![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "PSYCH THE MOVIE 3: THIS IS GUS", AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE SEASON. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. THERE IS NEW LIMITS IN PLACE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021.... SO CHECK THOSE OUT. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. The cast & crew of the upcoming 3rd movie to the popular USA Network program Psych have almost completed filming on the film. This week, they were on location at the place they do the exteriors for the Santa Barbara Police Department Headquarters. The first day at the set saw no action to be seen. They filmed a scene around the side of the building that seemed to take all day. Only person I did see was director Steve Franks. They were still making up the front of the building that day for the next days shoot out there, so I got a couple photos of the building, and of the flag, as well as some of their squad of Police vehicles they had back at the circus. On day two I got to see a bit of the filming finally. In front of the building they had Timothy Omundson as Carlton Lassiter, aka Lassie, back at the SBPD HQ. This was my 1st time seeing him back on set since his stroke, and I was actually a little excited to see him back. He was standing near the bottom of the stairs, looking up, seemingly having a conversation with someone. But who was it? It was Sage Brocklebank. Buzz McNab was there, dressed in his detective suit, and walks down the stairs eventually in the scene, passing Lassie, and says something to him, before walking off. That was it for that scene from what I could see. Later they filmed up behind some trees with James Roday Rodriguez as Shawn Spencer, and Dule Hill as Burton Guster, aka Gus, aka Lavender Goomes, aka Jazz Hands, aka Ghee Buttersnaps, aka MC Clap Yo Hands, aka Brutal Hustler, aka Magic Head, aka Bruton Gaster. Both Shawn & Gus were sporting some new looks..... For Shawn, a fuller beard, and for Gus, a fuller head of hair. Say good bye to the smooth top of Magic Head. Unfortunately, I saw nothing of what happened in that scene, but I suspect based on what I saw on day 3, it was a continuation, or set up for what I saw. One thing I found extra uneccesary on this location was the 3 little peons who were obsessed with using umbrellas to block EVERYTHING. I mean hey, I get it when a scene is going on, if you really think its a big spoiler to cover. I can get that. I mean it almost never works, but at least I get trying. But trying to cover the shows 2 leads just walking to their vehicle after they have wrapped filming? Guess what idiots, I already know they are on the show. You didnt really hide a big scoop. Also, you failed anyways. Always baffles me the stupid decisions some crew make. A scene with a spoiler, hey yeah, try your best. Walking to a car after wrapping?.... not really needed... akay, enough of that rant. At the end of day two, my friend & I actually got lucky enough to get Timothy to sign a few things as he left for the day. When I said to him "its good to see you again", he replied back "its good to be seen.". He was definitely in good spirits. Really happy to see Lassie on set again. Day 3 was a little easier to see some stuff, but still limited by the design of the property. I saw a scene with Lassie about 1/2 way up the stairs, looking down. Below Buzz is there, and off to the far side, behind the trees, was Gus & Shawn. Gus was carrying a backpack for some reason, and Shawn had an earpiece in. I never saw what their part of the scene consisted of, as it was behind the trees & they never came further out into the open for it. This was the 2nd set I had made it to for the film. The first, which also had even less to pass on at the time, with James, and Maggie Lawson as Juliet O'Hara doing small scenes for still photos, was HERE. All together, I have run into everyone from the series this film, except Kirsten Nelson currently. I managed to catch up to Corbin Bernsen one day while he was out shopping, and he signed while holding the pen with his shirt.... even though I had sanitizer for him to use. Currently, the movie is slated to wrap next week. On the 3rd day I got there, and they were filming more scenes out on the front steps. Psych The Movie 3: This Is Us will come out on NBC stupid/pointless Peacock streaming site eventually in late 2021, or 2022 instead of the USA Network.
Psych shoots a couple scenes in Steveston for Psych The Movie with most of the main & secondary cast6/18/2017 ![]() THIS POST IS ABOUT THE USA NETWORK "PSYCH THE MOVIE" SPECIAL COMING FOR DECEMBER 2017. If you have not yet seen this, and dont want to see or read potential spoilers before you do, then DO NOT continue reading this post, or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . Psych shot scenes for their Christmas themed movie Psych The Movie in Steveston in late May with most of the cast, and of course the shows creator, and the movies director, Steve Franks. The cast started arriving for a scene on the docks in a cavalcade of transportation vehicles. Dule Hill, James Roday, Maggie Lawson and Corbin Bernsen were the first cast I saw arriving. The scene seemed to centre mostly around a conversation in the middle of the boardwalk with almost everyone you could imagine that was in town. James, Dule, Maggie, Corbin, Kirsten Nelson, Kurt Fuller, along with guest stars Jazmyn Smith and a couple other guest stars (a younger girl, and a couple of "henchmen dressed" adult males that I never got the names of) were all involved in the scene that seemed to start on a boat as several of the gang seemed to be coming into the port after a harrowing event that saw some of them sporting small cuts & scrapes. Much of the scene takes place with the gang having a long chat with the two henchmen looking guys while a 3rd individual is taken away by cops passing by them. The big "scoop" of this scene which has since then been reported on other sites was, Gus seems to have a new lady in his life. His real life fiance Jazmyn Smith (from Ballers) comes up to him and gives him a bouquet of flowers, and after a brief chat where it looks like gus is scolding her, they share a couple pretty animated make out session level kisses. As this scene was closing in on wrapping, Sage Brocklebank arrived to the set. He wasnt in the scene, but was preparing to do a scene after this scene wrapped & was catching up with crew and cast. After they wrapped the scene on the boardwalk, they moved to a side street just off the boardwalk to film two scenes. The first, an exterior with Sage Brocklebank & the two men from the previous shoot. The scene seemed to just basically be the 3 of them standing around on a corner. Perhaps its an undercover job? Who better than a 6'8 Santa for undercover work, right?
After that scene, they did a scene inside a restaurant with James Roday... I dont know anything about that scene. That was a wrap on this location. Psych The Movie will be on the USA Network this December. Yo can find my Psych autographs in my Vancouver TV Shows Autograph Gallery HERE |
April 2024