Supergirl Season 5 Finale filming in Coal Harbour with lots of cast including Melissa Benoist3/12/2020 ![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR SUPERGIRL SEASON 5 EPISODE 20 (the season finale), AND IT MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE. I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. YOUTUBE BONUS- Because of how large this set is, I will increase the 10+ Minute video selection to 10 photos. THIS INCREASE IS NOT VALID ON OTHER PLATFORMS.... it is also only valid on this blog post, and is inclusive of BOTH sets of photos in here, not each set. UPDATE - (at 11 AM Pacific Time, March 21, 2020) Video will be added at the bottom. It does include photos from this post after the video. So if you have already seen them here, feel free to skip them. I caught up with Supergirl shooting in part of downtown Vancouver called Coal Harbour. On this day they were filming a few scenes for the season 5 finale. Unfortunately I did not get to the first couple, as this information snuck up on everyone and we didnt really find out about it till the early afternoon. By the time I got there, they were on the 2nd to last of several locations they were shooting in the area that day. The first scene I came across had several cast in a scene. Melissa Benoist as Supergirl, David Harewood as Martian Manhunter, Nicole Maines as Dreamer, Jesse Rath as Brainiac 5 (looks a bit different than I recall), Sharon Leal as Miss Martian, and the stand in for Chyler Leigh was in the scene too in some type of black & blue hooded outfit (anyone seen her wearing that before?). The scene had this group of heroes walking thru a mob on a plaza. They get to the front, and seem happy about something. People are seemingly cheering, but there also was at least a couple background who looked up were acting angry, including 1 walking away giving a thumbs down to whatever was going on. No other context of the scene really is known. That was it. After that scene wrapped, they went on lunch & moved on to their next scene across the street.. The last location of the day was in a childrens park. This location saw several cast at it. Melissa Benoist was on set as Kara Danvers, Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor, David Harewood as J'onn J'onzz, Jesse Rath as Querl Dox, Nicole Maines as Nia Nal, as well as returning guest star Sharon Leal as M'gann M'orzz. Also on set was Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor, but he was not shooting (at least while I was there) on camera. This usually means the actor is needed to simply speak a piece of dialogue needed in the scene. From what I could see of the scene, it seemed the cast were hanging around this bench, seemingly having a good time, as there was a lot of laughing while the camera was rolling. Then suddenly something catches their attention, and they all look up a bit. I never heard any dialogue for the scene, but their fun loving nature from moments earlier seemed to change into a more serious look. I know the direction they looked is where Jon was standing off camera, so perhaps it was something to do with Lex? But I cant say. In some of the scenes you might see bubbles on screen, this is because they had a child playing with a bubble blower throughout the scene, while another was playing soccer with a "dad". This was, from what anyone could recall, the first on location shoot Supergirl had done, and more notably Melissa, since her pregnancy announcement. The earlier filming had her in her Supergirl costume, but because of the sheer density of the crowd, theres no photos of her full frame to see if she is well in, or not. The evening shoot, she was bundled in a heavy jacket to hide any ideas on that. After an hour or so of shooting that scene, the cast headed off. Katie and David stopped to meet fans. Earlier in the day Jesse came over to a fence that was splitting the sidewalk and the property they were on to come and say him. They all appeared to be in good spirits despite while they were working the news came out that Riverdale, which shares a studio with Supergirl was shutting down production early because of a possible COVID-19 issue. Katie even referenced she was hesitant to give a fan a hug as she was worried she could give them the disease. Whether that was a thought on her mind prior to the news, or not, I dont know. But she eventually did give the hugs after all. From what it sounded like from the crew I chatted with, this is probably the last exterior shoot of the season. At this time, I believe there is no plans to shut down production for their show, despite sharing a studio with Riverdale. Filming for Supergirl season 5 is scheduled to wrap March 17. So they just have a few days to try and get through this. I also have some video of the scene, but it wont be up for a little while, as I have a lot of other projects that I am working on. Perhaps by next week I will have it on Patreon, and by the end of the month on Youtube. To see more Behind The scenes blog posts and photos from Supergirl go HERE To see the autograph gallery for Supergirl go HERE Supergirl season 5 is on Sunday nights on The CW in the U.S. and on Showcase in Canada.
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![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR SUPERGIRL SEASON 5 EPISODE 13 TITLED "IT'S A SUPER LIFE", AND IT MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE. I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. UPDATE: December 4, 2019 - Video added at the bottom of the two exterior Lena scenes, and the exterior Supergirl scenes. I caught up with Supergirl shooting in downtown Vancouver yesterday at a place called Hornby Plaza for episode 513.... which just happens to also be the shows 100th episode. Frequent Supergirl director Jessie Warn is directing it. For the first shoot of the morning, they did a walk & talk scene with Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor, along with a couple returning guest stars. First up was Sam Witwer as Ben Lockwood who calls out to Lena after she comes out of L-Corp with a security guard. Lena invites Ben to walk with her & they have a chat. They stop in front of a black panel van (because I guess they had to make things easy) where the talk continues. When Lena decides to leave, her bodyguard actually blocks her path for leaving, she then looks at Ben and he implies with body language for her to get into the van. A bit after that another part of the scene was shot where Ben is still standing just behind her, but now another guest star Robert Baker as Otis Graves is now in front of her where the guard was. Otis covers Lenas head with a black bag, and they proceed to put Lena into the van. After that scene wrapped, they moved into the middle of Hornby Plaza to shoot a scene with a pile of people holding signs outside of the courthouse. Along with them was Chad Lowe as Thomas Coville, and a woman playing a reporter. She asks Thomas why he thinks Lena did not give up Supergirls ID. After that scene, it was the one that was big enough it even had the paps out for once. Melissa Benoist showed up to set to play Kara Danvers/Supergirl for a scene. This of course was her first public shoot since her 14 minute Instagram video the other day where she disclosed that she has been a victim of domestic violence in the past. She showed up to shoot her scene already in wardrobe. She was dressed as Kara in a dark floral printed shirt, with a beige jacket over it. The scene sees her make her way through a crowd up to a stage with a few microphones in front of it. She then talks for about 30 seconds or so, which at the end of it, she takes a huge sigh, proclaims she is Supergirl and rips open her shirt to reveal her Supergirl attire under neath. Of course, you can speculate on if this is real, or a dream. I would find it hard to believe she would do this in the real world.... but who really knows? Yet. Later they moved the production over to the Vancouver Trade & Convention Centre to do a couple scenes in there. I didnt stick around for those scenes as it was indoors, and, by that point I was very tired and very sore from being in the pouring rain all day. So I took a break. But I DO know the only two main cast on set for it were Melissa & Katie... and it was a courtroom scene. After that scene, they moved back to the plaza for a night scene. The night scene had Katie as Lena again on set, this time with returning guest star Odette Annable as Samantha Arias. The scene had the pair walking along and talking. Eventually, they stop, talk some more, while the pair hold hands, then they share a hug at the end of the take. A little while later the crew wrapped for the night, and the cast left, but not before stopping for the very damp fans that were still there. There will also be some video added later on. Possibly today, but definitely this week. So check back for that. It will cover several scenes. And lastly. A reminder - re-posting more than 1 photo from this blog without permission, or purchasing the photo. or - re-posting more than 2 photos without crediting to the social media account of that site that I have, or purchasing the photos. or - re-posting more than 4 photos without the link to this blog post, or purchasing the photos. IS NOT PERMITTED, and will be removed through a DMCA notice, and depending what site you are on, and if it isnt your first offense, may result in the suspension/termination of your account on that site. To see more Behind The scenes blog posts and photos from Supergirl go HERE To see the autograph gallery for Supergirl go HERE For updates of Supergirl cast shooting on other shows for Crisis On Infinite Earths, I have created a blog section just for this event HERE Supergirl season 5 is on Sunday nights on The CW in the U.S. and on Showcase in Canada. Supergirl VIDEOS - Episode 503 scene, and ep 501 Katie McGrath and Nicole Maines meeting fans8/15/2019 ![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR SUPERGIRL SEASON 5 EPISODE 3, TITLED "BLURRED LINES" AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . A reminder... DO NOT attempt to post the video to your own social media accounts or website. If you want to show your followers the video, you can do so by linking to this blog posts directly, or posting the original youtube link. Re-uploading it ANYWHERE and not simply linking to the original post will have it removed, and depending on the platform, could have your account suspended or terminated. In July, I caught up with Supergirl a few times out and about filming. Here are some videos from two different sets. First, was Katie McGrath and Nicole Maines meeting fans at the set of episode 501 at the Orpheum Theatre. Apologies on the 1 Katie video, for whatever reason, my camera was unclear what to focus on throughout the entire clip. So it does get blurry at times. You probably recognize the videos from the day that Nicole Maines posted on her social media about going to Five Guys Burgers in full wardrobe. At the end is some video of episode 503 being shot with Melissa Benoist as Kara Danvers, Staz Nair as William Dey, and Mehcad Brooks as James Olsen. If you are watching & wondering whats wrong with the audio. DONT. Audio is removed to prevent any possible copyright issues on Youtube. On my site, it isnt a problem, but for YT, it can be an issue if some song is playing in the background as a vehicle goes by & suddenly some intern at a record company that thinks your stealing from the boss who doesnt pay them files a claim against you. Sooo, no audio for YT videos. You can find photos from the scene in the video HERE, as well as earlier on that day scenes with Chyler Leigh, Azie Tesfai, along with Melissa and Mehcad HERE When I have a few more minutes this weekend, there will also be video up of the Melissa, Mehcad and Staz scene, I will add the video in here when it is done. To see more Behind The scenes blog posts and photos from Supergirl go HERE To see the autograph gallery for Supergirl go HERE Supergirl season 5 will start in October on The CW in the U.S. and on Showcase in Canada. ![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR SUPERGIRL SEASON 5 EPISODE 1 AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE. I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a rakedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. UPDATE: August 2, 2019 - News of the mystery girl has been added. I once in a while have the luxury of stepping outside of my place and find a film set right there. On this day, the crew and cast of Supergirl were working in the building that is across the street from my place. All of the filming on the first day, and most of the 2nd day was inside the Orpheum Theatre. The only exterior was a walking scene with background actors at the end of the 2nd day of filming there. The building is well known in Vancouver, and has been used by most every show out there at some point. Early on the 1st day I saw some of the stunts team standing around outside waiting to film. At different points there I saw the doubles for Melissa, Nicole, Chyler, Jesse and a new girl that I do not yet know (* August 2 - we now know that it is Jennifer Cheon Garcia as "Midnight") . During the lull that came with the morning shooting, I went for a walk and found the circus for the set. There was A LOT of cast trailers there, and were prepped for work that day. As you can see from the photos below, I saw the trailers for several of the cast, but could not see them all because of the angles they were parked at. I found it a bit odd that Nia Nal has a tape marker on her trailer, but Kelly Olsen already has a full printed plate for her door. Back at the set, I managed to run into David Harewood and Jesse Rath as they left for their lunch break in the early afternoon and got some autographs from them on something cool I am trying to work on. Later in the afternoon, I saw Melissa Benoist going to set in her Supergirl wardrobe, but she was hiding it under some type of sweater or blanket. In the evening, we saw Katie McGrath and Nicole Maines head out to go grab burgers at Five Guys still in full Lena Luthor and Dreamer wardrobe. Nicole posted on her instagram about the experience of doing it HERE. Little was really known about what was going on inside the theatre. All anyone can really confirm is what cast were there. Besides the ones mentioned in this article, Chyler Leigh and Azie Tesfai were the only other cast known to be there that I did not get photos of, or interact with at some point. To see more Behind The scenes blog posts and photos from Supergirl go HERE To see the autograph gallery for Supergirl go HERE Supergirl season 5 will start in October on The CW in the U.S. and on Showcase in Canada. ![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR SUPERGIRL SEASON 4 EPISODE 22 "THE QUEST FOR PEACE" AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - New Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE. I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a rakedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. UPDATE MAY 5 (scene details added at bottom to a major spoiler) I ran in to Supergirl shooting scenes for episode 22 of this season, which is their finale. The episode is being directed by Jesse Warn. The cast & crew shot in 2 different locations at quite different parts of the downtown area. First was a spot they had used multiple times in the past, a park in Coal Harbour, which this time was changed to look like an area for a press conference. Now I fully admit, I do not watch the show, so my knowledge of why a character would be doing something is not there. But this scene had Graham Verchere as George Lockwood giving a press conference where he was telling a gathering of reporters that included Nicole Maines as Nia Nal, to call for "unity". After that scene wrapped, Graham shot a scene about 100 feet from there with a newer actor (did not even have an IMDB when I looked him up) Steel Bey who is playing the role of "Charlie". The pair stopped to look at their phones as a new alert comes in. After that scene, it was time for a trek all the way across the downtown core to the far edge of Gastown, start of the Downtown Eastside. The first scene over there was one in front of the "National City Transit Authority" where we find Andrea Brooks as Eve Teschmacher sitting on a bench when Patti Allan as "Old Lady" comes over and talks to her briefly before getting up & moving on. Again, not sure why, but Eve was hidden in a hoodie, and was sporting brunette hair (I'm not confused right? She is a blonde on the show. Right??). Near the end of this shoot, a little bonus surprise arrived. Katie McGrath, better known as Lena Luthor, arrived at the set. But not to work. She was walking her dog Oisin, she also was there to give crew and cast that she might not see for the rest of this season some gifts. She spent most of her time talking with Andrea, and a couple crew members, before moving on. After she was done interacting with the crew, the group of us there to watch called out to her as she was walking away, and she stopped at met with everyone there. Giving out photos with, autographs, and chatting with everyone. Interactions like this one with Katie is why she is firmly in my top 50 nicest celebs list, and when I do my next update, will surely move up a bit more A little later they moved about 1/2 block up the street to their final location of the night. The final shoot seemed to give the vibe of a double date night. Luckily some Supergirl fans at the set informed me that the two couples I saw are couples on the show, so I didnt have to speculate on this. Nicole Maines as Nia Nal, Jesse Rath as Querl Dox were together in 1 grouping, with Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers and Azie Tesfai as Kelly Olsen were together walking slightly in front of them. The focus of the scene seemed to be on Alex and Kelly, as they stop at one point to have a conversation. I cant say what all happens, because I only really photographed the rehearsal for it. The cast security, who I have interacted with many times over the years on various sets, asked quite nicely if I could just co-operate with him and not be where I was because the actors wanted "privacy" for the scene. So I agreed and went for what I thought would be a good hidden spot, but somehow, someone in the crew saw me there, and he had to come over and ask me if I could move from there too. Even though I didnt have to, I obliged, as the way he went about it was not the usual demanding, bullying way that many others on most sets would try to deal with it. Not to mention, I know if I want autographs from the cast, working with his requests from time to time will help with that, as it did on this night. So the actual filming of the scene, I dont really know many details. All I know is the short little amount of pics I got during the rehearsals. At the end of the evening, all of the cast members stopped and took photos and signed for the fans. For a show who has a cast member so anti-fan in its lead spot, it really is amazing how generous and friendly the rest of this cast is. Oh, 1 other thing I got to find out. LaMonica Garrett as The Monitor, as I reported earlier this week with the first shot of him on an Arrowverse set outside of the Elseworlds crossover, was on the Arrow set earlier this week. I can confirm he is going to be on Supergirl too..... and he is there looking at someones dead body (all shot in studio, so dont expect photos of it). Start your panic-meters now. Who will it be?? Why?? Is it Crisis On Infinite Earths related? Guess we will have to wait and see. UPDATE MAY 5, 2019, 11:15 AM - I can now confirm the body The Monitor is looking at belongs to...... LEX LUTHOR! The photo below shows the scene description of "Monitor approaches Lex's dead corpse", and the scene number is 71, which would put it QUITE LATE in the episode.... POSSIBLY even the final scene. To see more Behind The scenes blog posts and photos from Supergirl go HERE To see the autograph gallery for Supergirl go HERE Supergirl season 4 is airing on Sunday nights on The CW in the U.S. and on Showcase in Canada. ![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR SUPERGIRL SEASON 3 EPISODE 5 AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . Back in August, I found the Supergirl set shooting some scenes in a park in the Coal Harbour area of downtown Vancouver. On set that day when I got there was Katie McGrath, Odette Annable and Mehcad Brooks. The trio were shooting a scene at a stage area set up to look like a press conference. Behind the stage was a large LCorp sign, and scattered throughout the crowd of extras were signs demanding justice/vengeance against LCorp. Directed by Arrowverse regular director, famed comic book legend, and actor Kevin Smith, the scene saw Katie as Lena Luthor step up to the podium with Mehcad as James Olsen and Odette as Reign beside her. Lena then gave a speech where she tells the crowd that she sees their signs, and is going to step down as the head of LCorp, but before the crowd has even a moment to revel in the statement, gun shots ring out and James dives to push Lena to safety, while Reign moves off in the other direction. A bit later we see another scene being shot. This time, Supergirl herself..... errr I mean mild mannered reporter Kara Danvers, is on set. Melissa Benoist joined the trio for the later scenes.
In the later scenes, we see Kara standing up in the middle of the crowd while everyone goes fleeing for safety. Meanwhile up on the stage, we find out that James got shot in the arm. they also filmed a quick scene of a girl in a hoodie being apprehended (I'm assuming the shooter?) in the middle of the crowd. During breaks in the latter half of the shooting day, the cast were preoccupied with meeting with a couple little girls from the Make A Wish foundation. While I decided it was not the best time to photograph cast, some of the other photographers there did. I couldnt resist though, a shot of them snapping the clapper board with Melissa during one take. The cast were nothing short of exceptional in how much patience & time they took with the kids. While everyone that goes to sets would expect nothing less from the other 3, I think most of us were all at the least a little surprised to see the usually impossible to get an interaction with Melissa spending so much time with them. It was nice to see her being nice to someone at the set for a change. The girls also got to call rolling once, and got to hang out with Melissa to watch while the others did a scene Melissa wasnt in at that point. Throughout the day, director Kevin Smith went around to crew, and at least twice to the fans watching and handed out Tim Hortons Timbits (for those not from Canada, basically, donut holes). To see more Behind The scenes blog posts and photos from Supergirl go HERE To see the autograph gallery for Supergirl go HERE Supergirl returns October , 2017 on The CW ![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR SUPERGIRL SEASON 3 EPISODE 1 "GIRL OF STEEL" AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . The cast & crew shot scenes for the season 3 premiere in a courtyard sandwiched in between the building of the busiest public transit spot in Vancouver, and the former building of Vancouvers two major newspapers. While I dont really know much of what went on in the earlier scene, it included a massive Supergirl banner stating "Girl Of Steel" on it, and had Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor on the stage. Vancouver fans of the show came out in force, as there was crowds of 50+ at the set all day long, and at a couple points about 100 fans were out. Later in the day, scenes were shot with Floriana Lima as Maggie Sawyer and Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers, along with David Harewood as Hank Henshaw and Melissa Benoist as Supergirl. All I could really make out from the latter shoot, was that something was attacking the Supergirl day event, and Melissa and David were right in the middle of taking it on. Throughout the day, the 4 cast who arent Melissa, all came over and gave their time to meet fans & take photos and sign autographs. While the lead of the show hastily speed walked away from awaiting fans arriving and departing the set. Unfortunately, this is the standard for her at the set. Luckily for the show, the rest of the cast does their best to accommodate for their fan unfriendly star. Supergirl returns to The CW on October 9, 2017 You can see my previous Supergirl Behind The Scenes blog posts HERE You can see the Supergirl autograph gallery HERE |
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