The 2012 Leo Awards took place Friday & Saturday May 25th & 26th at the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver.
This was the 2nd consecutive year the historic Hotel Van housed the awards. Last year, they had the red carpet out on the very busy Georgia Street. While this was great for publicity for the awards, it was a major safety concern as traffic tends to zip by on there & there was several (including myself) instances last year of people needing to step out onto the street to walk by, thus risking their lives somewhat. The red carpet dominated about 4/5 of the sidewalk. This year, they went with a safer approach, which was too far in the other direction. They had the red carpet upstairs in a ballroom, 2 floors up... and while the public was allowed to wait around the check in counter outside the red carpet area, they were not allowed in this time to wait on the red carpet.....meaning, the ONLY red carpet pics this year, will be the very limited number that the very few reporters & bloggers who were accredited opt to put out there. This is IMHO a disservice to the nominees who often would appreciate any free press they can get, and the awards themselves. For an event that has always been a very fan friendly event (even when those fans were protesting a show being cancelled, as was the case in 2007 with CBC series jPod), this was a small smudge on their image. Next year, I suspect they will need to work on a new design for how to have things. Even several of the nominees & presenters we chatted with seemed VERY dismayed and shocked at this turn of events. The limited access this year however didnt stop the "in the know" people of the city, who figured out where we could go & made good of what we were given. When I got to the hotel, my friends from told me the bad news & worse, 1 of my top 10 names that I wanted to get, was already in, Ben Cotton. I became a huge fan of the adult themed puppet mockumentary "Sunflower Hour" this past year when I saw it at the Vancouver International Film Festival. So I made a couple cast images to get signed, since most of them were expected to be there. But I had already missed Ben. I was then given the news "you can go upstairs, you just cant go inside... maybe he's hanging around up there" so I went up, didnt see him though. I returned to the lobby, JUST IN TIME to see the next celeb roll in. "Sanctuary" star (Winner - Best Lead Male in a Feature Length Film) Ryan Robbins was coming in. We got Ryans attention & he proceeded to sign for us, and enthusiastically talk about his other project "Falling Skies" & he was asked about if he was going to be on AMC's "Hell On Wheels" & he wasnt sure if he could talk about it much but said yes. He was terrific as always, and quite candid & open as he told us about a pretty serious accident he had on the set of Sanctuary this past year that left him not doing well for a couple weeks. After that we went back upstairs to see who we missed as several people seemed to come in. I 1st managed to get another "Sunflower Hour" star (winner - Best Supporting Actress in a Feature Length Film) Johannah Newmarch. Upon seeing my cast item I was working on, she went inside & found Ben Cotton for me. Ben signed and chatted about the movie & how much fun it was to do. I asked him if he had any other projects on the go, and he told me not currently... so dear god, SOMEONE, give this brilliant acting specimen a regular gig. He was 1 of the few shining lights from Hellcats. It didnt take long before things started rolling along at a pretty frequent pace. Next up was "Vampire Diaries" star (nominee - Best Lead Actress in a Feature Length Film - Hannah's Law) Sara Canning, now a member of Vancouver shot series "Primeval New World". She signed for me & the others there, and stopped to chat a bit with a couple people. She was 1 of the bigger people I was hoping for, so it was exciting to get her out of the way early on. Then things became a scramble. I might have (some/much) of this out of order. At some point, I got "The Killing" star (nominee - Best Lead Actress in a Feature Length Film - Sisters & Brothers) Kacey Rohl. Like Johannah & Ben prior, she had just great things to say about doing the film Sunflower Hour and loved the pics I had. Around that same time, another "The Killing" & "SGU" star (nominee - Best Lead Actor in a Feature Length Film - Sunflower Hour ) came by, Patrick Gilmore. Mr. Gilmore was his usual jovial self. He willingly signed what we had and chatted with us for a bit. Sometime a little later a bunch of the cast of "Sunflower Hour" came back out & right towards where I was... seemed they were trying to help me get Ben Cotton's autograph, but I already had him. They then stopped and by this point a few other autograph collectors had made their way upstairs, and there was new people looking for autographs from the likes of Patrick Gilmore. While that was going on, I was introduced to Aaron Houston (nominee - Best Screenwriting in a Feature Length Film - Sunflower Hour) and had him also sign my cast poster photo. I then asked him when it might get a DVD release, he said "soon" and I told him I have been impatiently waiting for it, as I have wanted to see it again. He promised it should be "in the next couple of months in the States, then up here" for a DVD release, which I was a tad disappointed to hear, but long as its out SOMEWHERE, I wouldnt groan too much where I got it from at this point. One of the last people I would get was Peter New (nominee Best Supporting Actor in a feature length film) to sign my Sunflower Hour item, leaving it completed by the main cast, minus Amitai Marmorstein (who was not there). The most bizaare event of the evening, and if it were not for Robin Dunne dropping his pants on Georgia Street last year, I would suggest strangest moment in my history at the Leo Awards, Patrick Gilmore signed the stomach of 1 of the local autograph hounds after they chatted about his tattoos, which included 1 from a Harlem Globetrotter who had signed his arm & he had it tattooed over. Patrick even had Ben Cotton photograph the event while his guest/date this evening, the often entertaining in her own right, @KeepinltLeal (1/3 of the entertainingly odd "music" group "Coupla Hot Chicks...Maybe 3") stood by probably regretting getting dressed up for such an affair as she witnessed Patrick sipping champagne while signing a guys body. In typical Gilmore fashion, it became of course, a tweet of his in the documentation of his evening that he tweeted that evening (Seriously, if you dont follow him on twitter.... do it, more often than not, entertaining tweets) as he showed the world the adventures he was having (really, Patrick is 1 of twitters best celebrity tweeters 93.5% of the time). Only at the Leo Awards would you see a nominee for Best actor in a feature movie sign the chest of a male fan while drinking champagne & then have that said actor boast about it on twitter... this is why the Leos are 1 of my favorite events annually. As the evening went on, eventually we would nab several of the "Sanctuary" cast as they showed up for the shows big last hurrah at the awards. Outside of Ryan Robbins, we also got Christopher Heyerdahl (Winner - Best Performance in a Youths or Childrens Program - The Haunting Hour) to sign, and he said he's really enjoying working on the AMC series "Hell On Wheels". Robin Dunne (nominee - Best Actor in a Drama Series) would come by a bit later, and although he seemed rushed (he was 1 of the awards hosts as well as nominee) stopped to sign for those there. Emilie Ullerup (nominee - Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series - Arctic Air) also took the time to stop and sign (finally) which was a big relief for me, after I tried to get her at a fan expo not that long ago but was told from her she cant sign there for free, and I suggested how about the Leo Awards & she said sure if she is nominated. So in the end, it all worked out. One of the last people to show up was Amanda Tapping (nominee - Best Actress in a Drama Series) and she still had the time to stop & sign for everyone. Agam Darshi was also there, but I had nothing for her and watched as she signed for a couple other people who did have things for her. With "Hiccups" being nominated for a few awards, former "Corner Gas" stars Brent Butt & Nancy Robertson were there of course. Butt seemed a bit hesitant to sign at first, but eventually stopped and did so, while Nancy stood there for the mostpart watching her husband sign for everyone till 1 of the other hounds came up with a Hiccups photo. Shortly after, I got wedged my way by Brent (we were standing in a very crowded confined space near a wall) to go get Nancy as well. She was so amazed by my "Dead Like Me" photo I had she almost forgot to sign it. Everytime I have pulled a DLM photo on someone, they have been amazed by them. "Arctic Air" had several reps there, besides Ullerup, Carmen Moore (nominee - Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series) was asked by a few fans to sign & she did so happily, while I tracked down Stephen Lobo (nominee - Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series & Best Supporting Actor in a Feature Length Film). Sadly, Kevin McNulty, the only cast member I actually needed (on my Robson Arms cast items) wasnt there. Somehow, we never saw Pascale Hutton, even though she was apparently there. I saw "Once Upon A Time" cast members "Blue Fairy" Keegan Connor Tracy (nominee - Best Guest Actress in a Drama Series) & "Hansel" Quinn Lord (nominee - Best Actor in Short Drama Film - Last Christmas) there as well, but I had nothing for Keegan, and didnt see Quinn till it was too late. I saw "Robson Arms" & "Once Upon A Tiime" star Gabrielle Rose. I asked her for an autograph & she was willing to sign, but it was going to take me a few moments to figure out where the item was (by this point, things had been pulled out of my binder, moved, misplaced etc) and said I would get her after she checked in. UNFORTUNATELY, they sent her along the table till she was right at the door, and once out of sight, I was also out of mind, and missed my chance. I saw "The Killing" star Tyler Johnston as he was heading in & didnt have time to get him to sign the item I got for him. I saw another "The Killing" star Brandon Jay McLaren show up, but had nothing for him sadly, although I wish I had the "Tucker & Dale VS Evil" photo 1 of the others had. All in all, almost 40 autographs at this years Leo Awards made it a venture worth my time. my nearly complete Sunflower Hour poster photo (gonna have to track down Amitai Marmorstein now) being my favorite item of the evening. I will do a report on the actual winners (actors and films/shows... and maybe a couple others) soon. Here is some of the pics of the evenings successes and adventures.
Now that 2011 has expired, it is time to look back at the year that was. I didnt travel too much this year, but that was ok, as elite names were roaming the streets of Vancouver throughout the year... now only if I had ran into some of them. 20 - Ellen Degeneres I managed to get the talk show icon twice on her trip to Vancouver, including the 1st autograph I got in which I had to run 4 blocks to get after being given up to the second info on where she was. Few if any autographs I got this year took more energy out of me than that 1st 1 I got from her. Next day, she signed again and was happy to do it. 19 - Axl Rose For a long time, I had heard nothing but horror stories about the lead singer for Guns N Roses. So I was not eager to go for him. However, this past time thru Vancouver, not only did the band actually play the show they came here to play, but Axl was even a willing signer. Pretty much anyone that went for him here got him. 18 - Simon Pegg While here for Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol, Mr. Pegg was the most often seen of the films stars. Whether it was at the airport, his hotel or the movie theatre, the Hot Fuzz star signed whatever was asked more often than not. 17 - Henry Cavill The new Superman has been very good here so far. Although he is strict about limiting his autograph to 1 per person each time you see him, he has still been terrific in the interactions people have had with him. 16 - Cast of Sanctuary Never had a bad experience with this cast, this year was no different. Whether it was at the Leo Awards, the airport or a charity event, each member of the cast was exceptional. 15 - Cast of The Secret Circle This cast could have made the top 10, if it werent for 1 exceptionally bitter & sour life hating senior cast member of the show. That exception aside...the rest of the cast has been terrific with us. 14- Matt Barr & Aly Michalka I miss Hellcats. Not just because of the campy cheerleader drama storylines. But because 2 of the nicer celebs we have had in Vancouver in a long time left when the show did. While some other cast members were a lot less thrilled to interact with fans during the shows 1 year run, Matt & Aly were as accomodating & friendly as you can expect. Class acts. 13- Cast Of Supernatural Much like Ms. Torv from Fringe, the cast of Supernatural, whether its Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Jim Beaver or the recurring characters of the show have been quite good to us Vancouverites when we run into them. Long as the regulars respect the no asking them on set policy, they are more than receptive to signing and chatting with us away from set when we see them. 12 - Leo Awards This years award ceremony for BC film industry was not as spectacular as past ones I had hounded. Much of that was because of an unexpected change of venue & the loss of 1 or 2 shows since last year. Still, a list of names came out that made the effort worthwhile. 11 - Amy Adams I had heard that Ms. Adams was a very willing signer, but till I saw it for myself, I didnt understand just how good she was. She willingly signed for everyone till there was nothing left out there to sign. She did it too with a smile. Wish all movie stars could have that level of appreciation. 10 - Booboo Stewart, Myanna Buring, Julia Jones, Guri Weinberg This past year, the final installment of the Twilight Saga series, Breaking Dawn 1 & 2 was filmed here. In the years prior, some of the bigger names in the film were at times, pretty decent signers. This year however, there was VERY FEW great interactions with the cast. The names above were the very few I can say were outstanding. Considering how massive the cast was, its sad you can count the great experiences on 1 hand. Not to say ALL the others were terrible, but that they didnt neccesarily stand out as great. 9- Cast Of Fringe The cast of the hit FOX show Fringe is generally friendly (the occasional grumpy Mr. Noble encounter not withstanding) the true star from a fan interaction aspect is usually Anna Torv in past years. Despite seeing the regulars probably 100+ times combined over the shows run here, she still willingly signs for us, even at the absurd time of 5:30 AM. This season, Seth Gabel became a regular and skyrocketed up along side his Fringe co-star for terrific interactions. Joshua Jackson, Jasika Nicole & others are terrific as well. 8 - John Schneider Although from an excitement standpoint, getting Mr. Schneider wasnt overly high for me (I was a Dukes of Hazzard fan..but not a massive fan), it was how wonderfully personable he was each & every time that won me over. My 1st interaction with him was 1 of the rare "I wasnt expecting that" situations where we were at the airport for persons unrelated, and saw a sign for him there. Knowing he was coming in for an episode eventually, we waited to see if it was him, it was. He happily signed then. Seeing him 2 more times after, he was just as gracious each time after, even at the Smallville wrap party, where some of the bigger stars were nothing short of rude, Mr. Schneider was 1 of the ones that made the fans waiting out there happy. 7 - Cast Of Once Upon A Time Usually when new TV shows roll into town, odds are someone on the cast thinks more of themselves than they actually are. Not so with the cast of the new ABC fantasy drama Once Upon A Time. Each & every cast member I have met has been terrific with interacting with the fans & the pros. It was the overall attitude of this cast that made me hope for it to do well...I'm glad it is succeeding, this cast deserves it. 6- Sharlto Copley The District 9 star is simply, awesome. How awesome is he with fans? After a flight that was the better part of a day, he stopped, chatted with fans at the airport, did photos with, and even cracked a few jokes. So awesome he did an autograph session for a local African import store "African Breese Imports" just because they asked...and at the autograph session, he had no qualms signing stacks for fans, collectors or dealers alike. One guy plopped down 30 or so photos, Sharlto went thru the entire stack, not once groaning about doing it and thanked the guy for coming afterwards. 5- Callum Blue
Being a huge Dead Like Me fan, I still get a bit excited when I meet any of the cast. This past year, I had a 4th (or 5th?) chance to meet Callum Blue. He was in town reprising his Smallville role as Zod. What made this meeting stand out more than others prior though was how it went down. I first learned he was going to be coming back..I then contacted him thru a site I knew he was a member of that I too was a member of. He replied back with when he was coming. I then tried, several times, but without success, to cross paths with him naturally. So I gave him another message & he told me what day he would be off. So I tried that day, called his room & he answered & came right down. In the pouring rain, he stood, signed, and chatted with my friend & I for several minutes. 4- Chloe Moretz At 2010 TIFF I had Ms. Moretz high on my list of people to get...but she cancelled. This year however, Hit Girl was there, and made up for the year long wait. One of the best signers at TIFF. Even with volunteers telling her she had to go, she still kept signing. 3- TIFF - The 2011 Toronto International Film Festival Individually, several of the events from Tiff could make this list, and a couple I did list individually. But for the mostpart, the entire event of the Toronto International Film Festival falls under 1 event for me. So thus, why it is going here. This years fest was certainly my most successful from a star power aspect, and total wise, it was close to my best. Stars like George Clooney, Megan Fox, Madonna, Nicolas Cage & Ryan Gosling made the event quite successful for me. It was the newer names I wasnt as faimiliar with before going that made some of the more cool moments though, like Chris Pratt, Ezra Miller, Dominic Monaghan and Sarah Bolger who all made me fans of them with the way they handled their attention. 2 - Tom Cruise While I did get a disappointingly low total of 2 autographs from someone I was told "signs everything", a lot of that wasnt any fault of his or really mine either. It was just dumb luck. Still, I managed to get 2 from him, which was still 2 more than most hounds in Vancouver got from him. The 1 and only night outside the trade & convention center unfortunately turned out to be the 1 and only chance Vancouverites got to get the Mission Impossible star. He made the waiting worth it though, as Mr. Cruise strolled over to a crowd of 20-30 people (which swelled to 75-100 when extras & crew came over too) around midnight & did a 20-30 minute meet & greet with fans, taking photos & signing autographs. Each interaction he made feel special, he asked fans to make sure their photos turned out and even acknowledged autograph requests with a level of respect, and not just a "ugh, fine" mentality to it. 1- Madonna No disrespect to Mr. Cruise, but at the end of the day, a rare, hard to obtain signature is a bigger deal on average than a classy, easier to obtain star. Anytime you get someone of Madonna's level of fame, its probably going to make your best list. The Material Girl has been known for quite awhile as, at best, an unwilling signer. However, when you are promoting a movie you directed & has been panned by many critics, you are on your best behaviour. That is what fans in Toronto got when the pop icon was there to promote W.E. this past Summer for TIFF. Madonna signed probably 75-100 autographs on the red carpet, and signed at dinner a bit later after her event as well. Some honorable mentions should go out to the likes of Patrick Gilmore, Rose McGowan, Daniel & Henrik Sedin, Ben Cotton & Lyndsy Fonseca. So, that concludes 2011. Some amazing successes for me. Granted, there was some downright failures as well. I somehow never got Matt Damon despite him being here for 2-3 months. All my Saoirse Ronan autographs were ruined by an ugly fading silver sharpie. I missed Robert DeNiro AGAIN by mere inches, and same with Brad Pitt this time. Who will grace the list at the end of 2012? Going into 2011, there wasnt a lot of "sure things" I could see making the list. To be honest, most of the list is a complete surprise, simply because I didnt know going into 2011 these people would cross my paths. ![]() So this past weekend saw the annual Supernatural fan convention in Vancouver come and go. A variety of the cast, both regulars and sporadic came to talk, take photos with fans, and sign autographs....all at the absurdly exorbitant prices the con runners were able to gouge for. I have nothing against a company running a convention and making a reasonable profit, but when I hear from someone that JUST her convention ticket and extras has cost her over $1000, I think your ripping these people off....aaanyways, back on track. While the majority still were there for the Winchester boys Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles. Fans came from around the world to also see the likes of Misha Collins, Sebastian Roche, Alona Tal, Corin Nemec, Chad Lindberg, Chris Heyerdahl, Matt Cohen, Richard Speight Jr, Steven Williams and Colin Lawrence. This is not a report of what happened INSIDE the con. Theres enough blogs to report and document that. I wont pay this companies prices...even though I would have loved to see a couple of the panels. Lots happened that weekend for me. I got every cast member there with the exception of J2 and Colin Lawrence (whom I couldnt find an item for). The strangest situation that weekend in my opinion, wasnt the completely naked guy running around the courtyard of the hotel on 1 of the days. No, that odd situation 9which I missed luckily) was outdone by me getting an autograph from a person who has publicly on twitter confessed his hate for me. Yes, "Tiny" (aka - Clif Kosterman.. aka, J2s bodyguard) signed a photo I had of him from his role on Supernatural where he played a prisoner that ends up dead. I thought that weekend would be the chance to get him to sign the photo. I had carried it around for over a year, but it wasnt till now that I felt...he might sign it. You see, Clif got in some hot water earlier this month with a single meaty digit on his hand being raised a tad too high in a photo that a local wannabe pap took. Now obviously no one but those on the inside know what was said/done to reprimand him for this action, but the outward view is pretty clear, he is on damage control. He invented the "duck nation" (which I wont lie...if anyone but him was running it, I would think was kinda cool...even if it doesnt have any relevant connection to SPN that I can think of) idea that SPN fans have been contributing to by sending in rubber ducks to the studio. The fact that it came up IMMEDIATELY after the Trudeau salute, and has had "no set cut off point" yet tells you the PR people that peddled the idea for him are playing it by ear. When I saw them in New West a couple weeks ago, I sort of suspected then he was on damage control when he was waving at the fans as he drove away with a duck in his hand. But it was the pushing of this "duck nation" then his suprisingly civil response to me on twitter when I publicly stated that maybe I would ask him for an autograph this time that made me aware, he is on his best behaviour. Even the autograph interaction was shockingly "friendly" from a guy who has publicly belittled me. In fact, 2 of the 3 people he publicly stated a hate for were there for the moment, and not only did he sign for me, he called over the photographer that was the other person in question telling them "you should get a photo of this". It wreaked of "I'm trying my best to look good right now.". All that aside. I say, shockingly, good on him. Whatever the studio/PR team said to him. He got the message. If this new leaf is permanant, perhaps I can put aside some of the past issues I have with him. Of course, if he ever returns to his previous demeanour, this entire damage control kick will be even more transparent. Anyways...good Cas have I talked too much about this....but, I knew from diff emails I got, it was a topic of discussion in places. So theres my take & interpretation of his "Duckspiracy" (as someone who emailed me called it) and his interaction with me this past weekend. At this time...I will give him the benefit of the doubt, and hope this turned leaf is permanent. So back to the Con guests now...right? Like I said, I managed to meet pretty much all of them. First 2 I met were the day before the Con started. Richard Speight Jr (who I would see 2 more times over the weekend) was first up. I had met the man who was Gabriel/The Trickster last year, and this meeting was just as terrific. He chatted about the show, how much he missed it and about his role as pitchman for Pepsi Max. Truly a class act. I got him to sign a few photos that night, then a couple more later on the weekend. On both occasions, he signed all that was asked of him. Alona Tal would be next. I wont go into all the details...but I will just say, another hound & myself actually scared her by accident. Later on, when we saw her again, she explained her reasoning to her reaction to us, we explained our reasoning, and both sides apologized (although I dont know why Alona felt the need to apologize since we got her reasoning quite well). When we finally did catch up with woman who plays Jo Harvelle that night she was splendid. Signed everything we had, took photos with, and was pretty candid about not just things surround the awkward situation of earlier, but any other topics we could muster the braincells to talk about. Great girl. Next day was the start of the actual convention, so there was a schedule that some of the guests had that made assessing where to be and when a bit easier. There was a lull for awhile that day, but then in a 5 minute span I got 4 cast members. Corin Nemec (Christian Campbell from season 6) was 1st up. Having met him a couple times before, I knew to expect a chilled out and friendly guy. Again, he was just that. He chatted for a few minutes with us about how things have been around here, the photos we had and how he was disappointed to find out that a photo 1 of the autograph hounds inquired about that he had seen for sale on the shows website was not infact for sale at the convention. Eventually, we let him get on his way. Shortly after 3 cast mates crossed paths in teh courtyard before we could move in on any of them they had started interacting with each other, so we kept a reasonable distance till they were done. However, a fan eventually interrupted the trio and so everyone else then moved in to get the 3 stars. I went up to Chad Lindberg 1st. (Ash) to get my autographs. I didnt get a chance to chat with him because my panic to get the others kicked in (as it turned out they were around for a bit though). Next up was Matt Cohen (young John Winchester). He signed everything I had and chatted with the fans for a bit. I again, didnt speak too much with him as I wanted to get the final part of the trio. Sebastian Roche (Balthazar) was the final 1 of my trio. He too signed everything, again, I didnt get a lot of oppourtunity to chat with him because by this point a dozen or so fans had converged on the 2 actors. Later that night we saw several of the cast leave to dinner together. We got Alona to sign again (I had 1 photo I missed from the day before.) and the group, which included chaperones from the convention people, essentially abandoned her with 2 adult males in the dark (good job guys). Luckily, Alona I am sure was feeling a bit safer this time around knowing it was us & didnt feel the need for security, but still, not a great idea on the staffs part. Its nice that you let her decide for herself whether to sign, but you probably shouldnt walk away from the person your supposed to be protecting. Day 3 was the Saturday for us. My day started with more Richard Speight Jr. autographs. He remembered my name from the other day & was still as classy as he was in the previous interaction. There was a considerable lull for me. But I saw Corin Nemec again, as well as Speight Jr another time. Another hound who was just getting there asked both of them for autographs and they both obliged. At that point, the convention handlers decided to stop this as much as they could. I saw Steven Williams (Rufus) strolling along with Matt Cohen aalong an inside walk way. So I decided to cut them off at the pass, but was denied when Williams looked at his convention handler, then back at me and said "I think I can only sign inside..get me inside". I frustratingly left wondering if that was the end for autographs. Quite awhile would go by before I had another chance for autographs...again with Mr. Williams as he left the convention to go out to dinner. It was pitch black in the courtyard & all Steven said was "I cant see...what am I signing", so I pointed to an area on the photo, and he signed it. I had a 2nd photo, but with how much trouble he was having with that 1, I let it go. Shortly after that, God himself appeared infront of me. Misha Collins was being escorted by staff to somewhere outside the convention area. I have met the man who plays Castiel many times always been terrific. This time, no different. With a Convention handler literally perched over his shoulder glaring on with disapproval, Misha signed everything I had for him. After chatting with a couple friends. I decided that was enough that night, and headed home. Sunday was the last day of the Convention...and with the exception of my Clif autograph, a shutout for autographing. I spent the majority of the day hanging out with fans, and chatting with a blog writer. All that I accomplished that day was a couple frames of Jensen ( 1 thats quite blurry) a few frames of Misha Collins and a few of Chris Heyerdahl (Alastair) It started with Jared & Jensen arriving together driven by Clif. Clif was not going to make things easy for me. He had the truck backed up into a loading bay so the boys could get in without reallybeing seen. A little while later I saw Corin Nemec again. We chatted for a bit, asked him if he had any new projects on the go, he said not right now. Then he went on his way and headed home. One of the more fascinating things about this convention for me was how the fans of the show will get anyones autograph associated to the show. I watched the location manager, Russ Hamilton, sign an autograph for a fan in the lobby during my hanging around time. A little while later I saw Guy Norman Bee sign for someone. It never donned on me to get autographs from the people not infront of the camera. As the day went on, I saw Misha Collins a couple more times, Christopher Heyerdahl several times. Chris was the only person all weekend that the convention staff managed to get to, as he told me he couldnt sign for me there... but, that he would get me next time he saw me...which I know is highly likely to happen, so it was not that upsetting. I eventually left that evening, and just as I was getting up...who drove by me? Clif, with 1 (or both) of the boys, he acknowledged that I was there and was on his way. Thats how my Supernatural convention ended...Clif waving at me. Certainly was an unusual weekend at times. As a bonus....heres a couple Jared Padalecki shots from a couple weeks ago that I wasnt sure what to do with since they werent very good and not enough for a blog. You can find us on twitter You can find the celebrities written about in this article at these twitter addresses Misha Collins Alona Tal Richard Speight Jr Chad Lindberg Sebastian Roche Jared Padalecki The cast of Sanctuary were in full force for Saturday nights 12th annual Leo Awards. With the sci-fi show leading all nominees at 17, there was a lot for the cast to be excited about.
Below is a few photos of various cast that walked the carpet, including Chrstopher Heyerdahl (WINNER- Best Supporting Performance by a male in a Dramatic series), Ryan Robbins (NOMINEE-- Best Supporting Performance by a male in a Dramatic series), , Robin Dunne (WINNER- Best Lead Performance by a male in a Dramatic Series), Agam Darshi (NOMINEE- Best Supporting Performance by a male in a Full Length Drama), & Amanda Tapping (NOMINEE- Best Lead Performance by a female in a Dramatic series), . The cast was all class. Each cast member signed willingly for the small group of fans & dealers that were along the red carpet. |
About meI occasionally argue with inanimate objects, but I usually win. So its all good. Archives
June 2012