THIS BLOG POST IS FOR AN EPISODE OF SEASON 3 OF "iZOMBIE". With a mid-season start date for The CW's best show last season, there has been a lack of promotional materials for the 3rd season of iZombie so far. But the cast & crew of the show have been hard at work on shooting this upcoming season & are well into the season. My first chance to catch up to them on set was at the start of October at a location close to 1 of their season 1 regular locations. Shooting on Powell Street in the Downtown Eastside was Rose McIver as Liv Moore and Malcolm Goodwin as Clive Babineaux less than 1/2 a block from the now out of business butcher shop they used in season 1 for Meat Cute scenes. The scene didn't really entail much. The pair walk out of a restaurant and walk down the street together. I have added a couple other photos of cast I have run into in the past few months, including David Anders, Rahul Kohli, Aly Michalka and an upcoming guest star Natalie Alyn Lind (The Goldbergs, Gotham). The CW has yet to give a premiere date yet, but iZombie season will be back in early 2017. You can get caught up on the 1st two seasons on The CW site (if you are American).
THIS POST CONTAINS POSSIBLE SPOILERS TO TONIGHTS EPISODES OF "IZOMBIE". If you have not seen the episode yet & dont want tor ead or view possible spoilers, do not continue reading or viewing the photos. . . . last warning . . With The CW hit zombie show, and 2015 Best Of TV Awards winner for Best New Show, iZombie wrapping up its 2nd season tonight with a 2 hour finale, here is a quick look at scenes shot for the first part of that finale. Early in the day a scene was shot in the alley near where the exterior for the Seattle Police Department/Morgue is in an alley called "Arch Alley" thats been used by almost every show in town. Rahul Kohli shot a scene as Ravi Chakrabarti seemingly swinging a fire extinguisher at "someone" (I got there near the end of that shoot... so I never saw who was supposed to be on the receiving end of that swing). Later on this shoot moved to the very public Vancouver Art Gallery steps in downtown Vancouver. A location practically every major production has used at one point or another. We find here Rahul as Ravi on set with Malcolm Goodwin as Detective Clive Babineaux on scene, but due to all the extras and equipment set up during the scenes, I never managed any shots of them filming their part in the scene. The two who were on full display however were Robert Buckley as human turned zombie turned human zombie hunter turned zombie Major Lilywhite and Rose McIver aka - Olivia "Liv" Moore, the zombie star of the show. The scene at the time didnt make a lick of sense, but after last weeks episode where we see Major getting arrested for being the Chaos Killer, this all made a lot more sense now. Major and Liv leave the Seattle court house to a swarm of reporters and photographers wanting answers. Neither of the zombies seemed willing to provide answers from the scene they shot there. Whether those answers come in the courts.... we'll have to wait & see. At some point it has to come out youd think that hes not the Chaos Killer, but the Chaos....Chiller. (I know terrible joke... I'll see myself out). How will the public react to the idea zombies are a thing? How will Clive react? Later in the night, another scene with Major and Liv was shot. This one showing Major leaving the jail to an awaiting Liv who helps a very tired & weak looking Major get away. Did Major break out? Was he released? Again, we'll need to check in tonight for those answers. During the day, all the cast stopped to sign autographs and take photos with fans at different points throughout the day. So far in the 2 seasons here, with the exception of 1 now seemingly removed from the crew PA early on this season, this shows cast & crew have been quite welcoming of fans & regulars alike most times. The finale will see some of the action happen at a Max Rager release party that was filmed in whole or part in Surrey at an abandoned business building with special guest star, Matchbox Twenty lead singer Rob Thomas. Of course, fans of the show know the inside joke of having Mr. Thomas on the show, as he shares the same name with the shows creator Rob Thomas. I have no added the two videos I promised (if you read this paragraph before). They are at the bottom. iZombie airs its 2 hour season finale TONIGHT on The CW. You can catch up with the stars of iZombie on their social media accounts iZombie Twitter facebook Rose McIver Twitter Robert Buckley Twitter Rahul Kohli Twitter facebook Malcolm Goodwin Twitter Rob Thomas (Musician) Twitter facebook Rob Thomas (creator) Twitter facebook THIS POST HAS NOTABLE SPOILERS TO SEASON 2 EPISODE 4 OF iZOMBIE EPISODE "EVEN COWGIRLS GET THE BLACK & BLUES". if you have not seen this episode and do not want any spoilers prior to seeing it. Do not continue reading or viewing the images below . . . last warning . . With the it CW show iZombie returning for its second season this week. I felt it was a good time to do the 1 and only current season blog post I have on the show so far. I caught up to the cast and crew in East Vancouver in late August shooting scenes for episode 204 "Even The Cowgirls Get The Black And Blues". Directed by Matt Barber. With so much unknown about this season so far.... let me fill you in on what I saw and know about this days shoot. It started at a ballet hall where a question from last season is answered. The scene involved Rose McIver aaaaaand Aly Michalka shooting a scene. The scene is the first the pair will see of each other since last seasons chaotic season finale that saw Peyton run away from and ignore Liv after finding out Liv's secret. A bit later a scene was shot a block up the street. It had no main cast at it. it was for a news report. The reporter, actress Sonia Beeksma was telling the story of a horrific robbery/murder at a convenience store in the background. After that, the crew moved several blocks up the street to a consignment store. The scene involves Rose and Malcolm Goodwin as Clive Babineaux doing a scene where they walk in to investigate a pawn shop. Not sure about much of the scenes inside, just that actors Daniel Bess and Jeremy Jones were playing the pawn shop staff and that it includes a scene where Liv buys a guitar (and plays it with former Dead Like Me star & One More Girl band member Britt McKillip playing the part on the guitar). Shortly after their lunch break, I managed to get Malcolm to come over and sign a couple autographs, much to the dismay of 1 of the crews PA's. This is the 3rd set I have been at for the show, and this same PA has made it his life mission to stop anyone from trying to meet the cast. Once I successfully got Mr. Goodwin, he went thru the trouble of setting up scrims (large fabric sheets used on sets to manipulate lighting usually) to block out the actors sitting outside..... in an alley, that was public. No shocker, he was scolded for this action by a higher up when another PA that he had foolishly roped into his deluded game of heroism made the mistake of asking the crew member if they were locking down the alley. The crew member angrily told the PA (who was only following the directions of this 1 inexperienced PA) that not only were they NOT locking down the alley, but that they had to move everything the pair had set up that was covering up about a 1/3 of the alley in tighter so it wasn't in the way of the public access to the alley, and more specifically the garage door RIGHT BESIDE where they had set up. On all the sets I have ever been on. This 1 specific PA (not the 1 that asked... he actually did the right thing IMO since he seemed unsure of the delusional ones plan) who has no less than three times in my time seeing him has ABANDONED his actual job to take up a quest of trying to stop people from meeting the cast should be fired. At least 2 other crew members that we talked with about the guy agree. Their only logic on how hes kept his job is it must be nepotism. I have to agree by this point...because it is DEFINITELY not his ability to follow orders that's kept his job to date. You can follow the show and cast on their social media platforms iZombie twitter facebook Rose McIver twitter Malcolm Goodwin twitter Aly Michalka twitter facebook iZombie returns for season two this week, on The CW Tuesday October 6, 2015. THIS POST CONTAINS POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 13 OF SEASON 1 OF "IZOMBIE". If you do not wish to read or view possible spoilers from the show. Do not continue. . . . last warning . . Next Tuesday, the season 1 Finale of The CW hit zombie show from DC Comics Vertigo iZombie will air. Back during production, I caught them filming a few scenes in my neighbourhood throughout the season, but none more open than the ones for the finale. Earlier in the day, they shot a scene with Aleks Paunovic as Julien Dupont shooting a scene where he is rummaging thru Major Lillywhites truck and finds an envelope. crosses the street back to MeatCute with the envelope in his hands. They then shot scenes inside that included David Anders and others. I took a break from there as they shot these scenes that were all inside the restaurant. When I returned, they had already prepped the area for the final scene I would see shot of the show. We see Robert Buckley as Major Lillywhite has managed to escape the MeatCute freezer and is ready to kick some asses and take some names. Major moves towards the meat store with a shotgun and blows the side window of the store out. At that time I ran out of space on my memory card, and feeling I had just seen a pretty cool scene, I went back home. I wish now, knowing how things have played out, I would have stayed to see what happened next. Below are a few pics from the day, and a video of 1 of the takes of the shooting out of the window. iZombie finale airs June 9, 2015 on The CW THIS POST CONTAINS PHOTOS FROM AN UPCOMING EPISODE OF "iZOMBIE". If you do not want to read or view potential spoilers prior to its airing, please do not continue. . . . last warning . . Today, March 17, 2015 will see a new DC Comics series come to life on The CW network as "iZombie" debuts. Filmed in Vancouver, the series will feature former "Once Upon A Time" recurring star Rose McIver as Olivia "Liv" Moore, a Seattle med student turns into a zombie after attending a party and gets a job as a coroner to feed her brain eating. When she eats a victims brain she absorbs memories from the deceased, which helps to solve their murders. On the day of shooting that I attended, there was not a lot to the scene except that Liv comes out of an alley and heads towards the Seattle Police station before being sidetracked by a vehicle that gets her attention. Malcolm Goodwin as "Clive Babineaux", a police detective that knows Livs secret, was also on set this night, but I never saw him in the scene while I was there.... or, if he was in it, it was out of my view. But I did manage to catch him and Rose chatting before they started shooting. The show also stars David Anders, Robert Buckley and Rahul Kohli. with recurring guest stars Aly Michalka, Molly Hagan, Chad Rook, Nick Purcha, Bradley James, Elise Gatien and Aleks Paunovic filling out the secondary cast. You can follow the shows stars on twitter or facebook below. iZombie official TWITTER FACEBOOK Rose McIver TWITTER Malcolm Goodwin TWITTER David Anders TWITTER Rahul Kohli TWITTER Aly Michalka TWITTER FACEBOOK Robert Buckley TWITTER Molly Hagan TWITTER Chad Rook TWITTER Bradley James TWITTER Elise Gatien TWITTER Aleks Paunovic TWITTER Nick Purcha TWITTER iZombie debuts March 17, 2015 on The CW. |
PHOTO PERMISSIONSAll photos posted in this blog are shot by Canadagraphs. Archives
October 2016