![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR SUPERGIRL SEASON 4 EPISODE 22 "THE QUEST FOR PEACE" AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - New Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE. I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a rakedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. UPDATE MAY 5 (scene details added at bottom to a major spoiler) I ran in to Supergirl shooting scenes for episode 22 of this season, which is their finale. The episode is being directed by Jesse Warn. The cast & crew shot in 2 different locations at quite different parts of the downtown area. First was a spot they had used multiple times in the past, a park in Coal Harbour, which this time was changed to look like an area for a press conference. Now I fully admit, I do not watch the show, so my knowledge of why a character would be doing something is not there. But this scene had Graham Verchere as George Lockwood giving a press conference where he was telling a gathering of reporters that included Nicole Maines as Nia Nal, to call for "unity". After that scene wrapped, Graham shot a scene about 100 feet from there with a newer actor (did not even have an IMDB when I looked him up) Steel Bey who is playing the role of "Charlie". The pair stopped to look at their phones as a new alert comes in. After that scene, it was time for a trek all the way across the downtown core to the far edge of Gastown, start of the Downtown Eastside. The first scene over there was one in front of the "National City Transit Authority" where we find Andrea Brooks as Eve Teschmacher sitting on a bench when Patti Allan as "Old Lady" comes over and talks to her briefly before getting up & moving on. Again, not sure why, but Eve was hidden in a hoodie, and was sporting brunette hair (I'm not confused right? She is a blonde on the show. Right??). Near the end of this shoot, a little bonus surprise arrived. Katie McGrath, better known as Lena Luthor, arrived at the set. But not to work. She was walking her dog Oisin, she also was there to give crew and cast that she might not see for the rest of this season some gifts. She spent most of her time talking with Andrea, and a couple crew members, before moving on. After she was done interacting with the crew, the group of us there to watch called out to her as she was walking away, and she stopped at met with everyone there. Giving out photos with, autographs, and chatting with everyone. Interactions like this one with Katie is why she is firmly in my top 50 nicest celebs list, and when I do my next update, will surely move up a bit more A little later they moved about 1/2 block up the street to their final location of the night. The final shoot seemed to give the vibe of a double date night. Luckily some Supergirl fans at the set informed me that the two couples I saw are couples on the show, so I didnt have to speculate on this. Nicole Maines as Nia Nal, Jesse Rath as Querl Dox were together in 1 grouping, with Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers and Azie Tesfai as Kelly Olsen were together walking slightly in front of them. The focus of the scene seemed to be on Alex and Kelly, as they stop at one point to have a conversation. I cant say what all happens, because I only really photographed the rehearsal for it. The cast security, who I have interacted with many times over the years on various sets, asked quite nicely if I could just co-operate with him and not be where I was because the actors wanted "privacy" for the scene. So I agreed and went for what I thought would be a good hidden spot, but somehow, someone in the crew saw me there, and he had to come over and ask me if I could move from there too. Even though I didnt have to, I obliged, as the way he went about it was not the usual demanding, bullying way that many others on most sets would try to deal with it. Not to mention, I know if I want autographs from the cast, working with his requests from time to time will help with that, as it did on this night. So the actual filming of the scene, I dont really know many details. All I know is the short little amount of pics I got during the rehearsals. At the end of the evening, all of the cast members stopped and took photos and signed for the fans. For a show who has a cast member so anti-fan in its lead spot, it really is amazing how generous and friendly the rest of this cast is. Oh, 1 other thing I got to find out. LaMonica Garrett as The Monitor, as I reported earlier this week with the first shot of him on an Arrowverse set outside of the Elseworlds crossover, was on the Arrow set earlier this week. I can confirm he is going to be on Supergirl too..... and he is there looking at someones dead body (all shot in studio, so dont expect photos of it). Start your panic-meters now. Who will it be?? Why?? Is it Crisis On Infinite Earths related? Guess we will have to wait and see. UPDATE MAY 5, 2019, 11:15 AM - I can now confirm the body The Monitor is looking at belongs to...... LEX LUTHOR! The photo below shows the scene description of "Monitor approaches Lex's dead corpse", and the scene number is 71, which would put it QUITE LATE in the episode.... POSSIBLY even the final scene. To see more Behind The scenes blog posts and photos from Supergirl go HERE To see the autograph gallery for Supergirl go HERE Supergirl season 4 is airing on Sunday nights on The CW in the U.S. and on Showcase in Canada.
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