Arrow shoots scenes for the season 3 finale with Katrina Law and Katie Cassidy in downtown Vancouver5/13/2015 THIS IS A BLOG POST for the Arrow season 3 finale, episode 323. If you have not seen this episode yet and do not want to see possible spoilers prior to viewing the episode. Do not continue reading or viewing the photos. . . . last warning . . Arrow was filming the finale for season 3 a few weeks ago in downtown Vancouver. While the big reveal scene that was shot VERY late in the night wasnt seen by many, and shot by no one including me. The more public shoot earlier in the night was seen by lots of people and photographed by quite a few. It saw Katrina Law as Nyssa Al Ghul (or is that Nyssa Queen now?) teaming up with Katie Cassidy as Black Canary aka Laurel lance walking thru a Starling City park looking for trouble when the find it in the form of a knife wielding bad guy. What this guest actors role is in the whole grand scheme of the episode, I am not too sure. But Black Canary takes him down while Nyssa seemingly sits by watching. A bit later in the night they shot a scene that only a very very small handful of people saw and they didnt want anyone photographing. It had David Ramsey as John Diggle in the scene along with Willa Holland as Thea Queen... or... something else. Since the spoiler is now out there on what this years terrible event is that will happen in Starling city, guess its safe to tell you the virus makes it to Starling City. Diggle is chasing the person with it when they seemingly get away. Diggle finds himself in a bit of trouble, and is saved by a costumed vigilante who shoots 3 arrows into an attacker. Since we have already seen Thea in a mini-Dark Archer outfit earlier this season you obviously have figured out who the archer is. Since you also saw her get a certain red jacket recently. You can probably guess what her new uniform colour will be. Diggle looks up at her and states "nice threads" and thats the end of the scene. Arrow and several of the cast are up for May madness this year. Voting is going on right now on different match ups every couple days HERE. Arrow autographs can be found here. Arrow season finale airs tonight May 12, 2015 on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada.
This post contains filming information for Arrow episode 317 "Suicidal Tendencies". IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THIS EPISODE AND DO NOT WANT TO VIEW POTENTIAL SPOILERS, DO NOT CONTINUE READING OR VIEWING THE PHOTOS BELOW. . . . last warning . . Arrow was filming scenes a couple months ago for episode 317 "Suicidal Tendencies" in East Vancouver at a hall they have used several times for several things. This time, the hall was not a hospital, or hall of records, but a wedding hall. As I tweeted back when the shooting happened, the cast were shooting a scene for a wedding, and although my joke that it was Ray & Felicity wedding was met with some anger by overly sensitive Olicity fans, the true happy couple was eventually sleuthed out by the fanbase. David Ramsey and Audrey Marie Anderson as John Diggle & Lyla Michaels were shooting scenes where the couple gets re-married. Of course Dig & Lyla had a few friends at their joyous event of note. Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, Brandon Routh as Ray Palmer, Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak, Willa Holland as Thea Queen and Colton Haynes as Roy Harper and Katie Cassidy as Laurel Lance were also all at the event. Very little of the actual filming could be seen from outside. Only things I can confirm are things that are already known on the internet. It was a Dig & Lyla wedding, and Felicity catches the bouquet. Outside of that, no dialogue was heard, and very little of the scene could even be seen thru the 2 pglass doors, dozens of extras and equipment. Of course, what would a Suicide Squad themeed episode be without a member of Amanda Wallers bunch? A scene was done outside after the reception scene with Dig & Lyla walking to a limo and getting in. Waiting for them on the inside was Michael Rowe as Floyd Lawton, aka - Deadshot. What takes place inside the limo, who knows? Perhaps the SS was playing security detail for the wedding? Or, Lyla or Dig was being called away to a job. Will have to wait till next week to see. This was what I call the "beginning of the end" of the Arrow set being a place where you could go & meet the case easily. There was no less than 20 people throughout the day at the set, and at 1 point, 19 people were there at the same time. Sure enough, it encouraged many of the cast to start sneaking out the back doors when they were on a break instead of coming out the front doors as they did when there was only 5 or 8 of us. This was of course part of what I call a "perfect storm" of circumstances. The 4 big productions in town were all on location that day (Flash, Once Upon A Time & Supernatural along with Arrow), as fans went to the other locations & found them to be either inaccessible, or boring, they all flocked to the Arrow set where they were hearing about how many cast were there & how accessible they were. It was clearly obvious that 1/2 of the people at the Arrow set that day were not even fans of the show, but just wanted to meet "someone famous". I miss the days where there was just 2 or 3, and sometimes just me, at the set. Arrow airs Wednesday nights on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. THIS POST MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 314 OF ARROW TITLED "THE RETURN" If you have not seen this episode yet and do not want to read or view any material about the episode, please do not read the article or view the photos below.. . . . last warning . . As you likely saw from my other blog post about episode 314 yesterday, I have more photos of Arrow shooting scenes for "The Return", a couple months ago. If you follow me on twitter, you surely saw when I tweeted about this scene back when it was filmed. The scene has 1 of the many "returns" from this episode in it, as Tommy Merlyn is back in flashbacks. In the scene we see Tommy Merlyn (Colin Donnell) "run into" Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy) outside CNRI in 2010. The scene felt like it may have been Tommy asking Laurel out for the 1st time. The body language of the scene felt like Laurel knew of Tommy, but wasn't so familiar with him that she even acknowledged him when he walked by her on the street. Whatever Tommy says, Laurel buys it though it they leave together. Also on the set this night was a non-Arrow member, 1 of the producers of the upcoming Fifty Shades Of Grey movie, Katies boyfriend Dana Brunetti. Arrow airs Wednesday nights on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. This blog post contains possible spoilers for episode 313 of Arrow titled "Canaries". If you have not seen this episode yet and do not want to see or view spoilers till then DO NOT continue reading this post or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . A few weeks ago, before the Winter break, I caught Arrow shooting some scenes in downtown Vancouver for episode 313 "Canaries". As you may have already seen from my previous blog post, there was some night scenes done on a roof. This is for the scenes done in the daytime with returning Guest Star Peter Stormare as Werner Zytyl (Count Vertigo) and Katie Cassidy (Laurel Lance). The scene starts with Vertigo getting escorted out of a courthouse by an armed U.S. Marshall (if someone knows the actors name, please provide so I can credit him) in Starling City and the media catches him on the steps & he decides to have an impromptu press conference demanding the Arrow show up. Out of no where Laurel Lance barges her way thru the scrum of reporters to get to the side of Vertigo when all of a sudden the Marshal escorting Vertigo snaps & starts shooting at the reporters. Tonight on the mid-season premiere Arrow we see Laurel take her first major steps towards becoming the Black Canary. In this scene Laurel decides that shes had enough of this and goes over & 1 punch KO's the gunman while hes firing all over the place. As all of this is going on, Vertigo takes off, leaving Laurel confused and looking around for him while the shooter is laid out on the pavement in front of her. After this scene was shot, they did a couple short close up scenes of the media scrum, except this time some of them are wearing some really well done Halloween masks. I assume this is what the U.S. Marshall that opens fire was seeing. As I alluded to earlier, I posted a previous blog with another shoot from that same day with different actors. Based on the parts I know of this episode, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that scene is also an hallucination of someone like the Marshall was seeing. But, we will have to wait & see I suppose. Arrow returns January 21, 2015 on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. THIS POST CONTAINTS POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 313 OF "ARROW" TITLED "CANARIES". If you have not seen this episode yet, and do not want to know anything prior to viewing it. DO NOT read the article or view the photos. Leave now. . . . last warning . . . It has been QUITE AWHILE since the last time I caught Arrow out shooting anywhere. In fact, the 1st episode of the season, is the last time I have seen them actually filming. I've been to a few sets, but none that were outside. Earlier this month I ran into The CW hit vigilante action show "Arrow" downtown shooting a couple of scenes for episode 313, titled "Canaries". I planned on eventually doing these blogs over the holidays, however...after the shocking finale to episode 309 "The Climb" for the mid-season finale, I felt a need to rush this particular set out fast. A scene was shot on a rooftop of a "bad guy" (some of us at the set nicknamed him "knock off Jesse Pinkman".. if anyone knows the actors name, feel free to let me know so I can properly credit him.) getting chased by 2 men in costumes. Colton Haynes and his stunt guy Curtis Bracconier were dressed as the Roy Harper alias Arsenal, along with ANOTHER masked vigilante..... STEPHEN AMELL and his stunt man Simon Burnett as the Oliver Queen alias ARROW. We all knew that Oliver Queen would some how survive his fall off the mountain top. The bigger question though long would he be "missing"? Some internet sites have suggested the show would be Amellless for up to 4 episodes, while others suggest it will be just 1 episode. Well, unless Roy Harper is hallucinating his mentor running along side him. It appears Arrow is back in Starling City by episode 313 or sooner. After the shooting wrapped. I had a chance to meet Stephen again, and he apologized to the several fans waiting out there for not coming down on his lunch break. He said "my wardrobe had a bit of a spoiler on it..." which instantly made me go home and look at my pics. Only immediate difference I could see is what appears to be 6 spots on his shoulder that are in the shape of an arrow funny enough...but I THINK they are some type of arrows, or arrow heads? In any case.... looks like someone gave Oliver a Christmas present. Of course, the change to his outfit wasn't the big shocker from this. That is OF COURSE the fact that at least in some way shape or form in episode 313, if not sooner, we will see The Arrow back in Starling City. Arrow is currently up for several awards in our year end Best Of TV Awards going on right now. You can vote HERE. Arrow will return from its holiday hiatus January on The CW in the U.S. & CTV in Canada. Season 3 of Arrow begins this upcoming week. After 2 roller coaster season finales, its going to be interesting to see how the people of Starling City can be traumatized even more in season 3. I caught up with the cast of Arrow shooting some scenes in the first week of their schedule. There was a couple scenes I saw that day which included a little Olicity time, as well as the new Chief Of Police Quentin Lance talking to media while his daughter & Oliver looked on. But this isnt about those scenes. There was a night shoot that day. I wasnt expecting to see much of it, and frankly, after seeing what my photos looked like (I kept a couple REALLY crappy ones in there so you get an idea what 85% of my night shots tend to be), I should have went home early. I stuck it out and manage to catch very small glimpses of some scenes shot on the roof of the Plaza Of Nations that entailed the stunt team as well as cast members Stephen Amell dressed like Arrow, Caity Lotz dressed like Black Canary and Peter Stormare as the new Count Vertigo (whether any others were up there....who knows... thats all I saw from my limited vantage point). The only undeniable things I can say for sure is, Count Vertigo and Arrow have a pretty detailed fight on the roof that saw their stunt people partake in. As well, some VERY close up shots of Stephen. Lastly a short scene of Black Canary (Lotz/her stunt person?) coming in and swinging her staff around at seemingly nothing. From where I was, about 250 ft away and another 30 ft below, there was not a lot I could see, and with the exception of the rare time I saw both the actors and their doubles within my line of view, I could only assume who was doing which scenes 1/2 the time with the exception of the fight scene which clearly looked like the stunt team, and the close up which was clearly Stephen. So, here is the 1st night shoot shots I got this year from Arrow. I didnt label the photos specific since theres not a lot of them I am certain who it is in the photos. Some are Stephen, Caity and Peter, some are Simon Burnett, Atlin Mitchell and the stunt man for Peter. Arrow debuts Wednesday October 8, 2014 on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. As I told you in my blog on Saturday, Arrow has begun filming for season 3 in Vancouver. The 1st public day of filming had a few things. One thing it had was a lot of trailers. No less than 9 cast trailers were on set for the shoot, and I have only managed to account for 6 of them... so was there someone from a morning shoot that everyone missed? Or even LATER in the late night Fraturday shoot (that there will be a blog on later this week) that I missed? Guess I will have to wait to see. So heres a quick peek at who I saw trailers there for. As well, a guest star? He was escorted by an AD, had a transportation vehicle waiting. So he wasn't just any background extra. An escapee from iron Heights? Of course, 95% of you didn't come here to look at pics of trailers or a guest star. I'm not a fool. So, onto the main topic of the post. Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak, out, together...maybe on a date? Those of you who have read the synopsis for the season premiere already know that Oliver asks, or intends to ask his lovestruck tech girl out. The question is... was this him asking her out.. or the actual date? The scene didn't offer much from an action standpoint as Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards would walk down the stairs together, as Stephen occasionally spoke. So Olicity fans, here is your temporary fix till October. I have tagged a couple of the photos off image, or low down on the image for a couple of you who asked for images without the tag. I DO NOT usually do this. I did a couple.. just to see if you guys abuse it or not. If you can be civil & respect the fact that I did it, and NOT REMOVE THE TAGS, I may do it more often for Arrow photos.
Season 3 of ARROW will begin airing October 8, 2014 on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. You can see my past Arrow blogs HERE You can follow Stephen Amell on his Twitter or his Facebook (1 of the best celeb FB pages there is) You can follow Emily Bett Rickards on Twitter. |
All photos posted in this blog are shot by Canadagraphs. Permission to use the photos on your site, blog, tumblr, facebook or other online outlets is allowed if you follow 2 rules 1- DO NOT remove any watermarks on the photos, this includes cropping around them, Without prior written permission or emailed permission from this site. (contact form is on the left) 2- Credit this blog page or the individual blog post in your posting. If you would like to use photos seen here unedited, contact me thru my contact page, and depending on your need I may be able to accommodate smaller requests. Depending on the orders/photos, I may charge a fee for my time (usually about $2-5 an image depending how many you want) Canadagraphs Arrow blog sectionBlog posts containing Arrow be hind the scene photos, or candid photos of stars from the CW show ARROW will be in here. Autographs of the new CW hit show can be found in the "Arrow Autographs" section on the left side. Archives
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