Supernatural shoots scenes for episoe 1015 with Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and Travis Aaron Wade4/30/2015 ![]() Better late than never? Right? Lately I have fallen quite behind on posting my blogs. Like QUITE behind. Perfect example, this post is for episode 1015 "The Things They Carried". The episode aired more than a month ago, so that gives you some idea how behind I am on some things. Anyways, on this particular day they filmed scenes at a house (that I now know to be the house that the wife & baby of the army guy the boys & guest star Travis Aaron Wade were looking for in the ep) Early in the day Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki shot scenes inside with the baby & the Michelle Morgan. Once those scenes were done, they waited for it to get dark and moved to doing exterior scenes with Jared, Jensen & Travis. Those scenes of course include the one where we see Cole in the Impala with Sam & Dean. A scene I tweeted about at the time, which angered more than a couple Castiel fanaticals to say the least. In the scene they drop Cole off where his truck was parked in front of the soldiers house... which we know how that turned out now. In typical SPN crew fashion (mainly you know who), efforts to try & block me from getting pics of things were made once the person in question was aware of my existence. But, as you can see, I still snagged a few here & there. Supernatural is taking part again in this years May madness tournament, as a show, and several characters in the character tournament. You can vote on the current match ups HERE. Supernatural autographs can be found here. Supernatural airs Wednesday nights on The CW, with the season finale scheduled for May 20th, 2015.
Better late than never, right fans? Here is some pics of SPN shooting scenes for an episode that already aired. I believe it was 1011. I sometimes forget sets till after they have aired then go "oh yeah, I have pics of that".. well, heres 1 of those times. First up was pics from the alley behind a bar on Hastings street that they have used MANY times. In the scene was Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles & Mark Sheppard as Sam, Dean & Crowley. The tight fit of the alley and the sightlines needed for the camera meant I was really unable to see much or any of the filming, but I got several pics of the group shortly before they called rolling or shortly after they called cut. This is of course the same night Zachari Levi came to visit his buddy Jared on set.... unfortunately, this happened just shortly before I was there. I scanned the crew several times, but never saw him around....perhaps he was hiding deep in a tent somewhere staying warm since it was very cold & damp out. After the alley scenes were shot, they moved out from of the bar to shoot scenes with Misha Collins as Castiel. The scene was short and pretty simple with Cas walking to the Casmobile while talking on the phone. The day before this shoot I happened to run into an SPN guest star at the airport. At the time I didn't know who it was...but after seeing the episodes she was in, I now know ti to be Kathryn Love Newton, aka - Jimmy Novak's (Cas's meatsuit) daughter Claire. Supernatural airs Tuesday nights after The Flash on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. With spring in full stride, there is not a lot to report from Vancouver for Supernatural filming obviously. The new season, their 10th, will begin in July. Till then, I have a few odds & ends left over from the past 2 years that I never used for whatever reason in the past. A few from their fan conventions they have here yearly of Misha Collins, Jim Beaver, DJ Qualls & others. Also, a few shots of Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles returning from Chicago after shooting the failed backdoor pilot for Bloodlines, which was episode 20 of this past season. Plus Misha Collins leaving town during a break. Lastly some departing shots of Mark Sheppard and Jensen Ackles as they left Vancouver at the end of season 9. So first up... a few old shots from past Convention weekends. I cant be sure, but I think I have managed to see Misha Collins out & about almost every con weekend here. Some shots here from 2012, and 2013 of Castiel roaming the city during the weekend. As well Jim Beaver stops to talk to some fans in the courtyard. DJ Qualls grabs a snack in his downtime. While I personally will never support these conventions, it is still cool for those of you with no other way to ever see these stars to have the chance I guess. Vancouver being the hometown of the show always seems to nab a pretty decent roster. A few months ago I caught up with Misha Collins as he left town during Christmas break. Below are a few photos from that encounter. As well, a few photos of Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles returning to Vancouver after filming episode 20 in Chicago. The episode, which was intended to be a backdoor pilot for a spin off that got axed needed a few shots of them in Chicago, so the pair left for 2 days of shooting. Upon returning, I asked both of them how the filming for that went and they both had similar replies....cold. Apparently, the mild Vancouver winters had not prepared them properly for the real winters that Chicago can have, and both of them were less than excited with having to work in those condition. When I joked that it probably made them appreciate Vancouver's weather a bit more, they both were pretty quick to agree. Last batch of photos is of the post-season 9 departures of the cast.
First up was Mark Sheppard. The man who plays Crowley was in a good mood upon finishing his season 9 filming. When I told him I hoped he would be back for season 10, he played it coy & acted as if he didn't already know Crowley survived. A little while later I caught up with Jensen Ackles for the final time of the season. He was also in a great mood. The man who plays Dean Winchester seemed pretty happy to have some time off. Seemed excited to finally get some time to spend with his new daughter, Justice Jay whom he rarely saw for more than a weekend throughout most of the season. He asked us if we got Jared leaving that morning. Both my buddy and I were disappointed to learn we picked the wrong flight to cover for him. But also thankful at least Jensen let us know so we didn't waste time waiting on him either. Just wish he had told us BEFORE he started signing.. I would have focused on solo items, instead of duo items that I now need to get Jared on eventually. Oh well. So that's it for my SPN photo dump. I MIGHT do a Season 9 review sometime soon. I've started doing reviews, episodic, seasonal or complete series ones. Although so far I only really have 1 review up (for the How I Met Your Mother series finale). But I have started writing an entire S9 review...perhaps I'll have it finished before they start filming season 10. As always, you can check out my Supernatural autographs gallery for any of the signed items obtained over the past few seasons I still have. See you soon season 10. Supernatural films a scene for a season 9 episode with Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles in the Impala4/15/2014 Odd day this was... Till I saw the filming on this colder than usual February evening, I had gone 0 for 4 at seeing ANYTHING go on at sets that day, including the SPN set earlier in the day. I found the crew filming at a place on Main Street, near 16th avenue that was made up to look like a licenced drug paraphenalia shop called "Ians Herbal Remedies". The scene, still quite unclear to me. From the angle I had I never really got a good read on what it was about. It certainly started with Sam & Dean Winchester (Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles) sitting in the imapala. The scene seemingly took place all in the car, even though the filming notices in the area claimed they were going to get out of the car & have a talk. Maybe the unexpected snow flurries that arrived almost exactly around the time they started filming made them opt to change the dynamic of the scene. In any case, heres my set from this night. The episode they were filming at that time is unknown to me. Could be tongihts, could be next weeks. Timing suggests it would be an episode coming up soon. A little side note to this night. The always overbearing "security" guard of the leads, Clif, shining lights at me while I was shooting, even while they were filming a rehearsal. Even funnier, had to be the minion "buddy" he had with him who gave me the finger right afterwards. Always full of stupid antics on this set. For a show that's dipped as low as 1.86M viewers this year for an episode, the crew, specifically Clif, doesn't seem too concerned about negative P.R. for the show. Wonder if The CW or Warner-Brothers does? After 3 weeks off, Supernatural returns tonight on The CW with the 1st of their final 6 consecutive weekly episodes for season 9. THIS POST CONTAINS VERY MILD SPOILERS FOR A SEASON 9 EPISODE OF SUPERNATURAL. If you do not want to read or view any Supernatural season 9 spoilers, please do not continue. . . . last warning. . . Odd, catching Supernatural 4 times in 1 week. When I say odd, what I mean to say is, it has NEVER happened to me previously. The last catch up of the season 9 filming for that week in early August happened under the Burrard Bridge. The scene was guarded with the type of security I expect Barack Obama to have. Even up on the PUBLIC bridge walk way, there was PA's there, and while none of them ever told me to move along or that I couldnt take photos, they certainly had the look of "dont do it" on their faces & body language. Every trail & road leading down there also had a PA.... more or less. While it took me a good 10+ minutes of walking a 2 block circumference around the well guarded set, I finally found 1 path they werent stalking for passer bys. While there was very little you could see from the ledge of bushes & trees between me & the set, there was just enough that I could catch a few moments of them filming a scene. My 6'0 height finally came in use for something. If I were 5'10 or 6'2, I likely wouldn't have even noticed the small break in the trees as I walked by, being just at eye level & on a downward slope to the set, it was quite literally less than a couple inches in space & every time a bit of a breeze rolled in, branches impeded my view. Sure, there were more open spots along the path, but standing there would have been in plain sight of the several PAs that were roaming the area. So this short little patch was really the only spot to see anything and not have them see me. Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki (Dean & Sam Winchester) did scenes for the season 9 episode with an actor who I am not immediately familiar with. They seemed to be working with, or at least following the lead of this other actor to wherever. Earlier in the day, fans saw them do scenes where they were getting out of The Impala. I missed those ones. But got a few pics from this set. Supernatural season 9 premieres Tuesday October 8, 2013 at 9 PM/8(central) on The CW. Please note - if you re-post photos from this blog elsewhere... remember to credit the blog Its always a good thing when filming is so close to you that you can sit on your porch & shoot the scene.... now only if I had a better camera eh? Supernatural filmed less than 500 feet from my door recently for a scene in season 9. It was the 2nd set I found from that day for the show. Earlier I caught Castiel doing a scene in Chinatown. In this scene, we see Sam & Dean (Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles) leave a corner store (I thought it was dressed up as a pharmacy at the time...till I saw a close up of the inside... btw - this is at least the 2nd time they have used this location.... its also the store from Appointment In Samarra... but has closed down & been renovated since then) with some goodies (maybe some pie?) and head towards an alley. When they get there, they are confronted by a man. I couldnt see that scene, but the film notice told me what was going to happen. In between takes, both actors took the time to wave & acknowledge a group of kids from the neighbourhood that were out there watching them film their scenes. Later, the group, along with me, moved to the next street over to watch from the backside of where they were filming. In between takes, Jensen came out a couple times & was playing around on 1 take, showing off his boxing skills with his bodyguard. In a rare moment (at least in my many experiences) he noticed the group standing watching him, even pointing them out to the guard, and went back to goofing off & being animated in whatever story he was explaining to his bodyguard. Usually I find Jensen tends to try & avoid being at the other end of a camera when hes on set. Jared spent most of the time (from the times I was able to really see them closer up) in the alley. Thus why I didn't really get any shots of him except when he was right on set filming. But I will have another set of the boys from a couple days later coming up in the next week or 2, more Jareds (and crisper photos..since they were in the daytime) in that set. Supernatural moves to Tuesday nights this year on The CW starting October 8, 2013. Last month, I came across the set of the most popular show the CW has ever had. Supernatural. Now in season 9, the multi-time People Choice Award winning show was filming in New Westminster, BC in a lot beside the Canada Games Pool. On set, the Impala, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester & frequent Vancouver show director Guy Norman Bee. Of course Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki were doing scenes where they were "investigating" something unusual. This time, it looks like it attracted the army or special forces of some type. I really didnt see too much, the only scenes I saw were the Winchester arriving, getting out of Baby & walking over to the scene, of course strolling right past some cop who apparently knows less than a LARPer about how FBI credentials should look. I managed to get a few good photos of them before I took off. One of my favorite is a pic of Guy Bee talking to Jensen Ackles. I fould it funny, because this past year Guy finished 2nd in my Best Of TV Awards voting for Best Director. The man who meat him? Jensen Ackles. So maybe Guy was asking him for tips. Ok, probably not. So, here are my 1st on location set of pics this year from Supernatural.... there will be more to come throughout this season. Feel free to check out my past sets (season 8) (previous seasons) Since this is a new season.,...... good time to remind my regulars, and any new readers. You can use my photos on your blog, tumblr, facebook fan pages etc. Just DO NOT remove the water marks, and credit this site on the post. Season 7 - I had to file 21 DMCA complaints Season 8 - it was down to 11. Lets try for 0 this year. |
****UPDATED JAUNUARY 2019**** All photos posted in this blog are shot by Canadagraphs. Permission to use the photos on your site, blog, tumblr, facebook or other online outlets is allowed if you follow the rules stated in THIS POST Main rules include 1- DO NOT remove any watermarks on the photos, this includes cropping around them, Without prior written permission or emailed permission from this site. (contact form is on the left) 2- Credit this blog page or the individual blog post in your posting. 3- Adhere to the LIMIT of photos allowed for the type of post you are making. If you would like to use photos seen here unedited, contact me thru my contact page, and depending on your need I may be able to accommodate smaller requests. Depending on the orders/photos, I may charge a fee for my time (usually about $2-5 an image depending how many you want) AuthorWhen I have Supernatural pics or stuff to post... its going here. Archives
September 2019