![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "ARROW" SEASON 6 EPISODE 7 "THANKSGIVING" AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . Arrow shot scenes for their 7th episode of season 6 in downtown Vancouver at the former Canada Post sorting facility. The structure, which closed as a postal outlet a year or so ago, has been primarily a secondary studio for a variety of television shows since then, including the likes of all the DC CW Arrowverse shows, and several others. While the structure is used mainly for interior scenes because of its large spacious design and ability to house all the equipment trucks a production needs, some productions, including on this day, Arrow, use its exterior. On this particular day, Arrow used it as a Star City Police Headquarters (guess after the last one went boom in the season premiere last night they needed a new one). On hand for a Thanksgiving related food drive were Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak, Juliana Harkavy as Dinah Drake, Jack Moore as William Clayton and Paul Blackthorne as Quentin Lance... just a few days later, Paul did a charity swim with sharks to raise awareness for them. A few scenes were shot there, including 1 where Felicity was talking to a mystery woman that seemed to be a reporter. While that was going on, there also seemed to be a scene going on with Oliver & Quentin down in the middle of the tented up food drive area. A bit later a scene was shot with Felicity and Oliver arriving, meeting up, talking to William, before being interrupted by Quentin to join them elsewhere. Another scene after that saw Oliver, William and Felicity standing on a podium where Oliver made a very short speech before leaving. They proceeded to shoot for a bit longer after that, but with a plethora of shots already of the scene, I opted to leave. For other behind the scene blog posts of Arrow go HERE For Arrow autographs gallery go HERE Arrow airs Thursdays for season 6 on The CW in the U.S. and CTV in Canada.
![]() UPDATED NOVEMBER 22, 2017 THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "LEGENDS OF TOMORROW" SEASON 4 EPISODE 8 "CRISIS ON EARTH X" AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . Today was the day that the worst kept secret in the Arrowverse happened. Of course, depending how you feel about particular ships in the Arrowverse, this was joyous, or the death of the franchise in your mind. A duo wedding took place today. Yes, a DUO WEDDING. With the crossover episodes almost done filming, the cast of The Flash and Arrow found themselves shooting a scene on LOT today with no LOT cast in the scenes. The scene consisted of The Flash cast Grant Gustin as Barry Allen and Candice Patton as Iris West, along with Arrow cast members Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak and David Ramsey as John Diggle shooting a scene in downtown Stanley Park for the much hyped double wedding between the commonly shipped duos West Allen & Olicity. While The Flash characters looked dressed for the occasion, it was pretty clear Oliver and Felicitys wedding plans were pretty spur of the moment, as they were both dressed in casual clothes. The ceremonies were officiated by John Diggle. For reasons that I am sure the storylines will eventually explain, neither of the couples friends or family were in attendance. The couples instead, acted as each others witnesses. The scene starts with Diggle appearing, clearly after Barry speeds him there. Diggle freaks out, then goes and vomits, before coming back to the two couples, and after a brief talk, starts the ceremony. At the end of the ceremony, the two couples kiss, then the scene ends. While many fans on both sides are outraged that their couple had to share their moment with the other, many others were just as overjoyed to know their couple of choice at least finally were married. Earlier in the day scenes were shot with Oliver, Felicity, Barry & Iris along with characters from Legends Of Tomorrow and Supergirl. I will have a blog on that shoot at a later date.... but for now.... enjoy shippers. For other behind the scene blog posts of The Flash go HERE For The Flash autographs gallery go HERE The Flash returns TONIGHT for season 4 on The CW in the U.S. and CTV in Canada. More photos will also end up on the Arrow blog post section, and will also be added to this post later down the road when more editing has been done... but for now, here you go. As I promised when I posted this blog initially..... a few more photos from the set on this day. As promised when I posted this...... here is some MORE from the shoot.... a video from the scene. WARNING - if you attempt to upload this video elsewhere. If you DO NOT use the official link of the youtube video below, it WILL be removed. ![]() THIS BLOG POST CONTAINS PHOTOS AND POSSIBLE SPOILERS ABOUT THE SEASON 6 PREMIERE OF "ARROW". If you have not watched this episode yet, ad do not want to see or read any possible spoilers about it..... do not continue reading or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . Arrow started filming season 6 of Arrow last month in a few locations. The two that I caught up to them at was in North Vancouver, in Princess Park that they were using as part of Lian Yu. On set that day was everyone that we saw at the end of season 5 who were on the island actively trying to get out together. People I saw on set that day included Emily Bett Rickards, Willa Holland, David Ramsey, Echo Kellum, Juliana Harkavy, Manu Bennett and Anna Hopkins. I DID NOT see Katrina Law, but I did see a person dressed as Nyssa al Ghul there. I also never saw Katie Cassidy, Lexa Doig or Madison McLaughlin there. All that said, who I saw, and didnt see does not mean 1 way or the other who did or didnt die in the episode, as much of what they filmed on this day was simply showing what everyone did in the final minutes before Adrian Chase threw a Donald Trump sized temper tantrum & blew up an entire island. I do know from things I do know about this episode and others so far, 1 person from the lists above is in a coma, and as of the time of writing this, nothing has changed with the character coming out of it, or being killed off yet. I suppose if/when they finally decide that will decide if/when the cast member playing the character decides on returning or not. I managed to get some autographs that day from Anna Hopkins and Manu Bennett, despite crew being overly pushy about insisting they were "in a hurry" (despite the fact the minivan she said was in a hurry to leave sat there for another 4-5 minutes afterwards) The area they filmed in was so well concealed by ravines and forest that it took quite a bit of effort to even find ANY shred of area that I could see the scene from. While I could hear pretty much everything that happened, my visibility was limited to two small cracks between some trees.... thus why the limited selection of photos I managed to get. Much of the scene had the cast running, so the only chance to really get a shot of them was after they were done running. The best shots I got were of Emily Bett Rickards when she was finished shooting the entire scene, and wasnt in a rush to get back to her starting spot. In the pics, you can see Felicity is clearly covered in a variety of scratches. After they changed the set up for the scene, I seemingly lost the spot I had as a crew member was then there stopping people from trying to see from there..... so i moved on for that day. The only shot I know anyone got that day of Manu Bennett on set as Deathstroke was from twitter user @ArizonaJake A few days later, I managed to catch up to Arrow shooting a scene on the Georgia viaduct. Tis is of course the same viaduct they used for that impressive Deathstroke army marching into Starling City back in season 2. On this day, they had several of the cast there shooting a variety of scenes on the bridge. While most of the shooting while I was there consisted of two actresses and their stunt doubles doing a fighting scene, others were in fact there, and did film at various times.... albeit, mostly after I left. Katie Cassidy, Julia Harkavy, Stephen Amell, David Ramsey, Echo Kellum & Paul Blackthorne were all seen on set, along with most of their stunt doubles as well. The majority of shooting took place with Harkavy, Cassidy & their stunt doubles. Below, at the bottom, is a quick video of 1 of the takes of the stunt team working thru the sequence. A special bonus..... a rare guest photographer. Local photographer Lightbox Gallery allowed me to use a few of his photos from the day.. You will notice the difference almost immediately between my shots, done with a $500 camera, and his, done with a $3000-5000 camera. You can find other photos hes taken of different celebs on his Twitter and on his Instagram While he did miss some of the stuff with Juliana and Katie out on set battling, he did get quite a few great shots, including a couple of Stephen, who I somehow never even noticed was on set at that time. Arrow returns to The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada on October 12 ,2017 You can also find my other behind the scenes Arrow blog posts going all the way back to season 1 HERE You can find my Arrow Autographs gallery HERE THIS BLOG POST CONTAINS PHOTOS & A SCENE DESCRIPTION FOR "ARROW" EPISODE 511 "Second Chances". If you have not seen this episode yet and do not want to see or read possible spoilers, do not continue reading or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . Back on November 8, 2016 I finally caught up with the cast & crew of "Arrow" shooting a scene in season 5. Over the past two seasons the shows has found itself out on location downtown less and less as they have started relying hravily on shooting in & around their studios to save money (and conveniently, keep it out of the sight of the public). On this day, they shot a scene in the Smile Diner (a location thats been used by many shows (& 1 iconic Kokanee commercial when they kill off the Kokanee Ranger) over the years. On this day, it was transformed into a Big Belly Burger. As far as I know, this is the first time on any of the shows that there has been an actual on location place for a Big Belly Burger. On this particular day, it was a BBB in Hub City. At a table we found Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, Rick Gonzalez as Rene Ramirez and Echo Kellum as Curtis Holt chatting while a waitress from BBB brought them their orders. Notably absent was Joe Dinicol, and of course Madison McLaughlin, who hasnt filmed in several weeks now (is she M.I.A or is she D.O.A?) Maybe the one thing I hate more than shooting night scenes is shooting day scenes on a busy street through glass. The amount of reflection off them is atrocious. But you have to work with whats given to you in this hobby/business, so I did. Not much to take from the scene, except that they were talking about .... something. Could it be the new member of the team they were out in Hub City looking for? Or could it be about how Artemis isnt in the scene? I guess we will have to wait to see. After their shoot, I was the recipient of some good fortune, as the transportation vehicle that picked up Echo and Rick in a compound like parking lot behind the restaraunt, had the misfortune of getting blocked in at the end of their alley as they tried to leave by a delivery vehicle. With the window rolled down, I asked Echo if he could sign, and he actually got out of the vehicle and signed. Shortly after a crew member that was also in the vehichle got out, and I noticed Rick Gonzalez sitting in the back. I got him to sign too and then moved along only to run into Stephen Amell coming back from the lunch truck a couple moments later, and got him to sign a few items too. I then headed off for a bit since I knew they were going to lunch break for a couple hours. When I returned they had moved to an alley that leads into the alley behind the restaraunt they were at. In the alley was the "Green Arrow" (never saw him standing or from the front, so unsure if it was Stephen or his new stunt double.) and 2 actresses both dressed the same. One was Juliana Harkavy, the newest addition to the Arrowverse as "Tina", and the other, her stunt double. Just like the Green Arrow I saw, I never saw either of them from the front, so unsure which was which. Shortly after they all moved into a small parking lot off the alley that was impssobile to get any view of and they shot scenes were GA tries to convince Tina that there is a better way to do things. This is essentially the START of her being brought into Team Arrow I think. Included with the pics of the cast on set, is some cool pics from the exterior and interior of the Big Belly Burger location before the crews started tearing it down. After a couple takes, I realized there was little to nothing to see there and headed home. Arrow airs Wednesday nights on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. You can catch my other BTS Arrow blog posts HERE You can see my Arrow autographs HERE THIS BLOG POST CONTAINS PHOTOS AND A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF SCENES SHOT FOR EPISODE 423 OF "ARROW". If you have not seen the episode yet, and do not want to see or read any possible spoilers, do not continue with this article. . . . last warning . . Arrow shot scenes for the season 4 finale in mid-April in downtown Vancouver with several cast and their stunt team on set..... and a WHOLE LOT OF EXTRAS. The two day shoot at the often used Oceanic Plaza near Burrard and Hastings had Neal McDonough as Damien Darhk there with a bunch of his ghosts taking on Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen / Green Arrow, and a few of his friends...and civilians. Also seen on set were David Ramsey as John Diggle / Spartan, Audrey Marie Anderson as Lyla Michaels, and SOMEONE dressed in a Black Canary outfit. I say "someone" because anyone that was there who managed to set eyes on her only did so for a brief moment here or there. The 1 and only time she was out in the open was walking back from a food truck, and when another set blogger and myself moved down the block to get a closer look, an over zealous security guy decided to act like he was saving lives from terrorist sniper fire and was purposely trying to impede our views.... thus why I only got 1 pretty blurry pic of her. What I WILL say is, the outfit is VERY Laurel BC, and NOT Sara Lance or Evelyn Sharp looking, as you can see from the mask. Did the producers pull a fast one on everyone & lie about her death being permanent? I'm inclined to believe no. I think shes still dead. Why this Black Canary look was on set, we WILL have to wait & see if they are even in it. I have my doubts. The scene, which took up a large part of the block to shoot, consisted of a few scenes that I suspect will all fall together in the end., First 1 I saw was where Damian & Oliver battle it out as Oliver seems to crawl out of some type of makeshift memorial for the dead in the Havenrock attacks, & it looks like Darhk is getting the upper hand. The next night was the big fight scene. Hundreds of extras, some ghosts, some civilians, faced off in the middle of the street with Darhk and Oliver right in the thick of it. With so many fight scenes taking place, the stunt team had a lot of work those two nights and I honestly saw them on set more than the actors on the 2nd night. Kudos to them as always, especially since they had to work till late into a Fraturday both nights. During the lunch break on the first night, I FINALLY had the good fortune of meeting Neal McDonough. Such a nice guy, as he signed my photos eve though 1 of the crew attempted at first to prevent it, and even signed 1 for a fan visiting from Arizona who knew him from another project as well. This would turn out to be my LAST autographs of the season for Arrow. Solid way to go out. As I said, another set blogger was there, and you can see his photos HERE (hes got some pretty good ones from angles I didn't have). Arrow season finale will be on Wednesday May 25, 2016 on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. You can view all our previous BTS Arrow photos & videos from the past 4 seasons HERE THIS BLOG POST CONTAINS POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 419 "CANARY CRY". DO NOT continue reading or viewing the photos if you do not want to see or read any possible spoilers to the episode and have not seen it yet. (WARNING - if you haven't seen episode 418... same goes for that) . . . last warning . . Arrow was filming scenes for episode 419 "Canary Cry" a few months ago in Central Park in Burnaby. It was 1 of the worst kept secrets in TV. After all the writers of Arrow telegraphed it from episode 1 of this season that someone on the show was going to die around that time. Of course the death happened on episode 18, but the funeral scene for the fallen Laurel Lance aka Black Canary will be in 19. I give credit where credit is due. When I go to a set, especially Arrow where they have been reasonably accommodating to the public watching, I expect SOME challenges at times in photographing a set. I understand they dont too often TRY to be disrespecting of fans watching, but they still want to keep their work somewhat protected. So I treat it like a chess match. Its a matter of finding the right moves to give yourself the best chance to get the best angle while not upsetting them enough to block you. Its 1 of the reasons I get as many great shots as I do, I dont step on too many toes. But with such a major spoiler scene about to be shot, the crew were on major high alert this time and the word was out.... try to prevent ANYONE from getting pics of the set. To the credit of their containment team, with the exception of the few I got of the casket and grave stones and a couple of Paul Blackthorne, the actor playing a minister and a few of the background extras they did their jobs exceptionally well. In chess, they had me at checkmate pretty early, and eventually I had to surrender to their well formulated plan. I COULD have more aggressively pursued better angles and surely got some good shots, after all it was a public park, but as I said, I prefer not to step on anyones toes... so I kept looking for a good angle that was out of the way, but never quite found one for too long. Now, onto what was filmed. Although I never saw more than the back side of 1 scene being shot where people were entering the grave yard, I still know more or less what was being shot. As has been stated many places, including by me, two funerals were shot. One present day (who we all know NOW is Laurels) and 1 flashback. DESPITE multiple bloggers/vloggers stating it was Saras flashback funeral, IT IS NOT. Perhaps they felt that because of the tombstone pic I posted that day from the set. But it wasnt for her. The flashback was Tommys funeral. Many current & guest star cast were on set that day, but the only 2 I physically saw on set at any time were Paul Blackthorne & Alex Kingston during the present day scene. Like I said, I didnt get to see much of the filming due to spending so much time scouting for a spot that was better. Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Rickards, Katie Cassidy and others were seen on set throughout the day for the scenes by some fans who were patient enough to wait for them. As for the "Clayton" grave stone. Many have speculated it said William Clayton and that the year on it was 2016. To them I will tell you, that IS correct..... but why was I so sure the funeral wasnt for Olivers son?? Well, thats simple. While the grave DOES have his first name, last name and the current year... it says 2001-2016 on it. Meaning whoever died in that plot is FIFTEEN, several years older than Olivers son. This is why when I commented on twitter saying I thought I saw a spoiler, but was mistaken.... thats why. The dates in the end didnt add up. Was it a clever ploy by the arts department to try & trick anyone that saw it into thinking thats who it was for? Or just an outright coincidence? I mean Clayton isnt a terribly rare name, but not SO rare that the name William Clayton on a tombstone in a show where there is a character named that wouldnt reasonably make some suspicious. To those who kept pointing out there is no grave stone for Laurel in the scene..... well, I am assuming none of you have ever been to a funeral in a cemetery. Tombstones go in well after the person has been buried. Sometimes weeks, sometimes months afterwards. The lack of such a marker for her plot is how it should be. If they had 1 there, it would have been a piece of absurd TV writing that would be borderline inexcusable. As much as I chirp about the Arrow writers being terrible the past 2 seasons, this is 1 thing they got right. Also, another reason it should have been obvious to people it wasnt for William.
Anywho... after a couple hours of failing to find a great spot. I gave up, and accepted on this day I just wasnt going to see much. Later that night I went to a 2nd Arrow set that had the scene you see in the trailer of the "new Black Canary". But, it was pissing rain, and again, due to the set up, no seemingly good angle (but in this case it was the rain that annoyed me enough to leave) so I left before seeing Madison McLaughlin there on set. Will she permanently become the Black Canary & if so how? Or is she a 1 off episode interpretation of the character? Either a copy cat or hallucination or flashback to Laurels mom as a youth? We will have to wait & see. I can confirm the BLACK CANARY will be in the season finale.... in what capacity? Who knows? Who is playing her in it? You'll just have to wait & see. Honestly, the highlight of my day came when I met up with a chipmunk/squirrel (I've lived here 40+ years and still dont know which is which.) who was just too adorable to ignore. Arrow episode 419 "Canary Cry" will air on The CW this Wednesday in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. ![]() THIS POST MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 414 OF ARROW. If you do not want to see or read any potential spoilers prior to seeing the episode please leave now. . . . last warning . . Arrow will be airing episode 414 "Code Of Silence" tomorrow. The episode was directed by the shows stunt co-ordinator James Bamford, for his 2nd go at director this season. Shortly after the show returned from their Winter break I caught them downtown Vancouver shooting scenes for this episode at the historic Vogue Theatre. While the majority of the shooting was indoors throughout the day, there were a couple scenes shot out on the busy Granville Street on a cold January night. Several fans waited in the dingy & dirty alley behind the theatre to see the cast. The only cast member who was willing to meet them that night was Stephen Amell. He took the time to meet with each person there and do photos with & sign autographs before heading back in to film more. While others were seen leaving & arriving, none of them stopped to meet the small crowd of fans. The first scene shot had the big spoiler that I posted a few weeks ago... which of course everyone knows about now since its aired on TV. Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak in a wheelchair. She filmed scenes with Paul Blackthorne as Quentin Lance and Charlotte Ross as Donna Smoak in front of the Vogue, which was apparently the theatre for a "Star City Mayoral Debate" between newcomer Ruve Adams (aka - Ms. Damian Darhk) and Oliver Queen (aka - The Green Arrow) After that scene wrapped, the crew took a while to set up for their next shoot, which took place on the awning of the Vogue. Katie Cassidy and her stunt double dressed up as the Black Canary spent time up on the roof shooting scenes where they watch Janet Kidder as Ruve Adams leave in a towncar, and then after that watched as a supply truck drives off. It appears when shes watching them leave that shes speaking to someone (probably on 1 of the com devices Team Arrow uses often). Arrow airs Wednesday nights on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada.
You can follow the stars of Arrow on their social media platforms Arrow Twitter facebook Stephen Amell Twitter facebook Emily Bett Rickards Twitter facebook Paul Blackthorne Twitter facebook Katie Cassidy Twitter facebook Charlotte Ross Twitter facebook James Bamford Twitter |
All photos posted in this blog are shot by Canadagraphs. Permission to use the photos on your site, blog, tumblr, facebook or other online outlets is allowed if you follow 2 rules 1- DO NOT remove any watermarks on the photos, this includes cropping around them, Without prior written permission or emailed permission from this site. (contact form is on the left) 2- Credit this blog page or the individual blog post in your posting. If you would like to use photos seen here unedited, contact me thru my contact page, and depending on your need I may be able to accommodate smaller requests. Depending on the orders/photos, I may charge a fee for my time (usually about $2-5 an image depending how many you want) Canadagraphs Arrow blog sectionBlog posts containing Arrow be hind the scene photos, or candid photos of stars from the CW show ARROW will be in here. Autographs of the new CW hit show can be found in the "Arrow Autographs" section on the left side. Archives
November 2019