![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "LEGENDS OF TOMORROW" SEASON 4 EPISODE 8 "CRISIS ON EARTH X" AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . Legends Of Tomorrow filmed some scenes last week for their part in the 2017 Arrowverse cross over event. Just like I said in the prior blog post on this HERE, many cast were on hand from the 4 shows, and just as many stunt doubles. Later in the afternoon, I had the luck of catching them shoot a scene in the made up garden they had built that had Dominic Purcell as Mick Rory filming a scene with a guy I personally hadnt seen on a set in a couple years, Wentworth Miller as Leonard Snart, aka Captain Cold. As most bloggers and youtube channels had noted, Wentworth was seen on set sporting some new threads.... and, as a few of those who didnt rush to get their articles out were able to also discuss.... he had some new glasses as well. Gone, the old goggles style glasses of years gone by, now Captain Cold is rocking glasses more in line with what his character wears in the comics. Also noticed, some type of weapons on his shoulder/arm area. The scene they shot was pretty simple. The duo were busy kicking asses, shooting their cold & heat guns at people.Whether its for the good guys, or the bad guys.... that still is yet to be determined. Guess we'll just have to wait & see if this was the Earth X versions of them, or the prime earth versions of them. Also shooting during the day was a stunt scene that I posted a youtube video of HERE where Rene Ramirez aka Wild Dog goes & saves someone from a field of bombs going off. Also caught shooting stunt scenes during this time was The Green Arrow and his Earth X counterpart.throughout the afternoon, White Canary & Black Canary stunt doubles could be seen practicing training routines for possible stunts later on. The most entertaining part of the day had to be when the set decorations guy, Chris, thought he was being clever taking photos of everyone who was taking photos of the action. More adorable was when he went on a TWENTY MINUTE PLUS temper tantrum rant TO ANOTHER CREW MEMBER because the crew member wasnt physically trying to stop people from taking photos, despite that crew member having his own boss to be accountable to and telling Chris "go talk to him if you have a problem with me" on multiple occasions throughout the whinefest....besides what he was expecting the other crew member to do not being legally allowed, he failed to notice that crew member DID in fact on multiple occasions tell people "please dont take photos" which is the MOST a crew member CAN do, legally. Chris was eager to be noticed, so I am giving Chris his 15 minutes of fame. If you want to see photos from the set, you can find them below the photo of set dec for Legends Of Tomorrow, Chris. Legends Of Tomorrow is airing on Tuesday nights on The CW. The cross over event is scheduled for Novemeber 27th & 28th For my Legends Of Tomorrow autographs gallery go HERE For more BTS photos from the cross over go HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE
![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "LEGENDS OF TOMORROW" SEASON 4 EPISODE 8 "CRISIS ON EARTH X" AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . Legends Of Tomorrow filmed some scenes this week for their part in the 2017 Arrowverse cross over event. While lots of stunt people were on hand while I was there for characters like Green Arrow, Black Canary, Wild Dog, Mr. Terrific, White Canary and others from Arrow, The Flash and Legends Of Tomorrow, in the earlier scene I saw they did have two actual cast out there. Grant Gustin as Barry Allen aka The Flash and Tom Cavanagh, who may be playing any variation of Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne since he frequently plays variants of himself & with the slight change to the Reverse Flash outfit hes worn on The Flash in the past, its safe to assume this is the Earth X version of him. The Grant & Tom scene sees The Flash grab Toms character and throw him up against a wall.... after a moment or two of dialogue between the two, Barry lets the Tom Cavanagh character go. What does Toms character say to convince The Flash to let him go? Throughout the day, various stunt scenes were being practiced, and executed at the set. While I was there a Black Canary and Mister Terrific VS Nazis scene took place. I will have another blog post with photos of other stunt scenes including the Green Arrow, Wild Dog, and White Canary later, along with action scenes including Dominic Purcell & the much anticipated return of Wentworth Miller as Captain Cold. Legends Of Tomorrow is airing on Tuesday nights on The CW. The cross over event is scheduled for Novemeber 27th & 28th For my Legends Of Tomorrow autographs gallery go HERE For more BTS photos from the cross over go HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE ![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "LEGENDS OF TOMORROW" SEASON 4 EPISODE 8 "CRISIS ON EARTH X" AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . As you may have seen already from my previous blog posts that I added in the Arrow and The Flash blog sections, Legends Of Tomorrow shot scenes for the 4 episode DC Universe Arrowverse cross over event in Stanley Park last week. While much of the internet will be talking about the Arrow & Flash centric scenes they shot that day, another scene was shot with notable impact on the cast of 1 of the shows..... namely the show whos episode was being shot at the time, DC's Legends Of Tomorrow. On this day, we caught Caity Lotz as Sara Lance and Dominic Purcell as Mick Rory shooting scenes with Arrow stars Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak, Flash stars Grant Gustin as Barry Allen, Candice Patton as Iris West, and Supergirl stars Melissa Benoist as Kara Danvers and Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers. The scene the group was shooting was for the representatives from each group to seemingly say their good byes to each other after a funeral for LOT member and former Flash member Victor Garber as Dr. Martin Stein. Garber recently announced he was leaving the show to take on a Broadway role. The scenes seem to be divided into 4 or 5 smaller parts. A scene where Arrow, Flash & Supergirls cast are talking together & saying their goodbyes to Kara & Alex. Kara then pulls out a device she was given by The Flash member Cisco Ramon to transport between worlds. She then opens a portal and seemingly her and Alex go thru it, leaving the Arrow and Flash couples there to talk...and likely is the lead up to the wedding scenes. Another scene had the Arrow and Flash couples coming across the park with Kara to meet up with Alex, presumably just before the Supergirl sisters departure. We then saw a scene where Alex & Sara are walking along, alone together thru the park, before they are met by Mick Rory. The pair share a quick chat, before Sara and Mick leave together, leaving Alex alone watching them leave. Another scene saw all 8 cast in a scene together with the Flash, Supergirl and Arrow pairings all facing the Legends duo, before Mick turns and walks away. Throughout the day the cast tried their hardest to stay dry, and warm. The weather was quite damp throughout the first two or three hours of their filming, and was pretty cold as well. Luckily for them they had crew members holding umbrellas and winter jackets for them in between scenes. When they had longer breaks, they would go to their dry, heated tends and wait... while those of us out there waiting to see the scenes endured the elements. Eventually, the cast of Legends and Supergirl wrapped, and the production moved on with the cast of Arrow and The Flash for those other scenes I blogged about earlier. Legends Of Tomorrow is airing on Tuesday nights on The CW. The cross over event is scheduled for Novemeber 27th & 28th For my Legends Of Tomorrow autographs gallery go HERE For more BTS photos from the cross over go HERE and HERE and HERE (coming soon) ![]() THIS POST CONTAINS POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR "TRAVELERS" SEASON 2. IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THIS EPISODE YET, AND DO NOT WANT TO SEE OR READ POSSIBLE SPOILERS, DO NOT CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE BELOW OR VIEWING THE PHOTOS AT THE BOTTOM. . . . last warning . . The second season of Travelers starts tomorrow in Canada (and soon on Netflix I'm sure). The cast & crew were hard at work getting it done back during the spring & early summer here in Vancouver. After last seasons amazing first season, I was pretty hyped on the second season, and with the announced additions of Stephen Lobo from Continuum, Amanda Tapping from Sanctuary and Enrico Colantoni from Person Of Interest, this next season has me even more excited. This past year, I was lucky enough to catch them out filming 4 or 5 times, but only two of those locations did I manage to get any shots from the set. The first set I shot was early in their filming season as I caught up with the crew and cast member Reilly Dolman as Philip Pearson shooting a scene where he walks down the street talking with a pretty stunning looking red headed woman that I dont immediately recall seeing in season 1. The scene was basically just the pair walking & talking. After they wrapped the scene I was lucky enough to get Reilly to sign my cast photos which I already had Eric McCormack on from a previous interaction elsewhere. Later on in the season I caught up with the cast again at a building in the Kerrisdale/West Side aprt of Vancouver. There I saw Eric, MacKenzie Porter and Jared Abrahamson. They were dressed as Grant MacLaren, Marcy Warton and Trevor Holden. It was all interior shooting, so i was unable to get any photos of them, but I did manage to meet MacKenzie and Jared there and got them to sign my cast photo. As the season was winding down, I was eagerly looking for chances to catch up to them, but kept finding them at either hard to get to locations, locations where seeing them would probably be difficult, or days when it was raining it seemed. By this point I was also eagerly trying to track them down to get Enrico, but was finding the task of simply finding them, and having the time to go for them, challenging. I managed to find them two more times on back to back days very late in their filming season. First, at the DelMar Hotel with Patrick Gilmore and MacKenzie Porter shooting scenes as David Mailer and Marcy Warton. The scene was in the hotel, so there was nothing to see, but I met MacKenzie and Patrick outside after the wrapped a scene. Managed to get Patrick on my cast item and chatted with the pair for a couple minutes. The next day, I found the same pair shooting a scene just a few blocks from the day before shoot. This time they were in an alley used by many productions just off the east end of Victory Square. The scene they shot had Marcy & David talk, before Marcy kisses him. In a funny twist, The Flash was shooting just a couple blocks from there, and 1 of the crew members came over to me and told me that they werent The Flash, when I told him I knew, and knew exactly what it was, he seemed both surprised and happy that there were people taking an interest in there show...... we'll see if that same level of enthusiasm is there if this show is around for 4 or 5 seasons. I find crew usually are pretty happy with any recognition for 1 or 2 seasons. When season 3 starts filming, I'll be eagerly trying to track them down again. I mean for one, I still need Nesta Cooper to finish my cast items, and I still need to meet Enrico, but also, Travelers was 1 of my top 3 favorite shows to come out of 2016. Travelers returns in Canada on Showcase TOMORROW NIGHT October 16, 2017. It will return on Netflix soon (and hopefully in CANADA too this time.) Suits films a scene for the back half of season 7 with Gabriel Macht and Sarah Rafferty in Toronto10/14/2017 ![]() THIS POST CONTAINS POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR "SUITS" SEASON 7. IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THIS EPISODE YET, AND DO NOT WANT TO SEE OR READ POSSIBLE SPOILERS, DO NOT CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE BELOW OR VIEWING THE PHOTOS AT THE BOTTOM. . . . last warning . . In the past 4 years while I have been in Toronto for the Toronto International Film Festival, there has been ONE constant.... I'm going to find Suits filming there. While in the past years I didnt find the time to stop and check it out, on this particular year I did (very briefly.. I only stayed for two takes). The scene was inside an office tower, so there was a few challenges to shooting it. It was late at night, it was from about 200 feet away, and thru windows.... but I still managed to get enough shots to tell somewhat of the story from this shoot. As this is a new fandom to my site, even though this might be a 1 off shoot of them, I just want to say, if you use the photos elsewhere... DO NOT remove the watermarks I WILL file takedown notices. If you DO post them properly, I strongly prefer you credit the post to this blog post, and DO NOT use more than 3-4 photos TOTAL (not 3-4 photos "per tweet/instagram post") and let your followers know if they want to see more, theres a FREE place to do that.... here. On this particular day... err night, Gabriel Macht as Harvey Specter and Sarah Rafferty as Donna Paulsen were shooting a scene in the business tower across from the Adelaide Hotel. This is a common shooting location for them, in fact, 3 of the 4 years I have stumbled across them, it has been there. While many fans of the show, especially "shippers" were hoping this was some romance fueled scene between the two after they share a kiss in the season 7 mid-season finale, I can tell you this chat seemed a bit more tense. Not argumentative, or even mean, just not what I would call "a chat between two lovers", more like a chat between two co-workers... or at least a boss and his employee. The scene involves Harvey walking out of an elevator bank into the lobby of the office tower with Donna following behind him. Eventually she gets up to him and he turns around to have a conversation with her in the middle of the lobby of the tower. Many of the fans speculated based on their attire that this has to be the episode directly after that moment, but I cant confirm or deny that, as their filming schedule doesnt line up with what I know to be the normal timeline of a film shoot. So I really cant say if this is episode 11, or a later episode. The back half of season 7 of Suits has no start date for airing yet, but you can get caught up on what the show has to date in the U.S. on the USA Network or you can find it on NETFLIX (only first 6 seasons) |
April 2024