THIS BLOG POST CONTAINS VIDEO/AUDIO & A DESCRIPTION OF A MAJOR SPOILER SCENE FOR EPISODE 121 (from what I was told there)! IF YOU HAVENT SEEN THIS EPISODE & DONT LIKE SPOILERS.... I ADVISE NOT CONTINUING ON! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED . . . . . . Final warning. As I stated in my last blog post with the still photos from this scene, there is video from this scene. The scene lasts about a minute & you can quite clearly hear dialogue from the likes of Lee Arenberg (Leroy/Grumpy), Ginnifer Goodwin (Mary Margaret Blanchard/Snow White) & Josh Dallas (David Nolan/Prince Charming) as they yell at the Mayor, who is tied to a tree. Lots of speculation has arisen on whether this is a dream sequence, or real. I got to say, its very hard to know for sure. My feeling is its a real scene, but that the end result of this will not break the curse. I saw some of the filming for the finale, episode 122 as well, and knowing what I saw in that shooting, I am more inclined to think this scene is real. In any case, here is the video of the Dwarves, Ruby Red, Granny, David & Mary Margaret, Dr. Hopper, Henry & of course Emma, giving Regina some nastiness back. As with all my sets, if you re-post my photos/videos, do so with proper credits & DO NOT remove the tags, or they will be removed from your site & the site may penalize you however their rules state for such infractions, which may include legal or civil penalties. If you want photo/videoss untagged for your site, images are for sale untagged, just inquire... as are autographs of the stars at the link tagged "Once Upon A Time autographs" on the left.
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YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED . . . . . . Final warning. Ok, so those of you still reading on.... you have seen the ABC promo video by now for 121, and you have seen the scene where Regina is tied to a tree? If not, well, I guess these pics are even more suprising. In that scene, all you see is a close up of Emma with a sword swinging it and Regina tied to a tree & a breif pic of many of the residents of Storybrooke behind her watching. So, I happened to be around that night, and sure enough, caught this amazing scene being shot. Below are some photos (I apologize, some are grainy/blurry, sorry. It was dark & I was a block & 1/2 away). The scene entails Ruby & Dr. Hopper securing Regina to a tree thats in the middle of the road in downtown Storybrooke. All the characters gather around, and angrily yell at Regina their frustrations & feelings. "You're not queen anymore sister", "you took our love & ripped it apart" & "now your going to pay" just being some of the things yelled out at her by the angry mob. The Dwarves, Granny, Dr. Hopper, Mary & David, Ruby, Henry & of course Emma are all seen making a half arc around her, while some hold torches, others just stand around angrily venting. The scene ends with Emma grabbing a sword from David, and swinging it at Regina, who is still tied to the tree. When I saw this scene originally I was fascinated with wondering how they were going to get to this point so quickly, and having seen last weeks episode, I can solemnly say... I am still confused. Moreso, I am confused why ABC is burning what should be season 2 cliff hanger material so early. I guess I will find out on Sunday. Notably absent from the lynch mob... Mr. Gold & August W. Booth. Hmmmmm... As with all my sets, if you re-post my photos, do so with proper credits & DO NOT remove the tags, or they will be removed from your site & the site may penalize you however their rules state for such infractions, which may include legal or civil penalties. If you want photos untagged for your site, images are for sale untagged, just inquire... as are autographs of the stars at the link tagged "Once Upon A Time autographs" on the left. I will try to get the video uploaded as soon as I can. PROBABLY not today though. Links to other pics from my visit to OUAT set during episode 121 In the last few years, I have found a lot of bad sets, sets where the crew angrily tries to prevent people, regardless if fans or professionals, from being near the set or the cast. However, I have also come across some amazing sets. Perhaps the nicest of them all... ABC's Once Upon A Time.
As the season wound down, and I grew into more of a fan of the show, I was more eager to find them filming. Sadly, they really only have 4 or 5 regular locations, and the only 1 I am familiar with getting to is their location in Steveston, which fills in for part of downtown Storybrooke, Maine. The show was out in Steveston to film episode 121 awhile ago, and with a friend from Japan in town who wanted to meet some of the stars, I went out there, even though there was little from an autograph standpoint I needed. As it turns out, it was 1 of the best decisions I made. My previous jaunts out to Steveston had nabbed me 1 or 2 cast here, a couple more I would see there, but this trip? Almost everyone was there. Between the daytime & nighttime shoots, I saw most or all of the Dwarves, Ruby, Granny, Dr. Hopper, Mr. Gold, Henry, Emma, David, Mary & Regina out there. I managed to get autographs from most everyone I needed as well. Included in that was the biggest 1 I had yet to get, Meghan Ory. Twice I had gone out there hoping to run into her but missed her. This time though, she walked right by the car I was sitting in & was more than happy to accomodate the requests asked of her by the dozen or so fans & professionals hanging around. In what is still 1 of the funnier moments for me, 1 of the professionals, who isnt familiar with the show (and showed it) displayed a Lana Parrilla photo to Meghan to sign, as you can see, Meghan seemed as shocked as I was at his ability to mix the two up. But she was still a good sport and signed everything for him after he realized his mistake. I wasnt really in need of Jennifer Morrison or Lana Parrila, as I have gotten both of them multiple times throughout the year, but still took a few pics f them interacting wit the fans. Such a class cast this show has. Below is some photos of the ladies on the show, interacting with the fans. Coming soon, the men of the show doing the same.... AND LATER THIS WEEK SOME SPOILER PICS OF A COUPLE SCENES BEING SHOT FOR 121. I will add links to this blog later of the other episode 121 blogs as I post them. Best Of TV Awards 2011 Best Actress in an Action or Drama Winner is... STANA KATIC - Castle2/7/2012 The Best Actress in a Action/Drama of 2011 as voted by you the fans was.. Stana Katic - Castle.
A year & a bit ago I had never heard of Stana Katic. I had barely heard of "Castle", the show she co-stars on. But, after 2 years of seeing write in votes & nominations for the her in a variety of cateogires, my eyes are open to the show and its main stars now. I started watching the homicide centred drama this year & like many of you that voted, loved it too. Katic's performance as Det. Kate Beckett is certainly worthy of this praise. Stana won handily, but earily on, she had resistence from a couple competitors, mainly from the eventual distant runnerup "Once Upon A Time" star Jennifer Morrison. Immediately behind her in 3rd was early on leader "Game Of Thrones" star Lena Headey. 4th & 5th were a pair of "Criminal Minds" actresses A.J. Cook & Paget Brewster. 6th was another "Once Upon A Time" actress Ginnifer Goodwin, back in 7th was the young "Game Of Thrones" star Maisie Williams, just narrowly beating out 8th place "Once Upon A Time" actress Lana Parrilla. 9th was "Burn Notice" actress Sharon Gless, and rounding out the finalists was "Revenge" star Emily VanCamp. All three from the top 3 had at one point held the lead. Final vote results Stana Katic "Castle" 655 Jennifer Morrison "Once Upon A Time" 404 Lena Headey "Game Of Thrones" 394 A.J. Cook "Criminal MInds" 331 Paget Brewster "Criminal Minds" 322 Ginnifer Goodwin "Once Upon A Time" 291 Maisie Williams "Game Of Thrones" 221 Lana Parrilla "Once Upon A Time" 216 Sharon Gless "Burn Notice" 201 Emily VanCamp "Revenge" 172 Now that 2011 has expired, it is time to look back at the year that was. I didnt travel too much this year, but that was ok, as elite names were roaming the streets of Vancouver throughout the year... now only if I had ran into some of them. 20 - Ellen Degeneres I managed to get the talk show icon twice on her trip to Vancouver, including the 1st autograph I got in which I had to run 4 blocks to get after being given up to the second info on where she was. Few if any autographs I got this year took more energy out of me than that 1st 1 I got from her. Next day, she signed again and was happy to do it. 19 - Axl Rose For a long time, I had heard nothing but horror stories about the lead singer for Guns N Roses. So I was not eager to go for him. However, this past time thru Vancouver, not only did the band actually play the show they came here to play, but Axl was even a willing signer. Pretty much anyone that went for him here got him. 18 - Simon Pegg While here for Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol, Mr. Pegg was the most often seen of the films stars. Whether it was at the airport, his hotel or the movie theatre, the Hot Fuzz star signed whatever was asked more often than not. 17 - Henry Cavill The new Superman has been very good here so far. Although he is strict about limiting his autograph to 1 per person each time you see him, he has still been terrific in the interactions people have had with him. 16 - Cast of Sanctuary Never had a bad experience with this cast, this year was no different. Whether it was at the Leo Awards, the airport or a charity event, each member of the cast was exceptional. 15 - Cast of The Secret Circle This cast could have made the top 10, if it werent for 1 exceptionally bitter & sour life hating senior cast member of the show. That exception aside...the rest of the cast has been terrific with us. 14- Matt Barr & Aly Michalka I miss Hellcats. Not just because of the campy cheerleader drama storylines. But because 2 of the nicer celebs we have had in Vancouver in a long time left when the show did. While some other cast members were a lot less thrilled to interact with fans during the shows 1 year run, Matt & Aly were as accomodating & friendly as you can expect. Class acts. 13- Cast Of Supernatural Much like Ms. Torv from Fringe, the cast of Supernatural, whether its Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Jim Beaver or the recurring characters of the show have been quite good to us Vancouverites when we run into them. Long as the regulars respect the no asking them on set policy, they are more than receptive to signing and chatting with us away from set when we see them. 12 - Leo Awards This years award ceremony for BC film industry was not as spectacular as past ones I had hounded. Much of that was because of an unexpected change of venue & the loss of 1 or 2 shows since last year. Still, a list of names came out that made the effort worthwhile. 11 - Amy Adams I had heard that Ms. Adams was a very willing signer, but till I saw it for myself, I didnt understand just how good she was. She willingly signed for everyone till there was nothing left out there to sign. She did it too with a smile. Wish all movie stars could have that level of appreciation. 10 - Booboo Stewart, Myanna Buring, Julia Jones, Guri Weinberg This past year, the final installment of the Twilight Saga series, Breaking Dawn 1 & 2 was filmed here. In the years prior, some of the bigger names in the film were at times, pretty decent signers. This year however, there was VERY FEW great interactions with the cast. The names above were the very few I can say were outstanding. Considering how massive the cast was, its sad you can count the great experiences on 1 hand. Not to say ALL the others were terrible, but that they didnt neccesarily stand out as great. 9- Cast Of Fringe The cast of the hit FOX show Fringe is generally friendly (the occasional grumpy Mr. Noble encounter not withstanding) the true star from a fan interaction aspect is usually Anna Torv in past years. Despite seeing the regulars probably 100+ times combined over the shows run here, she still willingly signs for us, even at the absurd time of 5:30 AM. This season, Seth Gabel became a regular and skyrocketed up along side his Fringe co-star for terrific interactions. Joshua Jackson, Jasika Nicole & others are terrific as well. 8 - John Schneider Although from an excitement standpoint, getting Mr. Schneider wasnt overly high for me (I was a Dukes of Hazzard fan..but not a massive fan), it was how wonderfully personable he was each & every time that won me over. My 1st interaction with him was 1 of the rare "I wasnt expecting that" situations where we were at the airport for persons unrelated, and saw a sign for him there. Knowing he was coming in for an episode eventually, we waited to see if it was him, it was. He happily signed then. Seeing him 2 more times after, he was just as gracious each time after, even at the Smallville wrap party, where some of the bigger stars were nothing short of rude, Mr. Schneider was 1 of the ones that made the fans waiting out there happy. 7 - Cast Of Once Upon A Time Usually when new TV shows roll into town, odds are someone on the cast thinks more of themselves than they actually are. Not so with the cast of the new ABC fantasy drama Once Upon A Time. Each & every cast member I have met has been terrific with interacting with the fans & the pros. It was the overall attitude of this cast that made me hope for it to do well...I'm glad it is succeeding, this cast deserves it. 6- Sharlto Copley The District 9 star is simply, awesome. How awesome is he with fans? After a flight that was the better part of a day, he stopped, chatted with fans at the airport, did photos with, and even cracked a few jokes. So awesome he did an autograph session for a local African import store "African Breese Imports" just because they asked...and at the autograph session, he had no qualms signing stacks for fans, collectors or dealers alike. One guy plopped down 30 or so photos, Sharlto went thru the entire stack, not once groaning about doing it and thanked the guy for coming afterwards. 5- Callum Blue
Being a huge Dead Like Me fan, I still get a bit excited when I meet any of the cast. This past year, I had a 4th (or 5th?) chance to meet Callum Blue. He was in town reprising his Smallville role as Zod. What made this meeting stand out more than others prior though was how it went down. I first learned he was going to be coming back..I then contacted him thru a site I knew he was a member of that I too was a member of. He replied back with when he was coming. I then tried, several times, but without success, to cross paths with him naturally. So I gave him another message & he told me what day he would be off. So I tried that day, called his room & he answered & came right down. In the pouring rain, he stood, signed, and chatted with my friend & I for several minutes. 4- Chloe Moretz At 2010 TIFF I had Ms. Moretz high on my list of people to get...but she cancelled. This year however, Hit Girl was there, and made up for the year long wait. One of the best signers at TIFF. Even with volunteers telling her she had to go, she still kept signing. 3- TIFF - The 2011 Toronto International Film Festival Individually, several of the events from Tiff could make this list, and a couple I did list individually. But for the mostpart, the entire event of the Toronto International Film Festival falls under 1 event for me. So thus, why it is going here. This years fest was certainly my most successful from a star power aspect, and total wise, it was close to my best. Stars like George Clooney, Megan Fox, Madonna, Nicolas Cage & Ryan Gosling made the event quite successful for me. It was the newer names I wasnt as faimiliar with before going that made some of the more cool moments though, like Chris Pratt, Ezra Miller, Dominic Monaghan and Sarah Bolger who all made me fans of them with the way they handled their attention. 2 - Tom Cruise While I did get a disappointingly low total of 2 autographs from someone I was told "signs everything", a lot of that wasnt any fault of his or really mine either. It was just dumb luck. Still, I managed to get 2 from him, which was still 2 more than most hounds in Vancouver got from him. The 1 and only night outside the trade & convention center unfortunately turned out to be the 1 and only chance Vancouverites got to get the Mission Impossible star. He made the waiting worth it though, as Mr. Cruise strolled over to a crowd of 20-30 people (which swelled to 75-100 when extras & crew came over too) around midnight & did a 20-30 minute meet & greet with fans, taking photos & signing autographs. Each interaction he made feel special, he asked fans to make sure their photos turned out and even acknowledged autograph requests with a level of respect, and not just a "ugh, fine" mentality to it. 1- Madonna No disrespect to Mr. Cruise, but at the end of the day, a rare, hard to obtain signature is a bigger deal on average than a classy, easier to obtain star. Anytime you get someone of Madonna's level of fame, its probably going to make your best list. The Material Girl has been known for quite awhile as, at best, an unwilling signer. However, when you are promoting a movie you directed & has been panned by many critics, you are on your best behaviour. That is what fans in Toronto got when the pop icon was there to promote W.E. this past Summer for TIFF. Madonna signed probably 75-100 autographs on the red carpet, and signed at dinner a bit later after her event as well. Some honorable mentions should go out to the likes of Patrick Gilmore, Rose McGowan, Daniel & Henrik Sedin, Ben Cotton & Lyndsy Fonseca. So, that concludes 2011. Some amazing successes for me. Granted, there was some downright failures as well. I somehow never got Matt Damon despite him being here for 2-3 months. All my Saoirse Ronan autographs were ruined by an ugly fading silver sharpie. I missed Robert DeNiro AGAIN by mere inches, and same with Brad Pitt this time. Who will grace the list at the end of 2012? Going into 2011, there wasnt a lot of "sure things" I could see making the list. To be honest, most of the list is a complete surprise, simply because I didnt know going into 2011 these people would cross my paths. My 2nd day of filming started off seeing 2 people I hadnt seen in awhile, Lana Parrilla (Mayor Regina/Evil Queen) & Robert Carlyle (Mr. Gold/Rumplestiltskin).
The scene involved Mr. Gold walking across the street to where Regina was standing. They exchange a breif dialogue & then Mr. Gold goes on his way as Regina stares at himf rom behind for a lengthy time. Later in the day I saw more scenes with Mr. Gold, which will come up in my next blog.... along with a nice close up look at his cane. In this blog, I want to make note of how awesome the cast has been with fans & professional photographers & autograph hounds alike. I saw each member on the 2nd day (Carlyle, Parrilla, Goodwin & Dallas) all stop to take photos with fans who literally were walking right thru the set (during breaks obviously) as well as their willingness to sign for me. The crew has been, not withstanding a couple individual cases of "I Wanna be a noticed-itis" that were nothing more than small nuisances, terrific. They rarely object to fans or photographers being around long as you give them a little room to work when they need it (and still more often than not give you space to see the scenes being shot). It is terrific to see this appreciation. Only other set I have ever had this level (again with the exception of 1 or 2 rogue crew members) acceptance has been on the Fringe set. Usually, theres 4-5 crew members that feel its their lifes mission to alienate fans & photographers on sets, unaware what harm they are actually doing to a show. This show is (so far) understanding of the fans curiosity & the photogs/hounds desire for a result & dont purposely try to step on toes... too often. Below is a few pics from the scenes with Parrilla and Carlyle, as well as a few of them just hanging around waiting. ![]() The 36th annual Toronto International Film Festival begins later this week, and we will again be there. Last year, I gave you a list of 20 people I wanted to get. I managed to see 15 of them, only managed to nab 8 of those 20 though for autographs, but I did get my #1, so that was a victory. This year, I have pushed the list to 30. So here it top 30 want list for TIFF 2011. 1 Chloe Moretz - Didnt get Hit Girl last year at film fest when she cancelled for a family birthday party. This year, shes committed to coming. Must get. 2 Hugh Laurie - Last year it was Dexter. This year its Dr. House. My must get TV person. 3 Antonio Banderas - Puss In Boots. If he wasnt PIB, I wouldnt even care he was there. 4 Madonna - Really? Are you even remotely shocked? Its Madonna. Theres few names in the entertainment universe as big as this. 5 Saoirse Ronan - She was terrific in Hanna. An Academy Award nominee at just 13 for Atonement. Must get IMO. 6 Maggie Gyllenhaal - Loved Secreatary, loved The Dark Knight. 7 Brad Pitt - Normally, a guy dumb enough to leave Jennifer Aniston for Angelina Jolie I would assume has bad decision making skills...but he seems to make blockbuster movies despite this severe retardation. 8 Michelle Williams - Huge Dawsons Creek fan. Actually got her autograph way back when she was still on DC, but was working for someone else at the time & despite asking for 1, never got 1. Chance to rememdy that now. 9 Jeffrey Dean Morgan - Huge Supernatural fan, always looking to add new things to my collection. 10 Jason Statham - Its JasoN Statham, nuff said. 11 Neil Young - Hes ahead of U2 and Pearl Jam simply because I've somehow never got him before. 12 Elena Anaya - Never knew who she was till I found some hot pics of her from a movie she did. 13 U2 - If you havent heard of them, its ok. They might be big someday. 14 George Clooney - In 2007 I literally missed getting him by less than 3 ft. Chance for redemption. 15 Julia Maxwell - Key figure in season 6 of Supernatural was Eve. Played by this hot specimen. 16 Kyle MacLachlan - The Captain on How I Met Your Mother. Nuff said. 17 Keira Knightley - Hopefully redemption for not getting her in 2007. 18 Gerard Butler - Its Gerard Butler. Nuff said. 19 Alison Pill - She was the only character in Milk I liked. 20 Gael Garcia Bernal - In 2007 I was naive enough to think "ah I'll just walk right up and get this guy. No one cares about him". Now I am sart enough from my prior experience to know "I NEED to get him". 21 Nicholas Cage - Got his autograph before when he filmed Ghost Rider, but it was on a Colorado Avalance team card because I wasnt expecting him. Never seen him since. Chance to finally get the photos I printed back then done. 22 Jennifer Lawrence - Even though I know nothing about The Hunger Games, I also am smart enough to know from my Twilight experiences, dont poo-poo these book driven series. 23 Pearl Jam - Despite having got them more times than I can recall, I will always want more. 24 Viggo Mortensen - Funny enough, I got him in 2007 and didnt really know who he was then, since then I've seen him in Eastern Promises and A History Of Voilence, so now I WANT to get him. 25 Ewan McGregor - Star Wars. Nuff Said. Got him in 2007. 26 Jennifer Garner - should have got her 4 yrs ago at my 1st film fest, but some deaf hounds ruined it for everyone when they disregarded her demand to not push. Fingers crossed I get to her this time before they ruin it again. 27 Lily Cole - Dont know anything about her except she looks hot, and isnt opposed to being naked. 28 Sarah Silverman - She was 14th on my list last year, and I got her. Thus why shes not too high up this year, but still someone I hope to get again. 29 Liana Liberato - Had photos for her last year, but missed out. Second crack, maybe this time I'll get her. 30 Robin Wright - I am really assuming she will be much nicer than her ex, Sean Penn. Others I would be happy to find.... Selma Blair, Willem Dafoe, Kirsten Dunst, Ryan Gosling, Leighton Meester, Chris Pratt, Scott Speedman, Rachel Weisz & Anton Yelchin. Hoping they show up - Ralph Fiennes, Brendan Gleeson, Hugh Jackman, Ashley Greene, Eric Peterson, Alicia Silverstone, Nicole Kidman, Ed Helms, Jason Segal, Bryan Cranston |
About meI occasionally argue with inanimate objects, but I usually win. So its all good. Archives
June 2012