THIS POST CONTAINS POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 223 OF "THE FLASH". If you have not yet seen the episode and do not want to read or see possible spoilers from the episode, do not continue reading or viewing the photos. . . . last warning . . The Flash shot scenes for their season 2 finale in an allley they have used in the past in downtown Vancouver in mid-April. This time, instead of The Flash VS The Flash scenes happening that I saw last time I was there, we had Grant Gustin as The Flash VS Teddy Sears as Zoom, along with their stunt team. The scene showed the speedsters in an altercation, and, it seemed that this time maybe Barry was getting the better of Hunter Zolomon for once. The distance from the scene that onlookers were kept at made it hard for me to get too many decent pics with my camera, so I apologize for the fuzziness/blurryness of some of them. Both actors came over and greeted fans at different times. Grant coming over first, and meeting with the considerably large crowd for such a seemingly inaccessible to public shoot. Most of the crowd left after that, but the few faithful fans that waited it out got to meet Teddy Sears about an hour later, as he came over and met with fans before going back to do his last scene of the night. I managed to get a couple autographs from Grant, but missed Teddy as he got called back to work... but I managed to catch up to him the next day as he was leaving town after wrapping the season and he apologized for not getting to me the night before. The Flash will air its season finale Tuesday May 24th, 2016 on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. You can see all my previous blog posts on The Flash shoots HERE.
![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR EPISODE 208 OF "THE FLASH". This is the three show Crossover event episode with Arrow & Legends Of Tomorrow. If you have not seen this episode and want to avoid possible spoilers, do not continue reading the post or viewing the photos. . . . last warning . . As you are all aware by now, tonight The Flash will air the 1st half of a 2 part triple cross over episode with Arrow, and featuring cast from their upcoming combined spin-off Legends Of Tomorrow. A few weeks ago, I caught them in downtown Vancouver shooting scenes for this very episode. On set this day was Grant Gustin as Barry Allen and Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon from The Flash. Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen from Arrow. Along with Falk Hentschel and Ciara Renee as Carter Hall and Kendra Saunders. There wasnt a lot to the scene that had the 5 of them together in it. They all just were walking along down a staircase. However, after Barry & Oliver part off from the scene, theres a scene where Carter & Kendra share a hug as Cisco awkwardly lurks around waiting for it to end. Then Carter leaves, leaving Cisco and Kendra alone. Cisco then presents Kendra with a pendant, and she eventually reaches out & kisses Cisco.... and thats it. That was the end of the scene there. After they wrapped there, My friends & I managed to get Ciara & Falk to sign some autographs, while a little fan got his photo with Carlos at his transportation vehicle. Grant was telling everyone he was quite sick that day, so he avoided interacting with anymore. Later that evening, they filmed a scene at a location near the original location, with Grant, Stephen, Falk & Ciara. It was apparently on a roof top, but I never did find out for sure. After that, Stephen Amell came out and met a few fans there & chatted for a bit before heading off. You can follow the stars of The Flash, Arrow and Legends Of Tomorrow on their social media sites The Flash Twitter Facebook Grant Gustin Twitter Facebook Carlos Valdes Twitter Facebook Arrow Twitter Facebook Stephen Amell Twitter Facebook Legends Of Tomorrow Twitter Facebook Ciara Renee Twitter Falk Hentschel Twitter You can catch The Flash Tuesday Nights on The CW in The U.S. and on CTV in Canada. Arrow is on Wednesday on the same stations (and will have the conclusion to this cross over event Dec. 2, 2015.) CW in the U.S. and CTV in Canada. Legends Of Tomorrow will star in January 2016 on the CW. The Flash shot some scenes in early September for tonights episode at BC Place Stadium (aka S.T.A.R. Labs exterior) The 2014 Best New Program Winner in our yearly Best Of TV Awards (going on now thru January HERE) shot some stunt scenes that involved dropping a stunt person (and at times the actress from a lower height) down to the ground. On set this particular night was Grant Gustin as The Flash and Malese Jow as Linda Park, along with their stunt doubles Cody Laudan & . Also on set was a man who the security made extra efforts to protect. I managed a glimpse of him once not in his oversized rain gear, but never was able to get a photo of him in time. It was Zoom. I never saw any scenes that they did with Zoom. But there was plenty to see with a scene that consisted of Linda falling off the side of STAR Labs and The Flash catching her. Below are a few pics of the scene, which were shot from quite a distance away, thus why they are so grainy/blurry. The public was kept about a block (and sometimes more) back) and at the bottom is a couple videos from a couple of the takes. Malese Jow tweeted a close up photo of the scene today HERE You can follow the stars of The Flash on their social media platforms The Flash Twitter Facebook Grant Gustin Twitter facebook Malese Jow Twitter facebook The Flash airs Tuesday nights on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. The Flash shot scenes for an upcoming episode in Gastown a few weeks ago. The first scene they shot was with newcomer Teddy Sears as Jay Garrick in a S.T.A.R. Labs van with Danielle Panabaker as Caitlyn Snow shooting a scene where the pair get pretty cozy. There was then a scene with a mysterious woman shooting a scene where she was staring towards the van. When I tweeted about this woman, I got several replies stating its Kimiyo Hoshi, aka - Doctor Light. Even other more in the know sources on all things comic book related suggested it was her as well. So for now, till I hear differently, that is who I am suggesting it is. The Flash season 2 is on now with episodes airing Tuesday nights on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. THIS POST CONTAINS POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 203 OF THE FLASH. If you have not yet seen this episode and do not want to see or read anything about it prior to seeing it. Do not continue reading or viewing this post. . . . last warning . . In early August, I caught The Flash out shooting scenes for their 3rd episode of season 2. The first night was an odd one for me. It started off quite disappointing, but ended with a cool memory. Scenes were shot inside with a variety of cast, most importantly for me was Peyton List and Candice Patton. I had several photos I hoped to get them to sign. I even saw Peyton...briefly, unfortunately, not in enough time to react. Sadly, that 1 brief sighting was all we would see of her the rest of the day. While there, we randomly ran into Victor Garber, aka - professor Martin Stein. He wasn't working, he just happened to be walking by that area. My buddy had some Legends O Tomorrow cast promo items he got him to sign, and I had 1 left over photo from Argo to get done. Later on they started setting up for a scene outside in an alley. It was going to include Grant Gustin and Candice Patton. Eventually Grant arrived and did a rehearsal for the scene. When rehearsals were done, the pair left. In that same time, the crew asked everyone to vacate the area they were standing in and move all the way to the other end of the alley. This was important for 2 reasons. As we were leaving, I got a call from my friend who had JUST left to catch his last bus telling me the car Grant was in was back up top where we were earlier. The group of 15-20 fans made the long block and a bit trek up a side lane, out onto the street where we had been waiting for hours earlier, down that street, and up the back side of the alley at the opposite end of where we just were. This was funny to me, because an entire group of fans walked down the street, stared RIGHT AT the security guy who was standing beside the vehicle they just saw Grant leave in, right outside a trailer with its lights on inside and thought nothing of it and kept walking. I of course stopped. As did two other autograph hounds. Almost instantly grant came out, saw us, came over, signed for me, signed for 1 of the other two and said he had to get going and left to go back to set. I wandered around with 1 of the guys for a few minutes as we looked to find a good spot to watch the scene. in the end we ended up joining the 6-8 fans still there at the end of the alley. Eventually the scene they were shooting needed a break to turn all the equipment around so they could shoot from the opposite direction. While that went on, Grant in his new, previously not seen by me white logo Flash suit sprinted down the alley towards us, and quickly rushed by high fiving everyone before looking like he was about to leave again. A couple moments later, he came back to the group. This time he stopped to interact, sign autographs and meet the fans. A fan had brought something interesting for grant to see. it was apparently 1 of the outfits Brandon Routh wore when he had the role of Superman. Since Grant is a massive Superman fan, he was pretty thrilled to see it. After that interaction I asked Grant if it was ok to get a pic with him in the suit. It was something I had discussed with him going back as far as last season, with the response being "we'll see" both times prior. I said "remember that thing we discussed the other day" he knew what I meant & said yeah, I asked "is now a good time" and he replied "sure" and he took a photo with me while he was in his Flash suit. Of course, everyone else wanted the same and he happily obliged them. That certainly made up for my prior disappointments of missing Peyton and Candice to say the least. The second day of shooting saw the cast a block away at a business tower. If you are a fan of Arrow, you may recognize it from season 2 as the lobby of Queen Consolidated. Today, it was playing the part of a general business tower in Central City somewhere.
This particular scene had 3 cast members in it. Grant Gustin as Barry Allen, Wenworth Miller as Leonard Snart (aka - Captain Cold) and Michael Ironside as Lewis Snart. The scene seemed to have the Scarlet Speedster and his sometimes nemesis Captain Cold teaming up with Cold's father in some scene that had them dressed as a cleaning crew. The scene was completely shot inside, so there was not much chance for fans to see what was shot. An earlier scene deeper inside the building away from any street view was also shot with the same cast. After filming the cast left. Wentworth stopped to take photos with all the fans who patiently waited till about 1 AM for them to wrap. You can follow the stars of The Flash on their social media platforms The Flash twitter facebook Grant Gustin twitter facebook Candice Patton twitter facebook Wentworth Miller twitter facebook You can watch season 2 of The Flash on Tuesdays starting October 6, 2015 on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. |
****UPDATED JAUNUARY 2021**** All photos posted in this blog are shot by Canadagraphs. Permission to use the photos on your site, blog, tumblr, facebook or other online outlets is allowed if you follow the rules stated in THIS POST Main rules include 1- DO NOT remove any watermarks on the photos, this includes cropping around them, Without prior written permission or emailed permission from this site. (contact form is on the left) 2- Credit this blog page or the individual blog post in your posting. 3- Adhere to the LIMIT of photos allowed for the type of post you are making. If you would like to use photos seen here unedited, contact me thru my contact page, and depending on your need I may be able to accommodate smaller requests. Depending on the orders/photos, I may charge a fee for my time (usually about $2-5 an image depending how many you want) About The ShowThe Flash is a superhero TV program on The CW network. Archives
February 2023