LEGENDS OF TOMORROW - episode 7x11 set report - directed by Jes Macallan with several cast11/12/2021 ![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR A "LEGENDS OF TOMORROW" SEASON 7 EPISODE 11), AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE SEASON. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. THERE IS NEW LIMITS IN PLACE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021.... SO CHECK THOSE OUT. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. The cast & crew of Legends Of Tomorrow were filming earlier this week for episode 7x11, with cast member Jes Macallan directing, in the often used park just past the Vancouver border on the Burnaby side, Central Park. This is a common filming location for shows when they need a foresty looking set, but dont want to go to a full on forest. But on this day, the Legends were filming in a spot they had filmed at the last time I caught them in this park, an open field in between the forested parts. On this day, they were filming with 1 of the cast I saw there on that last set I was at this park for, Nick Zano, but instead of being Nate Heywood this time, he was in his Citizen Steele costume, with some uhhh arm upgrades? Joining him was Shayan Sobhian as Behrad Tarazi, as well as Caity Lotz in her rarely seen on set White Canary outfit. Now I am not one to ever post speculations in my posts. But I have seen many already doing it based off my preview photos from my Patreon. All I will say is, the Legends seemed a tad different on this day. The scene seemed to centre around a villain of the week looking guy, who seemed to have some type of long nails or something coming form his hands, a deformed face, and at one point seemed to be weilding something that could have been an ax? Then Nate confronts him as he raises his ax, and seems to punch him in the stomach, as the villain crumples to the ground, Nate shakes his hand off, then White Canary comes in, does a spin and produces some throwing stars. Behrad also seemed a little off, as he is standing there holding a big rifle. That was the only scene I saw them shoot on this day, but they did have a couple more hours of filming to do after I left. I also saw Adam Tsekhman there, but not on set, so he may have been getting ready to work on a later scene, or perhaps had just wrapped one before I got there. You can now get exclusive first looks on our Patreon ahead of these blog posts for as little as $1 a month for photos, and $5 a month for videos. I do have some set video. It will end up on Patreon soon, and in the next few weeks weeks on my youtube channel, so come back to find those then, or you can subscribe to my Youtube channel and get notified there when they drop. Also, sadly, never saw Beebo at set. Man he is elusive. Legends Of Tomorrow airs on Tuesdays on The CW. If you want to see my autograph gallery for DC's Legends Of Tomorrow go HERE To see other Arrowverse shows, you can go to these links BEHIND THE SCENES of Batwoman go HERE BEHIND THE SCENES of Arrow go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for Arrow go HERE BEHIND THE SCENES of The Flash go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for The Flash go HERE BEHIND THE SCENES of Supergirl go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for Supergirl go HERE
![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR A "LEGENDS OF TOMORROW" SEASON 7 EPISODE 01), AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE SEASON. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. THERE IS NEW LIMITS IN PLACE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021.... SO CHECK THOSE OUT. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. The cast & crew of Legends Of Tomorrow was filming earlier this week in the small village of Steveston. This location is most well known to fans of Once Upon A Time as the primary location for the shows downtown of their show. But this time, LOT had it dressed up to look like Texas in the 1920s. These scenes are for episode 7x01 titled "The Bullet Blondes". Its directed by Kevin Mock, who is an executive producer on the show, and has directed 10 other Legends episodes in the past. I dont know everyone who was on set during the whole day, as I only stayed there for about 90 minutes, but I did see some of the cast shoot, and saw the trailers for several others. Caity Lotz as Sara Lance was in the first scene I saw being shot there. She was dressed in fishnet stockings, some vest/shorts combination thing, a red coat that looks like something you would see a circus announcer wearing, and a top hat. The scene had her coming out from nowhere, into the middle of the street, and she raises her voice so that all the towns people nearby heard her, and had them circle her, and she went on to tell them that they have seen some wild things there (oh, its apparently in Odessa, Texas, as she specifically says "here in Odessa" at one point, and there IS a Texas flag at the location). At the end of her speech, she does a little twirl of the hat, places it on her head, takes a bow, then the towns people all give her a round of applause, and then thats the end of the scene. A little later they did a scene with 3 unknown actors walking out of the sheriffs office. Unknown who they were supposed to be, but there was a trailer for "J. Edgar Hoover" there. So, I am guessing 1 of them was him. A little after that, they did a scene with Olivia Swann as Astra Logue, and Lisseth Chavez as Esperanza "Spooner" Cruz. The pair speed walk towards the sheriffs office, before Astra grabs Spooner for a moment giving her a slight look of uncertainty, then they hustle around the side of the sheriffs office, look in a window, then head out towards the middle of the street. That was it. They were filming for another 4-5 hours after I left. But unfortunately, I had other things to get to that day, so I had to leave then. Before I left, as I said, saw the trailers, and checked to see what they had. Saw trailers for Ava, Zari, Sara, Astra, Behrad, J. Edgar Hoover, and someone named "Gloria". I didnt see Spooners trailer, but obviously she was there too. I did NOT see Constantine, or Garys trailers, and obviously the recently departed Mick. Some of those trailers may not have been in use, as there is usually two cast to a single trailer, so for instance, if Astras trailer was connected to Behrads, then even if Behrad wasnt working that day, his would be there etc. But I got the impression most were in use. Guessing for those later scenes I didnt get to stick around for. It was also nice to be at a set where the crew were happy to have people there. During this past season, I ran into more attitude at sets than any year prior (and not about distancing, or something logical like that, but just being dicks for being dicks reason). So it was a joy to be at a set where multiple times, we had crew say "thank you" to us for coming and covering the show. Also, sadly, never saw Beebo at set. Man he is elusive. Legends Of Tomorrow will return for season 7 on October 13, 2021. If you want to see my autograph gallery for DC's Legends Of Tomorrow go HERE To see other Arrowverse shows, you can go to these links BEHIND THE SCENES of Batwoman go HERE BEHIND THE SCENES of Arrow go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for Arrow go HERE BEHIND THE SCENES of The Flash go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for The Flash go HERE BEHIND THE SCENES of Supergirl go HERE AUTOGRAPHS for Supergirl go HERE ![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "LEGENDS OF TOMORROW" SEASON 4 EPISODE 8 "CRISIS ON EARTH X" AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . As you may have seen already from my previous blog posts that I added in the Arrow and The Flash blog sections, Legends Of Tomorrow shot scenes for the 4 episode DC Universe Arrowverse cross over event in Stanley Park last week. While much of the internet will be talking about the Arrow & Flash centric scenes they shot that day, another scene was shot with notable impact on the cast of 1 of the shows..... namely the show whos episode was being shot at the time, DC's Legends Of Tomorrow. On this day, we caught Caity Lotz as Sara Lance and Dominic Purcell as Mick Rory shooting scenes with Arrow stars Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak, Flash stars Grant Gustin as Barry Allen, Candice Patton as Iris West, and Supergirl stars Melissa Benoist as Kara Danvers and Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers. The scene the group was shooting was for the representatives from each group to seemingly say their good byes to each other after a funeral for LOT member and former Flash member Victor Garber as Dr. Martin Stein. Garber recently announced he was leaving the show to take on a Broadway role. The scenes seem to be divided into 4 or 5 smaller parts. A scene where Arrow, Flash & Supergirls cast are talking together & saying their goodbyes to Kara & Alex. Kara then pulls out a device she was given by The Flash member Cisco Ramon to transport between worlds. She then opens a portal and seemingly her and Alex go thru it, leaving the Arrow and Flash couples there to talk...and likely is the lead up to the wedding scenes. Another scene had the Arrow and Flash couples coming across the park with Kara to meet up with Alex, presumably just before the Supergirl sisters departure. We then saw a scene where Alex & Sara are walking along, alone together thru the park, before they are met by Mick Rory. The pair share a quick chat, before Sara and Mick leave together, leaving Alex alone watching them leave. Another scene saw all 8 cast in a scene together with the Flash, Supergirl and Arrow pairings all facing the Legends duo, before Mick turns and walks away. Throughout the day the cast tried their hardest to stay dry, and warm. The weather was quite damp throughout the first two or three hours of their filming, and was pretty cold as well. Luckily for them they had crew members holding umbrellas and winter jackets for them in between scenes. When they had longer breaks, they would go to their dry, heated tends and wait... while those of us out there waiting to see the scenes endured the elements. Eventually, the cast of Legends and Supergirl wrapped, and the production moved on with the cast of Arrow and The Flash for those other scenes I blogged about earlier. Legends Of Tomorrow is airing on Tuesday nights on The CW. The cross over event is scheduled for Novemeber 27th & 28th For my Legends Of Tomorrow autographs gallery go HERE For more BTS photos from the cross over go HERE and HERE and HERE (coming soon) |
April 2024