THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "ARROW" SEASON 6 EPISODE 23 "Life Sentence" AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. ALSO additional - Episode 22 spoiler as well. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . A reminder I didn't think I had to post since its stated on the side of the page... but if you are going to post photos from this INCLUDE THE LINK TO THE POST with it...and don't use all of them. A maximum of FOUR (4) photos please. As April winds down most TV shows film their season finales, and The CW superhero series Arrow was no different. I will post this BEFORE I get into describing what I saw (and in a rare departure for me... I will also comment on what I am aware of that I didnt see shot). I am going to state that I was simply going to post the photos, and let you, the audience try and decide the context. HOWEVER, after a crew member on set purposefully tried to prevent me from taking photos AFTER him & I had reached an agreement on when to shoot & when not to with an RCMP officer witnessing the entire conversation. My respect for a crew that I have found over the last two seasons to be more & more aggressive, bordering on abusive a couple times is done. So as you will see in the shots below, Arrow filmed a scene at the "Star City Metro" Police Department at Burnaby City Hall. It had Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, Jack Moore as William Clayton, Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak and Sydelle Noel as FBI Agent Samandra Watson, as well as a handful media, generic FBI & U.S. Marshal members. The scene played out with the FBI leading Oliver out in handcuffs, with awaiting media there. Oliver makes a brief statement, before being hauled away while William & Felicity follow behind. After that scene, which was Emilys last scene of the season, the crew moved to a different part of Burnaby City Hall to film more scenes. This scene was interesting to me for a couple reasons, since I know in episode 22 Oliver "makes a deal" with the Feds.... so why the big dramatics in ep 23? As I said, the crew were being uncooperative with me, even after an agreement had been reached, so there was very little for me to shoot. The 8 photos you see below, are really the best there was of the 21 photos I managed to take in total (those of you who have followed my blog for awhile know its rare I even have sets I post HERE under 21 photos.... so to only have take 21 total is a sign of how difficult this location was). Later that night, they shot a couple more scenes. Nothing as juicy as that first one. But one was a pretty epic scene for the fact of who was in it. Stephen shot his last scene of the season, with an actor that I do believe is leaving the show permanently based on things I know now. He shot a scene with Paul Blackthorne where Quentin Lance was talking to Diaz while Oliver watched. Of course the suspicion has been for awhile that Quentin might be getting the big send off due to the fact the show has to cut little meat from the bones for the re-negotiations of the cast for season 7. I can NOT say for sure that he was killed off, but by Stephens cryptic tweet, as well as Pauls curious instagram post, and the fact Caity Lotz flew in to film 1 day of work in "hospital" setting for 2 scenes... things dont look good for the current Mayor. Also, as a random side detail. I ran into 2 cast from the show at the movies the same night I shot that set. I congratulated them on a season 7, and asked 1 (I was assuming the other would be) of them if he was coming back, and he said "yes". That makes me believe NTA (New Team Arrow... the team name given to Curtis/Mister Terrific, Rene/Wid Dog & Dinah/Black Canary by the fandom for those of you not up to date on all of that.) will be back in season 7 in some capacity. For other behind the scene blog posts of Arrow go HERE For Arrow autographs gallery go HERE Arrow season 6 airs Thursday on The CW in the U.S. and CTV in Canada.
![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "ARROW" SEASON 6 EPISODE 7 "THANKSGIVING" AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . Arrow shot scenes for their 7th episode of season 6 in downtown Vancouver at the former Canada Post sorting facility. The structure, which closed as a postal outlet a year or so ago, has been primarily a secondary studio for a variety of television shows since then, including the likes of all the DC CW Arrowverse shows, and several others. While the structure is used mainly for interior scenes because of its large spacious design and ability to house all the equipment trucks a production needs, some productions, including on this day, Arrow, use its exterior. On this particular day, Arrow used it as a Star City Police Headquarters (guess after the last one went boom in the season premiere last night they needed a new one). On hand for a Thanksgiving related food drive were Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak, Juliana Harkavy as Dinah Drake, Jack Moore as William Clayton and Paul Blackthorne as Quentin Lance... just a few days later, Paul did a charity swim with sharks to raise awareness for them. A few scenes were shot there, including 1 where Felicity was talking to a mystery woman that seemed to be a reporter. While that was going on, there also seemed to be a scene going on with Oliver & Quentin down in the middle of the tented up food drive area. A bit later a scene was shot with Felicity and Oliver arriving, meeting up, talking to William, before being interrupted by Quentin to join them elsewhere. Another scene after that saw Oliver, William and Felicity standing on a podium where Oliver made a very short speech before leaving. They proceeded to shoot for a bit longer after that, but with a plethora of shots already of the scene, I opted to leave. For other behind the scene blog posts of Arrow go HERE For Arrow autographs gallery go HERE Arrow airs Thursdays for season 6 on The CW in the U.S. and CTV in Canada. |
All photos posted in this blog are shot by Canadagraphs. Permission to use the photos on your site, blog, tumblr, facebook or other online outlets is allowed if you follow 2 rules 1- DO NOT remove any watermarks on the photos, this includes cropping around them, Without prior written permission or emailed permission from this site. (contact form is on the left) 2- Credit this blog page or the individual blog post in your posting. If you would like to use photos seen here unedited, contact me thru my contact page, and depending on your need I may be able to accommodate smaller requests. Depending on the orders/photos, I may charge a fee for my time (usually about $2-5 an image depending how many you want) Canadagraphs Arrow blog sectionBlog posts containing Arrow be hind the scene photos, or candid photos of stars from the CW show ARROW will be in here. Autographs of the new CW hit show can be found in the "Arrow Autographs" section on the left side. Archives
November 2019