I managed to catch up to the cast & crew of ARROW filming 2 days in a row, and in a rare event, I didnt get much from either shoot. Back in the end of July I found them in 2 different spots on consecutive days. Day 1 was in a make-shift studio in East Vancouver, so there was not much to see outside of some of the cast & their stunt doubles walking around. While I know Stephen Amell & his stunt man Simon Burnett, Kelly Hu & her stunt woman & former CFL star Tommy Europe (he has done stunts on lots of shows...maybe Michael Jai White's stunt man?) were all on set, I have ZERO knowledge what the scenes were. Day 2 was a night shoot in an area of East Vancouver that screams Glades stand in with its abandoned looking facade. On set that night were again, Stepehen & Simon, Kelly & her stunt woman, and Michael Jai White (aka - Ben Turner aka - Bronze Tiger) & a stunt person for Michael (couldnt tell if it was Tommy). We never got to see the scene done in 1 full take, so all I know is what pieces we did see. Arrow rolls thru the ghetto looking warehouse area on his bike, throws some type of flash grenade. Then a fight scene with Arrow VS China White & Bronze Tiger. What happens next is uncertain, because the next scene we were moved away as the camera would be shooting down the street, but we know it ends with China White hitching a ride on the back of a FEMA truck. Several fans waited around to see the shoot. Stephen Amell came over & met the fans at 1 point, signing autographs & taking photos with them. Kelly Hu on the other hand? Ignored everyone, even when asked specifically by someone less than 15 feet from her. Heres hoping The Hood ends her run on the show soon. I have some video of 1 of the scenes they shot, I just dont have the time right now to post it. Someday soon perhaps.
Arrow season 2 filming from downtown Vancouver on July 22 with Stephen Amell & David Ramsey8/14/2013 PLEASE NOTE - This post may contain spoilers to a season episode of The CW hit "ARROW". If you have not seen the season yet & want to avoid all spoilers... do not continue reading or viewing the photos. . . . last war Season 2 of The CW action drama ARROW is now under way as you are aware from my previous blog post. A couple weeks ago, I caught up with them again. This time in downtown Vancouver as they filmed scenes of Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) and John Diggle (David Ramsey) leaving the iconic Orpheum Theatre for a scene. In an interesting scene, we see Dig & Ollie have a few less than agreeable words. While neither gets too worked up, the scene clearly was of a disagreement of tactics or philosophies between the two. It was a brief interacting between the two on the street outside of their car, but it makes me wonder if this is a 1 off bump in a road that has had many previous bumps on it, or, is this a moment that leads to a larger, pothole size problem with the two. I also saw an actress leaving that night while they were filming the scenes. I never got a good look at her, and never got a good photo of her either. Guess I'll find out sooner or later who it was. This past weekend the cast for the CW action drama hit "Arrow" headed down to San Diego for their 2nd Comic-Con.
I managed to catch the entire cast that went either going down, or returning this year. On the way down to the Con I ran into the man that is Slade Wilson, Manu Bennett (1st time ever meeting him) & The Hood, Stephen Amell. Both were in great moods. While Manu was signing for us, the 2 people ahead of him in line asked him "are you famous or something"..... as if people are gonna get autographs from a random person. He politely answered them & posted for a photo with 1 of the graphers & their dog. He even picked up the dog & held him in the photo. Cool guy. Stephen was his typical cool laidback self. He was eager to give credit to his shoes maker when someone asked them about them. They actually looked really cool, and I'm not one to usually get impressed by shoes, or art. He tweeted about them shortly after with a photo of his Arrow themed footwear here https://twitter.com/amellywood/status/358189903256883202 I missed hacker extraordinaire Felicity Smoak ( aka - Emily Bett Rickards) by a couple minutes & got in just in time to seeJohn Diggle (aka- David Ramsey). However, never really interacted with him as I was busy looking for EBR at the time. Added bonus, I also got Celina Jade the day her castmates were headed to Sa On the return, with a larger crowd awaiting them, they were all great again. This time I did run into Emily, and after a weekend of signing everywhere she probably went down there, still signed a few for the people who asked her. Got Colton Haynes later in the evening while 1 of the members of the show "Supernatural" peered over the crowds shoulder to see who we were getting. I also got Katie Cassidy, however, due to her coming in on a very busy flight that had lots of people, not just Arrow cast, never got a chance to take pics of her & her obscenely overpaid NHL boyfriend, Jason Garrison. Stephen returned with his cousing, Robbie Amell, who is filming his new CW show "Tomorrow People" here. The Arrow panel had a sizzle reel which of course confirmed Black Canary will be coming this season. Caity Lotz has started filming her scenes as the super hero, but of course, they filmed scenes for the sizzle reel prior to her coming in with her stunt double, who I have been told by some fans, also did stunt work for Anna Torv on "Fringe". Lots of new baddies are expected for this season. Michael Jai White & Kevin Alejandro have been chosen for recurring roles. Arrow will air on Wednesday nights on The CW this fall starting October 9th. |
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November 2019