![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR A "THE FLASH" SEASON 7 EPISODE 15, & MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE SEASON. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. THERE IS NEW LIMITS IN PLACE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021.... SO CHECK THOSE OUT. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. The Flash was on location for season 7 shooting on Friday evening, and night for episode 715. The director is Geoff Shotz, he directed the Alls Wells That Ends Wells episode earlier this season. The cast & crew of The Flash were busy in downtown Vancouver Friday, with 3 different location shoots (although 2 of them were across the street from each other) In the daytime scene, at the CBC building, they were filming a short little scene that had 2 characters on set. But who were these two characters?? Well, one was the returninf fan favorite villain Godspeed. He was joined by..... Godspeed. Yes, there was multiple Godspeeds, and no, it wasnt a cast of 1 being a stand in, or stunt double for the other. They were both in frame for the filming when they were rolling. I dont know how long they hare been filming before I got there. But they shot this scene for about 15-20 minutes while I was there. It essentially had the pair of Godpseeds standing there, looking around for a moment, and that was it. But it gave me a chance to photograph them in the daytime, so I'm okay with whatever the scene was for. In the background of the scene, they has some U.S. flags flying, a sign for the entrance to the Central City Museum, and them a bit further back, was an ad for Big Belly Burger, featuring their uhhh "new double cheeseburger"??? Seriously? I'm supposed to believe a major burger franchise in the U.S. somehow DID NOT have a double cheeseburger on their menu from day one? Anyways, the crew then crossed the street to the exterior of the Queen Elizabeth Theatre, which they have renamed to the Central City Theater. Beside it, they changed a restaurant theres name to "Taco Whiz". Which left me confused. Is it like a Cheese Whiz, but taco flavoured? Or did they name their taco establishment after how fast they will go through your body? In any case, doesnt sound appetizing. Outside of there, the crew filmed a few small scenes, all with Grant Gustin or his stunt double Cody Laudan as The Flash. First scene had Cody getting thrown across the lot by a couple of the Godspeeds. It was a short scene, so I saw 1 take of it. So I am unsure if more stunts were done after, as I left for a bit to go fgrab food, and when we came back, they were setting up for the next shot. Grant finally got on set, and did a scene were he comes zipping in, and observing something weird (I'll get to that in a minute), or being surrounded by the Godspeeds, which now totaled 6 for this scene. Yes, you read that right, there was now SIX Godspeed clones (I know on twitter it was said there was 7, but there was 6.... but at the time of the users tweet, it was fair to be mistaken, as they were all moving around before filming). In the scene, all surrounding Barry as he was on the ground. A bit later, the most WTF moment of the night happened. Barry comes zipping into the scene, looks around, and sees the group of Godpseeds..... having a Royal Rumble. The 6 pack og Godspeeds were all fighting each other, in pairs, and Barrys body language seemed to have a n "ummm ok, what?" look to it. After they finished those scenes, they did a bit more of the fighting scene of the Godspeeds, as Grant left for a long break. I also chose to leave at that time, and headed to their 3rd location, unaware at the time I'd be waiting FOREVER for that one to start. During the break at one point, Grant went over and chatted with a couple of the Godspeeds, which made for a fairly entertaining set of photos, as it looks like hes trying to use the power of love to talk Godspeed out of doing bad things, but it was actually just in between takes. Down the street about 3 blocks away, they were also set up for The Flash to film at. This one was at B.C. Place Stadium. For those that are observant, you know that is the location they use for the exterior of S.T.A.R. Labs, but, they have also used it for other things. But on this day, it was in fact, S.T.A.R. Labs, as the signage outside B.C. Place showed. Now I spent quite a while there waiting for them to film, and they didnt get to filming till close to 2 AM. When they finally did, there was nearly nothing to be seen. So little, that the few photos I did get it I didnt think were worth even posting. All I can confirm from the scenes there, The Flash was there, some of the Godspeeds were there, and at some point The Flash is on the ground. So thats it for this busy night of filming there. Godspeed is back!!! Are you excited? There will be some video from this nights shoot to post in the next couple weeks, so come back to find those then, or you can subscribe to my Youtube channel and get them there when they drop. The Flash season 7 airs Tuesday nights on The CW in the U.S. Or on their app the next day. You can now get exclusive first looks on our Patreon ahead of these blog posts for as little as $1 a month. If you want to see my past behind the scene shots for The Flash go HERE If you want to see my autograph gallery for The Flash go HERE
****UPDATED JAUNUARY 2021**** All photos posted in this blog are shot by Canadagraphs. Permission to use the photos on your site, blog, tumblr, facebook or other online outlets is allowed if you follow the rules stated in THIS POST Main rules include 1- DO NOT remove any watermarks on the photos, this includes cropping around them, Without prior written permission or emailed permission from this site. (contact form is on the left) 2- Credit this blog page or the individual blog post in your posting. 3- Adhere to the LIMIT of photos allowed for the type of post you are making. If you would like to use photos seen here unedited, contact me thru my contact page, and depending on your need I may be able to accommodate smaller requests. Depending on the orders/photos, I may charge a fee for my time (usually about $2-5 an image depending how many you want) About The ShowThe Flash is a superhero TV program on The CW network. Archives
February 2023