Here is a couple quick videos from the set of "Psych" during season 8 filming of the food truck festival episode "Shawn & Gus Truck Things Up" In this scene, Shawn & Gus (James Roday & Dule Hill) had just finished talking to Henry (Corbin Bernsen) [seen briefly in the 1st video] before they hurry over to Carlton "Lassie" Lassiter (Timothy Omundson) and proceed to talk with him I saw a lot of the filming in this courtyard, I will have a couple more short videos at a later date from this set. Till then, here are these, and you can see another video HERE and of course lots of still photos, including some NOTABLE SPOILERS HERE and HERE Psych returns for its 8th & final season (even though they wont say it...again, yet.) Jaunary 8, 2014 on USA.
With the "Psych The Musical" episode less than 3 weeks away, felt it was time to drop a little bit of the backlog of Psych blog tidbits I've got left. Today, a little short video of James Roday & Dule Hill as Shawn Spencer & Burton Guster, filming a scene for a season 8 episode of Psych where they investigate a murder at a food truck festival. Its short, and really not much happens in it. But, its something to get you a little more excited about the upcoming Musical episode & of course, season 8, likely the final season, to come in early 2014. THIS POST CONTAINS NOTABLE MAJOR SPOILERS FOR FILMING OF "PSYCH SEASON 8". Do not read or view the photos below if you don't want to see or read anything on season 8 prior to seeing it. . . . last warning . . . I caught up with Psych for more filming from their expected series finale. This particular day, I was determined to go to the set because I knew a guest star that was going to be there. A very special, very Psych relevant guest star that they clearly wanted in the show at some point... Ready Psych-o's? Here it comes. You ready? BILLY ZANE will be in an episode of Psych... and not just as a pop culture reference this time. I dont really know what his role is in the episode. I know there was scenes shot with Billy, Shawn, Gus & Henry either together, or in various combinations, on a trail inside a park in Burnaby. Later, I found them at a house where Shawn, Gus, Lassie and guest stars Billy Zane & some Acadamy Award Winning Actress by the name of Mira Sorvino did scenes in a house. I also saw tweets that said Deon Richmond was on set for this episode. Clearly Psych is pulling out all the running gags for their probable series finale. One of the cooler moments I have had on a Psych set came at the end of the work day. Having gotten James, Dule, Maggie, Kirsten, Corbin & even Steve Franks in my "Psych's Guide To Crimefighting For The Totally Unqualified" (an entertaining read by the way) on previous encounters, I still needed Timothy. So I tweeted at him that I was waiting outside hoping to get my book signed....didn't think he'd even see it in the 1000s of tweets he gets daily. But sure enough, when he left at the end of the day, he walked over to my friend & I and instantly said without hesitation "so which 1 of you is Canadagraphs?" then he signed my book, completing the cast. Something interesting that was found out during this shoot. Maybe you should sit down for this 1. Some of you fans might not take this news as well. Gus is moving on up car-wise. In a shocker, the Blueberry is no more. Gus has a new job, and a new company car. Like many prop cars that shows get, for insurance reasons, the blueberry was crushed. So sadly, no one will be taking it home as the ultimate Psych prop gift. The Blueberry was the 1st notable, Psych specific item I heard about being let go of by the show in their final weeks. The lease on several locations they used, including the office for Psych also happened in the final weeks. With so many iconic parts of the show now gone, does this mean the end for the series? Sadly, yes. Even though the USA Network or NBC Universal hasnt said so yet, this show is done. I'm saying it if they wont. Feel free to come here & point & laugh if they bring it back, but when cast leave for other projects and they let go of their most notable locations & props, its done. Several cast have moved on. Dule Hill has a Broadway role, Corbin Bernsen very publicly stated he wont be back, and of course James Roday said to me in my last encounter with him "since this is the end of the line..." when he was talking to me about all the autographs I got from him over the years and how he wouldn't see me again. Is it possible for a return of Psych in some form? Maybe. But it will not be any time soon. It will not be another season. it will be a TV movie at most. It will be 3-5 years from now. They will have to wait till they A- Get the OK from NBC Universal/USA Network to do 1, tne B- Have all of the cast available. That isnt coming together in the next year for sure. If there is no TV movie in the next 5 years, then there will never be a return. For now, the show is ending after 8 glorious seasons. To the cast - thanks for a great show & more or less always being great with myself & other fans at the sets. To the crew - For the mostpart, I found you all to be really classy, respectful & helpful to myself & fans visiting the set, something that isnt always the case for all shows. To the creators, directors & writers - You have earned my applause, a lot of applause. To the fans. All great things must come to an end. But dont worry.... you still have several more months to get there....oh, and I still have a couple more nuggets to post from season 8 theres that too eventually. In the mean time, take in some pics from 1 of the last Psych sets I ever encountered. ![]() THIS BLOG POST CONTAINS NOTABLE SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 8009 OF "PSYCH" TENTATIVELY TITLED "SHAWN & GUS TRUCK THINGS UP". If you do not want to know any spoilers to this episode.... DO NOT CONTINUE READING THIS ARTIVLE OR VIEWING THE PHOTOS! . . . last warning . . The 2nd day I was on set for the Food Truck episode. A lot happened. First, before I got there, my friend texted me & told me "Marla is on set". I instantly deciphered it as "Marlowe" & was hastily getting out there as fast as I could since I needed Kristy on some photos I had with me since the time that I literally missed her by seconds at River Rock Casino during the shooting of Marlowe & Lassies wedding episode. Sure enough, Kristy Swanson was there. Along with all the guys. James Roday, Timothy Omundson, Dule Hill, Corbin Bernsen were all on set and later in the day Sage Brocklebank aka - Buzz McNab aka Morning Wood aka Magic Mike came in for some scenes. So right to the big news.... unless you skipped to the photos 1st, in that case, this isn't such a breaking piece of news..... so, as you can tell from the photos below, there is a little Lassie coming soon....realllllly SOON. This time, it isn't in the shape of an adorable beagle. First scene I saw had Marlowe show up at the food truck court looking for a snack. She tells Shawn & Gus not to tell Lassie shes there, as he hates food trucks. They let her go into their truck & shortly after Henry arrives & the boys get into a conversation with them when Lassie shows up & Shawn & Gus go to cut him off & have a conversation with Lassie. There was a scene that had Shawn, Gus, Henry, Lassie & Marlowe all inside a food truck as Marlowe seemingly went into labour. The conversation that you could hear between Lassie & almost everyone was quite entertaining. I couldn't see that scene since it was entirely inside the truck, but I heard lots of it. It sounds great. Then came a scene where Shawn tries to get the food truck out of its very confined space to rush to the hospital. Imagine the Austin Powers shuttle cart scene, but slightly less over the top. After that Kristy wrapped her day. So had Corbin. There was then scenes with Gus, Shawn, Lassie & McNab that included a prop toy baby. At first I thought this was supposed to be in place of a real baby, but realized after a few takes, nope, it was actually supposed to be a toy baby...which is good, when you see how it gets treated by father to be Carlton Lassiter. Obviously, I only got to see a small portion of the episode, but I was laughing a lot at the takes I saw over the two days. You can see more of my pics from this episode HERE You can see my past Psych set photos HERE This was the last Psych set I ever got to photograph or see. I do have a couple more sets to post eventually from another episode, with an even larger spoiler than this bombshell set. THIS BLOG MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS ABOUT AN EPISODE FOR SEASON 8 OF "PSYCH". If you do not wish t read or see any spoilers of the season prior to it not continue Earlier this year, I caught the USA Network comedy "Psych" filming scenes in historic Gastown for their 8th & final season. This particular scene is of James Roday as Shawn Spencer, roaming the streets of London, England. Why? Who knows. Why is he dressed like hes Burt Reynolds?? Who knows? Below, there is also a link to the blog I did earlier with still photos of this days shooting, including photos of Dule Hill on set, dressed as a character from a major film franchise as well. This episode was directed by series creator, Steve Franks. Psych films scenes for a season 8 episode at a food truck festival with James Roday & Dule Hill8/26/2013 Recently, the USA Network held a vote for fans to pick an episode that the show Psych would film. One of the choices was where Shawn & Gus open their own Food Truck after the murder of a food truck owner to try & catch the culprit. It wasnt MY 1st choice. But it certainly seemed like everyone elses... and even though it somehow didnt win, they still made the episode. Recently I caught them filming scenes for this episode in an area of South False Creek in Vancouver that I literally didnt even know existed. They filmed there for 3 days. Two days 1 week, then another day the next week. I missed the 1st day, but caught them there the other 2 days. On the 1st day I was there... I saw Shawn (James Roday) & Gus (Dule Hill) doing a variety of scenes in a food truck court. While many of the scenes were of the pair going up to other food trucks and talking to their vendors. The 1 I found best, was the 1 I heard best. The 1st scene I saw done had Shawn & Gus, walking along offering free samples of their admittedly, delicious sounding foods (I wont spoil what it is, but imagine thanksgiving in a fried ball) to passer-bys when they are confronted by an angry fitness club owner (played by Sean Tyson) & a witty, Psych-esque banter takes place with the 3 before the fitness club owner forces Shawn & Gus to leave. I've been to a lot of Psych sets over the time here & rarely do I ever find the scenes they shoot to be overly amusing (mainly because you rarely get to hear TOO much of whats being said) but this one made me smile a lot & took every ounce of my self control to not break out laughing on the set a few times. Later on in the day they did some scenes at a few of the food trucks of Shawn & Gus asking different trucks owners questions & of course, trying their foods. I found some of the names of the food trucks were brilliantly funny too. Whoever spent the time coming up with some of these names, genius. India.Are.We, Meat & Mrs. Jones, In The Vegan-Ing, Gangsta Wraps & Mash&Grab (which Shawn & Gus are with) just some of the names I had a good chuckle at. The menu at Mash&Grab was absolutely priceless as well. My friend took a photo of the entire menu and I nearly cried from laughter reading them. I dont know who the woman in the Food Truck pictured is, but she had to be someone, as she got shuttled back with a cast vehicle & not with the extras. Also, I saw Kirsten Nelson at the set, but she never seemed to be in a scene. Perhaps just passing by & stopped to say hi to her cast & crewmates? Also saw 1 of the main writers Saladin Patterson on set. I will have more from this episode soon. Including some other cast on set for scenes in the same food truck court, and a notable spoiler from the episode. Recently, Psych, the hit comedy-drama from the USA Network filmed scenes for its season 8 finale. Which is also believed to be the series finale (I have been told by multiple sources it is the series finale, but no official word from USA yet). On 1 of the days, I caught the cast & crew down near English Bay filming scenes so secretive that they did the very un-Psych like action of aggressively covering up any view of the scene. While I do know what happened in the scene, for now, I wont spoil that. Instead, here are some photos of the cast & director Steve Franks on the set. James Roday, Dule Hill, Maggie Lawson & Kirsten Nelson were all spotted on set that day. With Maggie Lawson leaving merely days after this shoot to start her next job on her new show "Back In The Game" in Los Angeles, this very well could be the last scenes Maggie ever shot for Psych. I will have more from this set, with some grainy, more notable photos later this summer. For you go. Also, coming soon, some photos from another episode they filmed outside a lot, about a murder in a food truck festival. |
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September 2014