THIS BLOG POST IS FOR SUPERNATURAL SEASON 15 EPISODE 20, AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE. I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. I caught up with Supernatural shooting in Burnaby & North Vancouver on the final 2 days of the series. On day 1, I caught up to them in Deer Lake Park in Burnaby. They were filming at a creepy looking house at the far end of the park. Unfortunately, there was quite literally nothing to see at that location, as it was all inside the house, except for 1 exterior shoot at the end of the night with no cast. Early in the day, Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles were at the set, but they did not have a long day. I showed up at around 11 AM, and they seemingly were already done at that time (I just didnt know it yet). The one thing I did see, a lot of on the day was, the car more known to the fandom as Baby. The 67 Impala (well, actually 2 of them) were at the set throughout the day. Unfortunately, I did not see it in action. When I showed up I found 1 out, just parked in public, so all could see it. At the time, I didnt know yet that this was not the hero car (the term used to describe the main one that is used for driving scenes with the actors), but one of the secondary ones they have in stock. In the beginning it was out there, without any plates on it. Several passer bys and crew stopped to take shots of it, and with it. A bit later, I saw the actual hero car drive in, with plates on. I naively got hopeful that things were going to get going soon, unaware they had already happened. They parked that car off to the side where it wasnt as publicly viewable as the other one. Shortly after that, they took the plates off the hero car. After lunch, the plates were then on the secondary car. I then realized, it was there for no other reason than for crew to come by and get shots of it and with it. I went back to the car a bit later when I noticed the plates were on, and took a few more photos. It had the license plate on the back, and I noticed something on there I dont think I ever noticed on any of its plates before. The yellow tag in the bottom right corner of it says it expires January 2021, but, just above that, it also says "S15 SPN 327" which of course means Season 15, and Supernatural episode 327, which will of course be the final episode count total of the show. There was also a City Of Akron, Ohio Police car there. So it seems the series finale spends some time in OH. Lastly, there was a tonne of Canada Geese there (aka - Cobra Chickens), and at one point they were actually cutting off my path to move towards the car... although I had already been over there twice. But clearly, SPN had hired the Goose Army there to protect it. In a weird twist, because of the Coronavirus, for the first & only time ever, I saw a sign at their location with an actual Supernatural logo on it. It was to tell the crew about COVID-19 restrictions. This was the end of the last set I would really visit. I didnt know it yet. As I had info on where they were going to be the next day. On the very final day of shooting for the series, the cast & crew were up in North Vancouver, BC. When I was given the location, I was told it was impossible. But, I hear that so often, I just ignore it because the stark reality is, 19 out of 20 times, its a lie. So, I went up there thinking I would make something out of the effort. As it turned out, this was the 1 out 20 times. They were so far up in the wild, that even after I got to the furthest point I was able to get, at their first circus base camp for crew. I still was so far away I couldnt even see a sign of where the set COULD be even with my zoom on my camera maximized. Not that it mattered in the end anyways, as by the time I got to that spot, I was getting there in time to find out they wrapped about 20 minutes earlier. It was a 45-50 minute walk each way, only to get there and find out that they had wrapped. So yeah, my final Supernatural set ever was technically the day before, even though I made it to part of the Supernatural set on the final day. I didnt take a lot of photos along the way, since I just hustling along to get up there, and once I got there & found out I missed it, too mentally beat from missing it all to even take any last shots of a crew park or anything. I did take 1 of as it turned out, the last film sign I would see on the trail up there for about 4KM. Ahhh, to be that naive & hopeful still. On the way up, I saw a little handmade sign just leaning against a post outside the last main parking lot before you get to where they were. Guessing some other fans tried before I did that day. It was so small, and at a bad angle I doubt any crew saw it, but thought I'd take a couple photos of it for the effort they put in. I did take 1 pic of all the crew passing by me on the verrrrry long (as you can see in the pic of the map I posted) walk back I had, which in the terribly limited lighting of a forest, wasnt great. I put together a video (which does include some of the photos from the shoot above also in it) of the day befores observations, and me heading to the last set. Unfortunately, not really anything more to add to it. I really thought I was going to do better than I did. So, Supernatural has wrapped. Officially. After months of having to wait to finish their last few weeks, the cast have all left, the crew are now off looking for their next jobs, and the sets in the studio have been torn down. It is over. An incredible run. The show got 15 seasons, after being near cancellation a couple times in its first couple years. It has won People's Choice Awards, and so many awards on this sites Best Of TV Awards that I couldnt even tell you how many without looking it up (78). Quite a run for a couple of brothers fighting supernatural beings. Supernatural was the first TV show that really put me on the map with television fans. While I had followers from movies previously, it really was SPN that first gave my site recognition. Without it, who knows if/when this site would have caught on? Supernatural starts its final run, October 8, 2020 on The CW. I dont know how to write the finale of this blog post. So, I will let someone else do it. After all, Endings are hard. Any chapped-ass monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning, but endings are impossible. You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can. The fans are always gonna bitch. Theres always gonna be holes. And since this is the ending, its all supposed to lead up to something I'm telling you, they're a raging pain in the ass.
THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "SUPERNATURAL" EPISODE 1504 AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen this episode yet and want to avoid any possible spoilers for it, DO NOT continue reading or viewing the photos below. . . . last chance . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE. I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. Supernatural did scenes earlier in week with the shows 2 leads in East Vancouver for season 15. It was episode 4, despite being the first episode shot of the season, as the producers do their usual schedule juggling act to accommodate the shows star Jensen Ackles schedule to direct this episode. On this day, several scenes were being shot in front of Templeton Secondary School. Or, as it was know this day "Beaverdale High School" in Iowa. They did so many scenes, I am having to break this down into 2 or 3 blogs. So this is part 1. A scene when I first got to the set in the early afternoon had Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester talking to a couple people and "taking notes" while clearly investigating a suspicious event as 1 of his many aliases in typical FBI attire. Meanwhile, in the directors tent, his co-star, Jensen looked on. A little while later, a crew member drove in the shows most recognizable prop, Baby, the 1967 Impala. At one point, it almost looked like Jensen was "telling" the car what it wanted it to do in the scene. After Jensen left to get dressed to work in front of the camera, the crew set up the shot. When they returned they were ready to shoot with the duo, but one small problem.... Jensen was no where to be found. Seriously. For over 20 minutes production was held up because 1 of the shows leads, and not to mention the episodes director was MIA. My theory on it (no one told me exactly what happened, just that they were unable to contact Jensen for a while) is they probably went, and knocked on Jensens trailer and told him they were ready for him, and he maybe had headphones on doing some of the directing work he also has to do, and never heard it? Eventually, he showed up, and they were ready to get going. Shots of that scene, and more, will come in later blog posts. Additional blog portions for this days shoots will be added here when I get them up.... so check back here for those later in the week/early next week, or just keep updated on our twitter or on our facebook for updates on when they are posted. PART TWO HERE PART THREE HERE To see more behind the scenes Supernatural photos go HERE To see our Supernatural autographs gallery go HERE Supernatural airs on Thursday nights on The CW Last month, I came across the set of the most popular show the CW has ever had. Supernatural. Now in season 9, the multi-time People Choice Award winning show was filming in New Westminster, BC in a lot beside the Canada Games Pool. On set, the Impala, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester & frequent Vancouver show director Guy Norman Bee. Of course Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki were doing scenes where they were "investigating" something unusual. This time, it looks like it attracted the army or special forces of some type. I really didnt see too much, the only scenes I saw were the Winchester arriving, getting out of Baby & walking over to the scene, of course strolling right past some cop who apparently knows less than a LARPer about how FBI credentials should look. I managed to get a few good photos of them before I took off. One of my favorite is a pic of Guy Bee talking to Jensen Ackles. I fould it funny, because this past year Guy finished 2nd in my Best Of TV Awards voting for Best Director. The man who meat him? Jensen Ackles. So maybe Guy was asking him for tips. Ok, probably not. So, here are my 1st on location set of pics this year from Supernatural.... there will be more to come throughout this season. Feel free to check out my past sets (season 8) (previous seasons) Since this is a new season.,...... good time to remind my regulars, and any new readers. You can use my photos on your blog, tumblr, facebook fan pages etc. Just DO NOT remove the water marks, and credit this site on the post. Season 7 - I had to file 21 DMCA complaints Season 8 - it was down to 11. Lets try for 0 this year. As I told you when I posted the last video in this blog, I had more video from that day. One of Jensen driving backwards. Well, it got forgotten about for awhile. Thill this week, when I have been sick & at home . Boredom finally set in & I started sorting, and cataloguing some old stuff & found ths video still in my "to Heres a short video of Jensen Ackles driving The Impala backwards down Hornby Street with Jared Padalecki as a passenger to get ready for another take. This was taken the day they were filming at the Murray Hotel for the scene where they run in there to try & find someone (Meg) before Castiel does. You really would think they would have a crew member do that. THIS BLOG POST CONTAINS PHOTOS OF SUPERNATURAL FILMING FOR EPISODE 820. If you dont want to see any spoilers or read any spoilers to this episode prior to seeing it... DO NOT CONTINUE READING OR VIEWING PHOTOS!
. . . last warning . . A couple weeks ago I found Supernatural filming in East Vancouver for episode 820. Earlier in the afternoon they shot a scene at the Hastings Community Centre, subbing in for the "Shawnee County City Morgue" in Kansas. I didnt really get there in time for that shoot, but I was around for the evening shoot. Sadly, getting an idea position wasnt easy & worst part was, the crew members who didnt even know it, but were at times cutting off the most ideal spots to take photos of. In the scene I saw Jensen Ackles ( Dean Winchester ) is in his prized Impala with a mystery woman. I was told by some its Felicia Day, but I am not as convinced of this... even though it would make sense as how many other women would the Winchesters allow in the Impala & she had reddish hair. Unfortunately, my photos from that night are quite grainy (I've read some whiners saying how my photos arent that good etc... well, if you want me to take better photos, tell the shows to quit shooting at night, or you can give me a lot nicer camera. Remember, taking photos IS NOT my job. I do this with a $500 camera, not a $5000 camera.) sodeciding if it is or isnt Felicia Day is beyond my abilities. Two different people have told me it is. One has said it isnt. I dont think it is either. Sooo, I dunno. Anyways, I added a few photos of Jensen returning from the Peoples Choice Awards a couple months ago to offset the terribly grainy pics. Supernatural films a scene for episode 817 - short video of Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles running3/15/2013 Recently I posted some photos of the Winchester Boys suited up & running around for a scene in episode 817, which will be on this Wednesday March 20th after the torturous Hellatus. Well, here is some video of the same scene on 1 of the takes. Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki (Dean & Sam Winchester) get out of their Impala and sprint into a hotel across the street for the scene. I also have some video of Jensen (w/ Jared as passenger) driving the Impala in reverse down the street taking it back to the mark for the next take that I might post when I find the time. THIS BLOG POST CONTAINS CHARACTER SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 818 OF SUPERNATURAL! If you dont want to know any spoilers in advance of watching the episode, please DO NOT READ ON OR VIEW THE PHOTOS!
. . . . Last Warning . . About a month ago I caught Supernatural out filming scenes for episode 818 in Vancouver near the Train Station. For the set of scenes I saw over 2 nights, there was 4 actors in the scene. Of course, the always familiar Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester & Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester were clearly recognizable. But who were the other 2?? Well, I still dont know who 1 is, and the other I didnt know right away. When I got home from shooting the 1st night, I asked a friend if she recognized "the girl with the gun" as I described it to her. She instantly said without hesitation she thought it was Madison McLaughlin, known to SPN fans as "Krissy" from "Adventures In Babysitting", the other woman I still dont know. The next day, the same 4 cast members were on set, and after shooting that evenings scene I knew my friends instinct about Krissy being back was right. I sat on this spoiler for awhile, thinking I had it in my pocket.... the The CW went & posted a promo showing Madison McLaughlin plain as day in it, killing the spoiler. So, here are the admittedly grainy photos (shooting from about football field away in the pitch dark & smoke machines going will do that) from those 2 nights of Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Madison McLaughlin & still unnamed 2nd actress (ANYONE who knows, please feel free to let me know & I will revise this). |
****UPDATED JAUNUARY 2019**** All photos posted in this blog are shot by Canadagraphs. Permission to use the photos on your site, blog, tumblr, facebook or other online outlets is allowed if you follow the rules stated in THIS POST Main rules include 1- DO NOT remove any watermarks on the photos, this includes cropping around them, Without prior written permission or emailed permission from this site. (contact form is on the left) 2- Credit this blog page or the individual blog post in your posting. 3- Adhere to the LIMIT of photos allowed for the type of post you are making. If you would like to use photos seen here unedited, contact me thru my contact page, and depending on your need I may be able to accommodate smaller requests. Depending on the orders/photos, I may charge a fee for my time (usually about $2-5 an image depending how many you want) AuthorWhen I have Supernatural pics or stuff to post... its going here. Archives
September 2019