THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "SUPERMAN AND LOIS" SEASON 1 EPISODE 14, AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE SEASON. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. THERE IS NEW LIMITS IN PLACE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021.... SO CHECK THOSE OUT. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. UPDATE - July 3, 2021 - The day 2 photos have been added. Sorry for the delay. This morning & afternoon I went down to the Superman And Lois set that was in a park I was just in last week for Supergirl for a scene. This wasnt even the first time I have filmed Superman in this park, as they shot scenes for season 2 of Supergirl there with Superman on set here. Today they were shooting episode 1x14, the penultimate episode of the first season. The episode is directed by Alexandra "Lexi" La Roche. The scenes had Tyler Hoechlin as Superman, and Elizabeth Tulloch as Lois Lane, on set for an early scene. Also on set at the time was the Steel suit, but at the time I never saw who might be in it, and I didnt see it for more than 1 take I shot (and then later when I was looking at these photos noticed him just BARELY mixed into the middle of the crowd shot in the first shot). They then did a part of the scene with just Lois & the spectators where Lois takes a cops megaphone, and tells people to get out of there. In 1 take I noticed 2 people jump up like the way Superman does, then they crawled out of the way of the scene, but I dont know if this is supposed to be anyone, but I did take 1 photo there of the pair (although 1 had his back mostly to me). Later, they did a scene with Tyler, Wole Parks as John Henry Irons in the Steel outfit, and Stacey Farber as Leslie Larr. In that scene, Superman and Steel are standing facing Leslie, Steel is carrying a massive hammer that I thought was the one that Lois had in Elseworlds, but when I looked at it here on my computer, I noticed the colour is different. So I dont know if thats a Crisis change, or if this is a different hammer. In the scene Superman & Steel suddenly look off to the side, where it is implied something/someone is there, and Superman flies off. I picked up a couple details from just paying attention to what the crew were saying to background people for the crowd scenes to get them to react how they wanted. Leslie Larr gets electrocuted at some point, unsure if it is before, or after the scene I saw her shooting with Superman & Steel. Morgan Edge is there up in the air for 1 of the scenes. They also reference at one point a piece of dialogue where someone says "Same, he is here to help us". I would assume they are talking about General Lane in that moment, and I am led to believe its supposed to be Lois saying it, even though it was a crew member saying it to the crowd so they knew where in the scene they were. They had a bit more filming to do after that, which I think had to include stunts at some point, since there was supposed to be one from what I was told earlier on, and I saw Tylers stunt double there at one point. But I had been there for a few hours, and frankly, 3 or 4 crew members there were just being classless pricks (every crew has a couple.... on this day, they just happened to all be working together), and I decided I had more than enough. I COULD have got more, but really, I got more than I could have expected for the 5 or 6 hours I was there..... and hey, they are back there tomorrow (or tomorrow from the time I was writing this). On day 2 they continued shooting in the park.
While I was there (I had another set to work that day, so I spent less than an hour there), they did 2 scenes. First with Leslie Larr on top of Steel pummeling him with a series of punches. Later, they did a scene with Steel wielding his hammer, and swinging it around in battle. That was all I saw that day unfortunately, except for 1 moment where I saw Supermans stunt double walking around early on, suggesting at some point he probably had some stunt work to do. Video will come later on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL. So check in there for those later on in a few weeks. Some of the videos will be on the Patreon page for video tier members THIS WEEK. Superman & Lois season 1 airs Tuesday nights on The CW in the U.S. starting. You can now get exclusive first looks on our Patreon ahead of these blog posts. If you want to see my past behind the scene shots for Superman & Lois go HERE
THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "SUPERMAN AND LOIS" SEASON 1 EPISODE 11, AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE SEASON. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. THERE IS NEW LIMITS IN PLACE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021.... SO CHECK THOSE OUT. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. This was the 2nd time in 2 days I had found the CW & HBO Max series Superman & Lois on location. My other blog from the day before set is HERE. On this day, Tyler Hoechlin was dressed as Clark Kent, instead of Superman, and he was doing some scenes in an alley first. Early in the day they had him run down the alley, and simulate the classic shirt ripping scene, except for the fact he never ripped it open. A bit later, they moved to the corner where he starts his run, and has a scene where he is stepping out of a a phone booth, for the classic Superman idea of him changing in phone booths. When he steps out, he notices people rushing to, or away form something, and he stops a woman and asks her what is going on, she points up in the sky at something, says something to him, then goes on her way, leaving Clark there to stare up at it on his own. Later in the afternoon/evening, they moved up the street from there, and had a scene where Clark is standing on a street, looking at something in a newspaper, and trying to figure out where he is going. He tries to ask someone, but seems to fail, then just stands there, looking confused on where to go. Then they moved to the final scene of the day, where Clark is now joined by Bitsie Tulloch as Lois Lane. He has ner reporters notepad in her hand, and the pair are walking along. It felt very much like a 1st, or at most, very early interaction between them. One little detail I noticed when I was photographing parts of the set, is that the license plate has a 2004 expiration tag on it. So I would assume this scene is intended to be set around 2003/04. Superman & Lois season 1 will air Tuesday nights on The CW in the U.S. starting February 23, 2021. You can now get exclusive first looks on our Patreon ahead of these blog posts. If you want to see my past behind the scene shots for Superman & Lois go HERE THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "SUPERMAN AND LOIS" SEASON 1 EPISODE 11, AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE SEASON. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. THERE IS NEW LIMITS IN PLACE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021.... SO CHECK THOSE OUT. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. Today the new CW & HBO Max series Superman & Lois was on location in the Downtown Eastisde part of Vancouver. The filming was on a side street, not too far from where they shot the first public scene with him in the suit way back when. On this day, I found Tyler Hoechlin on set as Superman, along with Elizabeth Tulloch as Lois Lane in my 1st ever time seeing her on set, or at all. Also on set was a currently unknown actor as the villain of the episode. I believe the character is being called "Atom Man", but I wasnt entirely sure of that. One thing IS for certain, he was sporting some symbols on his chest that Arrowverse fans might take a 2nd look at. It looks like the symbol the Earth X villains (I wont use that specific word here) in the Crisis On Earth X cross over event. The scene plays out with the bad guy standing there, making people panic. Lois Lane is standing in the middle of it all, and suddenly Superman swoops in to deal with the villain. Then there is mostly a stand off. At one point the villain has a gun, but then puts his hands behind his head at one point. From the angle I was shooting it when he had his mask, and gun in hand, I never saw what he did with the gun when he moved his hands to his head. Curious moment happens during the interaction, as Superman in comes in, wearing his retro outfit that his mom made him that we see in the 1st episode of the series, he turns to Lois, and says "nice to meet you", and at another point says "are you okay?", as if he had not met her before. She replies back to him and I swear I thought I heard her call him "Mister Metropolis" during 1 take, but it was hard to hear for certain over traffic. Could this be the 1st time Superman and Lois actually meet? A short while later, they wrapped that scene, and the cast left to do a wardrobe change. A twitter user named @Kriptogaming caught them a few hours later filming in the same area doing a scene where Lois was now wearing a green jacket, and Tyler was now dressed as Clark Kent doing a scene here... Superman & Lois season 1 will air Tuesday nights on The CW in the U.S. starting February 23, 2021. You can now get exclusive first looks on our Patreon ahead of these blog posts. If you want to see my past behind the scene shots for Superman & Lois go HERE SUPERMAN AND LOIS star Tyler Hoechlin shoots scenes for episode 1X04 - directed by James Bamford1/23/2021 THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "SUPERMAN AND LOIS" SEASON 1 EPISODE 4, AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE SEASON. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. THERE IS NEW LIMITS IN PLACE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021.... SO CHECK THOSE OUT. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. Yesterday the new CW & HBO Max series Superman & Lois was on location in downtown Vancouver, in an alley in Gastown. It is a very popular alley for filming, as is the park across the street from there. This episode is being directed by regular Arrowverse director, and former Arrow stunt co-ordinator, James Bamford. In the scene, Tyler Hoechlin dressed in his Superman outfit, lands on a spot, and walks down the alley, before stopping, and eventually leaning down towards the ground... whether its to look at, or pick up something, or if there is supposed to be someone there in the scene, I dont know. During my time there, there did not seem to be another actor in the scene. During one break between takes, as he walked back to his starting point, he seemingly saw me a block a way, and waved at me for several seconds. After he got to his mark, I looked around trying to see if there was someone there I didnt see, but didnt see anyone that he could have been waving at. It definitely gave me a chance to get 1 of the best sets I have gotten from any show in a long time. A bit later, I went to the other end of the alley to see if I could get some photos of him without his mask on in the scene, as my angle only gave me the back side of the scene. I got some, but as you can see, quality was not too good. I tried several takes, and never really got a good set. So I gave up, and went back to the other side. After they filmed that scene, they moved across the street. After the alley scene, they moved across the street from the alley, to an area known as Victory Square. The spot they were shooting in for this scene I had never seen anyone shoot at before. They were shooting right against the Cenotaph that is the feature spot of the park. It is the centre of annual Remembrance Day ceremonies in Vancouver. I've never seen a film crew actually film on it. Seen crews around the perimetre of it, but never physically ON it. After they did a rehearsal of the scene, they then moved on to filming a driving scene with 3 security/armed vehicles going down the street. The way they had the vehicles drive, it was impossible to get all 3 of them in 1 shot, so I just focused on the big armed truck, but there was two cars that looked similar to Vancouver undercover cop cars flanking both sides of it, the front one kept driving off, while the truck stopped right at the top of the alley, while the other one stopped a fair bit behind it. Then, they drove off. Not sure who they are looking for, but it was clear they were searching for someone. The night scene had a yet unknown "bad guy" who was dressed like he was 1 of the many homeless that populate the park when film crews arent using it. He roamed back & forth in front of the side of the monument they were at, while Superman was down on the ground, feeling the impact of whatever was in the gun the man was waving around. The bad guy shot him a couple times, sending Superman tumbling backwards as he tried to get up off the ground. Eventually Superman found himself up leaning against the cenotaph, before letting out a desperate thunder clap.... and that was the end of the scene while I was there. They did film for a few more hours, but I had to go. An odd thing during the scene was there was a couple people standing mere feet from where all this dangerous, villainous action was going on. They even seemed to be taking photos on their phone. Its funny, because the dozens of times I have been told I am in shot for a scene, I've replied back "if this was going on in the real world, there would absolutely be someone here taking photos of it.... so it adds reality to it", which has so far never worked.... and then, sure enough, they just have two extras there standing mere feet from the bedlam taking phone pics. Superman & Lois season 1 will air Tuesday nights on The CW in the U.S. starting February 23, 2021. You can now get exclusive first looks on our Patreon ahead of these blog posts. If you want to see my past behind the scene shots for Superman & Lois go HERE THIS BLOG POST IS FOR A "SUPERMAN AND LOIS" SEASON 1 (unknown episode #), AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE SEASON. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE. I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. Earlier today the new CW & HBO Max series Superman & Lois was on location in downtown Vancouver, in an alley in Chinatown that I had shot a scene from for a different show several years ago. There was also a scene in a near by skate park that I got to JUST after it wrapped (that is where the smashed in green car photo is from). On set this day was Tyler Hoechlin in the brand new Superman suit that The CW posted a photo of earlier in the day. While I did officially have the 1st look at it last month, the quality of those photos as you recall were far inferior to todays, as I was shooing them from 3 football fields away, in the dark, through smoke. Todays shoot was only about 1/3 of a football field away, in daytime, through smoke. The scene literally consisted of just a massive explosion of dirt and debris coming from a little storefront in an area made to look like a non-U.S. area (they literally built this store front in a side lot on an alley just for this scene), scattering dozens of feet into the air, then a couple moments later, Superman comes out of the building that just blew up, and does his up up & away fly away move. For the first while they had his stunt double do the rehearsals as they worked on where the camera should be, and how fast to do the scene etc (quite normal for the film industry.), I snapped a few pics of him as you could see the bottom of the suit poking out from under his jacket. Eventually Tyler showed up, and they shot 4 takes of this explosion with him there, and a herd of crew members standing around holding umbrellas on a dry day. After that shoot, Tyler left, and they shot some scenes of a pile of cars driving, with a film crew inside a taxi cab at the front of the line of traffic, all had foreign license plates. Throughout the day, some of the crew members who apparently dont have internet access, and didnt know about The CW posting the suit, tried preventing everyone from seeing what was going on. While they did make it harder. As always, they did not in fact succeed. As you can see by the photos below. Someone needs to tell their crew this doesnt work, never has. All it does is annoy everyone (crew included, as most of them certainly dont want to stand around holding an umbrella for no reason), and actually incentivizes people to want to come to more of their sets. All my years of sets, this tactic has been used easily 200+ times, and TWO times I would say it sort of worked, and it wasnt because of their plan, it was because of my laziness on those days. Right now, there is also video (short clip) on my Patreon of the scene as well. Here are a few photos (some screen caps from that video, along with a couple photos from a pap that was there that gave his "unused/not submittable" photos to me to use). I have also added a couple photos of the back of the cape, since last time I had people ask me (even though I was 3 football fields away) if I saw any logo on the back of the cape..... so now you can see for yourself. Superman & Lois season 1 will air Tuesday nights on The CW in the U.S. starting February 23, 2021. You can now get exclusive first looks on our Patreon ahead of these blog posts. If you want to see my past behind the scene shots for Superman & Lois go HERE THIS BLOG POST IS FOR A "SUPERMAN AND LOIS" SEASON 1 EPISODE 1, AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE SEASON. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE. I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. Last night I was lucky enough to stumble across the first known location shoot for the new Arrowverse spin off series Superman And Lois that will air in early 2021. Credit to twitter user @Rokivan1 for posting the info & giving me the heads up there was filming there. Funny enough, just hours earlier in that day, I had told many in a chat, as well as 1 person on twitter that there will be few chances to see this show on location because of the massive compound they are building more than an hour outside of Vancouver, to be their Smallville town set. So when I saw this post, I didnt hesitate to go check it out. As it turned out, they were at my least favorite regular location that is within 1/2 hour walking distance from my place. A place known to most in Vancouver as Molson Brewery, which is no longer a brewery.... now its just a large empty building. This place is very popular with film crews, and very unpopular with people who like to see whats going on. Its massive, probably equal to 2 or 3 city blocks, has lots of nooks that are out of view of anything, and even if you CAN see anything from the bridge that runs by it (as I did last night) you are still more than 2 football field away from the closest point, on this particular night I was closer to 3 football fields away to get the right angle, as the closest spot was imeded by trees, and part of the main building on the grounds. There was not a lot to see. When I first got there, they had a massive flood light pointed up towards where the old Molson logo used to be on the highest structure on the grounds. But I couldnt see any sign of any filming up there. During the night, I noticed a ladder set up beside a fan blowing smoke. USUALLY this would be a sign of maybe a stunt that might take place near there, most commonly for someone (like Superman) "landing" from a higher place, as they jump off the ladder. I got quite fixated on paying attention to that area, and didnt really investigate much more..... not that I was seeing any signs of more to investigate. Nothing came of that location. I dont know why the ladder ever ended up just being right where it was, but it was never put to use in the time I was there. Later on, I noticed enough crew members, and equipment in an area that I felt something must be setting up there. Sure enough, I saw ANOTHER ladder, set up in such a way that it was likely to be used for a stunt jump. There was much more activity going on around the new ladders area, so I focused on there. Again, fixating mostly on the ladder, but paying attention to the surround area a bit... and eventually I saw my 1st look at Tyler Hoechlin out, just standing near the set getting alterations done to his hair, or make up, or wardrobe (not sure which they were working on there). But the bonus was, after a few minutes, he took off his jacket, and showed that he was in the new Superman outfit (minus the cape at this time), and gave me my first look at him in the new get up. After like 3 minutes like that, he put his jacket back on and left for about 45 minutes. During his departure, they set up the scene more, having a stand in for Superman lay on the ground (for the longest time I assumed it was for a different character, because I was STILL convinced they were going to use the damn ladder for the scene). JUST before they were ready to shoot the actual scene, they turned on these two massive yellow lights, that made the entire area look like the inside of a glass of lemonade. EVERYTHING had a yellow glow to it. In some of my photos below, I tried to take out some of the yellowness to make the photos look a bit more normal. But I also left a few with it in so you could see exactly what I was seeing. Eventually the stand in left, and Tyler arrived at set with the cape attached this time. In the scene, Superman starts off laying on the ground. He slowly gets up. Looks off in the direction past the camera, and does his patented jumping fly away move. .... and that was it. Thats all they filmed there. Never used the ladder. No reason explaining why he was suddenly on the ground. They then packed up from that spot, and moved elsewhere on the grounds that I could not see, and I wasnt going to wait it out & see if they happened to come back out for a different spot that I could see. The chances seemed slim. So I called it a night. As I was leaving, I noticed ONE cast trailer out, partially obscured by the very bridge I was on, so I had to go and find an angle to peer over it to see what it said. It said "Sarah Cushing" on the door. According to google, this is a new character on the show that will befriend one of Supermans sons?. I did not see any female character in the scenes I saw, and frankly, I dont even know if the trailer was in use. Often trailers hold 2 different compartments on it, and for all I know, the compartment I couldnt see the name of was for Tyler, and THAT was the 1 in use. I dont know either way. Just 1 extra small tidbit I thought I'd add in. So yeah, first S&L set down for me. HOPEFULLY I am wrong about this being a rare occurrence, as I have just taken 1 of my old blog sections & repurposed it to be for this show (this used to be a blog section for the 2010 Olympics... my site has run out of "new" blog options. So I had to take all the content from there, move it into a different part of my site, and re-purpose this into my Superman & Lois blog section.) One final thing I will clear up. I have seen some report that these were taken from this distance because of Covid. No. The filming was inside a closed off compound with no public access. Shows have filmed there for many years, not just now. Theres only about 3 vantage points of the entire compound, and none of them are from inside there. For this particular set, I had to stand on a bridge that runs past it. No other street access spots would have given enough of a view to see it (unless you were like 15 feet tall). UPDATE: December 10, 2020 - I have included the video from that night at the bottom. It also includes some of the photos from this set. The actual video portion is about 90 seconds. The rest is re-visiting these photos below. Superman & Lois season 1 will air Tuesday nights on The CW in the U.S. starting February 23, 2021. You can now get exclusive first looks on our Patreon ahead of these blog posts. If you want to see my other behind the scene shots for Superman & Lois go HERE |
Superman & Lois is a superhero TV program on The CW network. This is my on & off set reports on the show featuring Tyler Hoechlin as Clark Kent (aka - Superman) and Bitsie Tulloch as Lois Lane. Archives
October 2024