![]() THIS BLOG POST CONTAINS PHOTOS AND A WRITE UP FOR THE SEASON 4 FINALE OF THE CW HIT SCI-FI SHOW "IZOMBIE". If you do not want to read or see any possible spoilers prior to the episode airing, Do not continue on with this article. . . . last warning . . For the 4th consecutive year, I caught iZombie filming scenes for their season finale.... and for the first time ever, Robert Buckley was NOT on set for it (but a Robert was). On this day, I caught them filming on a side street near Victory Square in downtown Vancouver. A lot of extras were playing the part of an angry moderately armed mob with bats, wood planks and more. At the time of watching it, I obviously had ZERO idea what was going on since this show is filming their entire season before even one episode has aired. Of course, seeing it now, I suspect one of two things was happening in the scene. On set was Robert Knepper as Angus McDonough, sitting on top of a horse with his now trademark hammer in his hand. It seemed the new reverend was considering riding into the situation that those earlier mentioned mob members were running towards. David Anders, as Blaine Debeers was also there, and in the scene it seemed like he was trying to convince his father to not do it, and reminding him that it was him who made zombies happen, not god. A little while later, they shot scenes with a stunt double riding the horse at a decent pace up the street. The next day, they shot more scenes with the Reverend on the horse, in the Downtown Eastside. I missed that day unfortunately. iZombie season 4 finale airs Monday night on The CW or on Netflix the next day. For more past behind the scenes photos of iZombie you can find my posts HERE (season 3 finale) and HERE (season 1 thru 3) For autographs from the show, you can find them HERE
![]() With the 2nd installment of the incredibly popular Marvel movie Deadpool coming to theatres today, May 18, 2018, it seemed like maybe it was time for me to start posting some of the photos I took at the set back when it was filming last summer. These photos see Ryan in & out of his DP suit on set just a day after the production had to shut down after the death of their new stunt driver S.J. (Joi) Harris Needless to say many of us were shocked to see them pick right back up. But, there they were, doing more scenes, along with stunts at the location under the Granville Bridge that has been used by many productions over the years.. On the day I was there, they shot almost exclusively with Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool. They did stunts, but those were apparently super early in the morning, to avoid inconveniencing people too much. A bit later, they did scenes with Julian Dennison as Russell, along with a stunt person in a suit that clearly is going to be CGI'ed over for the scene. Favorite part of the day was the 1 crew member (its always just one.) who was OBSESSED with me & the pap that was there to the point he followed us around photographing us. So since he was eager to be famous, I gave him his wish today. Congrats generic dude. You made my blog post. Also at set was Zazie Beetz dressed as Domino. But I never saw the scene she was shooting, as it was clearly later in the day. Deadpool 2 is in theatres RIGHT NOW! ![]() With the 2nd installment of the incredibly popular Marvel movie Deadpool coming to theatres on May 18, 2018, it seemed like maybe it was time for me to start posting some of the photos I took at the set back when it was filming last summer. If you remember the end of the first Deadpool movie, you will recall the Merc With A Mouth telling us all that Cable would be coming for the 2nd one... and sure enough, he is. They got none other than Thanos to be Cable. Josh Brolin came on to the project as Cable, and I was lucky enough on 1 day to see him & his stunt double out doing scenes for the movie. On the day I was there, they had Cable running down the street with his big ass gun. Not a lot of action during the times I was there. But I did get a couple takes of him where he aimed his gun right at where I was. Of course a lot of CGI work has been done after the fact, to make him look more like Cable, and less like Josh Brolin cosplaying as a homeless assassin.... but only a smidge less than what it took to make him look like Thanos. I also saw upcoming "Atlanta" star Zazie Beetz and her stunt woman (NOT S.J. (Joi) Harris, this was before she came on) filming scenes one day where she simply was driving around. This was before the terrible tragedy that took the life of S.J. Harris, no real stunts of note were being done on this day. Just a lot of driving around attached to the back & front of a film truck. I had the pleasure of meeting her on two different occasions. First, just before filming started when I stumbled upon her quite literally by accident one day. Another time, part way through filming when she was returning from being out of town. Wondefully sweet both times I met her. Also on 1 of the days I caught some stunt scenes with Deadpool (not sure if Ryan Reynolds was in the suit for these takes.... i'm inclined to say no since it entailed driving in & around traffic). I will have more Deadlpool photos, including many of Ryan in another blog post soon. For now, heres a snall teaser to hold you over till the movie gets here later this month. |
April 2024