If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE. I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. Yesterday I caught Arrow filming in a place fans are somewhat familiar with. Arrow had a rare location shoot for their 10th, and final episode of season 8. THEIR FINAL SEASON. This shoot was in Crab Park in Vancouver. This is of course a location better know to Olicity fans for this scene.
But on this day, they were filming a little bit further in the park. Closer to the pier that juts out from the shore of the park.
Very little is known to those outside of the set, as it was in a location that was difficult to get a good view on. I know, I spent 2+ hours walking around looking for the best vantage point. I can confirm Juliana Harkavy was there, as she posted an IG Story showing the exact opposite view I had. Outside of that, who knows? All I do know is, there was so many trailers there for cast, I lost track of how many there were. I would say easily 20, possibly 30?... which is A LOT for a film set of any size. James Bamford is directing the episode, which is titled "Fadeout" and he tweeted this, and I can definitely say "I" have never been to a set with so many cast trailers.
I never specifically saw any cast that I could definitely ID, as it was dark, and I was looking from a considerable distance at even the closest of locations I found (I added a photo in from the vantage point that gave me the best look... you can see JUST how far I really had to look).... if you can ID someone from the photos I provide, good on you. I concede I have pretty bad eyes, so maybe theres one you can pick out that I cant... but I doubt it.
The one thing you CAN make out however, is that during the filming there is something under a blanket for much of the evening. During the 4 hours they shot there, about 3 1/2 hours of it, that blanket you see wrapped around something in a couple of the photos was up. But for breif moments throughout the evening, the blanket would be removed for a scene, and we would see that under it was..... a statue of The Green Arrow. The base that it sat on was several feet high itself, so it towered above the cast & crew on hand for the scene. Of course, when they wrapped, it was taken away. So when I went by a bit after that to try and get a closer look. No luck. Sadly, nothing more to report on the set at this time. Like I said, I was filming from far away (approximately 2 football fields away.... might have been the longest shoot I've ever attempted), and it was dark, and really fucking cold where I was standing to shoot it. So, now you can start speculating on WHO was there. When I have a bit of time, I will work on a wrap up blog post about the entire filming of the show from my first encounter with them during episode 2 of season 1, to this very final week of filming. There is more photos (better quality) of the statue from a shoot two nights later in this blog post along with another notable spoiler. Arrow season 8 will conclude in January on The CW in the U.S. If you want to see Crisis On Infinite Earths shooting, I have a blog sections specifically for that event HERE For other behind the scene blog posts of Arrow go HERE For Arrow autographs gallery go HERE
THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "ARROW" SEASON 7 EPISODE 20 AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE SEASON. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . A reminder... DO NOT attempt to post the video to your own social media accounts or website WITHOUT using this blog posts link directly, or the original youtube link. Re-uploading it ANYWHERE and not simply linking to the original post will have it removed, and depending on the platform, could have your account suspended or terminated. The cast & crew of Arrow was shooting scenes for episode 720 last month in East Vancouver at a church. As most of you already know from the photo set I posted back when it was shot HERE there was several cast there, including a returning cast member that we had only seen this year so far in flash forward scenes. Of course, all the current day heroes were on set. Stephen Amell as Green Arrow, David Ramsey as Spartan, Rick Gonzalez as Wild Dog, and Juliana Harkavy as Black Canary were on set. Joining them was Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak..... but ALSO with the team was Colton Haynes as Arsenal. This is 1 quick clip of the gang going into the "Star City Metro subway system" and them coming back out. First time this season (assuming he doesn't show up prior) that we will see Roy Harper in modern day scenes, let alone dressed up as Arsenal. Of course, at the time of the set, fans of Felicity were thrilled to see her out & about, because they were happy to see the writers weren't going have her be "house ridden" on screen because of her characters pregnancy. But now.... looks like this might be one of the last hurrahs for her character out in the field. Arrow season 8 will be the final season. Arrow season 7 returns from their hiatus on April 15th, 2019 on The CW in the U.S. (I'd link to their page on the site, as I used to... but it is LITERALLY pointless now, because they just put up a big black screen saying you cant watch unless your American. Morons made that decision, literal, morons.) For other behind the scene blog posts of Arrow go HERE For Arrow autographs gallery go HERE ![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "ARROW" SEASON 7 EPISODE 20 titled "Confessions". If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - New Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE. I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. Last night I caught Arrow out and about in East Vancouver on a rare out of the downtown location for me to check out. With the sad announcement recently that Arrow is ending next season, and the all too rare chances to see Arrow on location in the past couple years since they have built up their studio sets so much. I felt I should take the chance and check it out. Below are photos & video (video will be up at a later date) of the scene being shot. There was not a lot going on in the scenes I saw. The first scene MIGHT have included cast, but if they were there, they were so deeply tucked in to the area the camera was aiming that you could not see them. It mostly seemed to consist of Star City Emergency personnel handling some type of situation at the Star City Metro (after the 100s of times our skytrain has gone by in the background of their scenes, they finally acknowledge they have their own service) as onlookers and media waited to see what happened. A bit later, they did a scene where The Vigilante Task Force, also known as Team Arrow shows up and goes inside the Metro building. Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen/Green Arrow, David Ramsey as John Diggle/ Spartan, Juliana Harkavy as Dinah Drake/ Black Canary and Rick Gonzalez as Rene Ramirez/ Wild Dog were all there in their full costumes. As well Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak was along with the gang on this adventure. But at you surely noticed in the intro photo above, there was ONE MORE costumed hero.... Colton Haynes, as Roy Harper/ Arsenal was with the team. Everyone has been waiting for his return to the present day scenes, and now we have confirmation he will be back eventually in present day. The question now is..... where is Thea? Also, snagged a couple quick pics for the Olicity fans out there of Stephen and Emily talking between scenes. There might be a few more photos later, as well, a video to post. But for now, here is your 1st look at Colton Hayes as Arsenal back on Arrow set. For other behind the scene blog posts of Arrow go HERE For Arrow autographs gallery go HERE ![]() THIS BLOG POST CONTAINS PHOTOS AND POSSIBLE SPOILERS ABOUT THE SEASON 6 PREMIERE OF "ARROW". If you have not watched this episode yet, ad do not want to see or read any possible spoilers about it..... do not continue reading or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . Arrow started filming season 6 of Arrow last month in a few locations. The two that I caught up to them at was in North Vancouver, in Princess Park that they were using as part of Lian Yu. On set that day was everyone that we saw at the end of season 5 who were on the island actively trying to get out together. People I saw on set that day included Emily Bett Rickards, Willa Holland, David Ramsey, Echo Kellum, Juliana Harkavy, Manu Bennett and Anna Hopkins. I DID NOT see Katrina Law, but I did see a person dressed as Nyssa al Ghul there. I also never saw Katie Cassidy, Lexa Doig or Madison McLaughlin there. All that said, who I saw, and didnt see does not mean 1 way or the other who did or didnt die in the episode, as much of what they filmed on this day was simply showing what everyone did in the final minutes before Adrian Chase threw a Donald Trump sized temper tantrum & blew up an entire island. I do know from things I do know about this episode and others so far, 1 person from the lists above is in a coma, and as of the time of writing this, nothing has changed with the character coming out of it, or being killed off yet. I suppose if/when they finally decide that will decide if/when the cast member playing the character decides on returning or not. I managed to get some autographs that day from Anna Hopkins and Manu Bennett, despite crew being overly pushy about insisting they were "in a hurry" (despite the fact the minivan she said was in a hurry to leave sat there for another 4-5 minutes afterwards) The area they filmed in was so well concealed by ravines and forest that it took quite a bit of effort to even find ANY shred of area that I could see the scene from. While I could hear pretty much everything that happened, my visibility was limited to two small cracks between some trees.... thus why the limited selection of photos I managed to get. Much of the scene had the cast running, so the only chance to really get a shot of them was after they were done running. The best shots I got were of Emily Bett Rickards when she was finished shooting the entire scene, and wasnt in a rush to get back to her starting spot. In the pics, you can see Felicity is clearly covered in a variety of scratches. After they changed the set up for the scene, I seemingly lost the spot I had as a crew member was then there stopping people from trying to see from there..... so i moved on for that day. The only shot I know anyone got that day of Manu Bennett on set as Deathstroke was from twitter user @ArizonaJake A few days later, I managed to catch up to Arrow shooting a scene on the Georgia viaduct. Tis is of course the same viaduct they used for that impressive Deathstroke army marching into Starling City back in season 2. On this day, they had several of the cast there shooting a variety of scenes on the bridge. While most of the shooting while I was there consisted of two actresses and their stunt doubles doing a fighting scene, others were in fact there, and did film at various times.... albeit, mostly after I left. Katie Cassidy, Julia Harkavy, Stephen Amell, David Ramsey, Echo Kellum & Paul Blackthorne were all seen on set, along with most of their stunt doubles as well. The majority of shooting took place with Harkavy, Cassidy & their stunt doubles. Below, at the bottom, is a quick video of 1 of the takes of the stunt team working thru the sequence. A special bonus..... a rare guest photographer. Local photographer Lightbox Gallery allowed me to use a few of his photos from the day.. You will notice the difference almost immediately between my shots, done with a $500 camera, and his, done with a $3000-5000 camera. You can find other photos hes taken of different celebs on his Twitter and on his Instagram While he did miss some of the stuff with Juliana and Katie out on set battling, he did get quite a few great shots, including a couple of Stephen, who I somehow never even noticed was on set at that time. Arrow returns to The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada on October 12 ,2017 You can also find my other behind the scenes Arrow blog posts going all the way back to season 1 HERE You can find my Arrow Autographs gallery HERE THIS BLOG POST CONTAINS PHOTOS & A SCENE DESCRIPTION FOR "ARROW" EPISODE 511 "Second Chances". If you have not seen this episode yet and do not want to see or read possible spoilers, do not continue reading or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . Back on November 8, 2016 I finally caught up with the cast & crew of "Arrow" shooting a scene in season 5. Over the past two seasons the shows has found itself out on location downtown less and less as they have started relying hravily on shooting in & around their studios to save money (and conveniently, keep it out of the sight of the public). On this day, they shot a scene in the Smile Diner (a location thats been used by many shows (& 1 iconic Kokanee commercial when they kill off the Kokanee Ranger) over the years. On this day, it was transformed into a Big Belly Burger. As far as I know, this is the first time on any of the shows that there has been an actual on location place for a Big Belly Burger. On this particular day, it was a BBB in Hub City. At a table we found Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, Rick Gonzalez as Rene Ramirez and Echo Kellum as Curtis Holt chatting while a waitress from BBB brought them their orders. Notably absent was Joe Dinicol, and of course Madison McLaughlin, who hasnt filmed in several weeks now (is she M.I.A or is she D.O.A?) Maybe the one thing I hate more than shooting night scenes is shooting day scenes on a busy street through glass. The amount of reflection off them is atrocious. But you have to work with whats given to you in this hobby/business, so I did. Not much to take from the scene, except that they were talking about .... something. Could it be the new member of the team they were out in Hub City looking for? Or could it be about how Artemis isnt in the scene? I guess we will have to wait to see. After their shoot, I was the recipient of some good fortune, as the transportation vehicle that picked up Echo and Rick in a compound like parking lot behind the restaraunt, had the misfortune of getting blocked in at the end of their alley as they tried to leave by a delivery vehicle. With the window rolled down, I asked Echo if he could sign, and he actually got out of the vehicle and signed. Shortly after a crew member that was also in the vehichle got out, and I noticed Rick Gonzalez sitting in the back. I got him to sign too and then moved along only to run into Stephen Amell coming back from the lunch truck a couple moments later, and got him to sign a few items too. I then headed off for a bit since I knew they were going to lunch break for a couple hours. When I returned they had moved to an alley that leads into the alley behind the restaraunt they were at. In the alley was the "Green Arrow" (never saw him standing or from the front, so unsure if it was Stephen or his new stunt double.) and 2 actresses both dressed the same. One was Juliana Harkavy, the newest addition to the Arrowverse as "Tina", and the other, her stunt double. Just like the Green Arrow I saw, I never saw either of them from the front, so unsure which was which. Shortly after they all moved into a small parking lot off the alley that was impssobile to get any view of and they shot scenes were GA tries to convince Tina that there is a better way to do things. This is essentially the START of her being brought into Team Arrow I think. Included with the pics of the cast on set, is some cool pics from the exterior and interior of the Big Belly Burger location before the crews started tearing it down. After a couple takes, I realized there was little to nothing to see there and headed home. Arrow airs Wednesday nights on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. You can catch my other BTS Arrow blog posts HERE You can see my Arrow autographs HERE THIS BLOG POST CONTAINS PHOTOS AND A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF SCENES SHOT FOR EPISODE 423 OF "ARROW". If you have not seen the episode yet, and do not want to see or read any possible spoilers, do not continue with this article. . . . last warning . . Arrow shot scenes for the season 4 finale in mid-April in downtown Vancouver with several cast and their stunt team on set..... and a WHOLE LOT OF EXTRAS. The two day shoot at the often used Oceanic Plaza near Burrard and Hastings had Neal McDonough as Damien Darhk there with a bunch of his ghosts taking on Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen / Green Arrow, and a few of his friends...and civilians. Also seen on set were David Ramsey as John Diggle / Spartan, Audrey Marie Anderson as Lyla Michaels, and SOMEONE dressed in a Black Canary outfit. I say "someone" because anyone that was there who managed to set eyes on her only did so for a brief moment here or there. The 1 and only time she was out in the open was walking back from a food truck, and when another set blogger and myself moved down the block to get a closer look, an over zealous security guy decided to act like he was saving lives from terrorist sniper fire and was purposely trying to impede our views.... thus why I only got 1 pretty blurry pic of her. What I WILL say is, the outfit is VERY Laurel BC, and NOT Sara Lance or Evelyn Sharp looking, as you can see from the mask. Did the producers pull a fast one on everyone & lie about her death being permanent? I'm inclined to believe no. I think shes still dead. Why this Black Canary look was on set, we WILL have to wait & see if they are even in it. I have my doubts. The scene, which took up a large part of the block to shoot, consisted of a few scenes that I suspect will all fall together in the end., First 1 I saw was where Damian & Oliver battle it out as Oliver seems to crawl out of some type of makeshift memorial for the dead in the Havenrock attacks, & it looks like Darhk is getting the upper hand. The next night was the big fight scene. Hundreds of extras, some ghosts, some civilians, faced off in the middle of the street with Darhk and Oliver right in the thick of it. With so many fight scenes taking place, the stunt team had a lot of work those two nights and I honestly saw them on set more than the actors on the 2nd night. Kudos to them as always, especially since they had to work till late into a Fraturday both nights. During the lunch break on the first night, I FINALLY had the good fortune of meeting Neal McDonough. Such a nice guy, as he signed my photos eve though 1 of the crew attempted at first to prevent it, and even signed 1 for a fan visiting from Arizona who knew him from another project as well. This would turn out to be my LAST autographs of the season for Arrow. Solid way to go out. As I said, another set blogger was there, and you can see his photos HERE (hes got some pretty good ones from angles I didn't have). Arrow season finale will be on Wednesday May 25, 2016 on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. You can view all our previous BTS Arrow photos & videos from the past 4 seasons HERE ![]() Arrow season 3 is under way in Vancouver, BC, Canada FINALLY! The 1st public shoot (that anyone seems to have known of) was on Friday right in downtown Vancouver as the production took over Terry Fox Plaza at B.C. Place to film scenes that involved Oliver Queen walking along with Laurel Lance The pair did a scene where they are walking from the stadium in the blazing heat we had here, eventually they stop and talk to a 3rd character, alive and seemingly well... Quentin Lance. A bit later they did scenes where Laurel talks to Quentin in front of the media. In these scenes, you see Quentin dressed up in a little different Police attire.... as he is now Captain Lance. After those scenes, Paul Blackthorne wrapped his work on those scenes. Short time later Katie Cassidy also wrapped. This left Stephen Amell there to film scenes that involved another cast member...which I will get to in my next blog post.
I managed to get autographs from all 3 of them at different times. This included a good 15-20 minute chat that Stephen had with those of us that were there. Glad to see he is still cool. Arrow returns this fall on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. for their 3rd season starting October 8, 2014. You can follow Stephen Amell on Twitter or on Facebook (1 of the best celeb pages on facebook) You can follow Paul Blackthorne on Twitter or on Facebook You can follow Katie Cassidy on Twitter |
All photos posted in this blog are shot by Canadagraphs. Permission to use the photos on your site, blog, tumblr, facebook or other online outlets is allowed if you follow 2 rules 1- DO NOT remove any watermarks on the photos, this includes cropping around them, Without prior written permission or emailed permission from this site. (contact form is on the left) 2- Credit this blog page or the individual blog post in your posting. If you would like to use photos seen here unedited, contact me thru my contact page, and depending on your need I may be able to accommodate smaller requests. Depending on the orders/photos, I may charge a fee for my time (usually about $2-5 an image depending how many you want) Canadagraphs Arrow blog sectionBlog posts containing Arrow be hind the scene photos, or candid photos of stars from the CW show ARROW will be in here. Autographs of the new CW hit show can be found in the "Arrow Autographs" section on the left side. Archives
November 2019