THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "ARROW" SEASON 8 EPISODE 7. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE. I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. Yesterday I caught Arrow filming in a place fans are unfortunately familiar with. Arrow had a rare location shoot for their 7th episode of season 8 in Central Park in Burnaby. This is of course the same park infamously known for the Laurel funeral scene that really became the contentious turning point for the show. Of course this time, there was no funeral going on.... so you can breathe a bit easier Laurel fans. They were filming a few hundred feet down from there quite literally in a little encampment area they had made between some trees. The set was tight, and well covered by equipment and trees, so there was no on set reports to be had. The only absolute details I do know is, three cast were seen going in & out of the set. Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen was there, he didnt seem to be in Green Arrow attire of any type, just regular Oliver clothes. Katie Cassidy as Laurel Lance or Black Canary was there. While I never saw her wearing a mask, and she kept covered up when coming out to get in a transportation vehicle, the fact she was keeping her wardrobe well under wraps made me wonder if she was in BC attire. No coincidence once they realized I was there, they made her walk an extra long path to get to set to avoid coming thru the parking lot that was most convenient to drop off at. With so few promo images out of it so far, its hard to get a read on if that could be in hidden under her winter jacket. Lastly, a returning old face, Byron Mann was there. Last we saw him as Yao Fei, he was dead.... so is this a flashback through The Monitor, or, a different timeline/Earth? Sadly, nothing more to report on the set at this time. Weather was terrible, so I wasnt too motivated to be my usual curious self and search around to see if I could see/find out more. Arrow season 8 will premiere in October on The CW in the U.S. For other behind the scene blog posts of Arrow go HERE For Arrow autographs gallery go HERE
![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "ARROW" SEASON 8 EPISODE 1 titled "Starling City". If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE. I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. Yesterday I caught Arrow filming in a new studio that is literally known as "The Fortress". I hd been there a couple times in the past, but was unaware of why shows were using it so much,as I assumed it was just some business building that they were using for a day. But instead, it is 1 of the new crop of little 1 off studios across the Lower Mainland that has popped up in the past few years. This former bank has the structural integrity to withstand some of the film industries more tougher stunts to pull off, as I was told yesterday while there, they have even crashed a helicopter into the roof of it. On this day, the Arrow cast and crew were using it for scenes for their 1st episode of their last season. Obviously because of the fact everything was shot inside this structure, nothing about the specific scenes is known. But some things are known about who was there. Through out the morning & early afternoon, and late evening (I left for a few hours after lunch break) a variety of cast were seen by myself. Stephen Amell was walking to & from the set in half of his Green Arrow costume, and stopped to meet fans several times throughout the day. I also saw Rick Gonzalez at lunch, and briefly got to meet Katherime McNamara for my first time at a set. But the "I wasnt expecting to see you so soon" moment of the day came as former Arrow star, turned Chicago Med star, now back for quick drop in on Arrow, Colin Donnell. An article had come out just a couple hours before seeing him saying he would be back, and lo & behold there he was. But Tommy Merlyn looked a little different than the one we used to know, sporting a full beard. Oh that reminds me, 1 other thing I saw that I can not quite put my finger on what it means yet is... during lunch 2 stunt men in Green Arrow attire came out, 1 looking like how Oliver did, the other, had a big fake black beard on. make of that what you want. I have theories, but I wont post theories here. We also saw a blond girl go in at one point that seemed to be wearing a mask. The person that was there with me when they went in thought it could be Katie Cassidy, and I was unable to confirm if it was her or not, but you can try to judge for yourself by the pics I added below. That said, I did hear two people for the cast referenced by crew while I was there. Katie Cassidy being one, the other was "Josh" who could be Josh Segarra, as he was also announced as returning in the same article as Colin was mentioned in. When I returned later. Some fans were now there, and they pieced together to us what they had seen while we were gone. The only actors they had seen while we were gone were Stephen again, aaaaaaand John Barrowman? Now I was not there to confirm if what they say tey saw is a fact, but the fan I was talking to was well versed in his Arrowverse knowledge, so I feel confident he was not mistaken. Could the returns for Colin, Josh and others be Crisis On Infinite Earths related? I guess we will have to wait and see. At the end of the evening, we saw 3 cast leave as Andrea Sixtos, Joseph David Jones and Katherine McNamara all left together, and shortly behind them we saw the director of the episode, James Bamford also leave. Arrow season 8 will premiere in October on The CW in the U.S. For other behind the scene blog posts of Arrow go HERE For Arrow autographs gallery go HERE ![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "ARROW" SEASON 6 EPISODE 12 or 13 AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . Last month I caught Arrow out and about shortly before they went on Holiday break in the downtown eastside/Gastown area of Vancouver. Below are photos & video of the scene being shot. The scene they were shooting on this day was pretty basic, with no dialogue happening. It simply had Team Arrow member Quentin Lance (played by Paul Blackthorne) walking along a street looking at his phone, being followed by earth 2 Laurel Lance, aka Black Siren (played by Katie Cassidy). The scene played out with Quentin walking along, at 1 point he seems to hold his phone over his shoulder as if trying to see who is behind him, but whether or not he sees the doppleganger of his late daughter is unsure, as Laurel hastily runs for cover when she notices. Immediately after she hides, an SCPD cruiser goes by as well with its lights on. Is Quentin trying to trap Laurel, or Laurel trying to trap Quentin? I guess we will need to wait a few more weeks to find out for certain. This also was important in that this was the first public shoot Katie Cassidy had done after the death of her own real life father two weeks earlier. While during a short break, I managed to get a couple autographs from Katie, and I passed along my condolences to her, and she thanked me for stating so. For other behind the scene blog posts of Arrow go HERE For Arrow autographs gallery go HERE Arrow retuens from the holiday break Thursday for the mid-season premiere of season 6 on The CW in the U.S. and CTV in Canada. ![]() THIS BLOG POST CONTAINS PHOTOS AND POSSIBLE SPOILERS ABOUT THE SEASON 6 PREMIERE OF "ARROW". If you have not watched this episode yet, ad do not want to see or read any possible spoilers about it..... do not continue reading or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . Arrow started filming season 6 of Arrow last month in a few locations. The two that I caught up to them at was in North Vancouver, in Princess Park that they were using as part of Lian Yu. On set that day was everyone that we saw at the end of season 5 who were on the island actively trying to get out together. People I saw on set that day included Emily Bett Rickards, Willa Holland, David Ramsey, Echo Kellum, Juliana Harkavy, Manu Bennett and Anna Hopkins. I DID NOT see Katrina Law, but I did see a person dressed as Nyssa al Ghul there. I also never saw Katie Cassidy, Lexa Doig or Madison McLaughlin there. All that said, who I saw, and didnt see does not mean 1 way or the other who did or didnt die in the episode, as much of what they filmed on this day was simply showing what everyone did in the final minutes before Adrian Chase threw a Donald Trump sized temper tantrum & blew up an entire island. I do know from things I do know about this episode and others so far, 1 person from the lists above is in a coma, and as of the time of writing this, nothing has changed with the character coming out of it, or being killed off yet. I suppose if/when they finally decide that will decide if/when the cast member playing the character decides on returning or not. I managed to get some autographs that day from Anna Hopkins and Manu Bennett, despite crew being overly pushy about insisting they were "in a hurry" (despite the fact the minivan she said was in a hurry to leave sat there for another 4-5 minutes afterwards) The area they filmed in was so well concealed by ravines and forest that it took quite a bit of effort to even find ANY shred of area that I could see the scene from. While I could hear pretty much everything that happened, my visibility was limited to two small cracks between some trees.... thus why the limited selection of photos I managed to get. Much of the scene had the cast running, so the only chance to really get a shot of them was after they were done running. The best shots I got were of Emily Bett Rickards when she was finished shooting the entire scene, and wasnt in a rush to get back to her starting spot. In the pics, you can see Felicity is clearly covered in a variety of scratches. After they changed the set up for the scene, I seemingly lost the spot I had as a crew member was then there stopping people from trying to see from there..... so i moved on for that day. The only shot I know anyone got that day of Manu Bennett on set as Deathstroke was from twitter user @ArizonaJake A few days later, I managed to catch up to Arrow shooting a scene on the Georgia viaduct. Tis is of course the same viaduct they used for that impressive Deathstroke army marching into Starling City back in season 2. On this day, they had several of the cast there shooting a variety of scenes on the bridge. While most of the shooting while I was there consisted of two actresses and their stunt doubles doing a fighting scene, others were in fact there, and did film at various times.... albeit, mostly after I left. Katie Cassidy, Julia Harkavy, Stephen Amell, David Ramsey, Echo Kellum & Paul Blackthorne were all seen on set, along with most of their stunt doubles as well. The majority of shooting took place with Harkavy, Cassidy & their stunt doubles. Below, at the bottom, is a quick video of 1 of the takes of the stunt team working thru the sequence. A special bonus..... a rare guest photographer. Local photographer Lightbox Gallery allowed me to use a few of his photos from the day.. You will notice the difference almost immediately between my shots, done with a $500 camera, and his, done with a $3000-5000 camera. You can find other photos hes taken of different celebs on his Twitter and on his Instagram While he did miss some of the stuff with Juliana and Katie out on set battling, he did get quite a few great shots, including a couple of Stephen, who I somehow never even noticed was on set at that time. Arrow returns to The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada on October 12 ,2017 You can also find my other behind the scenes Arrow blog posts going all the way back to season 1 HERE You can find my Arrow Autographs gallery HERE ![]() THIS POST MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 414 OF ARROW. If you do not want to see or read any potential spoilers prior to seeing the episode please leave now. . . . last warning . . Arrow will be airing episode 414 "Code Of Silence" tomorrow. The episode was directed by the shows stunt co-ordinator James Bamford, for his 2nd go at director this season. Shortly after the show returned from their Winter break I caught them downtown Vancouver shooting scenes for this episode at the historic Vogue Theatre. While the majority of the shooting was indoors throughout the day, there were a couple scenes shot out on the busy Granville Street on a cold January night. Several fans waited in the dingy & dirty alley behind the theatre to see the cast. The only cast member who was willing to meet them that night was Stephen Amell. He took the time to meet with each person there and do photos with & sign autographs before heading back in to film more. While others were seen leaving & arriving, none of them stopped to meet the small crowd of fans. The first scene shot had the big spoiler that I posted a few weeks ago... which of course everyone knows about now since its aired on TV. Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak in a wheelchair. She filmed scenes with Paul Blackthorne as Quentin Lance and Charlotte Ross as Donna Smoak in front of the Vogue, which was apparently the theatre for a "Star City Mayoral Debate" between newcomer Ruve Adams (aka - Ms. Damian Darhk) and Oliver Queen (aka - The Green Arrow) After that scene wrapped, the crew took a while to set up for their next shoot, which took place on the awning of the Vogue. Katie Cassidy and her stunt double dressed up as the Black Canary spent time up on the roof shooting scenes where they watch Janet Kidder as Ruve Adams leave in a towncar, and then after that watched as a supply truck drives off. It appears when shes watching them leave that shes speaking to someone (probably on 1 of the com devices Team Arrow uses often). Arrow airs Wednesday nights on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada.
You can follow the stars of Arrow on their social media platforms Arrow Twitter facebook Stephen Amell Twitter facebook Emily Bett Rickards Twitter facebook Paul Blackthorne Twitter facebook Katie Cassidy Twitter facebook Charlotte Ross Twitter facebook James Bamford Twitter Arrow shoots scenes for the season 3 finale with Katrina Law and Katie Cassidy in downtown Vancouver5/13/2015 THIS IS A BLOG POST for the Arrow season 3 finale, episode 323. If you have not seen this episode yet and do not want to see possible spoilers prior to viewing the episode. Do not continue reading or viewing the photos. . . . last warning . . Arrow was filming the finale for season 3 a few weeks ago in downtown Vancouver. While the big reveal scene that was shot VERY late in the night wasnt seen by many, and shot by no one including me. The more public shoot earlier in the night was seen by lots of people and photographed by quite a few. It saw Katrina Law as Nyssa Al Ghul (or is that Nyssa Queen now?) teaming up with Katie Cassidy as Black Canary aka Laurel lance walking thru a Starling City park looking for trouble when the find it in the form of a knife wielding bad guy. What this guest actors role is in the whole grand scheme of the episode, I am not too sure. But Black Canary takes him down while Nyssa seemingly sits by watching. A bit later in the night they shot a scene that only a very very small handful of people saw and they didnt want anyone photographing. It had David Ramsey as John Diggle in the scene along with Willa Holland as Thea Queen... or... something else. Since the spoiler is now out there on what this years terrible event is that will happen in Starling city, guess its safe to tell you the virus makes it to Starling City. Diggle is chasing the person with it when they seemingly get away. Diggle finds himself in a bit of trouble, and is saved by a costumed vigilante who shoots 3 arrows into an attacker. Since we have already seen Thea in a mini-Dark Archer outfit earlier this season you obviously have figured out who the archer is. Since you also saw her get a certain red jacket recently. You can probably guess what her new uniform colour will be. Diggle looks up at her and states "nice threads" and thats the end of the scene. Arrow and several of the cast are up for May madness this year. Voting is going on right now on different match ups every couple days HERE. Arrow autographs can be found here. Arrow season finale airs tonight May 12, 2015 on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. This post contains filming information for Arrow episode 317 "Suicidal Tendencies". IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THIS EPISODE AND DO NOT WANT TO VIEW POTENTIAL SPOILERS, DO NOT CONTINUE READING OR VIEWING THE PHOTOS BELOW. . . . last warning . . Arrow was filming scenes a couple months ago for episode 317 "Suicidal Tendencies" in East Vancouver at a hall they have used several times for several things. This time, the hall was not a hospital, or hall of records, but a wedding hall. As I tweeted back when the shooting happened, the cast were shooting a scene for a wedding, and although my joke that it was Ray & Felicity wedding was met with some anger by overly sensitive Olicity fans, the true happy couple was eventually sleuthed out by the fanbase. David Ramsey and Audrey Marie Anderson as John Diggle & Lyla Michaels were shooting scenes where the couple gets re-married. Of course Dig & Lyla had a few friends at their joyous event of note. Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, Brandon Routh as Ray Palmer, Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak, Willa Holland as Thea Queen and Colton Haynes as Roy Harper and Katie Cassidy as Laurel Lance were also all at the event. Very little of the actual filming could be seen from outside. Only things I can confirm are things that are already known on the internet. It was a Dig & Lyla wedding, and Felicity catches the bouquet. Outside of that, no dialogue was heard, and very little of the scene could even be seen thru the 2 pglass doors, dozens of extras and equipment. Of course, what would a Suicide Squad themeed episode be without a member of Amanda Wallers bunch? A scene was done outside after the reception scene with Dig & Lyla walking to a limo and getting in. Waiting for them on the inside was Michael Rowe as Floyd Lawton, aka - Deadshot. What takes place inside the limo, who knows? Perhaps the SS was playing security detail for the wedding? Or, Lyla or Dig was being called away to a job. Will have to wait till next week to see. This was what I call the "beginning of the end" of the Arrow set being a place where you could go & meet the case easily. There was no less than 20 people throughout the day at the set, and at 1 point, 19 people were there at the same time. Sure enough, it encouraged many of the cast to start sneaking out the back doors when they were on a break instead of coming out the front doors as they did when there was only 5 or 8 of us. This was of course part of what I call a "perfect storm" of circumstances. The 4 big productions in town were all on location that day (Flash, Once Upon A Time & Supernatural along with Arrow), as fans went to the other locations & found them to be either inaccessible, or boring, they all flocked to the Arrow set where they were hearing about how many cast were there & how accessible they were. It was clearly obvious that 1/2 of the people at the Arrow set that day were not even fans of the show, but just wanted to meet "someone famous". I miss the days where there was just 2 or 3, and sometimes just me, at the set. Arrow airs Wednesday nights on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. |
All photos posted in this blog are shot by Canadagraphs. Permission to use the photos on your site, blog, tumblr, facebook or other online outlets is allowed if you follow 2 rules 1- DO NOT remove any watermarks on the photos, this includes cropping around them, Without prior written permission or emailed permission from this site. (contact form is on the left) 2- Credit this blog page or the individual blog post in your posting. If you would like to use photos seen here unedited, contact me thru my contact page, and depending on your need I may be able to accommodate smaller requests. Depending on the orders/photos, I may charge a fee for my time (usually about $2-5 an image depending how many you want) Canadagraphs Arrow blog sectionBlog posts containing Arrow be hind the scene photos, or candid photos of stars from the CW show ARROW will be in here. Autographs of the new CW hit show can be found in the "Arrow Autographs" section on the left side. Archives
November 2019