freeman. Of course, a bunch of up & comers like Hailee Steinfeld, Chloe Grace Moretz & Ansel Elgort will be there as well. As well fan favorites like Robert Pattinson, musical icon Roger Waters, TV stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Jon Stewart and almost every variation in between. There is also a tonne of names you likely have never even heard of yet, and even I haven't...but in 2 or 3 or 5 years, you will know them. Here is MY top 25 list. You can tell me in the poll below, or in my comments who you hope I will find there. THE TOP 25 1 JON STEWART - I have a 4 year streak of getting my top choice in tact. So there will be a lot of pressure on me to track down the host of The Daily Show for me. I have got Stephen Colbert & Conon O'Brien in the past few years. They are my 2nd & 3rd favorite active talk show hosts. Jon Stewart is my 1st, so this was a really exciting addition to the fest for me. 2 BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH - Although I got Sherlock last year, after the original joy of getting him wore off some, and I looked at the "autograph" he gave me, I realized, it was not a very good one. So I am going back this year hoping to upgrade on the dreadful "B.C. 2013" he handed out to me last year. 3 PETER SARSGAARD - Plain & simple. He was AMAZING in The Killing season 3 (if you have never watched it, do it), and the fact he didn't win, or was even nominated for the Emmy this year is still 1 of the largest crimes the Emmy Awards have had in the last few years. 4 JANE FONDA - Went to a premiere for the 2X Oscar Winner a couple years ago, but she didn't show. Since then, I have become a big fan of her work on The Newsroom. So eager to get her this time... please don't no show again Jane. 5 DENZEL WASHINGTON - His resume speaks for its self. If you don't consider him in your top 10, your doing it wrong. 6 ADAM SANDLER - I have not seen Mr. Sandler since we were in a movie together almost 20 years ago. Cant wait to see my Happy Gilmore co-star again (I was in it for less than 2 seconds.. don't blink or you'll miss me both times) 7 ANDREW SCOTT - Cant pass on a chance to get probably the best Sherlock nemesis there's been, Jim Moriarty. 8 LAURA HARRIS - She would be in m6y top 2 if I knew for sure she was coming. One of 2 people on my list who is not confirmed yet. Fingers crossed on this one. Have still only ever managed 1 of the main 5 cast from Dead Like Me. 9 KATE WINSLET - One of the very few female audience heavy movies I really liked was Titanic. An Oscar, 3 Golden Globes and even a Primetime Emmy for good measure. She is more than just Rose Dewitt Bukater. 10 ANDREW GARFIELD - Spider Man, Spider Man hopefully will sign my stuff better than a spider can. Like his version of the character far more than Tobey Maguires. 11 AMANDA SEYFRIED - This will be a redemption get if I get her. Missed her while she was in Vancouver for several weeks filming. 12 CHLOE GRACE MORETZ - Only celeb I can think of that I have gotten in 3 different cities, and in 3 different situations. Too bad I already crossed off Toronto as a place. 13 ROSARIO DAWSON - It saddens me that I somehow still only have autographs from 3 people from Grindhouse. Gotta nab a 4th hopefully. 14 SAM WORTHINGTON - The nicest celeb I have ever met (if you are familiar with my Best & Worst Celebs list you know this). Haven't seen him in 4 years. Hoping to see he still holds that honour. 15 CHRIS EVANS - Captain America has to be on a top 20 list for everyone. Met him briefly in Vancouver last year. As well in Toronto for TIFF a couple years ago. Will be happy to get him again though. 16 ROBERT DOWNEY JR. - Iron Man. Sort of all I should have to say really. 17 MORGAN FREEMAN - Pretty hard to imagine making a top 25 list for this year and it doesn't have Morgan Freeman on it. 18 JOHN TRAVOLTA - Got his autograph about 20 years ago in a random encounter. Sadly it was on the back of a hockey poster because I had nothing of his. This time, I'll be prepared to see him. 19 TOM HARDY - Since I got him while he was here shooting This Means War, his star has risen sharply. Excited to finally get a chance to get him again. 20 ANTHONY MICHAEL HALL - All his 80s movies roles aside, its his work in 3 episodes of Psych last season that really put him on my list. 21 VIGGO MORTENSEN - Got him at my 1st ever TIFF. At the time I didn't really know him from a lot of things. Now, I do and am actually looking forward to getting him now. 22 HAILEE STEINFELD - A redemption get hopefully for not getting her last TIFF when she no showed. 23 JENNIFER ANISTON - I opted to not go to her premiere last year. Hopefully I will get a 2nd chance this year. 24 ROBERT DUVALL - I got him a couple years ago for a friend at a TIFF premiere. This time around, I will have my own stuff to get done. 25 ROGER WATERS - Despite getting him multiple times in the past few years here in Vancouver, and no joke, passing on him the last time he was in Toronto while I was there, its hard to not put him on my top 25 list. Honourable mention - Ansel Elgort, Tobey Maguire, Robert Pattinson, Bill Nighy, Dustin Hoffman, Faye Marsay, Sam Claflin, Holliday Grainger, Simon Pegg, Christopher Plummer, Rosamund Pike, Tina Fey, Rose Byrne, John Cusack, Anna Kendrick., Mark Ruffalo, Steve Carell, Gael Garcia Bernal, Keira Knightley, Hayden Christiansen & Alan Rickman Of course there are even more that I HOPE will go that are so far, unconfirmed besides Mr. Hardy & Ms. Harris from my top 25 list. Stanley Tucci, Josh Hutcherson, Steve Buscemi, Martin Scorsese, Natalie Dormer, Seth Rogen, Cary Elwes, Neil Young, Ray Liotta, Gillian Jacobs, Carrie Fisher, Zoe Saldana, Tuppence Middleton, Marion Cotillard, Moly Ringwald, Dolph Lundrgren, Kate Beckinsale, Thomas Sadoski, Bo Derek, Sienna Miller, Alec Baldwin, Melissa McCarthy, Adam Driver, Jessica Chastain, Colin Farrell, Liam Neeson, Naomi Watts, James Caan, Danny Trejo, Kathy Bates, James Marsden, Will Ferrell, Linda Cardellini, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Alan Tudyk. The Toronto International Film Festival will take place from September 4-14, 2014 this year & includes films like THE EQUALIZER (Antoine Fuqua) Denzel Washington, Chloe Moretz, Marton Csokas THE JUDGE (director - David Dubkin) starring Al Pacino & Robert Downey Jr. A LITTLE CHAOS (Alan Rickman) Alan Rickman, Kate Winslet, Stanley Tucci MAPS TO THE STARS (David Cronenberg) Robert Pattinson, Julianne Moore, John Cusack, Sarah Gadon THIS IS WHERE I LEAVE YOU (Shawn Levy) Tina Fey, Jason Bateman, jane Fonda FOXCATCHER (Bennett Miller) Anthony Michael Hall, Mark Ruffalo, Steve Carell, Channing Tatum ROSEWATER (Jon Stewart) Gael Garcia Bernal, Jason Jones Plus 100s more. I will try to have blogs on each days adventures like I did past years. But due to the intense schedule of the event, they likely will not go up every day. My 2013 TIFF saw me go 14/25 (got my technical #1 Benedict Cumberbatch... my original #1 Melissa Rauch did not come) My 2012 TIFF saw me go 10/25 (got my #1 Johnny Depp) My 2011 TIFF saw me go 9/30 (got my #1 Chloe Moretz though) My 2010 TIFF saw me go 8/20 (got my #1 Michael C. Hall) Who do YOU hope I will get at TIFF? Vote here, leave comments below if your choice is not there.
THIS POST CONTAINS A BREIF DESCRIPTION AND PHOTOS FROM FILMING OF THE FINAL SCENES SHOT FOR SEASON 4 OF "THE KILLING" THAT WILL AIR AUGUST 1, 2014 ON NETFLIX. If you have not watched the episode yet and do not want to see or read potential spoilers. Do Not Continue. . . . last warning . . The last day of filming for the fan driven 4th & final season of the former AMC crime-drama that is now finding its 3rd life at Netflix, the online TV & movie service, The Killing was on April 28, 2014 on a quiet side street/alley in New Westminster, BC, Canada. As it happened, I stumbled across them that day & was not even aware they were wrapping that day as MOST production lists had May 1, 2014 down as their final day. When my buddy & I got there, they had already been filming for awhile & were just in the middle of a short break. We managed to get autographs from both Joel Kinnaman & Mireille Enos quickly after getting there. This gave me time to concentrate then on getting some photos, and after Joel told us it was the final day, I pretty much knew where I was going to be till the end of their filming. Right there. Unlike most sets for The Killing, we were actually greeted with some resistence. I have learned from experiences in the past, if a generally easy show is suddenly being less receptive, its usually they want to stop you from seeing something notable. Our 2 biggest non-fans included 1 guy who followed 1 of us around for most of his time there, while the other was a VERY anti-photographer psycho who kept repeating the date of the death of Diana. Not once or twice, but 30+ times he rambled off this date while my buddy & I were busy talking with a more level headed crew member & a City of New West Cop about where we could & couldnt stand. Eventually cooler heads prevailed, and we were allowed to do what we wanted to do there with minimal resistance. With this being the final day of shooting, both Mirelle and Joel spent a lot of time out, interacting with the crew and each other in between takes. Between scenes, the crew were walking around to each other & getting autographs from each other in a yearbook style book that they all got. Mireille spent the better part of an hour signing these books for the crew as she sat inside the car, while Joel did it standing in the middle of the street. I've never seen a production make a yearbook before. it actually was pretty cool. I never got a really great look inside it, but from a distance I could see it seemed that all the crew seemed to have pictures in it, and the cover was all black with "The Killing" across the front in red lettering. The scene(s) they shot seemed to have Stephen Holder (Robobcop star - Joel Kinnaman) coming out of a Community Centre that he is seen locking up (Is Holder running a Community Centre now?) as he comes out, he walks over to Sarah Linden (former Emmy and Golden Globe nominated - Mireille Enos) & the two share a hug, then chat for what seemed like FOREVER by filming standards. Then Linden walks off screen. That was the end of that scene. There was then another scene where the two start off in a hug. This leads to Holder walking back towards the CC, while Linden gets into a car & drives away. Finally 1 more scene is done with the pair. Again Holder coming out of the CC & walks over to where Linden is waiting in her car. She gets out, the two embrace again (I really cant tell from my blurry night time photo...but did they kiss? I hope not. Never considered them a couple that way.), before Linden gets into the drivers seat, Holder in the passenger seat (she is his ride after all) & they drive off. This was the final scene they would ever shoot, and it felt like the final scene as well with the use of a crane operated camera which would imply shooting them driving away together at the end. Filming doesnt always shoot scenes in order (in fact, rarely) so just because it was the last scene shot does not mean it was the last scene. However, this particular last shot DID feel like the last scene. Mireille, who was pregnant with her 2nd child on set, was dressed a little different than the Linden we usually see. If she was wearing 1 of her countless sweaters, you could not tell under the bright blue scarf that she was wearing over the front of her jacket which really did minimize how pregnant she looked, and surely that was the concept for the wardrobe idea. Joel was dressed more like the traditional season 1 and 2 Stephen Holder we all are used to, and not the season 3 "working up to detective" look we saw last season. When filming ended, the director made several statements. Starting with it was with sadness, and pleasure to announce Joel was wrapped for the final time, then he made the same announcement for Mireille, then moments later stated the same of the season & the series to a round of cheers from the crew & cast who by them had congrugated in the middle of the small side street they were using. He then thanked a few people including the cast, and Veena Sud who was in attendance. Many of them stood around chatting and sharing stories after wrapping. There was about 6 or 8 people left when Joel finally left, Mireille left shortly after that & that was IT. The Killing was officially done for me too... at least till August 1st.
I want to say thanks to AMC for giving the show a spot in their line up originally and giving us all a taste of this incredible show. I want to thank Veena Sud, who although I have been critical of how she and AMC pitched the show to fans during season 1, still managed to draw me back in again and again. Of course, a massive thanks to the people at Netflix, the online streaming service that will bring us the 4th season later this week. I am personally renewing my Netflix account that has been dead since after the Arrested Development revival just to watch The Killing (and I will be checking out Orange Is The New Black & Hemlock Grove while I am at it). Thanks to the crew that worked on it day & night for parts of 4 years, even those of you I might have disagreed with from time to time. Of course, thanks to the incredible fans that not once, but twice dragged The Killing out of the canceled bin and into production of more episodes. I don't think I have seen such a successful job anywhere else yet. Lastly, a huge thanks to the awesome cast the show has had from the get go. Season 1 and 2 had amazing performances from Billy Campbell, Kristin Lehman, Michelle forbes, Brent Sexton, Brendan Sexton III, Jamie Anne Allman, Eric Ladin, Kacey Rohl, Tom Butler, Liam James, Evan Bird, Seth Isaac Johnson, Patrick Gilmore, Katie Findlay, Brandon Jay McLaren and others. Season 3 of course brought us a new cast, and again, outstanding work by Elias Koteas, Bex Taylor-Klaus, Gregg Henry, Amy Seimetz, Ben Cotton, Julia Sarah Stone, Max Fowler, Aaron Douglas, Hugh Dillon, Ryan Robbins, Rowan Longworth, Laine MacNeil, Cate Sproule and of course Peter Saarsgaard (who got absolutely ROBBED of an Emmy nomination this year) plus many more. Of course, CAN NOT FORGET the 2 staples of the show, for all 4 seasons. Joel Kinnaman and Mireille Enos. The season 4 cast sure has a lot to live up to. Hoping that Joan Allen, Sterling Beaumon, Levi Meaden, Jordan Burtchett and others can stand up to the incredible job their past alum have put forth. The Killing 4th & Final season will air on Netflix with all 6 of the final season episodes TOMORROW August 1, 2014 Here is, the final shot I got of anyone on The Killing set. Emmy and Golden Globe nominated actress for her role as Sarah Linden, Mireille Enos waving good bye to me. This Sunday (or Friday if you are in The U.S.) the season 3 finale of the hit Canadian Sci-Fi cop-from-the-future Police drama "Continuum" will air their season 3 finale. As it stands right now, theres constantly more questions opened up than are answered.
This season has seen a few more cast turn overs than the 1st couple of seasons perhaps. With the deaths of Jack Dillon, Betty Robertson & Sonya Valentine, 3 longstanding characters from the pilot, there is a clear sign almost everyone can be killed. Of course, some of those gaps in the cast have been filled with new characters, like the man who made Liber8 seemingly dissolve, Brad Tonkin (played by Ry Robbins) and the elevation of the freelancers to more regular roles. On the particular day I was at the set, I ran into a few cast members. I saw Stephen Lobo (dressed very futuristic with greying hair. I wasn't going to comment on...but since they showed a little snippet of future Kellogg in a hologram a couple eps ago...guess I can say it), Zak Santiago, Terry Chen, Ryan Robbins and even Rachel Nichols (but she asked me to not post pics of her from that, sorry). But the 1 scene I saw that day was an interesting one that makes me wonder what will happen in the finale. I actually thought I had a clue where this scene was going when I watched episode 12... until Sonya blew everything up. Now, I don't know what the context of this scene is for. Its clear though, Carlos Fonnegra (played by Victor Webster) seems to be in some trouble with that squad we saw in the VPD HQ near the end of episode 12... but why? Who is this mystery team? What do they want with Fonnegra? The scene has Fonnegra race down an alley hoping to get away, but is cornered by 3 vehicles coming from each direction. Victor Webster shot many of the scenes quite well, but his stunt double driver did do it with a bit smoother precision. I'll be curious to see where & how that scene is cut. Perhaps we will get some answers in the season finale this weekend....... of course, knowing the genius of Continuum, we'll get as many new questions as we get answers.....and hey, maybe season 4 will start right back where we started season 3. We know its possible....and it would help the writers bring back Betty, Sonya & Jack. Until then...heres my last set pics of season 3 of Continuum. Continuum season 3 finale airs Sunday June 22 on Showcase in Canada Friday June 27, 2014 on Syfy in the U.S. Back from the dead is a term used on TV a lot. Referring to characters, careers & even occasionally, shows. Back from the dead more than once. A lot less often. Maybe if you are referring to a character on the CW sci-fi show "Supernatural" it might be more common place, but for the general TV viewing world, it just doesnt happen too often, and certainly not with TV shows.....till now. After season 2 of the AMC crime-drama "The Killing" the station announced its cancellation, ending a short, but spectacular show & leaving its die hard fans eager for more. A few months passed, and a deal, championed by online streaming provider Netflix, brought the series back from the dead. A 3rd season of the show was done, and again, at the end of its run, which again, left fans clamouring for more, AMC killed it yet again. Cue mid-November. I was on the phone with a buddy when he told me a piece of news that sincerely shocked me. Netflix has picked up "The Killing" and will air a 6 episode final season to wrap up what many fans considered, too big of a cliffhanger to let it go. I strongly supported & championed the fan groups who worked hard to get it back. I love the show, and wanted to see it wrap up properly. But I warned them "dont expect to get it". I was certain with 1 revival already under its belt, a 2nd summoning from the dead was practically impossible. I hoped I was wrong, and am glad I am. Finally back, The Killing started its production for the 4th & final season in late February. I managed to catch up to them early in shooting & although I didnt get to see any of the actual filming, I did get a few photos of Sarah Linden (Mireille Enos ) & Stephen Holder ( Joel Kinnaman ) as they signed for my buddy who I introduced to the show near the end of filming for season 3 & became a fan of it afterwards. Also there was Carl Reddick ( Gregg Henry) [who I foolishly called Clark Gregg after JUST finishing a convo with my buddy about Agents of Shield], as well as a dark haired girl that I never found the name of, but was cast of some type. Season 4 will be focused on wrapping up the loose ends & solving a murder at an all boys military academy outside Seattle. No release date for the 6 episode season has been announced yet, but I would guess mid-late summer. You can find old episodes of The Killing from the 1st three seasons on the site of their new producer, NETFLIX. Recently, I caught up with the cast & crew of Continuum filming scenes near their "Vancouver Police Headquarters" at the Plaza Of Nations This time however, it was not the VPD side of the cast filming, but Luvia Petersen & Omari Newton doing a scene as Garza & Lucas. As you know if you have kept up with this current season of Continuum, Garza helped Lucas escape the Mental hospital with 1 of the more entertaining & creative escapes I have ever seen any show implement. One of the last things he says to her before they take off is how much he misses sushi. As we see in this scene, Lucas finally gets some sushi. Which was funny in itself, as Omari would spit out the sushi after every take. Guessing either Omari doesnt love it as much as his character, or the more likely, you dont want to eat 50 takes of sushi in 1 day. In this scene Garza and Lucas are in a park/trail talking when Garza then takes out a needle & jabs it into Lucas. What is it? No clue. Lucas didnt seem too concerned by it, but considering he might be a tad nuts, this shouldnt come as a shock. Also, lets be honest. If Garza tells you she going to stick a needle into your neck, theres not much you are going to be able to do to stop Garza from sticking a needle into your neck... so might as well go with it I suppose. While Luvia & Omari were filming, my buddy & I ran into Rachel Nichols who was leaving the trailers to o to their 2nd location that was shooting that day. I also saw Victor Webster, but as you can see by my photo, I didnt get a photo of his face as he was distracted by a couple dogs. Eventually Omari & Luvia wrapped their scenes. The production moved inside the VPD HQ. I got autographs from Omari, who asked me if I was a fan of the show, and Luvia who I also told that I liked her performance on another local show Psych, that she had a guest spot on that I had seen just recently before the filming of this day. Continuum season 3 is on right now Sundays on Showcase in Canada, and Fridays on Syfy in the U.S. The Tomorrow People films scenes back in December with Robbie Amell, Mark Pellegrino & Alexa Vega3/25/2014 I havent found the set for The CW rookie sci-fi drama The Tomorrow People too often (when I havent had other things to do), so it was a rare chance to photograph them when I found them just around the corner from my house shooting scenes for an episode at the Patricia Hotel. I got there literally moments before they wrapped for the day, so I didnt get to see a lot, but I did see a scene shot with Mark Pellegrino, Robbie Amell & a woman that I later found out to be Alexa Vega. They were shooting scenes where the 3 of them as Jedekiah Price, Stephen Jameson & Hillary Cole are walking out of a hotel. Jedekiah gets into a truck, while Stephen & Hillary seemingly walk off together. Since I am reallllly far behind onw atching TTP (only seen 1st 3 episodes) I dont know if this episode has aired yet. But I would expect it probably has. In any case, heres a few photos of The Tomorrow People shooting a scene for season 1. Perhaps if its well received, I'll post the video I got of them doing a car explosion stunt one night a few months ago (no cast in the scene). The Tomorrow People is now airing on Mondays (after being on Wednesdays earlier in the season) on The CW in the U.S. on CTV in Canada. ![]() Recently, I caught up with the cast & crew of Continuum filming an episode at the Patricia Hotel mere blocks from my place. In this scene Kiera Cameron ( Rachel Nichols ) is riding along with Inspector Dillon ( Brian Markinson )of all people. They get out of the cruiser, Dillon goes 1 way, while Kiera stands around, sees a black man carrying some groceries & then pursues him. She draws her gun & shoots & the man goes flying to the ground. As she is preparing to cuff the suspect, Dillon rounds the corner to see the end of it. There were other scenes shot in the area over the couple days they were there including 1 I missed the next day that had Garza ( Luvia Petersen ) in a fight scene around the other side of the hotel. As well, some scenes shot inside the Patricia Hotel. Below are the pics from this shoot. Continuum returns for season 3 Tomorrow March 16, 2014 on Showcase in Canada. It returns April 4, 2014 in the U.S. on Syfy. |
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September 2014