Seems like forever ago. It has been so long since my last Twilight cast themed blog I actually had to look it up. June 26th, 2011. Seems longer than that. To be honest, when they were here last time there was such a lack of interest... I really was certain the fad was dead & buried. Seems however, the fad isnt completely buried yet. The 150 new twitter followers I gained in 24 hrs upon relaying the info that they were back here in Vancouver to do Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn II re-shoots can attest to that.
The cast of the most successful movie franchise in Vancouver's history returned for another short re-shoot this week. It appears there are 4 main cast members rolling around the Lower Mainland for this re-shoot. Robert Pattinson is back to be Edward Cullen for 4 more days. His arrival was marked by about 10 or so people waiting for him. He speedwalked thru the calm & casual crowd of professional paps, autograph hounds & a couple casual fans to his waiting SUV while his over enthusiastic bodyguard Dean cleared a path for him. The Rob that most of us came to know back during New Moon who was casual, laid back & generally willing to stop and interact if you were that close to him is long gone of course, and now a zipping jaunt past the crowd is all you can expect when he is on Summits watch. If you manage to find him out and about, results usually are better, but as long as Summit is pulling his chain, he puts on this miserable fan-unfriendly demeanour. About an hour later, his girlfriend rolled thru with Michael Sheen. Kristen Stewart returns to be Bella, and nothing has changed with her. The generally miserable and anti-social anti-hero did her typical scurry thru the dozen or so people waiting. Like Rob, her attitude actually has become worse since the days of New Moon. Her demeanour went from "terrible" to "not bad" during New Moon, but then she left for a few months to do a Joan Jet movie, and returned as the most miserable person on the planet, and shes never goShe too got into an SUV and was soon off to her lovenest to meet up with the man who she hooked up with in the very hotel their romance seemingly started in. Michael Sheen (who I did see breifly, but did not have a chance to get any pics) arrived with KStew to resurrect his role of Aro. He DID stop & signed for those who opted to go over & wait for him in the terminal while Kristen snuck out a side door. Later in the night (actually early Monday) Ashley Greene would return to be Alice Cullen 1 last time. Ms. Greene was turning into a bit of a anti-social grump when she was here for the original Breaking Dawn shoot. Like Robert, she started off her time in Vancouver, pleasant and approachable, but soured during her long breaks in L.A. However, seems a few months away from the limelight has eased her ego some, as she was pleasant, willing to sign autographs again & all smiles on her return. Obviously, not being a fan of the movies, I am eagerly anticipating the day this franchise is done here. We have NEVER had a movie (let alone a group of them) here that has been so miserable, anti-fan, anti-interactive and all around hostile. Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn II re-shoots are scheduled from pril 30th to May 3rd. So any sightings of the stars are likely to be few, if any. Below is a few pics from Rob, Kristen & Ashley on their return. As with all my sets, if you re-post my photos, do so with proper credits & DO NOT remove the tags, or they will be removed from your site & the site may penalize you however their rules state for such infractions, which may include legal or civil penalties. If you want photos untagged for your site, images are for sale untagged, just inquire... as are autographs of the stars at the link tagged "Twilight autographs" on the left.
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Every event, there are celebs who are simply better & who are worse at interacting & respecting the fans, pros & random passerbys. This year was no different.
With so many things going on at the same time during TIFF, as many as 4 premieres were sometimes going on at the same time, it was impossible to cover them all & experience each & every celebrity there. So its very likely someone else would have a fairly different list than mine. But, with around 100 hours of hounding in the books for me, I feel this is a fairly well rounded list. So, I give you MY list of the 2011 Toronto International Film Festival Best & worst list. BEST 1- Justin Long - Not only did he talk to anyone who wanted, he signed, took photos with, talked to fans friends on the phone, and did the entire line of his red carpet. While his co-star used the excuse of having to get into his premiere but would be right back out, Long also said the same thing... but he actually DID come out. 2- George Clooney - Two premieres, both of them he signed down the entire row at the red carpet. Its absurd to think I know, but yes, he is that nice. 3- Chris Pratt - Such a nice guy. Won over many fans on his arrival, his presser and red carpet for Moneyball by being so friendly & patient. 4- Ezra Miller - Flashy wardrobe aside, this guy is super class & very chilled guy. Came out of his press conference & gave a fan some chocolate he was given inside, chatted for a couple minutes & when he heard a punk rock legend was inside the hotel nodded in approval & said "now thats someone I wanna party with". 5- Chloe Moretz - Although not everyone got her going into her premiere because of the terrible set up they had there, she tried her best to get as many as she could, and did the same leaving. 6- Megan Fox - She did a great job on the carpet again. She might not have spent quite as much time as last year, and her autographs were far less spectacular this time around, but she still won over a lot of fans with her red carpet actions. 7- Anna Faris - She was as cool and friendly as I hoped she would be. Just disappointed I didnt have anything for her to sign when I saw her arrive. 8- Nicolas Cage - Even in pouring rain, Nic stopped, signed autographs & did photos with people while leaving dinner. At his press conference he was just as good. 9- Paddy Considine - I had no clue who he was, but helped another hound get him. As it turned out...he probably didnt need my help, as Paddy stood there and willingly signed everything he had. 10- Willem Dafoe - Despite me coming up behind him and taking him by surprise, he stopped and willingly signed everything I had. 11- Geoffrey Rush - With the exception of seeing him going to a premiere that he was late getting to, Mr. Rush was terrific in all the other interactions I had with him during TIFF 12- Ryan Gosling - Although I got as many autographs from him as George Clooney on the same red carpet, George was just better at it. Ryan certainly won over a lot of fans though. 13- Alexander Skarsgard - Despite the rabid furvor for this TV star, the man handled it all quite well and more importantly, was a willing signer, and patient. 14- Dominic Monaghan - A small crowd of people noticed him at his press conference going in. He stopped, waited even for the 1 girl who had stuff for him to find it, then signed it all. Very pleasant. 15- Sarah Bolger - Her entire cast might have been 1 of the best signing casts there, but for me, this Irish beauty was the best of the bunch. Honorable mention - Kim Coates, Asia Argento, Sarah Gadon, Selma Blair, Madonna, Hugh Dancy WORST 1- Woody Harrelson. - even Woodys mom isnt shocked to hear he was again a class A douchebag. No autographs, limited to 0 interaction in general. 2- Gael Garcia Bernal - For someone with only ONE big movie in his career, he thinks a lot of himself. I saw him sign ONE autograph for a crowd of 10 or so. 3- Chace Crawford - He should see a doctor about his irrational phobia of sharpies. Signed MAYBE 8 autographs at his premiere. For someone that anyone over the age of 18 cant ID, thats pathetic. 4- Hugh Laurie - Every TIFF someone disappoints me. This yr, Dr. House. I heard reports he didnt even acknowledge the crowd at his premiere going in, on the way out, I saw what the meant. A half assed head up & wave to the crowd leaving was all he greeted people at his premiere with. 5- Ashley Greene - Is it any shock to anyone that this self portraiting nude model turned wannabe celeb mattress & part time actress got booed at a party by the fans? Afterall she snubbed them all there, and had minimal interaction at her premiere too. 6- Mia Wasikowska - When she showed up for TIFF, 1/2 the people didnt even care about her, but she acted like she was Madonna or Brangelina. I heard reports at her premiere that she was even WORSE than when she arrived. 7- Rebecca Hall - Signed about 10 autographs at a premiere that had MAYBE 150 people at it. Clearly she has no interest in trying to win over fans for her movies. 8- Kyle McLachlan - Did I seriously see the guy best known for playing the captain on How I Met Your Mother sign 3 total autographs at his premiere??? Yes, sadly. 9- Jonah Hill - Although Mr. Hill was allegedly nice leaving town, he was a jerk entering it. He carried himself like someone who was coming off his 5th consecutive Oscar. More shocking was the absolute nobody friend that he came with who acted like HE was a star and was speaking for Jonah, lipping off fans for Jonah, and sticking his middle finger up in the back of pics with Jonah. If Jonah has a functioning brain, he will disassociate with this "friend" before his rep gets anymore battered. 10- Elizabeth Olsen - I realize it has to suck being the unknown sister of the worlds most famous former TV twins. But it doesnt give you a licence to be a bitch. Was not very receptive upon arriving in town, was poor at her premiere, and horrible upon leaving it. 11- Arielle Kebbel - I give her kudos for taking a few seconds to talk to a little girl. All those kudos are lost however when you learn she immediately snubbed the ONE person who was waiting for an autograph right there as well. 12- Pearl Jam - Entire band signed ZERO autographs total between them. Outside of a vague hand wave from Eddie Vedder, they didnt really even give the fans anything. 13- Neil Young - Although he signed a lot leaving his event from what I heard, going in, the Canadian legend signed a grand total of ONE autograph. 14- Channing Tatum - Although I heard he did sign a few early on upon arrival, I saw Channing sign exaclty ONE item that wasnt a magazine or piece of paper. Perhaps he did sign some more earlier on & assumed he got everyone? I dont know, all I do know is, in the several minutes I saw him, he dodged requests to sign normal items. His excuse of "I have to get in to my premiere..I'll be back out" cements his spot on my list when you see my #1 best. 15- Rachel Weisz - she turned down a request to sign for 3 whole people the 1 time I saw her. She did say "when I come out" unfortunately, no one was there for her when she came out to see if she followed thru on her statement. Dishonorable mention - Glenn Close, Alexis Bledel, Ewan McGregor, Alicia Silverstone, Kim Cattrall, Top 5 moments 1- Got Madonna. I never sit & wait on red carpets. Its not value efficient. But for a glimmer of a chance to get 1 of the top 10 names on the planet, yes, I put in 4.5 hrs sitting around in 1 spot waiting. It paid off. The material girl gave me 1 of the 75-100 autographs she doled out at her premiere. My position even helped nab an Abbie Cornish autograph as well to top it off. 2- Getting 4 George Clooneys & 4 Ryan Goslings at Ides Of March premiere. A red carpet that most of the pros called "impenetrable" and rightfully so with its massive crowd, I managed to sneak in and out of areas by simply thinking ahead of the crowd to get each star 4 times. 3- Getting 6 Chloe Moretz at Hick premiere. Last year Michael C. Hall was my top want of TIFF, this year, it was the girl who played Hit Girl. Like Hall, she did not disappoint. 4- Seeing myself everywhere on advertisements. TIFF had a variety of promotional photos around town (and on my flight there in the in flight mag). One of them features me in the background. I saw it everywhere, magazines, posters, wrapped around a pilar, 25 ft tall wall mural outside the TIFF building...and even on elevator doors. 5- Meeting Ezra Miller and Chris Pratt. Neither of these guys had I ever heard of going into TIFF, but both made such great impressions on me, I am planning to go check out some of their works now. Pratts coolness overshadowed Jonah Hills prickness enough that I probably will still see Moneyball. Bottom 5 moments 1- Didnt get Robert DeNiro again. Last yr at the press conference he signed to the left of me, and above me. This year, he did the EXACT same thing...except, this time on the red carpet. 2- Getting Saoirse Ronan.. in dying shitty useless silver pen...twice. Near the top of my want list, I should be happy....but the pen ruins the items. Instead of keeping 1 & selling 1, I now have two that I'm selling. 3- Going for Neil Young...instead of waiting around at Killer Elite premiere, where Jason Statham came back out. Neil stiffed the crowd, Statham, someone high on my want list, came back out after his red carpet interviews & signed for everyone. 4- Not going for U2. Bono & The Edge racked out, and I was talked out of it with the misguided logic that the crowd was going to be too big. 5- Not having stuff for the likes of Piper Perabo, Anna Faris or Chris Gorham when I saw them. Day 6 was wrought with huge disappointments for me and others. Cancellations dominated the day as the likes of Jane Fonda, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Jennifer Lawrence were all absent desite being on the original guest lists.
My day started off confirming Lawrences absence and speculating heaving that JDM was also a no-show. However, I was still hopeful he was maybe in Toronto for the premiere and just somehow wasnt at the press conference. I showed up to the premiere for Peace, Love and Misunderstandings hoping for the man who played John Winchester to be in attendance, and worst case least I would get Jane Fonda. As it turns out, NEITHER of those situations happened, as both of them were no-shows. Instead, we were mistreated to the incredibly unfriendly Chase Crawford and shockingly unfriendly Kyle MacLachlan, who between of them signed maybe 10 autographs and spent less than a minute interacting with the fans. I dont know what company is dishing the $ out for P,L&M but I can assure you, the cancellation of the movies 2 biggest names and absolute neglect from itsw 2 second tier names likely unsold many tickets that night. The public relations team for this film must have had heart attacks when they checked the next day for fan on the street reactions and saw plenty of negatively worded responses. One of the reactions I saw in person was a gil, maybe 15ish who word for word said "fuck Chase. He NEEDS our ticket sales, we dont NEED his acting, theres lots of other guys to follow". Thisw blunt, factual and quite attentive response to being slighted by the tv actor is the type of thing that will over time hurt his star power. Hes replaceable, theres dozens of prettyboy faces out there, and some casting director is going to 1 day pick a nicer, more personable, more fan friendly 1 over him. The casting director of PL&M probably wishes they had that prior insight. I attempted the Jennfer Garner red carpet. Had Alicia Silverstone signing near me, but was unable to get close enough to the fading star to get 1 of the limited autographs she tossed out. Jennifer Garner was just as bad, even statign 9according to a source who actually has admited to having bad hearing...but her body language did convey the same message) "I dont like you" as she skipped over my item, which seemed odd for someone that had prior to that moment only seen me for a total of 20 seonds in her entire life, back in 2007. and no words or actions were exchanged in that meeting. After the shitty start to this day, I decided I better go for what SHOULD be a slam dunk. A premiere at the small Isabelle Bader Theatre. It was the only premiere the theatre had this festival that I worked, and it was...ok. I managed a couple autographs from Sarah Bolger and Scott Speedman as well as 1 from Lily Cole. Sarah Gadon was also there and signed willingly, I just had nothing for the budding star. It broke my shutout slump..even though I had hoped for at least 2 more autographs from that carpet, it was a start. I contemplated quitting the night there & cutting my losses, but instead took the short walk over to the Windsor Arms for the InStyle party. A plethora of C & D list names populated the Canadian version of this party. I was disappointed to miss Covert Affairs stars Chris Gorham and Piper Perabo, both of whom walked right by me. I managed an autograph from Anton Yelchin and 1 from Jessica Chastain, before |I opted to call it a night. A few other names went to the party. Ashley Greene of Twilight fame went there, snubbed the crowd, and got loudly booed for her disrespect. This girl will be doing TV Movies of the week within 2 yrs. She has little to no talent, and a sour attitude and the Twi-fame is about to be done...and she seems oblivious to it. The Trailer Park Boys also showed up, and greeted, signed and took pics with anyone who asked. They have always been terrific at fan interactions, this time was no different. Kim Cattrall was seen leaving the party and snubbed most requests, although she did sign 1 autograph, most of the requests for the aging star were ignored. All toll, considering how abysmal the day started, getting what I did in the end seemed like a small victory. GRADES A+ Trailer Park Boys A- Sarah Bolger A- Sarah Gadon A- Christopher Gorham B Scott Speedman B- Jessica Chastain B- Lyndsy Fonseca C+ Anton Yelchin C Lily Cole C- Alicia Silverstone C- Piper Perabo C- Kim Cattrall D+ Jennifer Garner D Ashley Greene D Chase Crawford D Kyle MacLachlan TOTAL autographs 7 ![]() The 36th annual Toronto International Film Festival begins later this week, and we will again be there. Last year, I gave you a list of 20 people I wanted to get. I managed to see 15 of them, only managed to nab 8 of those 20 though for autographs, but I did get my #1, so that was a victory. This year, I have pushed the list to 30. So here it top 30 want list for TIFF 2011. 1 Chloe Moretz - Didnt get Hit Girl last year at film fest when she cancelled for a family birthday party. This year, shes committed to coming. Must get. 2 Hugh Laurie - Last year it was Dexter. This year its Dr. House. My must get TV person. 3 Antonio Banderas - Puss In Boots. If he wasnt PIB, I wouldnt even care he was there. 4 Madonna - Really? Are you even remotely shocked? Its Madonna. Theres few names in the entertainment universe as big as this. 5 Saoirse Ronan - She was terrific in Hanna. An Academy Award nominee at just 13 for Atonement. Must get IMO. 6 Maggie Gyllenhaal - Loved Secreatary, loved The Dark Knight. 7 Brad Pitt - Normally, a guy dumb enough to leave Jennifer Aniston for Angelina Jolie I would assume has bad decision making skills...but he seems to make blockbuster movies despite this severe retardation. 8 Michelle Williams - Huge Dawsons Creek fan. Actually got her autograph way back when she was still on DC, but was working for someone else at the time & despite asking for 1, never got 1. Chance to rememdy that now. 9 Jeffrey Dean Morgan - Huge Supernatural fan, always looking to add new things to my collection. 10 Jason Statham - Its JasoN Statham, nuff said. 11 Neil Young - Hes ahead of U2 and Pearl Jam simply because I've somehow never got him before. 12 Elena Anaya - Never knew who she was till I found some hot pics of her from a movie she did. 13 U2 - If you havent heard of them, its ok. They might be big someday. 14 George Clooney - In 2007 I literally missed getting him by less than 3 ft. Chance for redemption. 15 Julia Maxwell - Key figure in season 6 of Supernatural was Eve. Played by this hot specimen. 16 Kyle MacLachlan - The Captain on How I Met Your Mother. Nuff said. 17 Keira Knightley - Hopefully redemption for not getting her in 2007. 18 Gerard Butler - Its Gerard Butler. Nuff said. 19 Alison Pill - She was the only character in Milk I liked. 20 Gael Garcia Bernal - In 2007 I was naive enough to think "ah I'll just walk right up and get this guy. No one cares about him". Now I am sart enough from my prior experience to know "I NEED to get him". 21 Nicholas Cage - Got his autograph before when he filmed Ghost Rider, but it was on a Colorado Avalance team card because I wasnt expecting him. Never seen him since. Chance to finally get the photos I printed back then done. 22 Jennifer Lawrence - Even though I know nothing about The Hunger Games, I also am smart enough to know from my Twilight experiences, dont poo-poo these book driven series. 23 Pearl Jam - Despite having got them more times than I can recall, I will always want more. 24 Viggo Mortensen - Funny enough, I got him in 2007 and didnt really know who he was then, since then I've seen him in Eastern Promises and A History Of Voilence, so now I WANT to get him. 25 Ewan McGregor - Star Wars. Nuff Said. Got him in 2007. 26 Jennifer Garner - should have got her 4 yrs ago at my 1st film fest, but some deaf hounds ruined it for everyone when they disregarded her demand to not push. Fingers crossed I get to her this time before they ruin it again. 27 Lily Cole - Dont know anything about her except she looks hot, and isnt opposed to being naked. 28 Sarah Silverman - She was 14th on my list last year, and I got her. Thus why shes not too high up this year, but still someone I hope to get again. 29 Liana Liberato - Had photos for her last year, but missed out. Second crack, maybe this time I'll get her. 30 Robin Wright - I am really assuming she will be much nicer than her ex, Sean Penn. Others I would be happy to find.... Selma Blair, Willem Dafoe, Kirsten Dunst, Ryan Gosling, Leighton Meester, Chris Pratt, Scott Speedman, Rachel Weisz & Anton Yelchin. Hoping they show up - Ralph Fiennes, Brendan Gleeson, Hugh Jackman, Ashley Greene, Eric Peterson, Alicia Silverstone, Nicole Kidman, Ed Helms, Jason Segal, Bryan Cranston As Summit Entertainment winds down the filming on the 5th & final installment in the Twilight series, " Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn II" most of the films mainstay stars like Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner, have wrapped up their roles & started planning their lives beyond the franchise that has made many of them arguably household names & certainly, larger stars than they ever envisioned before taking on the roles, some of the films long standing members are still in Vancouver however, filming the last scenes of the epic quintology film box office juggernaut (minus eventual re-shoots).
This past Tuesday, 3 of them returned. Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen), Jackson Rathbone (Jasper Hale) & Kellan Lutz (Emmet Cullen) returned along with Mr. Lutz on again off again girlfriend Annalynne McCord (from 90210). While Lutz signed a small handful of autographs for the waiting crowd & McCord signed for anyone that asked, Greene was quite unwilling to stop. Rathbone, who was walking with Greene was friendly as usual, but with most being unprepared for his arriving, no one really asked him. Below is a few pics of the cast on their return. While my wrist isnt 100% quite yet, its much better.....sooo, some blogging can finally be done.
With the 3rd installment in the Twilight Saga, Eclipse now in the theatres....time to toss out a few more pics of the cast while they were here filming New Moon & Eclipse. First up...the females. I have far less photos of them than the guys, they were just seen less often by me. So, heres so previously un-posted pics (in my blog...if you actually have checked out my candid photos section..maybe you've seen some of them) of Ashley Greene, Dakota Fanning, Kristen Stewart & Nikki Reed... with special cameos by Ian Somerhalder, Taylor Lautner & Robert Pattinson. Xavier Samuel this summer impresed me with his casual non-challant attitude to his new found fame. Lots of new stars fall into the fame pit & get egos. He didnt, and may even have become more personable as it went on. The first time I met him I wasnt sure about him, but as time went on, I learned hes a good guy.
He also went out a lot with various cast members. Most common sidekicks were Bryce Dallas Howard & Ashley Greene. Heres a few pics from his time out & about with them. |
About meI occasionally argue with inanimate objects, but I usually win. So its all good. Archives
June 2012