![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR SUPERGIRL SEASON 3 EPISODE 3 OR 4 AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . The cast & crew shot scenes for the season 3 in a couple spots in the area around the Vancouver Train Station/Greyhound Bus station in August. In the daytime, they shot a scene in the park across the street from the station with Floriana Lima and Carlos Bernard. Lime of course as Maggie Sawyer, while Bernard was playing the part of her father on the show. The first scene they shot was 1 where Maggie gives her father an old photo, before she walks away on him, leaving him to ponder what she gave/said to him. Later in the day they moved across the street to shoot a scene where the paid were having a bit of a heated debate. The jist of it was Maggie telling him how things have been for her since he left, and he essentially replied with a tone of, its been hard for everyone. In an odd moment, Bernards character makes reference to the Donald Trump claim that he is going to build a wall. Whether the Supergirl world President Olivia Marsdin has the same ideas we dont know yet. Perhaps the writers didnt think that through when they made the very political statement in their script.... or perhaps, they have found a way of making it relevant to the shows storylines? We will have to wait & see. Later that night, they moved around the corner from there to shoot a scene at a warehouse with Melissa Benoist and David Harewood doing a couple quick scenes, including one where the pair are sitting in a car together, and drive out of a garage. For whatever reason Supergirl is wearing a scarf in the scene. Why they are going for a drive, who knows? But the last shot they did of the night seemed to be one of the viewpoint of the car, looking off into the distance in the sky.... so perhaps they see something up there.... or the car can fly. In either case, it was a scene there wasnt much luck seeing as they had it mostly covered up by the building on 1 side, and the fenced off lot on the other side..... so the few photos you see below really is all I saw of it that night. Supergirl returns to The CW on October 9, 2017 To see more Supergirl Behind The Scene shots, you can see my blog posts HERE T see more Supergirl Autographed photos, you can see my gallery HERE
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October 2021