![]() THIS POST CONTAINS POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR "ONCE UPON A TIME" EPISODE 619. If you have not seen this episode & want to avoid possible spoilers form it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below . . . last warning . . Once Upon A Time shot 4 scenes in Steveston on Tuesday. One of them for episode 619, directed by BAFTA award winning director Alrick Riley, consisted of 3 cast, with the majority of focus on two... even though it was the other cast member that's going to generate the most buzz probably. This is the 2nd of the 3 blog posts I am doing on this day shooting. The first HERE with Colin O'Donoghue for episode 620, and this one HERE (still not posted, will link when completed) with Lana Parrilla and Jaime Murray for 619. I think I should apologize to Rumbelle fans from the get go, because I know I haven't had anything for them in quite a long time, and finally I get some shots for them and wellllllll, this post is probably going to be upstaged by something. Robert Carlyle & Emilie de Ravin filmed most of this scene outside Mr. Golds. The scene sees Gold come out first, clearly annoyed/angry with something and he makes a waving motion as if hes casting something away. Belle follows outside to confront him & the two have a talk that starts off with them clearly not in a good mood, but eventually the pair calm down, hold hands, before they are interrupted by Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan calling them back inside Golds shop. All three cast seemed in pretty good spirits on the set. Frequently Robert & Emilie were together going over lines in or around the door way of the fake storefront. I feel like there is something else I was supposed to mention. What was that again? I cant seem to put my finger on it. Wait, hold on, I think I am remembeRING. They did several takes of this scene with Emma in it, but for the most part it was a ho hum scene to me. That was till I saw tumblr & twitter chatter after the fact inquiring about Emmas wardrobe change. I then had to go thru all my photos to take a look... For ONE (maybe two?) takes there was a change in the stuff Emma Swan was wearing. It seems her outfit is slightly heavier now.... she was wearing an engagement ring for at least 1 of the takes. Now why she wasnt wearing it for the other takes is probably 1 of a few reasons. Most likely, depending what the camera angles were, it wasnt needed for the earlier takes. Same reason sometimes you see characters wearing their boots for a scene instead of the fancy shoes you might see in the scene when it airs, because for that set of takes, they werent going to be on camera.... so they didnt need to wear them. Probably the case with this ring as well, since earlier takes she definitely didnt have it on. Anyways... heres the only pics I got of it.... had I known of course that this was a thing, I would have tried getting closer up shots. As it is, I took these shots of the 3 actors grouped together, so I had to crop in tighter than I thought I would be when I shot these frames. Eventually Jennifer wrapped her scene. A little while later Robert & Emilie wrapped theirs after shooting the conversation part of the scene a few more times. Robert & Emilie then came over & met with the fans, and spent a substantial amount of time doing so. In fact the next scene, with Colin O'Donoghue had already started doing rehearsals behind them by the time Emilie was done with her part of the meet & greet. You can catch Once Upon A Time on Sunday nights on ABC in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. You can see my other behind the scene OUAT blogs from the past HERE and my autograph gallery HERE
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THIS POST CONTAINS PHOTOS & SCENE DESCRIPTION FOR EPISODE 517 "Her Handsome Hero" OF "ONCE UPON A TIME". If you do not want to read or view photos of this episode prior to seeing it, do not continue reading or viewing the photos. . . . last warning . . Once Upon A Time filmed in Steveston in mid-January for episode 517 "Her Handsome Hero" most of the day. In the day they shot a scene with Robert Carlyle (Mr. Gold/Rumplestiltskin), Emilie de Ravin (Belle French) and newcomer Wes Brown (Gaston). In the scene Belle rushes out of Mr. Golds shop, annoyed & angry at something. Gold chases after her before he is distracted by an arrow (no arrow shot on set) whizzing by him. Belle and Gold look across the street to see Gaston (previously portrayed by Sage Brocklebank, now by Wes Brown) staring back at them. Gaston takes another shot at Gold, to no avail as Gold grabs the arrow out of mid air and then proceeds to move towards Gaston, talking about the arrow. Gold is angered and goes to use magic against his attacker when Belle steps in and stops it. The scene ended, and the crew moved on to set up the next scene as the cast left for the day. There is another blog post with scenes from this days shoot with Colin O'Donoghue and Jennifer Morrison during a night scene. You will be able to find it in my OUAT Blog section here. You can also view past blog posts there. Once Upon A Time airs Sunday nights on ABC in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. this episode will air April 10, 2016. Once Upon A Time shoots scenes for season 5 premiere with several cast members through out the day.8/13/2015 Once Upon A Time season 5 started filming last month. The small village of Steveston in South Richmond was again transformed into Storybrooke for a day of filming for episode 1. The first scene I came across in downtown Steveston for the 1st day of shooting for Once Upon A Time season 5 in the town involved an odd sight. Granny's diner had been transformed into a beer garden. whether this is a temporary situation, or permanent was not yet known. More off, was Gabe Khouth as Sneezy wearing an Emma Swan style red jacket & driving the Sheriffs car. He shows up to what appears to be a ribbon cutting ceremony with several other dwarves in attendance including Faustino DiBauda, Mig Macario and maybe others.. I couldn't see the whole scene from where I was, but there was at least 3 or 4 of the dwarves there. Most notably missing was Lee Arenberg. After that scene, the production moved 1/2 block down to an intersection. In the intersection they set up a scene with several cast members including Rebecca Mader, Sean Maguire, Lana Parrilla, Josh Dallas, Ginnifer Goodwin, Colin O'Donoghue, Emilie de Ravin and Jared Gilmore. In the scene, we see Lana as Regina Mills marching towards Rebecca and Sean as Zelena and Robin Hood. Regina is flanked by several of the locals, Hook, Mary & Dacid, Belle and Henry all follow her to the middle of the street. It seems that Zelena has robin captive somehow and demands a wand from Regina for the release of Robin. Regina does whats asked of her, and gives Zelana a wand. Robin is then let go & instantly taken in by Regina to their side of the battle. Zelena proudly waves the wand around, attempting perhaps to create magic or a spell? But its appears to be a fake. Zelena realizes it wont work, but before she can react, Regina moves in & puts a cuff around her arm and seemingly stops Zelena dead in her tracks. Once the cast did a couple rehearsals of it, they went back to their trailers & got into wardrobe for the actual filming. A little while later, the group returned to film the scene in their full wardrobes for the day. By that point, the crowds swelled well over 150 and at times, over 200 people, as the combination of the 1st shoot of the season and nice weather drew a larger than usual crowd. No surprise with the size of the crowd, none of the main cast came over to meet any fans at all this day. while the main cast is becoming less & less receptive of coming over in the past year or so, its rare that NONE of them do. Guess the absurdly large crowd was just too much for any of them to consider.
While they were shooting this scene, my battery on my camera died so I left while they were still shooting. so I don't know if more happened in this scene afterwards, but the amount of times they shot this, I doubt it. you can follow the stars of Once Upon A Time on Social Media sites Once Upon A Time Twitter Facebook Lana Parrilla Twitter Facebook Sean Maguire Twitter Rebecca Mader Twitter Facebook Colin O'Donoghue Twitter Facebook Josh Dallas Twitter Ginnifer Goodwin Twitter Facebook Emilie de Ravin Twitter Gabe Khouth Twitter Jared Gilmore Twitter Faustino Di Bauda Twitter Mig Macario Twitter Once Upon A Time returns for season 5 on ABC in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada starting Oct 2015 THIS BLOG POST CONTAINS PHOTOS AND BREIF SCENE DESCRIPTIONS FOR EPISODE 412 OF "ONCE UPON A TIME". If you have not seen this episode and do not want to read or see possible spoilers from the episode, do not continue. . . . last warning . . Back in November I caught the cast & crew of the ABC fantasy series Once Upon A Time shooting in Steveston for episode 412. Like many trips to Steveston, the crew squeezed in as many scenes as they could to the small fishing village that stands in for Storybrooke, Maine. With so many scenes set for the day, once again I saw many different cast throughout the day. When I first got there, I saw Jennifer Morrison, Lana Parrilla, Ginnifer Goodwin, Colin O'Donoghue & Emilie de Ravin shooting scenes in the middle of Monctor Street (aka - Main street in Storybrooke). The scene had Regina & Emma run towards something, then Hook, Mary & Belle come up behind shortly after. In between takes the women eagerly grabbed their winter jackets to keep warm as Steveston has a reputation for being several degrees cooler than most other places in the Lower Mainland, while Colin seemingly seemed ok in his Hook attire. They continued filming with these 5 in the middle of the street before moving on to more scenes. Then the crew moved on to scenes where Lana & Jared Gilmore shoot a quick scene that seems to show Henry getting ready to go to school (seriously, does this kid ever actually go to school anymore? Also, who is teaching the kids?? Mary seems busy with other things). Next up was a scene where Jennifer drives down a street in the yellow Volkswagen Beetle that everyone knows as Emma Swan's car. Her passenger.... none other than Regina. A little later, there was a scene next to Mr. Golds with Colin & Jen where they exchange a couple quick words, a quick hug/kiss and proceed along the sidewalk with their arms around each other. At the time I thought I had found a great spot to sneak pics of this scene.... only to find out when I walked around where the crowd was watching from they had a pretty good view of the scene as well. Finally, scenes were done after it got dark in the middle of Moncton Street with Robert Carlyle and 2 cast members I had never seen prior to that moment. Victoria Smurfit & Merrin Dungey. Of course there has been plenty of news since this scene was shot about the 3 big bads of the back end of season 4 being Kristin Bauer van Straten as Maleficent, Smurfit as Cruella De Vil and Dungey as Ursula.... but at that time, no one really knew who Dungey was yet except for a couple fans that recognized her instantly.
The scene showed Cruella, Ursula and Mr. Gold walking aright down the middle of Main street talking and part or all of the topic of conversation seemed to be about Regina from what I could make out from snippets of conversation during the takes. Once Upon A Time returns NEXT WEEK, Sunday March 1st on ABC in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. Every year I have a dilemma. Blog materials that I just don't get used up in time. Whether its because of scheduling, or because something better pushes it back, there are some blogs that never get posted because once the episode airs, the viewership on them drops substantially. Another problem that I have, which seems to be uniquely a Once Upon A Time problem is, getting too many blogs worth of material from 1 shoot. Since the crew try to squeeze in 2 or 3 or 4 days worth of scenes into 1 day so as to not continually inconvenience the area with their filming when they are on location in Steveston, this often leads to several sets of photos of different scenes, and thus a backlog of sets from the show at once. So what happens is I will usually post 1 or 2 sets quickly, and the other sets get forgotten for awhile, or all together. This happened again this year with several sets from OUAT that I have already wasted because the episodes have already aired and, while SOME of you may still like to see the pics, the mass majority don't care & thus making a blog post for a couple hundred views, for the effort it takes, is time wise, not worth it. This brings us to THIS blog post, about material for episode 409 which obviously has long since passed. Since you have seen the episode already, I will simply say. The pics below include director Mario Van Peebles, Jennifer Morrison, Scott Michael Foster, Elizabeth Lail, Georgina Haig, Robert Carlyle, Colin O'Donoghue & Emilie de Ravin in varions scenes through out the day. Once Upon A Time is up for several 2014 Best Of TV Awards, voting on the Finals is going on right now thru till the 3rd week of January, 2015 HERE. ![]() THIS POST MAY CONTAIN MILD SPOILERS FOR A SEASON 3 EPISODE 16 OF "ONCE UPON A TIME" Please do not read or view photos if you do not wish to see or read details about filming prior to the episode airing. . . . last warning . . Once Upon A Time filmed in Steveston on a chilly late January day for scenes with a variety of cast including Ginnifer Goodwin, Josh Dallas, Jennifer Morrison, Emilie de Ravin & Rose McIver. I could not really tell much about what the scene was, but it had the 5 of them standing in the middle of a street in downtown Storybrooke talking about something. This was the 1st time I saw the OUAT cast on set in 2014 & I believe might have been the 1st cast I saw in 2014 at all. It was also the 1st time I saw Josh & Ginny since my departure pic of them that you probably saw in 1 of several celeb sites back before Christmas. In a far less common problem of late, the crew of the Once Upon A Time production seem to be the only ones in Vancouver that still think holding up umbrellas when its not raining is an acceptable practice. They might be in for a rude awakening someday soon, legally. Anyways, below is the selection of photos I have chosen to show you from that days shoot. In a cool, fairly unexpected moment, Emilie & Jennifer came over to see the fans at the end of the day. Of the 5 cast there, I would have wagered that they would be the two most unlikely to come over, but I certainly didnt complain. In this set is the group photos from that day. At a later date I will post some of the solo, or individual prominent photos of the cast there that day. Once Upon A Time returns TOMORROW March 9, 2014 on ABC in the U.S. & CTV in Canada ![]() In the mid-season finale for the ABC fantasy drama Once Upon A Time, we saw a massive shocker, Rumplestiltskin kills himself along with his father aka - Peter Pan, to save the people of Storybrooke from Pans curse. What this means for the character Robert Carlyle portrays is still uncertain. I suspect he'll be back after a few episodes away (not insider knowledge, just my personal feeling), but for now it is RIP Mr. Gold/Rumple. At the time they filmed the scene in which he stabs Peter Pan thru the back & in turn himself too, I didnt know he was killing himself along with Pan, I just saw him shove the knife into Pan (aka - Robbie Kay ) and assumed he was killing him. I got to the set late on this day, and missed the earlier scenes with Regina out in the middle of the street. By the time I got there, they were filming the scene below from the angle of just the left side of the group as it was just Michael Raymond-James as Baelfire & Emilie de Ravin as Belle who were also on set with Robert & Robbie. Something that has been an issue in season 3 has been how unpleasant the rude & unprofessional new security team has been. Instead of the old team they had, who although at times frustrated some regulars, would at least reason with the regulars & minimize the efforts some of us would go to to take shots. This new team (btw- they got FIVE guys to do the job that 2 were doing last year....and not very well lol) thinks heavy handed aggressiveness will work...well, it doesnt, all it does is drive us to be more creative in doing what we do.... for example, I stood 2 blocks away to get photos they didnt want me getting from the other side of the set (which had a LOT more stuff in the way & it would have been in their best interests to just let people shoot from there.....then maybe the plethora of spoiler pics some posted on twitter earlier wouldnt have come up so much). But they will learn eventually....or maybe they wont? In either case, people will get their shots, they just might be more creative in making it happen. Because of my position (2 blocks away) you can see some of my photos are pretty grainy & I am sorry if you feel disappointed in these FREE photos I offer you. For those appreciative of whatever is offered, here it, photos from my vantage point of Pan & Rumple meeting their fates. Once Upon A Time season 3 has gone on their Winter Hiatus & returns March 9, 2014 (later than usual in an effort to avoid competing with the Olympics) on ABC. |
All photos posted in this blog are shot by Canadagraphs, unless otherwise stated, and are the property of the site owner. Permission to use the photos on your site, blog, tumblr, facebook or other online outlets is allowed if you follow 2 rules 1- DO NOT remove any watermarks on the photos, this includes cropping around them, Without prior written permission or emailed permission from this site. (contact form is on the left) 2- Credit this blog page or the individual blog post in your posting. If you would like to use photos seen here unedited, contact me thru my contact page, and depending on your need I may be able to accommodate smaller requests. Depending on the orders/photos, I may charge a fee for my time (usually about $2-5 an image depending how many you want) AuthorThe blog posts in here are about the interactions & set reports for the former ABC hit "Once Upon A Time". Archives
May 2018