THIS POST CONTAINS PHOTOS & SCENE DESCRIPTION FOR EPISODE 517 "Her Handsome Hero" OF "ONCE UPON A TIME". If you do not want to read or view photos of this episode prior to seeing it, do not continue reading or viewing the photos. . . . last warning . . Once Upon A Time filmed in Steveston in mid-January for episode 517 "Her Handsome Hero" most of the day. In the day they shot a scene with Robert Carlyle (Mr. Gold/Rumplestiltskin), Emilie de Ravin (Belle French) and newcomer Wes Brown (Gaston). In the scene Belle rushes out of Mr. Golds shop, annoyed & angry at something. Gold chases after her before he is distracted by an arrow (no arrow shot on set) whizzing by him. Belle and Gold look across the street to see Gaston (previously portrayed by Sage Brocklebank, now by Wes Brown) staring back at them. Gaston takes another shot at Gold, to no avail as Gold grabs the arrow out of mid air and then proceeds to move towards Gaston, talking about the arrow. Gold is angered and goes to use magic against his attacker when Belle steps in and stops it. The scene ended, and the crew moved on to set up the next scene as the cast left for the day. There is another blog post with scenes from this days shoot with Colin O'Donoghue and Jennifer Morrison during a night scene. You will be able to find it in my OUAT Blog section here. You can also view past blog posts there. Once Upon A Time airs Sunday nights on ABC in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. this episode will air April 10, 2016.
Once Upon A Time shoots a scene with Colin O'Donoghue and Jennifer Morrison in Steveston for ep 5174/6/2016 THIS POST CONTAINS PHOTOS & SCENE DESCRIPTION FOR EPISODE 517 "Her Handsome Hero" OF "ONCE UPON A TIME". If you do not want to read or view photos of this episode prior to seeing it, do not continue reading or viewing the photos. . . . last warning . . Once Upon A Time filmed in Steveston in mid-January for episode 517 "Her Handsome Hero" most of the day. In the evening they shot a scene with Colin O'Donoghue (Captain Hook) and Jennifer Morrison (Emma Swan) on the roof of the "Storybrooke Library". the pair went up to the roof to do a run through rehearsal while it was still slightly light out, then came back an hour or so later once it was dark to film the scene. In the scene, Hook and Emma meet on the roof, before getting close, only to be distracted by "something" below. There will be another blog post coming up with scenes from the daytime with Robert Carlyle, Emilie deRavin and Wes Brown. You will be able to find it in my OUAT Blog section here when its up later today or later this week. you can also view past blog posts there. Once Upon A Time airs Sunday nights on ABC in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. this episode will air April 10, 2016. Once Upon A Time shoots scenes for their 100th episode in Steveston in November with lots of cast.3/5/2016 ![]() The 100th episode of Once Upon A Time airs this weekend on Sunday. The cast & crew were busy working on the episode back in November in Steveston. The episode titled "Souls Of The Departed" will be the 12th episode of the 5th season of the hit fantasy show. Directed by veteran OUAT director Ralph Hemecker, the 100th episode will see many returning faces to the show that fans will know like Michael Raymond James & Robbie Kay. Unfortunately... on this day of filming, none of them seemed to be around. With this part of the season taking part in the "underworld" things looked a bit different in Storybrooke (aka - Steveston). Large orange smoke stacks were along the street every 100 feet or so, and many of the identifiable parts of Storybrooke like Mr. Golds, the Library clock tower and even Emmas Bug seem to have fallen on hard times there. The first scene they shot on the day had Robert Carlyle going to Mr. Golds shop. It didnt last long, and didnt really reveal much of anything. Shortly after, they filmed a scene with Sean Maguire as Robin Hood and Lana Parrilla as Regina Mills walking together thru the streets of this slightly different looking Storybrooke. they are stopped, or stop to talk to a man that I was told by a production person had the character name "Black Tooth". I cant say what the scene really revealed except for a couple of the shops there were definitely different than the ones in Storybrooke. After they finished filming that scene, Sean and Lana went over to the middle of the street where the fallen clock tower laid, and posed for a photo in front of it so they could post it on their social media accounts later. A bit later in the day, A scene was shot with a large portion of the main cast walking together thru the streets looking at the carnage, and looking like they were preparing for a possible attack as the group carried bows & arrows and guns with them. Ginnifer Goodwin, Josh Dallas, Jennifer Morrison, and Jared Gilmore joined Carlyle, Parrilla and Maguire for this scene. Late last month, the cast and crew of the show celebrated their 100th episode milestone with an event in Steveston at the Cannery which the shows creator tweeted to fans to come & "see" the cast. Which technically they did.... of course, NONE of the cast came over and interacted with the fans because the ABC / Disney people there refused to allow it even when it appeared the cast were wanting to. After the party, many of the cast DID however stop for the very small group of fans that waited out there till slightly after 11 PM for the event to wrap up including former cast member & current iZombie star Rose McIver and most of the current cast including Colin O'Donoghue, Rebecca Mader and Sean Maguire who were the last actors to leave. Once Upon A Time airs Sundays on ABC in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada.
You can find the stars of Once Upon A Time on their Social Media accounts Once Upon A Time Twitter facebook Lana Parrilla Twitter facebook Sean Maguire Twitter Ginnifer Goodwin facebook Josh Dallas Twitter Jennifer Morrison Twitter facebook Robert Carlyle Twitter Jared Gilmore Twitter THIS BLOG POST MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS TO EPISODE 505 "DREAMCATCHER" FOR THE SERIES ONCE UPON A TIME. If you have not watched this episode and do not want to see or read any possible spoilers prior to it airing, please do not continue reading or viewing the photos. . . . last warning . . Once Upon A Time shot a couple more scenes in Steveston for episode 505 "Dreamcatcher" The earlier scenes (posts here part 1, here part 2) contained several cast members at a time. This 1st evening scene only had 1 cast member however. Newcomer Amy Manson as "Brave" character Merida was shooting a scene on Moncton Street outside of Mr. Golds shop where she shoots an arrow at the door of the shop and it opens for her. She then goes inside. It was 1 of several scenes MOST fans that day in Steveston never saw due to the way the crews would knowingly mislead fans by telling them they could "watch" from specific areas which had absolutely no view of the scene at all. I keep waiting for OUAT fans to stop listening to the crew after the amount of times they have been purposely lied to in the past, but they constantly keep following what they are told like sheep. Its baffling. The later scenes were shot after the sun went down.
First up was a scene with Olivia Steele-Falconer as and another newcomer Ryan Robbins as Sir Morgan watching as Jared Gilmore rides horse into the area where the block party was taking place. Morgan seems to be thanking Henry for his efforts before he takes the horse away, leaving his daughter there to show Henry her thanks in her own way as she gives him a kiss on the cheek. Shortly after, Josh Dallas and Ginnifer Goodwin as Prince Charming and Snow White stop the new young couple and chat to them briefly. A variety of other characters including Joana Metrass as Guinevere, Liam Garrigan as King Arthur and Emilie de Ravin as Belle are around during this scene, but I never quite figured out where they were really situated in this scene. I would just notice them afterwards during the breaks. Later another scene was shot, with several cast sitting around a table enjoying drinks. I didn't really get any decent shots of that, so I didn't post any of them, but it included Liam Garrigan, Josh Dallas, Colin o'Donoghue as Captain Hook and a couple others that I now cant recall. You can find the stars of Once Upon A Time on their social media/networking accounts Once Upon A Time twitter facebook Amy Manson twitter Ryan Robbins twitter Jared Gilmore twitter Josh Dallas twitter Ginnifer Goodwin facebook Liam Garrigan twitter Joana Metrass twitter facebook Emilie de Ravin twitter Colin O'Donoghue twitter facebook Once Upon A Time season 5 is on Sunday nights currently on ABC in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. *correction - Post originally stated this was for episode 503, I have since then realized this is 502 and corrected it where I could.* THIS POST MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 502 OF ONCE UPON A TIME. If you have not seen the episode and do not want any knowledge of the scenes prior to viewing the episode, do not view the photos or read the blog post below. . . . last warning . . In a rare double treat for visiting fans of Once Upon A Time, the show filmed for a 2nd time in less than a week in Steveston back in July. Usually, theres 2 or 3 weeks in between shoots, but with only 5 days between their 1st & second shoots there, the fans in town got an extra chance to see some of their faves shoot. This time for episode 502. Directed by Romeo Tirone. The first scene of the day had the public debut of Liam Garrigan as King Arthur. The scene had King Arthur and two others ride into Storybrooke. They are soon confronted by Lee Arenberg as Grumpy and other actor as Happy with pick axes in hand. The dwarves soon find though they are no match for the King and his men and find themselves on the ground at Arthurs feet. Below I posted a photo of just how far away I was to shoot some of these pics, to give you some idea how far away I sometimes have to be to shoot scenes as the crew of OUAT have been given an unusually large (and I suspect at times, not legal) amount of leeway by the City of Richmond & the RCMP over having fans out of sight of the scenes for the most bullshit reasons most times ("we can see your reflection" being their new fave - No, you cant...and even if you can theoretically.... NO ONE even on a movie theatre sized screen will notice it since they are already a block away from where you are shooting... and if shows that actually win EMMYS can shoot with 400+ people right across the street. Once Upon A Time should be able to do it with 150-200 people). This might be the saddest statement about the show. The crew treats their fans THIS BAD ON PURPOSE, and all in the name of making the scenes "better", and the show still never gets nominated (aside from costumes & VFX...which people watching them film is never going to impact), let alone wins, major awards. Comical and pathetic all at once, to say the least. Anyways, rant aside.... this might give you an idea why sometimes these photos seem small, or blurry. In this particular instance, this was about 3 city blocks away. After the morning scene, a couple other scenes were shot. One I completely missed because they did it so fast. it included Josh Dallas, as pictured below showing up at the set. But I have almost no info on the scene since it happened while I was out of sight of the street. A little while later though, another scene around the corner, out of sight of the majority of fans was 1 with Jennifer Morrison dressed as Dark Emma and Colin O'Donoghue as Captain Hook. In the scene Emma walks towards Hook with a sinister grin on her face & they meet beside Emmas bug and she pulls him in close to her. The body language of Hook in the scene gives the impression he isn't impressed with whatever Emma is doing/saying. I did not hear any of the dialogue, so my interpretations COULD be off... so don't take what I saw/interpreted as fact. In the evening, 1 final scene was shot. Out on the pier at the end of the Steveston docks with Jared Gilmore, Jennifer Morrison and Lana Parrilla.
The scene was quite heavily blocked, but little moments could be caught if you moved around enough to see around their heavily blocked scene. It appears Emma, Regina and Henry are on the pier having a chat. At the end of the chat Regina and Henry leave together looking quite unhappy/sad and Emma is left standing alone. Similar to the early scene, this was shot far away from the fans. At least with this one, they didn't have to make up excuses for why they didn't let people closer. They simply closed the pier to public access. During the break Lana acknowledged the fans with a wave & held up some type of fan made scrap book that she was given from someone there I'm guessing. Once Upon A Time returns to ABC in the U.S. and to CTV in Canada for season 5 on September 27, 2015 You can follow the show & cast on their social networking sites Once Upon A Time Twitter Facebook Lana Parrilla Twitter Facebook Jennifer Morrison Twitter Facebook Colin O'Donoghue Twitter Facebook Josh Dallas Twitter Jared Gilmore Twitter Lee Arenberg Twitter Liam Garrigan Twitter Once Upon A Time shoots scenes for season 5 premiere with several cast members through out the day.8/13/2015 Once Upon A Time season 5 started filming last month. The small village of Steveston in South Richmond was again transformed into Storybrooke for a day of filming for episode 1. The first scene I came across in downtown Steveston for the 1st day of shooting for Once Upon A Time season 5 in the town involved an odd sight. Granny's diner had been transformed into a beer garden. whether this is a temporary situation, or permanent was not yet known. More off, was Gabe Khouth as Sneezy wearing an Emma Swan style red jacket & driving the Sheriffs car. He shows up to what appears to be a ribbon cutting ceremony with several other dwarves in attendance including Faustino DiBauda, Mig Macario and maybe others.. I couldn't see the whole scene from where I was, but there was at least 3 or 4 of the dwarves there. Most notably missing was Lee Arenberg. After that scene, the production moved 1/2 block down to an intersection. In the intersection they set up a scene with several cast members including Rebecca Mader, Sean Maguire, Lana Parrilla, Josh Dallas, Ginnifer Goodwin, Colin O'Donoghue, Emilie de Ravin and Jared Gilmore. In the scene, we see Lana as Regina Mills marching towards Rebecca and Sean as Zelena and Robin Hood. Regina is flanked by several of the locals, Hook, Mary & Dacid, Belle and Henry all follow her to the middle of the street. It seems that Zelena has robin captive somehow and demands a wand from Regina for the release of Robin. Regina does whats asked of her, and gives Zelana a wand. Robin is then let go & instantly taken in by Regina to their side of the battle. Zelena proudly waves the wand around, attempting perhaps to create magic or a spell? But its appears to be a fake. Zelena realizes it wont work, but before she can react, Regina moves in & puts a cuff around her arm and seemingly stops Zelena dead in her tracks. Once the cast did a couple rehearsals of it, they went back to their trailers & got into wardrobe for the actual filming. A little while later, the group returned to film the scene in their full wardrobes for the day. By that point, the crowds swelled well over 150 and at times, over 200 people, as the combination of the 1st shoot of the season and nice weather drew a larger than usual crowd. No surprise with the size of the crowd, none of the main cast came over to meet any fans at all this day. while the main cast is becoming less & less receptive of coming over in the past year or so, its rare that NONE of them do. Guess the absurdly large crowd was just too much for any of them to consider.
While they were shooting this scene, my battery on my camera died so I left while they were still shooting. so I don't know if more happened in this scene afterwards, but the amount of times they shot this, I doubt it. you can follow the stars of Once Upon A Time on Social Media sites Once Upon A Time Twitter Facebook Lana Parrilla Twitter Facebook Sean Maguire Twitter Rebecca Mader Twitter Facebook Colin O'Donoghue Twitter Facebook Josh Dallas Twitter Ginnifer Goodwin Twitter Facebook Emilie de Ravin Twitter Gabe Khouth Twitter Jared Gilmore Twitter Faustino Di Bauda Twitter Mig Macario Twitter Once Upon A Time returns for season 5 on ABC in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada starting Oct 2015 |
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May 2018