THIS BLOG POST IS FOR EPISODE 601 OF "ONCE UPON A TIME". If you have not seen this episode and do not want to read or view possible spoiler photos from it prior to seeing it, please do not continue reading or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . Once Upon A Time shot several scenes in Steveston on their first Steveston location day of Season 6. The day started with a scene in an area of the small little village that they had, to the best of my knowledge, never filmed at prior. Lana Parrilla and Ginnifer Goodwin shot a scene before the rest of the cast arrived for filming. The scene was in the park at the far end of the village earlier in the day before they moved to the regular area of Steveston that they used where the pair were joined by a lot more cast. Josh Dallas, Jennifer Morrison, Colin O'Donoghue, Jared Gilmore, Raphael Sbarge, Hank Harris and Beverley Elliott joined the pair in doing a scene around Grannys Diner. View of the scene was pretty limited, all I can tell you about it is the group (not sure if it was all of them or not) go running up to Grannys led by Jared, as he gets to the edge of the gate of the courtyard outside of Grannys he turns back to the group & yells "Mom" or "Moms" and Jen & Lana arrive, with the rest of the crowd shortly after, they then go into the courtyard at Grannys as a group. After this scene, some of the cast wrapped for the day, while others prepared to get ready for more scenes later. Colin, Raphael, Beverley & Hank came over to the large crowd of 100+ people & took photos & signed autographs till they were overwhelmed by the continually more aggressive crowds this show has managed over the past couple years. Below are some solo photos of the cast during this part of the days shooting. To see my past OUAT blog posts, including for this episode check my Once Upon A Time Blog section. Once Upon A Time season 6 will begin September 25 , 2016 on ABC in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada.
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THIS POST MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 523 OF "ONCE UPON A TIME". Do not continue reading or viewing the photos or article if you do not want to see/know anything about the episode prior to viewing it and have not yet seen the episode. . . . last warning . . Once Upon A Time shot several scenes in Steveston on their final location day of Season 5. After a vote on twitter to decide which post I should do next, the overwhelming majority chose for me to do the post of the Captain Swan scene. Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan and Colin O'Donoghue as Captain Hook did a scene (along with several others... but the scene seemed centred on them only.. there will be another blog post later with photos of the other cast on set, these are JUST ones of Emma & Hook TOGETHER.) where they meet in Storybrooke after driving back from New York City (if you had read my previous'd know why). For wahtever reason, the pair engage in a deep hug. The type of hug you give when you havent seen someone in 2 months.... not 5-7 hours which is all it SHOULD take to drive from NYC to Maine. But, in the grand scheme of shaky TV writing, this is hardly the worst offence ever done I suppose. Just really unnecessary from a story dynamic angle though IMO... but I do admit, i'm not a viewer of the show anymore. So, really my opinion on it isnt that important I suppose. The couple then walk towards Grannys Diner with most of the group that returned ahead of them, but before going in, the pair stop right at the gate, have a bit more of a chat before they embrace in a big hug & kiss that sees Hook lift Emma off the ground. Once Upon A Time airs its 2 hour season finale Tomorrow night on ABC in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. You can view the rest of my episode 523 blogs, and all previous blogs over the years for OUAT HERE THIS POST MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 523 OF "ONCE UPON A TIME". Do not continue reading or viewing the photos or article if you do not want to see/know anything about the episode prior to viewing it and have not yet seen the episode. . . . last warning . . Once Upon A Time filmed a scene for the season 5 finale at the Vancouver Art Gallery that included a large chunk of the main cast & a couple guest stars. Jennifer Morrison, Lana Parrilla, Robert Carlyle, Jared Gilmore and Olivia Steele-Falconer were already on set as you may have read in my prior post here. Joining them for this last scene of the day Josh Dallas as Prince Charming, Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White, Colin O'Donoghue as Captain Hook, Rebecca Mader as Zelena and Hank Harris as Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde (unconfirmed yet... but my sources state thats his character). The scene, seemingly was a continuation of the earlier scene they shot that had the earlier cast standing staring into a fountain with a group of other people in new York City when suddenly out of nowhere, the 2nd group appears. The last we had seen of this group (minus Dr. Jekyl) they were being sucked through a magical door in the middle of downtown Storybrooke. How did they end up popping up in a fountain in New York city? More blogs for the finale coming, still have 2 to do from their last Steveston day of the season coming up this weekend. Once Upon A Time will air this 2 hour season finale on Sunday May 15, 2016 on ABC in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. You can find the rest of my blogs about this episode, as well as previous episode blogs HERE THIS POST MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 523 OF "ONCE UPON A TIME". Do not continue reading or viewing the photos or article if you do not want to see/know anything about the episode prior to viewing it and have not yet seen the episode. . . . last warning . . Once Upon A Time filmed scenes for the season 5 finale, episode 523 at the Vancouver Art Gallery in late March. This is the 2nd blog post about this shoot, you can find my previous one HERE In this scene there was several cast on hand, along with dozens of extras. The scene primarily focused on Jared Gilmore as Henry Mills, Lana Parrilla as Regina Mills, Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan and Olivia Steele-Falconer as Violet. Robert Carlyle as Mr. Gold was also there but I didnt see much of what his role in the scene was. He definitely wasnt front & centre of the main scene at the fountain as the other 4 were. The scene had Henry handing out pennies to a crowd of people around the fountain. They then all tossed their pennies into the fountain and "something" rises out of it. What that something is? No clue, it will surely be green screened in. I also never got an idea if it was good or evil because the facial expressions of everyone was all over the place. Eventually whatever this thing is seems to then crash down to earth and "something" is revealed to be there..... which you will see in the next blog post. This scene seemed to take up the majority of their filming day. During breaks the cast would do what they could to keep themselves entertained. Robert Carlyle came over & met fans on 1 break. Thank goodness for me. I had 4 things sent to me before the start of the season to get done by Robert, and it took me till this last day of location shooing for him this season to finish them off. Once Upon A Time airs its 2 hour season finale this Sunday on ABC in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. You can see more blog posts from this episode & previous ones in our Once Upon A Time Blog section HERE THIS POST MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 523 OF "ONCE UPON A TIME". Do not continue reading or viewing the photos or article if you do not want to see/know anything about the episode prior to viewing it and have not yet seen the episode. . . . last warning . . Once Upon A Time filmed scenes for the season 5 finale at the Vancouver Art Gallery in late March, Its a location that pretty much every production in Vancouver has used at 1 time or another. It is easily 1 of the 5 most used locations in Vancouver, and maybe top 20 in North America with 2 large stair cases one on each side of the city block sized building, and an old courtroom inside (it used to be a courthouse) it is 1 of the most versatile locations around. It is quite common during TV season to come across more than 1 production using the location in a week. I even made note of it to a friend only a couple weeks prior to this shoot that "basically every show ever shot in Vancouver for any length of time has shot here but OUAT as far as I can recall"... and then voila, 2 weeks later they were there. An early scene was done with Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan, Jared Gilmore as Henry Mills and guest star Olivia Steele-Falconer as Violet. The scene sees Henry and violet sitting outside a fountain in New York City. Emma comes up to the pair and speaks to the pair, Violet then gets up, allowing Emma to sit down and talk to Henry for a couple minutes. The scene clearly looks like a set up to the next scenes that were shot there that day that you will be able to find in future blog posts HERE and HERE (links will be added once they have been created) While this scene was winding down and finishing off their last takes, cast for the next scene showed up in the form of Robert Carlyle as Mr. Gold and Lana Parrilla as Regina Mills.
Once Upon A Time has a TWO HOUR season finale on Sunday May 16, 2015 on ABC in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. You can find all our Once Upon A Time previous blog posts including ones for episode 522 (the first half of the finale) HERE THIS POST MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 522 OF "ONCE UPON A TIME". Do not continue reading or viewing the photos or article if you do not want to see/know anything about the episode prior to viewing it and have not yet seen the episode. . . . last warning . . Back in mid-March Once Upon A Time filmed several scenes in downtown Steveston for episode 522, the first part of the 2 hour season finale. In the day scenes, they shot a scene with several cast & guest stars. In the night scene, it was all about 2 cast. Jennifer Morrison (Emma Swan) and Colin O'Donoghue (Captain Hook) shot a scene that saw the pair, known by their fans as CaptainSwan, do a scene where they walk down the street of Storybrooke hand in hand before arriving at Grannys diner. Due to the angles and set up of the crew, there was very little to see of this scene. You basically had two options. Option 1- stand out on the street at 1 end with a tonne of crew, equipment and purposely placed scrims to minimize how much you could see. Option 2 - stand at the other end, but only get a quick 1-3 second glimpse of the pair returning from the scene and the very beginning of the takes. I chose option 2, which meant my view of the actual scene was limited to the very start, less than 1/2 a second of an angle to get photos of them shooting the scene before they disappear behind the wall I had to stand behind. There will be a couple more OUAT blogs this season coming up, as I have LOTS to post for the final episode 523, in which I shot over 2500 photos of. So I will try to get a couple of those up this week. Once Upon A Time shoots a scene with Colin O'Donoghue and Jennifer Morrison in Steveston for ep 5174/6/2016 THIS POST CONTAINS PHOTOS & SCENE DESCRIPTION FOR EPISODE 517 "Her Handsome Hero" OF "ONCE UPON A TIME". If you do not want to read or view photos of this episode prior to seeing it, do not continue reading or viewing the photos. . . . last warning . . Once Upon A Time filmed in Steveston in mid-January for episode 517 "Her Handsome Hero" most of the day. In the evening they shot a scene with Colin O'Donoghue (Captain Hook) and Jennifer Morrison (Emma Swan) on the roof of the "Storybrooke Library". the pair went up to the roof to do a run through rehearsal while it was still slightly light out, then came back an hour or so later once it was dark to film the scene. In the scene, Hook and Emma meet on the roof, before getting close, only to be distracted by "something" below. There will be another blog post coming up with scenes from the daytime with Robert Carlyle, Emilie deRavin and Wes Brown. You will be able to find it in my OUAT Blog section here when its up later today or later this week. you can also view past blog posts there. Once Upon A Time airs Sunday nights on ABC in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. this episode will air April 10, 2016. |
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May 2018