This post contains filming information for Arrow episode 317 "Suicidal Tendencies". IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THIS EPISODE AND DO NOT WANT TO VIEW POTENTIAL SPOILERS, DO NOT CONTINUE READING OR VIEWING THE PHOTOS BELOW. . . . last warning . . Arrow was filming scenes a couple months ago for episode 317 "Suicidal Tendencies" in East Vancouver at a hall they have used several times for several things. This time, the hall was not a hospital, or hall of records, but a wedding hall. As I tweeted back when the shooting happened, the cast were shooting a scene for a wedding, and although my joke that it was Ray & Felicity wedding was met with some anger by overly sensitive Olicity fans, the true happy couple was eventually sleuthed out by the fanbase. David Ramsey and Audrey Marie Anderson as John Diggle & Lyla Michaels were shooting scenes where the couple gets re-married. Of course Dig & Lyla had a few friends at their joyous event of note. Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, Brandon Routh as Ray Palmer, Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak, Willa Holland as Thea Queen and Colton Haynes as Roy Harper and Katie Cassidy as Laurel Lance were also all at the event. Very little of the actual filming could be seen from outside. Only things I can confirm are things that are already known on the internet. It was a Dig & Lyla wedding, and Felicity catches the bouquet. Outside of that, no dialogue was heard, and very little of the scene could even be seen thru the 2 pglass doors, dozens of extras and equipment. Of course, what would a Suicide Squad themeed episode be without a member of Amanda Wallers bunch? A scene was done outside after the reception scene with Dig & Lyla walking to a limo and getting in. Waiting for them on the inside was Michael Rowe as Floyd Lawton, aka - Deadshot. What takes place inside the limo, who knows? Perhaps the SS was playing security detail for the wedding? Or, Lyla or Dig was being called away to a job. Will have to wait till next week to see. This was what I call the "beginning of the end" of the Arrow set being a place where you could go & meet the case easily. There was no less than 20 people throughout the day at the set, and at 1 point, 19 people were there at the same time. Sure enough, it encouraged many of the cast to start sneaking out the back doors when they were on a break instead of coming out the front doors as they did when there was only 5 or 8 of us. This was of course part of what I call a "perfect storm" of circumstances. The 4 big productions in town were all on location that day (Flash, Once Upon A Time & Supernatural along with Arrow), as fans went to the other locations & found them to be either inaccessible, or boring, they all flocked to the Arrow set where they were hearing about how many cast were there & how accessible they were. It was clearly obvious that 1/2 of the people at the Arrow set that day were not even fans of the show, but just wanted to meet "someone famous". I miss the days where there was just 2 or 3, and sometimes just me, at the set. Arrow airs Wednesday nights on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada.
THIS POST MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 314 OF ARROW TITLED "THE RETURN" If you have not seen this episode yet and do not want to read or view any material about the episode, please do not read the article or view the photos below.. . . . last warning . . This week we finally see the return of Oliver Queen to Starling City in present day on Arrow. After his dramatic "death" in the mid-season finale a lot of people wondered when the "Emerald Archer" would return to Starling City. With that question now answered..... it is time for the show to move back to its stories that are playing out around this. One of those stories is Olivers 5 years "away" from Starling City. I put away in brackets because we learn from episode 314 "The Return" he was in Starling city during his 5 years away. Stephen Amell donned his "island hair" under a Starling City Rockets hat as he shot scenes with Karl Yune in downtown as they do scenes set in 2010. The pair were watching someone come out of Queen Consolidated, but who? and why? After Stephen and Karl shot their scenes, another quick scene was shot also outside the Queen Consolidated headquarters. It showed Willa Holland dressed as Thea Queen in 2010 in her private school outfit. When you see these scenes put together, I suspect we will be watching big brother Oliver checking in on his young sister while he is in Starling City on business for Amanda Waller. Since everyone now knows the episodes synopsis I guess I can officially say what I suspected back when this day of filming happened..... The Return DOES NOT refer to Slade (as Marc Guggenheim tweeted it didnt) or even the return of Colin Donnell. Instead, it is Oliver Queen returning to Starling City in flashbacks.
I have another blog for episode 314 with photos of Katie Cassidy and Colin Donnell in a scene HERE. Arrow airs Wednesday nights on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. |
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November 2019