![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR SUPERGIRL SEASON 6 EPISODE 20, AND IT MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021 there is new photo usage limits. So please check the link for the new updated totals. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. I caught up with Supergirl filming episode 6x20 filming scenes at Oceanic Plaza, and across from it on Thursday. This was the 2nd day in a row I had found them, after a set on Wednesday (blog will be coming later this week) filming in a commonly used graveyard in Southeast Vancouver. This is of course filming for the season 6 finale, which will also be the shows series finale. It is being directed by Jesse Warn. After this set wrapped, there is only 5 shooting days left on the show, including another 2 day big action sequence that by the time you read this, they probably have already started, or perhaps even finished, as I am a bit behind in getting these blogs finished. On this day. People on set included - Chyler Leigh as Sentinel - Azie Tesfai as Kelly Olsen / Guardian - Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor - Nicole Maines as Dreamer - Body double as Martian Manhunter - Julie Gonzalo as Andrea Rojas/ Acrata - Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor - Unknown actor as unknown character The scenes went as follows. - Lena & Acrata VS Lex. - Dreamer & Kelly Olsen at a ribbon cutting ceremony. - Lena & Andrea Rojas at a ceremony. - Lena at the unveiling of the Lena Luthor foundation. - Guardian, Sentinel, Dreamer & Martian Manhunter battling something in the sky in a plaza. In the first scene of the day, Lex Luthor was out there causing mayhem, while Lena was seemingly trying to summon something (apparently shes a magician now... this isnt the first set where she has been seen doing things like this). Lex moves towards Lena, and aims his arm canon at her, before Acrata jumps in and saves Lena. After that, they moved on to a scene that I frankly saw very little of, as I was spending time getting autographs throughout the day. I saw 2 takes of it, they had Dreamer & Kelly Olsen out at a ribbon cutting ceremony with a currently unknown actor (he wasnt just there as a random character, because he was also on set the next day too, and also got a cast vehicle to pick up & drop off). The ceremony was to open the "Dreamer Center For LGBTQ Outreach" in front of the "Albertus Tower". Before they started filming, Nicole was out there waving 1, or both of the flags that were displayed off to the side of the scene. I wish they had picked a better location for this scene, as the flags just sat there flat, not waving throughout the scene. They should have had THIS scene out in the plaza where theres a breeze, and could have set the flags up behind her, but nope. Just have them off to the side, laying flat against the post.... I guess? A scene with Lena & Andrea opening the William Dey school of Journalism happened after that, and I saw nothing of it, because I didnt know they were even filming it. I thought the pair went over to the set to block for a scene for after lunch, but instead, they full on filmed a scene there. Next was a very verrrrry short scene, with Lena unveiling a monument for the Lena Luthor foundation. She quite literally did ONE take of it, and was done for the day. They wrapped up the actors scenes for the day with Guardian, Sentinel, Dreamer, and Martian Manhunter fighting off something on the same plaza, which was named the "Apogee Tower Plaza" (unsure what thats a reference to at this time, but theres always easter eggs in the name choices, I am sure Albertus Tower is one as well.) as the Lena scene right before it was on, but the signs from that scene were not in it, which means this fight happens before those buildings become LuthorCorp, and the LLF, or the writers have a continuity issue. That was it for me on that day, although it looked like they were filming a background crowd scene when I left. I just dont know what it was, as I didnt wait around to see. This was going to be a busy week, and every minute of down time I could muster was used. I will have the Friday & Saturday set up as soon as I can. I HAD HOPED to have this up by Friday night, then by Saturday night, but as you can see, that didnt happen. So I'm going to say I HOPE to have the Fri/Sat set up by Monday, but we will see. This set also was a 1st this season (unofficially the river bed set was, but this was the 1st time where cast were ALLOWED to) where fans were finally allowed (in very limited numbers, when the crowds got too large, they shut it down) to interact with cast, and get photos with, and autographs. It was nice to finally break that ice, since every other production had weeks, to a couple months, earlier. Chyler, Azie, Nicole & Julie all stopped & interacted with a few fans at different points. Unfortunately, Jon wrapped early, and I never really got a good chance to ask him when he was leaving (but he made up for it 2 days later, as you'll see when the weekend set blog is up). Video will come later on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL. So check in there for those later on in a few weeks. Some of the videos will be on the Patreon page for video tier members soon (later this week probably). To see more Behind The scenes blog posts and photos from Supergirl go HERE To see the autograph gallery for Supergirl go HERE Supergirl season 6B returns August 24 on The CW in the U.S. and on Showcase in Canada.
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