While my wrist isnt 100% quite yet, its much better.....sooo, some blogging can finally be done.
With the 3rd installment in the Twilight Saga, Eclipse now in the theatres....time to toss out a few more pics of the cast while they were here filming New Moon & Eclipse. First up...the females. I have far less photos of them than the guys, they were just seen less often by me. So, heres so previously un-posted pics (in my blog...if you actually have checked out my candid photos section..maybe you've seen some of them) of Ashley Greene, Dakota Fanning, Kristen Stewart & Nikki Reed... with special cameos by Ian Somerhalder, Taylor Lautner & Robert Pattinson.
FIRST- BE WARNED!!! I have a massive head cold, and a mild headache...so excuse me if I get some details out of order, or forget something you thought was notable etc etc.
Its not everyday the poorest postal code in Canada gets a notable celebrity playing a show it the area. Last night was that rare exception. Of course 100 Monkeys were at the Rickshaw Theatre last night & played to a fairly packed show. Funny side story. I pass this theatre almost daily & till I heard Jackson Rathbone & his bandmates Ben Graupner, Jerad Anderson & Ben Johnson would be playing there I mistook it for a usually abandoned building. I have seen it open maybe 5 times ever & It doesnt even have a name displayed anywhere. I was more suprised when I got inside & saw not only was it a 2 level theatre style venue with seats, but that it had a standing & seating room of around a 1,000...but I'm getting ahead of myself here. I showed up around 6 PM & waited at the back for Jackson to arrive. Shortly after being there I heard a soundcheck & was aware the band was, at least, partially there already. Some of the band members came out & left to go get food. No Jackson though. About an hr or so later they returned & saw 2 fans & myself back there. When they arrived Ben (I believe Graupner) chatted breifly with us, remembered both the pair of fans & myself from their previous tour of the Vancouver area. The couple asked if he could get them tickets, and he happily obliged. He then asked me if I wanted to go, I said, I'll certainly go. A few minutes later the manager (without his trademark Banana suit...currently looking for a new banana suit as the old one was deemed no good anymore :( ) came out with 3 tickets & it was official, I was going to the show. I had about 45 mins to an hr to kill, so I went home (a whole 4 blocks away) & dumped some stuff off & recharged my phone some. When I got back I saw the same couple still in the alley. They said Jackson hadnt arrived yet. So I waited with them. It was much darker now than when I left and rats were in abundance in the alleyways...and I'm not talking about L.A. Rats or the local rats. Eventually sometime in the first bands set a security guy came & said Jackson was already in. This would later be verified by a fan who went inside & said she saw him in the upstairs room that was sort of a "backstage" area for them...despite being infront of the stage up 2 levels. I headed inside after getting the disappointing news. The show had 2 opening bands. Neither I heard (well, actually I heard part of the middle band, but I was focussed at that time on other things...which it turns out was foolish.) By the time the 100 Monkeys were set to take the stage I was already sweaty. It was ridiculously hot in the theatre & everyone was at the very least a bit sweaty. At this time its probably a good time to point out, of all the Twilight based events I have gone to, tonights crowd had the highest percentage of hot women I have seen at one yet. There was still some stereotypical Twinocerouses lurking about, but for the mostpart, the most aesthetically enjoyable crowd I have seen at one of these Twilight hotspot events. I have to say, I never actually noticed what time the 100 Monkeys got on stage, but it turned into probably an hr to hr & 1/2 set. The band all took turns playing different instruments, Jackson played guitar, bass, drums & keyboards at different times. The other bandmates did as well. In typical Monkeys fashion, they did an improvised song...about Acorns tonight. They kept a good pace & were certainly giving a strong effort. They did a song right before their encore thanking all their fans for being there, which was kind of cool. Of course they squeezed in talking about Spencer Bell at the show & told everyone there if they didnt know who he was, to google him. I knew about this already as they told me last time that they would like me to make a donation for Jackson signing all our stuff to the http://www.spencerbellmemorial.ning.com website. I actually promised I would at the time & so far have failed to step up, last night was a good reminder. If I dont talk about cast members at the show I am sure I will hear it from some random fan....so here it is. Nikki Reed & her bf Paris Latsis were seen in the overlooking private box at the side of the stage. Elizabeth Reaser was there as well. The one that blew me away & unfortunately I didnt know till after the show. Stephanie Meyer was also there. Nikki & Elizabeth left only a few songs into the set. I didnt notice when Stephanie left, since I was unaware she was even there. When the show ended I instantly headed for outside. 1- to find Jackson & the band. 2- to get fresh cool air. It was sweltering in there. Outside 30 or so fans waited around the back, while 10-20 waited out front. Band equipment was making its way out for ever. It was then that I learned Stephanie Meyer was in there....I then noticed later, she was in some of my pics. If I had only known sooner. Eventually band members from 100 Monkeys started to leave & then I saw the flashes go off...it was Jackson. He spent little to no time leaving & was hurried into a minivan, and quickly wisked away. Jackson didnt interact with fans, which is VERY rare. I was shocked. A good show. I took lots of pics & videos. Vids will be uploaded in a little while. Yesterday was a long & ridiculously stupid day where a local photographer (after I shockingly defended him earlier in the day on twitter) chose to drag ME and others names thru the mud...while KStew got called a bitch by an associate of one of his workers.
Of course if you are in the twitter world you know already about Kristen Stewart getting called a bitch by a female outside the venue. But that aside, yesterday had other things worth blogging about. The day started for me doing a run thru the downtown core. When I got there, I found nothing happening anywhere. So I went to the airport for the much publicized Peter Facinelli flight. On his flight was also Ashley Greene. They arrived to a moderate amount of paps & autograph hounds. I managed to get 2 Facinellis, but Ashley declined requests, which was understandable as her hands were full with her dog carrier. After following them back downtown, TO A NEW LOCATION. My friend & I were quite taken aback to see they no longer were staying where the rest of the cast were. For a week or so its been assumed but not proven, that some cast had moved out. Yesterday I saw for myself this seems to be true. From there we did a tour of the area, before heading out to the Bobby Long show. By the time we showed up, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Elizabeth Reaser, Nikki Reed & Paris Latsis had shown up to the show. I had tweeted that Jackson was there. Based on info I was given, it turned out to be incorrect. Just those 5 seemed to be there. When the show ended the staff of the Backstage Lounge went in& out all the exists to try & shuttle the cast out of. In the end they picked a door & the cast speed walked out. But didnt try hiding. Robert & Kristen came out first, with Kristens manager. They got in the back cab...which was a mistake, as they were boxed in by the front cab which was going to take Nikki, Paris & Elizabeth. They sat there for what seemed like an eternity, before finally being able to get away. Rob did not try too hard to hide himself for once. Instead, he took to just leaning on his hands & had this sad look on his face that actually can make you feel sorry for him, despite the fact he has a life 99% of the people would trade for. I found it funny the cabby seems to have a similar look....or maybe he was watching the metre thinking "I hope we never get going" lol. I didnt even notice till after the fact that Kristen was in the first pic I took. Both Rob & her were wearing baseball caps. A change from the hoodie wearing days they seem to usually have. Too bad that damn truck was in the way though. The evening had little in the way of big moments, but it was an event that Rob & Kristen were at none the less. So heres a handful of the pics from the Boneta restaurant.
In the bunch is one of a girl wearing a hoodie....now call me crazy, but unless Kristen has a Nikki Reed mask, I am going to just assume its Nikki Reed. Call me crazy. Anyways. Except for a couple of the wayyy too close up shots, they are a bit grainy. I was trying to shoot without a flash, so I had limited light to work with. So as I just reported yesterday, Rob is getting the itch to go out. He considered it last night & opted not to.
Tonight, he committed. A cast dinner (minus most or all of the human kids & Kristen Stewart) had a dinner tonight at Boneta Restaurant (which I have passed a thousand times on my way home, and always thought it could be a celeb hang out). The evening waspainfully dull. For hours we were staked out at the hotel with no sightings outside of Robs security guard going out to do laundry & have a jog. Rob had returned from his day of shooting scenes at Como Lake School pretty early & we were all convinced he was going to go out tonight for sure. The night dragged on, eventually it was around 9 PM when the first sign of life happened. Taylor Lautner left. A car trailed & found him at a restaurant just down the street, as it turned out he didnt eat there apparently. Just got dropped off there. Shortly after that the driver who followed returned & within minutes a cab with Kellan Lutz, Xavier Samuel, Ashley Greene & who we believe was Peter Facinelli left. We followed. They ended up at Boneta & soon we were hoping for a Rob & Kristen sighting. News would come to us shortly after that Taylor never went into that restaurant, but instead scooted across the street to grab Nikki Reed & Elizabeth Reaser & left. They were followed from ther,e but lost shortly after....ironically, close to Boneta. As it turns out, they got to Boneta before we did with the other cab. No one really knows when, but Billy Burke also showed up. Then it happened, and it was both sad & funny. With 4-6 LA paps, 2-3 Vancouver paps, 3 autograph hounds all just "hanging out" waiting for some of the cast to leave, who comes from across the street walking...ROB. Heres the kicker, NO ONE noticed him till he was literally passing them. With all those cameras in tow NO ONE was fast enough to snap off anything. He literally got in scott free. But where was Kristen was the next question. Kristen Stewart never came to the dinner. The ASSUMPTION (no proven fact, but strongly assumed) she went to dinner with her manager & brother, who recently got into town. An hour- hour & 1/2 would linger on, which included a multi person argument between the un-educated staff of Boneta & the wily veterans of legal loopholes, the paps. I videotaped much of it incase there was a need for it. In the end, outside of some unflattering comments & some light pushing, nothing was made & a truce was bartered between the manager of the place & the paps. I've seen how these "truces" usually work. Place theya re at says "we'll do the best we can to accomodate you". We agree & give them their space, and they try as hard as they can to fuck us over by sneaking them out back or side doors etc. With the exception of one nutjob who came out with Rob waving his hand going "no,no,no" they actually did what they said they would. They let us know they were about to leave, and didnt try to impeed our views, shots or anything. Quite civil in teh end. One cab showed up. I cant even recall everyone that got in. Just that I remember seeing Billy Burke & I THINK Ashley Greene & Nikki Reed leave. It left. A few more minutes would go by before the next cab was ready. It was showtime. Rob was going to come out the front door with 10 or so paps, 3 autograph houdns & a light dusting of onlookers. He came out, head slightly down, hoodie up, beelined for the cab & was in. Elizabeth Reaser and I THINK Xavier Samuel got in with him. From there they left & headed back to their hotels never to be heard from again. In the end it wasnt overly succesful for me or other autograph hounds. No autographs were had (except 1 Taylor...who left after everyone rushed out after Rob). Most of the paps there got something to satisfy their hunger & likely went away happy with the efforts. Like I said yesterday, Rob is dipping his toes into the pool a little longer each time. I expect more interactions to come. Hopefully next time I will have some actual luck. More than two hours had passed since the cast entered the warehouse for the screening. I changed cars for the next part, and we got itchy trigger fingers, and decided to drive around the building to check things out. Our timing of this was huge as it turned out. In our little travel we were passed by John, Kristens manager in a car, this was our first sign they were leaving real soon. So my buddy went & grabbed a new spot, 1/2 way down the back lane of this area. I decided to go to the front of the building to watch out incase there was a front door sneak job. We had visual contact with each other. It didnt take long. Less than a minute & he saw the garage door in the back start to go up, and I ran to the back & got in the car. Within seconds of me getting in, they were passing us in the alley & the follow was on.
A four vehicle convoy of Twilight stars & staff rolled thru the area, with us stuck right in the middle, and the rest of the paps in tow. As we made our way into the Downton/Chinatown area, we were forced into a position of having to pass the lead vehicle. We did so & kept a guarded eye on them. At that point we were on the road that would lead to GM Place & were sure they were heading to the Kings Of Leon concert....as it turned out, that was wrong & they went straight, instead of turning, leaving us no longer in the chase group. We now had to play catch up. As they flew thru Chinatown & into the Downtown eastside, we followed on the next street over & the advantage of a driver with lots of experience in the area saved us> We pulled up to a corner in Gastown and they conveniently pulled right infront of us. We were once again following the lead vehicle & were unaware that behind us, the rest of the pack was held up. The front vehicle pulled up infront of a restaraunt, along with 1 more. We were forced to drive around them & hastily pulled to the side of the street & realizing autographs would be impossible, snapped a few shots of them going in. It was Rob, Kristen & Taylor. No other paps were anywhere to be seen. Seconds later they started to show up, and a minute or so later the last of the vehicles & paps showed up. It was too late for any of them to get them going in. We were the only ones. We didnt geta lot of shots, but we got the only shots. I never noticed exactly WHO all showed up. But there was about 6-8 cast members in the entourage. Besides those 3, Elizabeth Reaser, Nikki Reed, Ashley Greene, Kellan Lutz were definitely in the group & I think I saw Xavier Samuel as well, but was not as certain. Inside the Water St Cafe they ate & drank for well over an hour, the restaraunt actually put up curtains in the upstairs area so they could eat without hassle. Funny enough staff of the restaraunt or the crew kept coming to the window & snapping shots of the paps & hounds. Unaffected by it, they simply shot back. Eventually the vehicles returned, and it took less than a minute for them to orchestrate the get away. They pulled Rob & Kristens vehicle into the alleyway, leaving the rest out on the street. Everyone went in & around R & Ks vehicle, while the rest got away practically un-noticed. Kristen bolted in, Rob immediately after. Again, everyone scrambled to their vehicles & again, the follow was on. A cavalcade of celebs & photographers were en route to their next stop. Less than 4 minutes later the answer was known. They showed up to the back of GM Place. They were escorted into the gated security patrolled loading bay, and were positioned as close to the door as they could get them & rushed quickly into the venue. Once again, a waiting game would happen. (Part 3 coming soon) This day was so long I dont think I can squeeze it all into 1 blog without it looking like a novel...which I have been told by some my blogs already look like.
My day started with a late start. I didnt expect the mornings to be busy, so I took my time & didnt get there till about noon. I got there to find out Ashley Greene was out shopping. All the paps were off on that chase, leaving the hotel guarded by merely me & a couple fans. It was quiet, then I went to Subway & found Taylor Lautners dad there. I didnt speak to him, but he was clearly ordering enough that I got the impression TL wasnt coming out anytime soon. His dad left, and when I came out of subway myself, I found him chatting with one of the local hounds. He then told us not to expect much today, that it was going to be quiet there & that they were all in "lockdown". At the time, we didnt know what he meant...but we got the message, which was "dont expect much here today". Shortly after that I saw the tweet from a twilight fan that stated that Edi stated at a twi convention that the cast was apparently watching New Moon in Vancouver as he spoke. So we concluded thats what Taylors dad was referring to & figured we had an hour or more to kill. Myself & 2 others decided to go to a different hotel for a bit & see if we could see some non-Twilight stars. When who should we see??...a Twilight star. Kellan Lutz showed up there & went inside for a couple minutes. When he came back out, he had 2 bags, 1 that was like a carry on luggage bag, the other a shopping bag from somewhere. He posed with a fan for a pic, then hopped in a cab. There was no chance for an autograph, but I did snap a few pics of him leaving (will upload later when time permits...probably Monday). From there we decided maybe they werent watching it right now & headed back to Twilight HQ. Awhile would go by, with nothing of note, then a couple small signs of action happened. Nikki & Elizabeth left, in a production vehicle. Taylors dad went into the parking lot, we assumed to go get the rental car he had, and 1 or two other small things were happening that made us think the movie (we still were under the assumption that it was on right then) was over. When from out of nowhere a vehicle left. It was full. The only thing I knew was the guy in the front seat is a guy we have seen shadowing Rob a lot since he got here, and in the center of the back was Kristen. Two cars followed in pursuit, and my friend & I decided all too late to try & follow. We never caught up to them, but were given the heads up of their final destination. We got out to a warehouse area of West 2nd avenue to a place with an underground secure parking lot that multiple vehicles had gone down into. NOW the cast was about to watch the movie. It was 4 in the afternoon & they were JUST starting their screening. There was 7-10 people waiting outside there. No less than 4 agencies represented. Everyone knew nothing would be had of them leaving, but what they were doing was waiting to see where they would be next....and thats when things started to pick up (for part 2 later today). |
About meI occasionally argue with inanimate objects, but I usually win. So its all good. Archives
June 2012