Season 3 of FOX sci-fi hit "Fringe" has ended with the episode "The Day We Died" & the show, as it often does, created as many or more questions than it answered. If you have not watched the season finale yet, I suggest no longer reading this blog till you have as spoilers are posted in here.
The episode starts with a scene where we see Peter in the future, apparently in the year 2026. This of course was possible after Peter enters the doomsday machine in the episode prior with Olivias assistance & is (so far unexplained) launched into the future to see what the actions of the past create. In this episode we see many characters older, this includes Olivia Dunham's niece, all grown up (played by Emily Meade) & following in her aunts footsteps as a rookie FBI agent. Broyles has moved on to become a Senator. Astrid is now a field agent with the FBI. While Peter, is now a member of our worlds seemingly created Fringe division. A group called "End of Dayers" is trying to speed up the process of destroying the world as a terrorist simply known as Moreau (played by Brad Dourif) attacks places based on "soft spots" that will create more vortexes. In 2026, our world is still alive, but barely. The alternate universe was destroyed in the battle between the worlds. One notable survivor from "over there" was Walternate however, who apparently came over to our world prior to his worlds destruction. All the key members of our world still appear to be alive in 2026, but with Walternate's world destroyed, he is on a quest to destroy our world & make his son Peter suffer as he has, by taking away what he cares for more than anything, his now wife Olivia. While the FBI & Fringe division work on trying to stop more attacks by the terrorist group, Walternate lures Peter to their old home. Once there Peter discusses with Walternate all thats happened & hopes to convince him to stop. When Peter realizes rationalizing wont work, he tells his father he wants him to come with him or he will arrest him. It is then that Walternate shows his son it was all a trick. Walternates image was nothing but a holographic projection. Meanwhile in Central Park, Walternate is actually there & is about to take the next step in his plan, getting revenge thru killing Olivia. Walternate eventually succeeds in killing Olivia in the future & a funeral is held for her, where all the members you expect to see in our world are at the service. The loss of Olivia hurts deep for Peter, and it is left to Walter to figure out how to avoid the inevetable destruction of our universe. Walter realizes that the doomsday device was created by himself as a warning sign, so Peter could see what the future would bring if the current path was followed. Walter theorized he went back in time & planted it to be found in the future. Its implied the lore of "The First People" was infact created by him & other trusted members of the group. With the knowledge of this now in Peters mind, he returns to the present with 1 goal, to merge the two worlds together, with 1 sole avoid the destruction of both worlds. When he comes to, he finds Olivia, alive & well, and realizes he must merge the two worlds to work together. As Walter & Walternate, as well as Olivia & Faulivia face each other in our world, Peter explains they must work together, then vanishes. Neither side shows even a shred of concern that Peter has vanished into thin air, despite all 4 parties there clearly having deep ties to him. Outside the Statue Of Liberty, a group of Observers is seem staring at a bright greet SOL & explaining that they should not remember Peter, as he never actually existed. With that, the season ends & many questions for next season are created. The most glaring is- Does this mean the end for Peter Bishop (aka- Josh Jackson) on the show?? Of course, fans will theorize all summer about the meaning of all this & whether or not Jackson will or wont return to the show. An article that you can read in full here with executive producers Jeff Pinkner & JH Wyman clearly states Josh will be back to reprise the role of Peter that will play out, clearly was not stated however. Some other questions I think need answering are... If Peter doesnt exist & seemingly never did, does Fauxlivias baby no longer exist either?? Can Walter & Walternate work together? Will Olivia or Fauxlivia ever remember Peter somehow? With the mission seemingly accomplished to save the worlds, what can a new season have in store?? How will they write Peter back in? With the knowledge now that time travel is theoretically possible in this world, will this lead to other time travel based storylines down the road & how will that affect current world situations? While I generally dislike the idea of leaving major characters "in limbo" for cliffhangers, thie fact the producers came right out & went "dont panic, Josh is still on salary" quells that considerably. Usually these concerns are over contract squabbles, this seems to simply be more of a logistics issue. When you are dealign with a show where simple logic is continually bent, warped or downright discarded, this is nothing more than a minor blip for bringing him back. Reality is he will be back, just when & how is the question. Only thing known about the 4th season so far, is that Josh Jackson is eventually going to return. Outside of that fact, nothing is easy to predict. Which is just the way the writers for the hit show like it, keepign the audience guessing.....and for the rest of the summer & perhaps well into next year, they certainly will do just that.
20- Getting Jerry Seinfeld two nights in a row
TV icon & comedian Jerry Seinfeld came to Vancouver for a couple shows this past summer on his current tour. I have gotten Mr. Seinfeld before, and really, if it were not for hearing a few horror stories from around the continent, I likely wouldnt be including him in my top 20 for this past year. Jerry had 2 shows here & it was night & day for how he acted after each show. Going in he told us "get me after the show". So we came back after the show & Mr. Seinfeld signed a moderate handful, but got far from everyone. Many went away empty handed as the funnyman signed for a handful before leaving. I managed 1 that night but was hoping for more. So I went back the 2nd night. The encore night was much better, as Mr. Seinfeld stood outside for about 5 minutes signing, and everyone ran out of items. Another 3 for me the second evening took away the disappointment of the day prior. It was after me reporting on getting him that I was made aware that several people had been shut out by him in other cities recently. He has apparently been elusive at venues where the option to get in unconfronted is an option. I heard from others at the city right after here, this was the case there as well.... which made me all the more thankful that he played a venue with only outside entrances. With 2011 just around the corner, a new batch of bests should arise by the end of the year. With the likes of Mission Impossible 4, Twilight Breaking Dawn, Underworld 4 & Superman already slated for here, and the rumour that part of Die Hard 5 might come here, big names will certainly be in stock in Vancity in 2011. But, just like this past year many stars were here, its rarely the case of the big names that garner the best attention. The few times they do, they are worth noting though. 19- Benji & Joel Madden of Good Charlotte at the airport. This past summer, the brother from Good Charlotte came to Vancouver for some hanging out time. For a long time they were considered terrible signers, and we had not heard anything recent about them, so we prepared for the worst. My friend who got the tip of them coming in was hesitant to get too many things (which for him is rare), but I hastily raced to various used CD stores to get stuff for them. Total, there was 5-6 hounds there all with CDs at the ready. All with blue sharpies, and proof cams at the ready. The old GC I had heard about would have snapped at such a scenario. I have heard on multiple occasions in multiple cities, the band arguing & even being physically aggressive towards hounds. So we were prepared for the worst. Instead, we got a friendly, meek & personable Benji & Joel. They not only signed, they did multiples without complaint. A situation NONE of us expected, but were all happy to partake in. 18 - Getting 3X Olympic Gold Medal winner Hayley Wickenheiser at her tournament Sure, I know, I got like a dozen Hayley's at the Olympics. So whats the deal with getting her 1 more time thats so special? Well, first, theres the fact that it was after Olympic photos were out, thus giving us a good chance to get autographs from her on items from the 2010 games. The games that will, because of where they were, always be the most special to me. Second, it is 1 of my favorite athletes of all time, so I am always finding new things I want to get done. But what topped that was how cool she was about it & how she essentially held up her speaking engagement to sign for the group of us. She had an autograph session in a hotel that was housing her & some of the teams playing in her tournament. It was open to the public, so a handful of us went. Hayley the day prior had told 2 of the hounds to "bring everything tomorrow" & they did. I only came with 5 items and soon felt grossly underprepared as I watched my friends roll about 20 & 50 items each on her. Hayley did it all, said she didnt care what they were doing with it & even suggested she hoped they got good $ for it, and chatted at length with us in between piles. She took photos with my friends & their kids with her Gold medal. At the end, my friends both gave her collections, 1 in CD form, and 1 in actual print form of many of her greatest moments. She had apparently told them the day before that she had not seen much or any of the items they had... so they both did different things to show their appreciation to her. As you can imagine, she was thoroughly impressed & thankful. I dont know how many sports you can find where the undisputed best player of all time in that sport would sit down & sign 50 items for someone, without complaining and expecting nothing back. 17- Vancouver actors going to & coming back from Comic-Con Every year a variety of Vancouver based shows send a few of their cast to San Diego for the annual Comic-Con event. This gives Vancouver autographers a good chance to clean up on some of the more elusive of casts. Shows like Smallville, Stargate Universe & Sanctuary, who primarily shoot in studios are easier to find when there is only 1 flight in & out of town (granted some did take connecting flights thru other places.) A literal plethora of action happened going in & coming out. From Smallville, we got the likes of Erica Durance, Cassidy Freeman, Justin Hartley, and Tower Prep/Smallville cutie Elise Gatien. From Fringe we got Anna Torv, Blair Brown, Lance Reddick & Jasika Nicole (also saw Josh Jackson & John Noble, but neither were too receptive on departures). Supernatural stars Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki were terrific on departures, as was Sanctuary star Amanda Tapping returning. We also saw a few others from shows I was not prepared for like Eureka & Psych. There was plenty to get, and often, you would miss 1 person getting another as they would come & go in groups. But in the end, it was still worth the effort, as there are no less than 5 people from that weekend that I got that I have not been able to get since. 16- Getting Lady Gaga after a show Lady Gaga did 2 shows in Vancouver this past summer. The first night, she signed for everyone outside after the show. I am not going to sit here & tell you I was "really excited" or "thrilled" to get her, or even that she was coming. Personally, I think shes grossly overhyped. That being said, I really had to respect the P.R. job she did after her first show here. She signed, signed some more & didnt care what the item was or who was handing it to her. With the venues security actually trying to prevent me from getting an autograph, she reached for my item with a seeming purpose as to say "I dont care. Just hand it to me". She signed without hesitation for several minutes, and didnt shy away from the flashes of cameras. Although she was less willing to sign the 2nd day, the 2 time Grammy Award winning artist was still a willing signer the day after her show & the night of the 1st show. For someone of her status, at the peak of her career, to sign 2 out of 3 days is pretty decent. With 2 autographs on the trip, I consider her trip to Vancouver a success. 15- Getting Tom Welling... TWICE In the 10th season of Smallville I have gotten Tom Welling to sign TWICE. In the 9 seasons prior- ZERO. Long regarded as the worst signer in Vancouver, Welling this season has quite literally gone into a signing frenzy.... if you count about 8-10 autographs this season a frenzy. Prior to this season I only knew 2 people who had got the current Clark Kent in this town. Suddenly, this year I know of 4 people who have gotten him now... funny enough, each of us have got him on multiple occasions. My first epic shocking moment came back in late July, only a week earlier Mr. Welling had outright denied me... as he had many times prior over the years. So I was not expecting a change in results...but this time, there was a good luck charm in tow I didnt know about. See, Tom was coming back from a trip to L.A. with Matt Barr, a cast member from the TV show Hellcats that Tom produces. Matt as I will tell you later, is quite chummy with us. So when I saw him with Tom, I was hopeful that maybe Matt's persona would rub off on Tom. I broke the ice with "will you sign TONIGHT Tom" *emphasising the tonight to remind him that just a week earlier he turned me down standing in practically the same spot* with a somewhat unimpressed roll of the eyes, he reached over, grabbed the pen & signed. I was in shock for a minute or two. I walked over and snapped a quick photo of Matt & Tom going their seperate ways, then joked with Matt as he left that he was my good luck charm. I got him on a magazine that i had, no joke, carried with me on & off for TEN YEARS. Proof Matt is my good luck charm would come a bit later in the summer/fall when at an event for the Smallville's 200th episode party, Matt was in attendance and wouldnt you know it, Tom signed for everyone that waited it out that night...all 4 of us. It was without a doubt, the largest "autograph session" Tom has done for any experienced autograph hounds in Vancouver ever. 14- Jensen Ackles, almost any given weekend. When the biggest star of a hit TV show comes thru an airport, they expect some level of notoriety. Some handle it poorly, some handle it well. Jensen Ackles, for the mostpart, handles it quite well. The man who plays the sharp tongued Dean Winchester on Supernatural has been quite good about the growing attention this past couple years. For the first 4-5 yrs here, him & his castmates came thru Vancouver with little to no attention on them most days. now, any given weekend, odds are, there will be at least 1 person out there waiting for them. To top it off, the recently crowned "Best Lead actor in a drama" on the highly popular SpoilerTV polls is not just willing with signatures & photos with, but he is quite willing to give an opinion on most anything if asked. In fact, I have on multiple occasions have opted not to post things hes said, because I didnt know if its something that might come back to bite him in the ass later if the wrong people in the wrong position were to read it. It was the attitudes of Ackles & his co-star Jared Padalecki that have made me a fan of the show. I started watching it because of them, and found it to be one of the best shows on....but I never would have given it a chance, if it werent for their off screen actions. 13- Steven Segal signing day after day A lot of actors who are iconic names tend to be grumpy as their star fades. Steven Segal is not one of those people. The action icon has been in Vancouver for awhile doing a show/series of movies. In the early days of shooting, he was staying at a local hotel, and would be seen at least once or twice a day on average. Every time, he would willingly sign for whoever asked. Even those who he knew he had already signed for. Since moving to a permanant residence, he has not been seen around much, but for his efforts in the early days of shooting here, Segal earns a spot on the list. 12- The cast of Hellcats around town. Sure, Ashley Tisdale is a bit unfriendly at times, but she does show flashes of niceness. Her aside, the cast of the new CW show Hellcats is pretty great. Aly Michalka (along with her now guest starring sister AJ) is the real star of the show, and her off screen personality is absolutely spectacular. With the exception of 1 evening recently, she always seems up to the task of signing, chatting or taking photos with whoever is asking, regardless how many times she knows shes seen them. Matt Barr has been elusive in the past few months, but when he is seen around, he is a willing signer & chatter. Barr is one of the few stars who if he sees a hound or pap will make the effort to give a head nod or a hello before you see him. He also holds the distinction of being at the same place on BOTH occasions where I got Tom Welling this past year.... so hes also a good luck charm it would seem. Heather Hemmens is quite pleasant. Says alot about her acting that she can pull of the ruthless Alice character after you meet her. Sweet & friendly, Hemmens has been known to be so nice that she was still signing for me, while a driver (not even HER personal driver, but a hired one by Ms. Tisdale) was grabbing at her arm trying to make her go. Robbie Jones seems to always be all smiles. Recently upon returning from California, he was spotted by a larger than usual group & willingly signed for everyone & joked about how cold it was here & that he wasnt used to the weather. As a unit, this cast has been great. The few minor souring experiences with Ashley are more than made up for by Michalka, Barr, Hemmens & Jones. 11- Getting Misha Collins on the set of Supernatural There is an unwritten, enforced rule on the set of Supernatural. Dont ask people for autographs there. While this rule is predominantly enforced on the regulars for the shows two top stars Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles, its implied on everyone with the rest of the cast as well. So I was more than excited when I had the lucky break of being able to get Misha Collins, who plays the angel Castiel on the show, on set, in wardrobe. It was my first time meeting Collins with items to get signed. I had met the man 1 time prior, the season before, but was not yet aware of who he was, since I hadnt got to that point in the show yet. Another hound broke the ice, by encroaching into the area where Misha was, and with approval from Mr. Collins, we were allowed to wait for him as he came out of a tent to sign for us. After he signed, he chatted for a bit, and took a photo with me, in his Castiel wardrobe, then went back to the set. A couple of unamused glares from the security on the set mostly rolled off me as I was sincerely excited to get the 1 main cast member from the show that had eluded me to that point. Since then I have gotten him a couple more times, but that first meeting with him was the most memorable for the situation & how he dealt with it. The cast of Fringe made their way to Comic-Con on Friday & Saturday morning, and I dare to say, there was a gender specific gap between the attitudes given from them.
While the ladies, Anna Torv, Jasika Nicole & Blair Brown were friendly, accomodating & happy to see people. The boys Joshua Jackson, John Noble & Lance Reddick were far less receptive. It is the first time I have encountered any negative attitude from this cast...and I am a little concerned its going to be a recurring trend. We first saw Blair Brown on friday & although she was next up to the counter to check in, she stopped & accomodated requests for autographs fromt hose waiting. Shortly there after came Anna Torv. She signed for a few people before checking in, then again after checking in. The next day was a different story. First up was Lance Reddick. As the first one it, it cant be claimed he was in a rush, yet he hastily answers "I only have time for 1 each guys" before he went to check in. Considering he was on the same flight as the others, and the next castmate wouldnt show up for about 15 minutes...what was he in such a rush for?? Shortly there after Jasika Nicole showed up wth her girlfriend & she willingly signed for those waiting before & after checking in. A little while later John Noble would show up. Noble hastily shooed off 1 request for an autograph from 1 of us before getting into line to check in. Upon checking in, he made his way to the security gate, where he begrudgingly signed 1 each for 3 of us there, before hustling off. His demeanour was that of someone that just didnt want to be bothered...considering how great he had been so many times before, I considered this a 1 off bad day at the time. A little while later Joshua Jackson would show up...he certainly was the last 1 to show up for the flight, so his excuse of "I cant, sorry" was a bit more sincered than those earlier who used the same excuse...yet, with others still showing up for that flight, it can be assumed, with no luggage in tow..he wasnt going to miss his flight. Upon returning, the cast was again divided by gender. Again, the ladies showed to be the class. While we never saw Blair Borwn, Jasika Nicole & Anna Torv again signed willingly, and without concern for any schedule or the fact they just did a day of signing at Comic-Con. Lance Reddick was more personable than when he left, happily signing, although his autograph, once a nice, spaced out full name signature has been reduced to an "La R~" since Comic-Con. Understandable after a weekend of signing 1000s of items. Joshua returned with a little bonus in tow, Inglourious Basterds star Diane Kruger. The pair signed, although Pacey..err I mean Peter Bishop was unwilling to sign certain items. He was in a better mood than when he left, but still not the chipper, willingly obliging Josh that I had seen so many times prior. Lastly, John Noble returned. When he left, he was not terribly receptive to signing for a relatively small crowd of people. On returning, he was even worse. When he showed up, he walked by where Sanctuary star Amanda Tapping was signing & when asked for an autograph by a girl there, he simply replied with "hi" & kept walking. When 1 person finally caught up to him, he signed begrudgingly & apparently according to reports was angry & belligerant with the autograph hound. I havent seen this side of him before, but now twice in 2 days there was a sour, abbrasive demeanour to John. Because of his hasty & not overly receptive behaviour this weekend, I didnt manage a single photo of him. Just remember Fringe fans, check out my Polls section to vote Fringe as the best locally shot TV program. Also, yhere is a brand new FRINGE AUTOGRAPHS gallery on the side to check out. *****IF YOU POST MY PHOTOS ON YOUR WEBSITE- PLEASE HAVE THE COURTESY TO PROPERLY CREDIT THEM TO THIS WEBSITE! If I do see them on your site & not credited, I will ask you to take them down. I have left them untagged this one time as a trial run...dont ruin it***** |
About meI occasionally argue with inanimate objects, but I usually win. So its all good. Archives
June 2012