![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR SUPERGIRL SEASON 6 EPISODE 19, as well as another episode # unknown), AND IT MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021 there is new photo usage limits. So please check the link for the new updated totals. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. I have been clearing up my desktop recently, and have stumbled across a couple sets of Supergirl photos I never got out. I know the one set is from Supergirl filming episode 6x19. The other, I THINK is episode 15 or 16, but dont know for certain (Could even be for an ep thats gone by). There is also a couple photos from their studio when I was out that way 1 day, I decided to take a very short trip by there and take a couple photos from there. Unfortunately, never saw any cast while I was there, even though it was clear they were shooting in there that day. We will start with the ep 15 or 16 photos. First there was a little girl on set that I did not photograph, because I refrain from toding that unless I know they are part of the show, and not just a background character. AT THE TIME the reveal of Kelly & Alex's adopted daughter was not known, but I do think thats the girl I saw in the scene. It consisted of this girl at the ice cream stand holding an ice cream in her hand, then a whoosh from a wind blower makes the motion of someone going by at super speed, giving the woman some change, and taking the ice cream, then a whoosh going past the little girl, and an ice cream in her hand. A bit later they did did a scene at the other side of the Art gallery. It had a woman telling reporters something. But I never really got an idea what it was about. They also had a National City City Hall podium there, but I never saw them use it. Weather was bad, so i wasnt terribly motivated to stay out there, so I focused on the other location they had across the street at the Hotel Vancouver. Unfortunately, I couldnt see what was going on inside, as it was on a higher floor. Only cast member I saw show up was David Harewood. This was of course the day everyone would learn he had injured his ankle, and I saw him show up with a cast on his leg. The other photos here are from av ery quick stop I made at the studio one day when I was already out in Langley for a different shows set not too far (it was further than I had expected though) away. On this day they were actively filming in there, but I didnt have a lot of time to look around, so I took a few quick photos, including the one of the massive Supergirl logo inside the front door, an "Emergency" sign they had outside a door to make it look like a hospital entrance, and the only 2 trailers I could see the names of, Alex & Kelly. Shot a quick video, that will be included in my last 6X20 set video coming soon, and left. In the last set of content (that I am aware of, I DID already say last blog I thought that was the last set I had) I have from Supergirl. Here is a set from the filming of episode 6x19 with Melissa Benoist as Supergirl, Jesse Rath as Brainiac 5, Unknown actor as Martian Manhunter, unknown actress in a business suit, and unknown actress in a tye dye shirt. I wasnt at this set very long, as I did have another set I was at on that day, so I cant really tell you much about what happened. But here is some photos of it. To see videos of other scenes from this season, check out my YOUTUBE CHANNEL. There is dozens of set videos there from season 6, and prior, including some spoilers for the finale. To see more Behind The scenes blog posts and photos from Supergirl go HERE To see the autograph gallery for Supergirl go HERE Supergirl season 6 returns in August on The CW in the U.S. and on Showcase in Canada.
![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR SUPERGIRL SEASON 6 EPISODE 20, AND IT MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021 there is new photo usage limits. So please check the link for the new updated totals. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. UPDATE - AUGUST 14, 2021 - 6:45 AM. As promised when this blog 1st went up, there is an additional section of photos from the Friday shoot added below the last part of the original Friday photos. Instead of incorporating them into the subsections, I just gave them their own gallery so those of you coming here just to see the new photos, who already had seen the previous ones, didnt have to navigate through content you already saw. As I said at the time, there were so many I chose, that I couldnt get them up all in 1 shot, so I just got some up the first time, and the rest up later. UPDATE - SEPTEMBER 23, 2021 - 12:30 AM. A lot later than I originally promised. But the final set of photos from this shoot from the Saturday shoot has been added to the end of the blog. Also... apologies for the frustratingly high amount of photos with tree branches through them. We were all aware they were there, and were already frustrated with them, but it wasnt till I got them on a bigger screen at home that I noticed just HOW MANY were cutting through the middle of photos I thought were clean. I have my Wednesday (Funeral) shoot blog HERE. I have my blog from the Thursday shoot is HERE. I caught up with Supergirl filming episode 6x20, which IS THE SEASON, AND SERIES FINALE in downtown Vancouver, in an area they have used before, Harbour Green Park, and the street out front of it. This time they were using the street, and the park, where as in the past, they had used these two areas at seperate times. The episode is being directed by Jesse Warn. Early in the day, they had 2 units on the go. One with all the actors, out on the street, doing large superhero ensemble scenes, while in the park they were practicing, and performing stunt sequences with James, and Kelly Olsen in their Guardian attire around some explosions in an area they were calling "Russell Memorial Park" (unsure who that is in reference to). Later in the day Azie was also on set doing part of the scene, but Mehcad Brooks never was on set as James Guardian, but I have added those photos to the first part of the day set as there was not many of them, and it was part of that scene. On set for the first of the 2 day shoot were - Melissa Benoist as Supergirl - Chyler Leigh as Sentinel - Azie Tesfai as Guardian - Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor - Nicole Maines as Dreamer - Jesse Rath as Brainiac 5 - Julie Gonzalo as Acrata - David Harewood as Martian Manhunter - Helen Slater as Eliza Danvers - Jeremy Jordan as Winn Schott - Chris Wood as Mon El - Unknown actor as James Olsens Guardian - Keith Dallas as Al Crane - Unknown actor (the one from the day prior at the Dreamer ceremony, may be Corbin Bleu as Trevor Crane, but I dont have enough details to go on yet) - Unknown actor #2 as unknown character in a camo jacket. For most of the day, the entire crew was out there together doing scenes. Sometimes a couple of them would be in holding, while the camera was focused on different parts of the scene, but for large portions of the day, the entire roster was out there (or in the case of Martian Manhunter, Supergirl, and James Guardian, sometimes their body doubles too). The scenes had each of the heroes doing their reactions to a threat from some villains. They named A LOT of villains at a couple points. It started with Lex Luthor & Nyxlygsptlnz. But the dastardly duo summoned others like a reverse Endgame moment, with portals opening up for Overgirl, Red Tornado, Parasite, and Metallo to come & join their attack on the heroes. Throughout the day, a couple different combinations of scenes were done. In the early part of the day, they seemed to have scenes with Supergirl and Martian Manhunter at the front, with the Guardians, and Sentinel off to 1 side, and Dreamer, Brainy, Acrata and Lena off on the other side. After the lunch break they continued on with the same series of scenes, but this time, a couple of additions joined the team. Mon El & Winn were now out there as well. This time, the scenes had Supergirl & Mon El front & centre, with the rest of the heroes surrounding from the sides. In between takes all day, you would occasionally hear explosions going off from the stunt team scene just around the corner in the park. The explosions would happen, then the team out on the road would yell rolling for their scene. As the day went on, some of the cast would wrap. First up was Melissa & Chris. then a few others like David, Jeremy and Julie would wrap. Eventually, there was just 4 people left on set. With Dreamer, Brainy, Sentinel & Kellys Guardian doing scenes. As each of them was wrapping, they would give them ovations for wrapping their superhero portion of the show. When Chyler did her final scene as Sentinel, she got her ovation, and Jesse, Nicole, and Azie came out to be part of it, and she seemed quite emotional over the end of the character, asfans who were watching that part said she was crying on the set, and when she walked back from the set, you can see Azie comforting her as she went to holding. That was a wrap on day 1 for me, even though there was a couple smaller non-cast scenes that still seemed to be going on. Throughout the day, I would leave the area where the filming was happening to do the main part of my job, getting autographs. So I might have missed the occasional detail. But there is a plethora of other fans on set who got many of those details I might have missed. At the bottom of the blog, I will list some of them. As promised, here is some more photos from the Friday shoot. A few days later than I said they would be.... but finally, here they are. I know a few people were inquiring for buying the sets. There is a contact form on the side of the desktop page (or in the drop down menu on mobile) to inquire about the prices. Sorry the last section of this blog took so long to get up. I honestly forgot about it a bit, then the actual work of blocking out Overgirls logo was that little extra effort I was just having trouble getting to. But they are up now.
For the final public location shoot day, the main heroes cast was not on set. Jon Cryer, and Peta Sergeant had some work in the first half of the day, then later in the day they brought in Helen Slater, and an unknown actor #2. While they did their scenes, stunt doubles for everyone were hanging around all day just chilling in full costume waiting to do mostly stand in work for the actors who had the day off. This happens a lot in the industry when you dont need to see the actors face, or hear them, they just have the stunt double/stand in stand there so that they have the physical shape there, and they shoot over their shoulders, or at an angle that maybe just catches their legs or something. The scenes with Lex & Nyxly were quite entertaining, as they were constantly being told to scream in terror, as the Phantom Zone was opening up above them. I would not be shocked if 911 got some calls about their work, as it really did sound like people were being murdered. A later scene had Eliza Danvers with a shot gun, and she spouts a line that was something like "in a past life, I might have been Kryptonian", which is a clear easter egg to the fact she was Supergirl once in the movies. A little later, they got the entire stunt team together to do a photoshoot with the Burrard Inlet & the North Shore mountains in the background. Then shortly after that, it was officially a wrap. That was it. The end of all public location shoots ever for Supergirl were done. They have 1 more location shoot this week, but it is on private property, and is quite literally, inaccessible to the public. Great resources to piece together any details I might have missed on these final shoots can be found at these twitter accounts... Frog Photo - Professional photographer (some amazing shots, far better than what I get, she sells them too) LenaLuthorr - Fan who gave details of the scenes that were shot. TheMyscirabound - Photographer & fan who posted some photos/videos, and gave details of scenes. Video will come later on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL. So check in there for those later on in a few weeks. Some of the videos will be on the Patreon page for video tier members THIS WEEK. To see more Behind The scenes blog posts and photos from Supergirl go HERE To see the autograph gallery for Supergirl go HERE Supergirl season 6 returns in August on The CW in the U.S. and on Showcase in Canada. ![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR SUPERGIRL SEASON 6 EPISODE 20, AND IT MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021 there is new photo usage limits. So please check the link for the new updated totals. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. I caught up with Supergirl filming episode 6x20 filming scenes at Oceanic Plaza, and across from it on Thursday. This was the 2nd day in a row I had found them, after a set on Wednesday (blog will be coming later this week) filming in a commonly used graveyard in Southeast Vancouver. This is of course filming for the season 6 finale, which will also be the shows series finale. It is being directed by Jesse Warn. After this set wrapped, there is only 5 shooting days left on the show, including another 2 day big action sequence that by the time you read this, they probably have already started, or perhaps even finished, as I am a bit behind in getting these blogs finished. On this day. People on set included - Chyler Leigh as Sentinel - Azie Tesfai as Kelly Olsen / Guardian - Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor - Nicole Maines as Dreamer - Body double as Martian Manhunter - Julie Gonzalo as Andrea Rojas/ Acrata - Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor - Unknown actor as unknown character The scenes went as follows. - Lena & Acrata VS Lex. - Dreamer & Kelly Olsen at a ribbon cutting ceremony. - Lena & Andrea Rojas at a ceremony. - Lena at the unveiling of the Lena Luthor foundation. - Guardian, Sentinel, Dreamer & Martian Manhunter battling something in the sky in a plaza. In the first scene of the day, Lex Luthor was out there causing mayhem, while Lena was seemingly trying to summon something (apparently shes a magician now... this isnt the first set where she has been seen doing things like this). Lex moves towards Lena, and aims his arm canon at her, before Acrata jumps in and saves Lena. After that, they moved on to a scene that I frankly saw very little of, as I was spending time getting autographs throughout the day. I saw 2 takes of it, they had Dreamer & Kelly Olsen out at a ribbon cutting ceremony with a currently unknown actor (he wasnt just there as a random character, because he was also on set the next day too, and also got a cast vehicle to pick up & drop off). The ceremony was to open the "Dreamer Center For LGBTQ Outreach" in front of the "Albertus Tower". Before they started filming, Nicole was out there waving 1, or both of the flags that were displayed off to the side of the scene. I wish they had picked a better location for this scene, as the flags just sat there flat, not waving throughout the scene. They should have had THIS scene out in the plaza where theres a breeze, and could have set the flags up behind her, but nope. Just have them off to the side, laying flat against the post.... I guess? A scene with Lena & Andrea opening the William Dey school of Journalism happened after that, and I saw nothing of it, because I didnt know they were even filming it. I thought the pair went over to the set to block for a scene for after lunch, but instead, they full on filmed a scene there. Next was a very verrrrry short scene, with Lena unveiling a monument for the Lena Luthor foundation. She quite literally did ONE take of it, and was done for the day. They wrapped up the actors scenes for the day with Guardian, Sentinel, Dreamer, and Martian Manhunter fighting off something on the same plaza, which was named the "Apogee Tower Plaza" (unsure what thats a reference to at this time, but theres always easter eggs in the name choices, I am sure Albertus Tower is one as well.) as the Lena scene right before it was on, but the signs from that scene were not in it, which means this fight happens before those buildings become LuthorCorp, and the LLF, or the writers have a continuity issue. That was it for me on that day, although it looked like they were filming a background crowd scene when I left. I just dont know what it was, as I didnt wait around to see. This was going to be a busy week, and every minute of down time I could muster was used. I will have the Friday & Saturday set up as soon as I can. I HAD HOPED to have this up by Friday night, then by Saturday night, but as you can see, that didnt happen. So I'm going to say I HOPE to have the Fri/Sat set up by Monday, but we will see. This set also was a 1st this season (unofficially the river bed set was, but this was the 1st time where cast were ALLOWED to) where fans were finally allowed (in very limited numbers, when the crowds got too large, they shut it down) to interact with cast, and get photos with, and autographs. It was nice to finally break that ice, since every other production had weeks, to a couple months, earlier. Chyler, Azie, Nicole & Julie all stopped & interacted with a few fans at different points. Unfortunately, Jon wrapped early, and I never really got a good chance to ask him when he was leaving (but he made up for it 2 days later, as you'll see when the weekend set blog is up). Video will come later on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL. So check in there for those later on in a few weeks. Some of the videos will be on the Patreon page for video tier members soon (later this week probably). To see more Behind The scenes blog posts and photos from Supergirl go HERE To see the autograph gallery for Supergirl go HERE Supergirl season 6B returns August 24 on The CW in the U.S. and on Showcase in Canada. ![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR SUPERGIRL SEASON 6 EPISODE 19, AND IT MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021 there is new photo usage limits. So please check the link for the new updated totals. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. I caught up with Supergirl filming episode 6x19, the penultimate episode of the entire series, directed by Glen Winter, on the riverbed of the Coquitlam River in Port Coquitlam. Before I get too far into this blog, just want to say, this was definitely the worst set I have ever tolerated/endured for actual effort/problems. Some of that, self inflicted, like when I walked 30-45 minutes in the wrong direction on the river before realizing I was NOT going the right way. But some of it just the crew who really were overstepping their boundaries on this day, and if it weren't for the fact I was kind of beaten down from that earlier wrong direction walk, and just the efforts taken to get to anywhere in the park, I might have actually argued with them much earlier in the day about how they don't own the park. But I kept thinking "yeah, fine, I'll just go to the next spot", I kept thinking "okay, I'll just find another spot", only for them minutes later to tell me I couldn't be there either. There were a few spots to see the set from. Some with okay views but not great, some with semi-okay views long as you were willing to overcome some challenges (like the one we spent the majority of the day at, literally sitting in water, surrounded by bushes), some with shitty views. To give you an idea how long this day was, rough estimate according to google maps, was about 5KM of walking (2.25 of that in the wrong direction), 6 trips across a river, that at its peak came up over my knees, having to quite literally stand in the river, surrounded by trees to see the scene for several of the 10 or so hours spent there. Then when finally moving to another spot after getting the "okay", had the crew put up a massive scrim across the riverbed they were filming on to prevent anyone from seeing what was going on from the other end, meaning a trip back across the river, 2 more times, to get back to the original spot we were in, just for the last 30-40 minutes of filming for the day. Anywho, now you have a slight idea what this day had in store for us. The day started off with a not terrible view of the scenes, but it was just stunt work. A familiar theme on this day by the way, was stunt people in scenes. While almost every cast member was there during the day, many times, it was their stunt doubles doing the scenes, even when it wasn't a stunt. This is not a rare thing in the film industry, it happens quite a lot, but on this day, it seemed to be 5Xs more often than usual. The first scene had the stunt team of Guardian, Sentinel, Dreamer, Lex Luthor, and Nyxlygsptlnz, along with a stunt double for a character that is played by a little unnamed girl. The scene had Guardian & Sentinel mainly fighting Lex, and I honestly never saw what Dreamer or Nyxly did the whole scene (for all I know they actually werent in the scene, and were just out there during rehearsals.... that happens a lot more with stunt people than actors). Shortly after that scene wrapped, while they were prepping the next scene was the 1st time a crew member told us we would be in shot, and could we move. Since he asked nicely, I agreed at the time to do so, thinking I'd find a better spot. That never happened though. Ten minutes later, he was telling me, and a couple of the 9 fans that were at set that day to move from the 2nd location we found. Eventually, we all ended up on what I have referred to as the "island" which is kinda technically right, but a bit of a stretch since at its widest, it was maybe 25 feet, and by the end of the day, maybe 18 feet. This is where the majority of my day would end up being spent. Also in this set of photos, a couple pics of what we had to shoot through, as well as a feathered friend.... saw a few, but I decided this duck gets his 15 minutes of fame. Random note, despite Canada being known for beavers, I am about 80% sure that this set was the first time I had actually seen one.... or, 1st time I remember seeing one. But he was too fast for me to photograph....... anywhoo, back to the sets, right? Once we had relocated to the island, things picked up a bit more. While many of the stunt personnel were out all day, some of the actors were seen on set from time to time. A plethora of scenes were shot, so many I really cant say I recall them all. People on set for this day included - Melissa Benoist as Supergirl - Chyler Leigh as Sentinel - Azie Tesfai as Guardian - Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor - Nicole Maines as Dreamer - Jesse Rath as Brainiac 5 - Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor - Peta Sergeant as Nyxlygsptlnz - Unknown little girl as unknown character - Martian Manhunter (David was not on set, just a stunt/body double) The majority of the scenes had the heroes fighting on various battles against either Lex, or Nyxly, or both. As I stated earlier, these scenes sometimes had the actors, sometimes the stunt/body doubles in the the scenes. Some of the doubles were a little unconvincing when you saw them face on, but since they are mostly just needed for shots over a shoulder, or of them jumping/flying, they were able to fill the spots. A lot of the scenes seemed to revolve around trying to get possession of a crystal type item that I saw no less than 5 different people holding at different points of the day, it was like a hot potato. Since I know a lot of analyzing online has already happened over the Lena Luthor pics, I will break down what literally happened. Then explain why what you saw on line COULD, or COULD NOT be valid. The first scene we see of Lena is her laying on the ground, eyes closed, rubble on top of her, while Dreamer lays near by as well. Lex walks over and has a gloating look on his face, before he turns and walks away. Lena seems to turn her head slightly towards him as he comes towards her, but only slightly. Later, a 2nd scene was done which had Lena just up and sprint away from the fight scene into the forest. She only did 1 take that I recall of that scene. Finally, she did 1 scene right near the end of the day of her showing up from nowhere out of the forest she ran into to seemingly do something that looked like she was performing magic, beside Supergirl. Again, I only saw 1 take of this shot. So random. Now I know a few people have theorized Lena dies because of the rubble scene. Others have theorized she hasn't because of the fact she films the scenes of her running away. Problem is, when filming is done for a show, or movie, the order they shoot the scenes, is NOT the order they air on screen. Occasionally, some may run continual because of the scheduling of the actors, and location availability, but often, they are not done that way. So basing that she is alive off her running away AFTER the earlier scene, as I had seen a few people suggest, is not a valid defense. Also, saying she is dead because she clearly looks like shes dying in the one scene is not a valid defense, as either of the latter scenes COULD be after that scene in the episode, or even, the fact she moves her head slightly in the scene could mean she survived whatever Lexs plan was. Anywho.... I saw a lot of debate about this, and thought I would squash both "reasons" why either side thinks they are right. You'll just either have to wait and see what happens on screen, or, wait for more set content to come out and see what happened. I know I usually post MUCH more than this from a set. But this set was very tiring, time consuming, and frustrating, so I just got this bunch out. If you want to see the other 700+ photos from the set.... I will have them for sale soon. Just inquire at the contact form to the left of the page, or on the bottom of the main page. I may add on to this blog later this month, time permitting, so perhaps check back later for more? Video will come later on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL. So check in there for those later on in a few weeks. Some of the videos will be on the Patreon page for video tier members THIS WEEK. To see more Behind The scenes blog posts and photos from Supergirl go HERE To see the autograph gallery for Supergirl go HERE Supergirl season 6B returns August 24 on The CW in the U.S. and on Showcase in Canada. ![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR SUPERGIRL SEASON 6 EPISODE 13, AND IT MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021 there is new photo usage limits. So please check the link for the new updated totals. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. I caught up with Supergirl filming episode 6x13, directed by a long time TV director Tawnia McKiernan (daughter of industry icon Stephen J. Cannell). On this day, the cast & crew were downtown inside the Vancouver Convention Centre during the day, and at night, shooting 2 scenes in Jack Pool Plaza. The scenes included Melissa Benoist as Supergirl, David Harewood as Martian Manhunter, Chyler Leigh as Sentinel, Staz Nair as William Dey, and Azie Tesfai as Guardian. There was also a currently unknown woman, and a currently unknown teenager/young adult male. After it got dark, they had 2 different units running, almost at times overlapping each other a bit. At one of the plaza, there was a scene where William saves the young male from something, then Sentinel comes in immediately & fends whatever it is off while William rushes the other character away from the scene. Unfortunately, that night, (and really the night before too), the angles I had for that scene did not produce very good photos, so I scrapped pretty much everything I shot at that end of the plaza... although this night there were a couple less terrible shots than most compared to the day before. At the other end of the plaza, they had a scene with Supergirl, Martian Manhunter and an unknown girl doing a scene, then they did more of the scene, this time with Sentinel there too.... then a bit later, with Guardian there as well. In the scene, they are asking the unknown girl, who the night before seemed to be angry at the super friends, but was now trying to work with them it seemed, how to stop the lightning storm that she seemed to create. She yells out some sciency jargon towards the team, and then they disperse to take care of it, with MM & Supergirl flying off, while Sentinel and Guardian go to do something on the ground. A later scene had Sentinel with Guardian, doing a scene where Sentinel is down on the ground with a wand of sometime, trying to do something, while Guardian is protecting her with her shield as she does whatever it is shes doing. After that, they did a couple very short takes with Guardian, Sentinel, and Supergirl back out there for like 2 or 3 takes of a scene, and they then wrapped for the week. All of the scenes had various lights around the plaza blinking on & off to simulate lightning through the shooting, which is why at times some photos are dark, then suddenly some are quite bright. I have other set photos from the day before HERE. Video will come later in May on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL. So check in there for those later on. Some of the videos will be on the Patreon page for video tier members THIS WEEK, and more coming for a while (I have a few to work through). To see more Behind The scenes blog posts and photos from Supergirl go HERE To see the autograph gallery for Supergirl go HERE Supergirl season 6 premiered Tuesday, March 30th on The CW in the U.S. and on Showcase in Canada. ![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR SUPERGIRL SEASON 6 EPISODE 13, AND IT MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021 there is new photo usage limits. So please check the link for the new updated totals. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. I caught up with Supergirl filming episode 6x13 (and a scene for potentially a different episode that was being done there, as Jesse Warn was on the clapper board for 1 scene), directed by a long time TV director Tawnia McKiernan (daughter of industry icon Stephen J. Cannell). On this day, the cast & crew were downtown inside the Vancouver Convention Centre during the day, and at night, shooting 2 scenes (plus 1 for a different episode) in Jack Poole Plaza, (and out in front of the VCC around the corner from JPP). The scenes included Melissa Benoist as Supergirl, David Harewood as Martian Manhunter, Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers / Sentinel, and Staz Nair as William Dey. There was also a currently unknown woman, and a currently unknown teenager/young adult male. They came out while it was still light out to do a walk through of the scenes and dialogue before breaking for lunch. In the read through, they had Melissa, Chyler, David, and Staz there, along with the new girl. After it got dark, they had 2 different units running, almost at times overlapping each other a bit. At one end of the plaza, there was a scene where William saves the young male from something, then Sentinel comes in immediately & fends whatever it is off while William rushes the other character away from the scene. Unfortunately, that night, (and really the next night too), the angles I had for that scene did not produce very good photos, so I scrapped pretty much everything I shot at that end of the plaza. At the other end of the plaza, they had a scene with Supergirl standing on top of a van, trying to convince the unknown female girl to do something, while the girl yells at her about having her lifes work ruined by them. Martian Manhunter is also there, and at one point the girl shoves MM against the van. This is a scene they would continue on doing the next night, which will be in my next report soon. In the continuation of the scene, there will be more cast in the scene. The short scene for the potentially other episode had multiple people running around in a panic, a car coming to a screeching halt and the driver running away. Very short, and did not seem to have any cast, and the 4 or 5 photos I got during the 1 take were all blurry because of that running, so I didnt include them, just the clapper board. All of the scenes had various lights around the plaza blinking on & off to simulate lightning through the shooting, which is why at times some photos are dark, then suddenly some are quite bright. I will have another set of photos soon (maybe even today if my schedule is free?) Video will come later in May on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL. So check in there for those later on. Some of the videos will be on the Patreon page for video tier members THIS WEEK, and more coming for a while (I have a few to work through). To see more Behind The scenes blog posts and photos from Supergirl go HERE To see the autograph gallery for Supergirl go HERE Supergirl season 6 premiered Tuesday, March 30th on The CW in the U.S. and on Showcase in Canada. ![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR SUPERGIRL SEASON 6 EPISODE 12, AND IT MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021 there is new photo usage limits. So please check the link for the new updated totals. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. I caught up with Supergirl filming episode 6x12, directed by former Arrow star David Ramsey. On this day, the cast & crew were out in the middle of a downtown street in the middle of the day filming a scene where the heroes were out front of a hospital. I was admittedly not there for long, as their schedule on this day really caught me off guard, and thus, I missed a good chunk of their day. With another film unit for another show close by that was just starting, I stayed for 4 or 5 takes of this scene and left. The scene included Melissa Benoist as Supergirl, David Harewood as Martian Manhunter, Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers / Sentinel, Nicole Maines as Dreamer, and Jesse Rath as Brainiac 5. Along with them was the double for Azie Tesfai as Guardian. The scene had the heroes walking into the scene, while Guardian was in the middle of the street beside an unknown actor. The heroes walk towards her, while the patients at the hospital applaud. Wish I could give you more details to what the scene meant, but I was not there long enough to get much info on it. I did find out from a fan that earlier in the day, a scene was done with Guardian standing up on the roof of the building they had pretending to be a hospital. You can find my Day 1 Set report HERE, and my day 2 set report HERE To see more Behind The scenes blog posts and photos from Supergirl go HERE To see the autograph gallery for Supergirl go HERE Supergirl season 6 premiered Tuesday, March 30th on The CW in the U.S. and on Showcase in Canada. |
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October 2021