The 2014 Best Of TV Awards Semi-Finals are now Closed. The Finals for the 5th annual BOTVA's will begin in early 2015. But 1st we need candidates to compete in the finals. The results below are for the categories of Favorite TV Show & Character. Total votes are in Red Finalists are in BOLD TEXT Favorite TV Show SUPERNATURAL 518 ARROW 408 LOST GIRL 221 CASTLE 200 SHERLOCK 163 MURDOCH MYSTERIES 161 ONCE UPON A TIME 131 DOCTOR WHO 126 THE FLASH 119 THE WALKING DEAD 100 GAME OF THRONES 95 THE BIG BANG THEORY 87 ORPHAN BLACK 84 AGENTS OF SHIELD 81 ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK 74 CRIMINAL MINDS 64, THE BLACKLIST 55, SLEEPY HOLLOW 54, THE VAMPIRE DIARIES 46, PRETTY LITTLE LIARS 35 Favorite TV Character
CASTIEL "Supernatural" 407 DEAN WINCHESTER "Supernatural" 401 FELICITY SMOAK "Arrow" 285 SAM WINCHESTER "Supernatural" 217 OLIVER QUEEN/THE HOOD "Arrow" 216 CROWLEY "Supernatural" 208 MALCOLM MERLYN "Arrow" 166 RICHARD CASTLE "Castle" 146 SHERLOCK HOLMES "Sherlock" 142 KATE BECKETT "Castle" 134 BO DENNIS "Lost Girl" 129 DR. HANNIBAL LECTER "Hannibal" 122 WILLIAM MURDOCH "Murdoch Mysteries" 121 KENZI "Lost Girl" 117 JULIA OGDEN "Murdoch Mysteries" 117 REGINA MILLS/EVIL QUEEN "Once Upon A Time" 115 THE DOCTOR "Doctor Who" 105 JOHN WATSON "Sherlock" 94 BARRY ALLEN/THE FLASH "The Flash" 89 SARA LANCE "Arrow" 86 DARYL DIXON "The Walking Dead" 85 ARYA STARK "Game Of Thrones" 66 DR. SHELDON COOPER "The Big Bang Theory" 66 TYRION LANNISTER "Game Of Thrones" 63 NYSSA AL GHUL "Arrow" 61 CLARA OSWALD "Doctor Who" 60 CAPTAIN HOOK "Once Upon A Time" 59 RICK GRIMES "The Walking Dead" 58 SPENCER REID "Criminal Minds" 57 MR. GOLD/RUMPLESTILTSKIN "Once Upon A Time" 57 EMMA SWAN "Once Upon A Time" 55 AMY FARRAH FOWLER "The Big Bang Theory" 53 PHILIP COULSON "Agents Of SHIELD" 52 SKYE "Agents Of SHIELD" 52 CAROL PELETIER "The Big Bang Theory" 50 ICHABOD CRANE "Sleepy Hollow" 49 RAYMOND REDDINGTON "The Blacklist" 47 OSWALD COBBLEPOT "Gotham" 46 KURT HUMMEL "Glee" 45 SAMANTHA GROVES/ROOT "Person Of Interest" 44 MARGARET BRACKENREID "Murdoch Mysteries" 41, MICHONNE "The Walking Dead" 41, SELINA KYLE "Gotham" 40, JOHN REESE "Person Of Interest" 40, JEMMA SIMMONS "Agents Of SHIELD" 39, BARNEY STINSON "How I Met Your MOTHER" 39, KIERA CAMERON "Continuum" 38, JAMES GORDON "Gotham" 38, SHAWN SPENCER "Psych" 38, CARLTON LASSITER "Psych" 36, ELSA "Once Upon A Time" 34, WILL MCAVOY "The Newsroom" 33, CLARKE GRIFFIN "The 100" 33, BRUCE WAYNE "Gotham" 30, MATTHEW KELLOG "Continuum" 26, BEVERLEY GOLDBERG "The Goldbergs" 26, SAMEEN SHAW "Person Of Interest" 24, HAROLD FINCH "Person Of Interest" 24, JASMINE GARZA "Continuum" 23, JAKE DOYLE "Republic Of Doyle" 23, PIPER CHAPMAN "Orange Is The New Black" 22, LESLIE BENNETT "Republic Of Doyle" 22, ADAM GOLDBERG "The Goldbergs" 22, ERICA GOLDBERG "The Goldbergs" 21, STEPHEN HOLDER "The Killing" 21, DORIAN "Almost Human" 20, DR. LAUREN LEWIS "Lost Girl" 19, JAKE PERALTA "Brooklyn 99" 19, CARL ELIAS "Person Of Interest" 19, LIONEL FUSCO "Person Of Interest" 17, BARRY GOLDBERG "The Goldbergs" 16, JOHN KENNEX "Almost Human" 14 The Favorite Show category looks like its poised to be a battle of The CW powerhouses as defending 2 time champion Supernatural goes into the finals as the semi-final leader, with Arrow folling behind in 2nd. Last years runner up Lost Girl took 3rd and is still a threat if their fans decide to try. Only shows that did not make the finals that did last season were Continuum, Hannibal, Hawaii Five-O, Sleepy Hollow & retired Fringe. Newcomers to the finals are Agents Of SHIELD, Murdoch Mysteries, Orange Is The New Black, Sherlock & The Flash. The Favorite Character category again sees the defending 4 time champion Dean Winchester "Supernatural" not going in as the favorite based on the Semi-Final vote. This year however, he has 1 less challenger to threaten his title as the 2012 & 2013 runner up was penalized heavily for her fans refusal to follow rules, and it cost her. Castiel from "Supernatural", last years semi-final runer up & finalist 3rd place competitor goes into the finals as the semi-final leader. 20 of the 25 finalists last year are in again. Only exclusions are the now retired Fringe duo of Walter Bishop & Olivia Dunham, How I Met Your Mother character Barney Stinson in his last run, Sherlock Holmes from Elementary, although should be noted Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock is in this year, and finally Dr. Lauren Lewis of Lost Girl who only failed to make it due to a fan boycott due to the penalties levied....although they had no problem putting their 2 other stars through. Newcomers are plenty, most notable Malcolm Merlyn from Arrow, Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock & William Murdoch & Julia Ogden of Murdoch Mysteries. All of whom passed 100 votes in the semi-finals. The Finals for these categories will take place in January 2015 HERE
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The 2014 Best Of TV Awards Semi-Finals are now Closed. The Finals for the 5th annual BOTVA's will begin in early 2015. But 1st we need candidates to compete in the finals. The results below are for the categories of Best Director & Episode Vote totals are in RED TEXT Finalists are in BOLD TEXT Best Director JOHN BEHRING "Unthinkable" (Arrow) 424 JENSEN ACKLES "Soul Survivor" (Supernatural) 422 DOUGLAS AARNIOKOSKI "Seeing Red" (Arrow) 201 AMANDA TAPPING "Wasting Minute" (Continuum) 193 AMANDA TAPPING "Waning Minute" (Continuum) 182 DIRECTOR X "Waves" (Lost Girl) 151 NICK HURRAN "His Last Vow" (Sherlock) 86 THOMAS J. WRIGHT "Do You Believe In Miracles?" (Supernatural) 79 NEIL MARSHALL "The Watchers Of The Wall" (Game Of Thrones) 65 PAMELA FRYMAN "How Your Mother Met Me" (How I Met Your Mother) 59 ALEX GRAVES "The Lion ANd The Rose" (Game Of Thrones) 53, MICHAEL EDISON SATRAZEMIS "The Grove" (The Walking Dead) 50, CRAIG FISHER "Nautilus" (Person Of Interest) 45, DAVID PLATT "The Mombosa Cartel" (The Blacklist) 35, STEVE FRANKS "The Break Up" (Psych) 27, WILLIAM WARING "Last Minute" (Continuum) 25, JONATHAN DEMME "Eden" (The Killing) 17, SUDZ SUTHERLAND "The Spy Who Came Up To The Cold" (Murdoch Mysteries) 15, CARY JOJI FUKUNAGA "Who Goes There" (True Detective) 15, PETER MITCHELL "Blast Of Silence" (Murdoch Mysteries) 14 Best Episode
FAN FICTION (Supernatural) 264 UNTHINABLE (Arrow) 241 MOTHERS LITTLE HELPER (Supernatural) 226 SOUL SURVIVOR (Supernatural) 196 STREETS OF FIRE (Arrow) 194 FIRST BORN (Supernatural) 181 GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS (Supernatural) 163 DO YOU BELIEVE IN MIRACLES (Supernatural) 147 LIKE HELL PART 1 (Lost Girl) 136 PAPER MOON (Supernatural) 135 FLASH VS ARROW (The Flash) 134 THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD (Arrow) 129 WHAT LIES BURIED (Murdoch Mysteries) 99 THE SECRET ORIGINS OF FELICITY SMOAK (Arrow) 99 VERITAS (Castle) 96 DARK HORSE (Lost Girl) 91 LISTEN (Doctor Who) 90 SEEING RED (Arrow) 89 THE SIGN OF THREE (Sherlock) 87 ORIGIN (Lost Girl) 87 WAVES (Lost Girl) 75 THE EMPTY HEARSE (Sherlock) 74 ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST (Castle) 69 KILL SWITCH (Castle) 63 THAT 70S SHOW (Castle) 61 THERES NO PLACE LIKE HOME (Once Upon A Time) 60 DEEP BREATH (Doctor Who) 60 NO SANCTUARY (The Walking Dead) 57 END OF A LINE (Lost Girl) 53 THE LION AND THE ROSE (Game Of Thrones) 50 SNOW DRIFTS (Once Upon A Time) 48, CITY OF HEROES (The Flash) 47, THE GROVE (The Walking Dead) 43, HOW YOUR MOTHER MET ME (How I Met Your Mother) 42, LAST MINUTE (Continuum) 36, THE PROTON TRANSMOGRIFICATION (The Big Bang Theory) 34, 100 (Glee) 31, THE OLD SWITCHEROO PART 2 (Haven) 30, DEMONS (Criminal Minds) 29, THE BREAK UP (Psych) 28, NEW DIRECTIONS (Glee) 27, DEUX EX MACHINA (Person Of Interest) 27, MONARCH DOUGLAS BANK (Person Of Interest) 27, NAUTILUS (Person Of Interest) 25, FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN (Grey'S Anatomy) 24, 1967: A PSYCH ODYSSEY (Psych) 20, THE DIABOLICAL KIND (Elementary) 18, A GOLDBERG THANKSGIVING (The Goldbergs) 17, EDEN (The Killing) 17 The Best Director category, won by Supernatural actor/director Jensen Ackles in 2012, may be in for a fight this year. Arrow has 2 of the top 3, including John Behring for "Unthinkable" as the top vote getter, narrowly beating out 2012 winner Jensen Ackles for "Soul Survivor" on Supernatural. Douglas Aarniokoski on "Seeing Red" rounds out the bookends of the Arrow Supernatural Arrow trio. Amanda Tapping managed 2 finalist spots with her 2 part Continuum episodes. Besides 2012 winner Ackles, Pamela Fryman "How Your Mother Met Me" is the only other previous contender for Best Director, making the semi-finals last year. Last years winning show Glee, had no finalists this year as their 2 semi-finalist contenders did not advance. The Best Episode category, aka - "favorite Supernatural episode" in the years past could be a hard one to predict. Supernatural is well represented in the finals. SEVEN finalists for the 3X Winning show, Arrow and Lost Girl managed 5, while Castle has 4. While it would SEEM to be a safe bet with Arrow & Supernatural dominating the top 8 spots that they are a shoe in to win, theres then the fact that in the finals the amount of challengers you can vote for will be limited to 2 or 3. Vote splitting is always a problem when a show shoves too many of its challengers into a finals. Perhaps The Flash or Murdoch Mysteries with their 1 singular nominee will win because their fans will not be split on who to vote for. Also, an error occurred in listing for a couple days of this category. One of the Arrow finalists, The Secret Origins Of Felicity Smoak was mistakenly listed as Draw Back Your Bow for awhile, so if you voted for DBYB & wonder where it is.... is was changed to TSOOFS during the round after the error was noticed. The Finals for these categories will take place in January 2015 HERE |
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