THE FLASH season 8 penultimate episode set photos with Grant Gustin & new *spoiler* character4/9/2022 ![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR A "THE FLASH" SEASON 8 EPISODE 19, & MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE SEASON. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. THERE IS NEW LIMITS IN PLACE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021.... SO CHECK THOSE OUT. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. The Flash cast & crew finally poked their heads out from hiding, after almost 2 months of not getting seen downtown, to film a scene in the alley behind the place they use for O'Shaughnessy's exteriors. This was the 1st time seeing them out since the show got officially picked up for a 9th season. It had been so long since I had seen the show on location, earlier in the week I took a rare trip out to their secondary studio to see if I could find out what was going on with this back half of the season. While out there, I did see 2 actors in full costume. Grant Gustin as The Flash, and Christian Magby as Deon Owens. I also saw trailers for 3 other characters there (well, their stunt doubles, but still same thing as far as characters go) 1 was for Eobard, 1 was for a character I wont say because I only saw a trailer, and thus cant confirm they are 100% back, and 1 for a character I would see 3 days later at the set that you will see in the report below. On Friday, the crew & cast finally came back downtown. The production was smaller than most sets for this show, so it did not surprise me much when all I saw for cast trailers at the set was 1 trailer. It had space for 2 characters. One door had no label on it, and it turned out, it was for Grant. The other had a taped on label written in very fancy writing that said "Fast Track". That was the characters trailer for the stunt double I saw a few days earlier. In the alley was a long, dialogue heavy scene being shot between Grant Gustin as The Flash and an actress (I have seen several users state its Kausar Mohammed, previously from The CW show "4400", but at this time I do not have 100% confirmation of it, but I do acknowledge the similarity is definitely strong enough that I assume those claims are right.) as Fast Track. At first, finding an angle was tough. I first had tried to shoot it from an inroad alley that actually runs below it. But as you can see, the bars on the alley block off much of the look at the scene. In the end, this was the only part of the alley I was able to see any of the scene from though, and it consisted of the two speedsters standing in the alley having a prolonged discussion about something, before Barry tapping his head and zipping off, leaving Fast Track there for several more moments, before she too would speed off. At 1 point, a group of students from a nearby school were also in the alley, got Grants attention for a moment, and he gave them all a fist pump and a wave & such before going back to work. He seemed to be in a pretty good mood, of course with a brand new season 9 contract in his pocket, he has reason to celebrate. A little later they did a slightly different scene that had them now squeezed in between a garbage bin & some pallets, having more of a conversation that I got lucky enough to see a very brief couple seconds of after a couple impatient citizens didnt want to wait for hold ups at the end of the street & led to several more deciding to go & the PAs eventually realizing they had lost the group & let everyone go. But I obviously didnt see enough of the scene to get a good idea of what it was about as they cut almost immediately after everyone was let go. On set, I only heard them refer to the character as Fast Track, so I cant say if this is the Meena Dhawan version of the character, but based off the look & casting, and the fact Meena has been referenced before on a book Chester was holding in the past, it likely is. There will be some video from scenes from this episode to post in the next couple weeks, so come back to find those then, or you can subscribe to my Youtube channel and get them there when they drop. Some from the first part of the cross over is already up there. You can find ALL of The Flash videos I have shot since right back to the pilot episode HERE on Youtube. You can now get exclusive first looks on our Patreon ahead of these blog posts for as little as $1 a month for photos, and $5 a month for videos. If you want to see my past behind the scene shots for The Flash go HERE If you want to see my autograph gallery for The Flash go HERE The Flash season 8 airs on Wednesdays on The CW.
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![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR A "THE FLASH" SEASON 8 EPISODE 15, & MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE SEASON. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. THERE IS NEW LIMITS IN PLACE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021.... SO CHECK THOSE OUT. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. The Flash seemingly was impossible to find after episode 6 of this season..... till last couple weeks, when the show has been found downtown 3 times now in the last few weeks. This time, the cast & crew were in Harbour Green Park. This is a location thats been used a few times by The Flash, as well as other Arrowverse shows (most recently where Mary gets grabbed by the vine in Batwoman, and some of the Supergirl finale filming). On this day, the crew were filming episode 8x15, directed by The Flash show runner Eric Wallace. They set up several glowing green rods in the park in a circle. The scene, which included Grant Gustin as Barry Allen in his Flash wardrobe, did a scene with a returning recurring character Christian Magby, as Deon Owens, aka Still Force. The scene has the pair doing a walk through the park. At one point, they both stop to turn and stare at a couple that walk by, before continuing on their walk. After the round a corner, they come to a bench, where a newspaper is sitting on it. Barry picks it up, takes a very quick glance at it before starting to put it back down.... then stops short of putting it back down, pulls it back up to his face and reads it more, and in more detail with Deon there beside him looking at it. He then puts the paper down, and him & Deon continue their walk before Deon stops him and they have a bit of a talk for a few moments. Then Barry pulls out a device, they both stare at it, before continuing on more. After that, they wrapped Christian, and had Grant do 1 or 2 quick takes of him standing up on a ledge so they could shoot him looking up at him while he held the newspaper, maybe to get the underside of the newspaper? Then he wrapped at that location, and the crew started to move out. I know more than a few people have seen photos of the 1 newpaper headline about Zoom & Godspeed. The props person had 2 different papers in his pack. One with that headline, 1 about the STAR Labs explosion. I dont really know what one was on the bench for the scene, or if they alternated them. But the props person was carrying around both of them, suggesting they were both in use there. During the day, unfortunately, this location was across the street from an ESL school, and they had not one, or even 2, but at least 4 that I saw, attempts by kids from the school trying to rush the set to meet Grant. Some got through, and unfortunately were rewarded for their ignorance. At one point over 20 kids tried getting onto the set, with only 6 or 8 of them succeeding before crew stopped the rest. It didnt just go to the invasion of the set. A group of 10-12 were hanging around Grants trailer, and when he came out to go to set one time, they asked him for a photo, he 2 or 3 times told them he cant that he was on his way to set, but they whined so much that he bit his lip, ran over to them to quickly do 1 group photo, then had to literally sprint to the set. I havent seen a set with so many issues like this in a few years. While I am sure some people will see it as "Grant is so nice to stop for them even when he knows they are being a problem", there is the other side where him accommodating them over & over again gives them, and their friends that didnt get a chance on that day, the impression that is acceptable, and will only do it again at future sets, as I said, its a commonly used area. Later in the evening, the crew moved 4 or 5 blocks up the street for a night shoot. Unfortunately I was too wiped out from my day at the daytime shoot to wait it out, but it looked like it was going to have a stunt of someone falling, as there was a crane in the alley. There was also a trailer for XS (Nora West Allen, played by Jessica Parker Kennedy) at the set, along with a trailer Grant frequently uses (although earlier set he was using a different trailer). A little something about the spot they are filming..... it is the same spot where Flash & Pied Piper beat Godspeed in 6x18. With Godspeeds name on that newspaper from earlier in the days shoot, could this be a re-imagined version of this scene? There will be some video from scenes from this episode to post in the next couple weeks, so come back to find those then, or you can subscribe to my Youtube channel and get them there when they drop. Some from the first part of the cross over is already up there. You can find ALL of The Flash videos I have shot since right back to the pilot episode HERE on Youtube. You can now get exclusive first looks on our Patreon ahead of these blog posts for as little as $1 a month for photos, and $5 a month for videos. If you want to see my past behind the scene shots for The Flash go HERE If you want to see my autograph gallery for The Flash go HERE The Flash season 8 returns from its winter break March 9, 2022 on The CW. ![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR A "THE FLASH" SEASON 7 EPISODE 11, AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE SEASON. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. THERE IS NEW LIMITS IN PLACE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021.... SO CHECK THOSE OUT. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. The Flash was on location for season 7 shooting on Thursday & Friday for episode 11 in a commonly used area, the 1000 block of West Hastings, which includes the commonly used Oceanic Plaza (Flash fans will remember this as where King Shark tried killing Barry in their first meeting... aka Porter Plaza.). I broke the reports on these days down into two blogs, The first one, a daytime scene is HERE. The night shoots are in this post. On the first day, after the daytime scene they shot in that earlier blog post, they moved 1/2 block down the street to in front of Oceanic Plaza. There they did some stunts. On set was the stunt team for The Flash, and the two people mentioned in the previous blog, which at this time I dont know which characters they are. But ONE was Michelle Harrison, who in the past has played Nora Allen, Joan Garrick, and the Speed Force..... so your guess is as good as mine on who she is now. The other is now ID'ed as Christian Magby (source: HERE ) that is dressed in the school sports jacket you see below. I have seen a couple social media posts based off yesterdays photos suggesting this could be a character named "Steadfast" that is part of the Still Force based off the logo on his jacket. But at this time I DO NOT know if that is true. The trio did a stunt where Barrys stunt double Cody Laudan, & the unknown actors stunt double were facing Michelles stunt double. Christians double does something with his hands that looks like he is trying to direct something at Michelles doubles character. A moment later, all 3 of them are sent flying backwards from where they were standing. A little while later, the stunt team wrapped their work, and the actors came in. Grant Gustin joined Michelle & Christian on set. They continued shooting the scene with the dialogue part of the scene. After that, Grant, Michelle, and Christian moved up to the top plaza of Oceanic Plaza to do a scene with 2 others. One of the two is Ennis Esmer who is playing "Psych" that I told you about in these previous blog posts HERE and HERE. This time however, he was maskless. The other, was a younger girl that I now believe to be Sara Alicia Garcia. The 4 of them walked together in a line through the court yard, eventually stopping. Then The Flash walks over to them, and there is a brief interaction between Flash & Michelles character (who after this scene I am starting to think is Nora somehow), before he falls to the ground momentarily. Michelle then reaches down, and picks him up. They look at each other, and then hug. A moment later, Michelles character invites the other 3 over, and The Flash seems to be friendly with them. On the second day they were back down on the street level where the stunt from the night earlier was done. This time, the entire group from the last scene the night before was there. Christian, Sara, and Ennis, were lined up with The Flash, facing Michelles character for most of the scenes. At one point they do a scene where The Flash turns around, facing the same direction Michelles character is facing, and yells at something up high & says "I did what you asked". There also was a scene done where the whole group looked in 1 direction, up high. I also added 2 other photos at the end. They were actually set piece photos. One of a Central City Cab, but the more interesting one, which features the Porter Plaza placard that you may remember from that King Shark episode I referenced earlier, also show a banner right next to it that says "Quickstart Enterprises" which is a TV channel that Johnny Quick (Chambers) and Jesse Quick (Chambers) run in the comics. UPDATE: March 26, 2021 (6:30 PM) - Name of the previously unknown actors is now updated. Christian Magby, and Sara Garcia. There will be some video from this nights shoot to post in the next couple weeks, so come back to find those then, or you can subscribe to my Youtube channel and get them there when they drop. The Flash season 7 airs Tuesday nights on The CW in the U.S. Or on their app the next day. You can now get exclusive first looks on our Patreon ahead of these blog posts for as little as $1 a month. If you want to see my past behind the scene shots for The Flash go HERE If you want to see my autograph gallery for The Flash go HERE |
****UPDATED JAUNUARY 2021**** All photos posted in this blog are shot by Canadagraphs. Permission to use the photos on your site, blog, tumblr, facebook or other online outlets is allowed if you follow the rules stated in THIS POST Main rules include 1- DO NOT remove any watermarks on the photos, this includes cropping around them, Without prior written permission or emailed permission from this site. (contact form is on the left) 2- Credit this blog page or the individual blog post in your posting. 3- Adhere to the LIMIT of photos allowed for the type of post you are making. If you would like to use photos seen here unedited, contact me thru my contact page, and depending on your need I may be able to accommodate smaller requests. Depending on the orders/photos, I may charge a fee for my time (usually about $2-5 an image depending how many you want) About The ShowThe Flash is a superhero TV program on The CW network. Archives
February 2023