![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR A "THE FLASH" SEASON 9 EPISODE 10, & MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE SEASON. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. THERE IS NEW LIMITS IN PLACE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021.... SO CHECK THOSE OUT. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. The Flash cast & crew filmed scenes on Monday & Tuesday in downtown Vancouver in an area they have been using quite frequently in the last couple years. Monday started with them filming inside the CBC Studio, which is a large TV & radio studio for Canada's National TV station, right in downtown Vancouver. This is the episode being directed by the show runner, Eric Wallace. I learned a couple of details on this day beyond what I physically saw, I will get on to that later. The days exterior scene had two returning characters on set filming. Jesse L. Martin as Joe West, was filming with Patrick Sabongui as David Singh. The setting seemed to be set in the past, maybe the 1980s, or 90s? Ads in the area including one for an older model computer, as well as ads for CC Jitters, and Big Belly Burger. As well, there was some older style cop cars there, with some older model civilian cars. On top of that, Joe was wearing a Police officer jacket, and Singhs hair looked different than it does these days. The scene had them investigating a crime scene in the middle of the street, with Singh walking up to Joe, saying a couple things, and then walking away to talk to other officers. Then Joe walks over & grabs something that was being described as a "crystal" off the ground (looks similar to the one we see at the end of season 8), puts it in his pocket, then Singh comes over to him & talks to him again, with Joe storming off, as Singh looks back at him suspiciously. I never got a photo of Joe with the crystal, so I had to take a screen cap from my videos to show you what it looked like in the photos below. Despite it being in plain view in this pic, in the majority of takes, he puts it in his pocket before Singh comes over (this might have been just a rehearsal take). Some of the photos I took over these two days, might look grainy/fuzzy, that is because I was shooting through a window in the library, as street angles were not always good. So if you see one that seems a little fuzzier, that might be why. This was essentially all they filmed for the time I was there. I had planned on coming back for the evening shoot, but got there too late. The film notice said they were supposed to be there till 9, and I got there just after 7 to find they had just wrapped shortly before I got there. When I got a chance to look at my photos from that day, I was more upset I missed it, as I found a piece of info in my photos that if I had seen it in real time, I wouldnt have left the set. On Tuesday, they were back in the same block. This time, two completely different returning guest stars were on the set, along with Grant Gustin as Barry Allen. John Wesley Shipp was on set as Henry Allen, with Michelle Harrison as Nora Allen. The trio did a scene that had Henry & Nora walking together up the street. They then stopped at a CC Jitters kiosk, and grabbed a drink. They then were talking, when all of a sudden Barry is thrust into the area, falling into the middle of the street. The first while when I saw this scene being shot, I thought Barry got hit by a car, but after seeing more of it, from other angles, I now realize he got thrust TOWARDS the car, which stops just in front of him, after Henry runs out into the street & bangs on the hood of the car as it stops. Henry & Nora then run over to an onconscious Barry, and Nora gets on an old style flip phone, while Henry checks Barrys vitals. After a while, Grant & John left set, and they brought in the stunt doubles for them, while Michelle stayed to do the dialogue part of her characters scene, while Grants double gets thrown across the concrete, and Johns double runs out in front of the car. After that, they wrapped up that location & moved across the street. UNFORTUNATELY, like the first day, I misused my time, but in a different way this time. They moved across the street to shoot a scene at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre, which they renamed the Central City Theater for the scene. I know nothing of what happened in the scene, because I really thought I had more time, and was doing a live chat while they were filming, and when I was done with that, unfortunately was just after they had wrapped. I assumed they were going to come back, but they did not. All I know about the scene is Grant was there again, dressed as Barry. There are two details I picked up while I was there on the first day by dumb luck. One is, a guest star that ALSO filmed on the Monday set, but unfortunately not while I was there, that is Rick Cosnett was working that day. I DO NOT KNOW the character he was playing, so dont get carried away with speculations. The other, is the episode title, which I found curious. "A New World: Part One". There will be some video from scenes from this episode to post in the next few weeks, so come back to find those then, or you can subscribe to my Youtube channel and get them there when they drop. Some from the first part of the cross over is already up there. You can find ALL of The Flash videos I have shot since right back to the pilot episode HERE on Youtube. You can now get exclusive first looks on our Patreon ahead of these blog posts for as little as $2 a month for photos, and $5 a month for videos. If you want to see my past behind the scene shots for The Flash go HERE If you want to see my autograph gallery for The Flash go HERE The Flash season 9 will premiere February 8, 2023 on The CW.
![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR A "THE FLASH" SEASON 8 EPISODE 20, & MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE SEASON. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . . PLEASE NOTE - Photo limits are in place for website use/social media posts. THERE IS NEW LIMITS IN PLACE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021.... SO CHECK THOSE OUT. PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF FAMILIAR WITH THE NEW GUIDELINES POSTED HERE I will not be responsible for your ignorance. If I file a takedown notice on you, it really is on you for not educating yourself. If you are confused on how many you can post, ASK FIRST, and I will let you know. My other finale blog posts are HERE and HERE. The Flash cast & crew filmed scenes earlier this week in downtown Vancouver for 3 nights. This blog post is just for the 1st two nights. This was for the season 8 finale, episode 820. The production closed down 1 whole block in front of our hockey arena, Rogers Arena. Along with that, at other points of the shoot, they had a couple other roads completely blocked off to traffic & pedestrians. On Wednesday night, in continual rain, the cast & crew shot scenes with Grant Gustin as The Flash, and Tom Cavanagh as some version of Eobard Thawne (he was referred to as "NRF" on a storyboard I happened to see for 1 of the scenes). In the scene, the 2 are having an altercation in a parking lot, when Barry seems to get frozen, as if he is in Flashtime, and Thoawne walks around him acting all boastful, a Police Car zips in during in (why it wasnt also frozen.... thats for the writers to explain) and Thawne blows it up. All the while, Barry is frozen still in a defensive pose. I also saw 1 scene they did a couple takes of where Barry just comes running into the parking lot from the street, and that was about all there was on that night that I saw. On Thursday night I got down the set a little later than the night before, knowing this time it was going to be a full night shoot. When I got there, it was clear they were planning to do a different stunt at some point, as they had a crane set up to lift someone in the sky. For the 1st couple hours, nothing much happened, except getting the stunt team prepped to do a stunt. At 1 point they did a stunt where the doubles for Flash & Thawne are thrown into the air in opposite directions (I missed it somehow, but you can find it on twitter HERE.). I saw them working on 1 stunt where they were raising the Thawne double high into the air. Unfortunately, a random lightning strike paused their work on that stunt, and the whole production shut down for about 45-60 minutes while they waited to make sure there was not more troublesome weather. By they time they were getting ready to work again, I had gotten tired, cold, and sore enough to consider leaving, and had decided next train I saw coming in, I was taking it. While I was waiting, they called 1st team rehearsals, which I thought was odd, since it was clearly the stunt team working last I saw. Instead of just stunts now though, they had cast on set. Grant Gustin was laying down in the middle of the road, he had his rain gear on over his costume, so there was no identifying markings it was him, except the gold boots. At 1st I thought it might be him because I thought I saw gold boots. But when I looked at the person laying on the ground, I couldnt see any of the boots, and assumed it was a random Cop from the blown up CCPD car maybe because of the all black outfit he was wearing. I was again, about to leave, when I saw something I wasnt expecting to see. A man in blue pants, red jacket, wearing a big metal brimmed hat go running into the street with a woman. I grabbed my binoculars again, looked and confirmed what I thought I was seeing, it was John Wesley Shipp & Candice Patton. Suddenly I realized that WAS Grant in the middle of the road, and I hurried over to a better spot to start shooting. They packed a lot of parts of scenes into the time I was there, trying to make up for the hour they had to shut down. Inside the parking lot, they had Thawne looking all menacing facing Barry, while Iris & Jay Garrick were standing 15 feet away from them. Iris yells "Flash, you have to stop". Iris holding her head at times. Next they are out on the street. Out there Iris & Jay find Barry, on the ground, just starting to get up. Barry & Iris hug for a long period, before Jay rushes Iris out of there after Barry says something to them. They then had 3 speedsters join Barry, Jessica Parker Kennedy as XS, Jordan Fisher as Impulse, and Kausar Mohammed as Fast Track, with a new cowl, joined the Scarlet Speedster. Barrys kids rush over to hug their dad, as Fast Track stands near by. They then have their moment broken up by something in the sky that they all turn to look up at. A bit later, they finally did the stunt with the Thawne double high in the air. Barry is sitting on the ground, against the building and is yelling at him while Thawne is making lots of "aggghhh" type sounds with his arms stretched out. At 2 points, he makes a clap, before going back into the arms stretched out point. aaaannd that was it for these 2 nights in the parking lot. There was 1 more location shoot the next night, that I will have a blog up for in the next couple days. There will be some video from scenes from this episode to post in the next couple weeks, so come back to find those then, or you can subscribe to my Youtube channel and get them there when they drop. Some from the first part of the cross over is already up there. You can find ALL of The Flash videos I have shot since right back to the pilot episode HERE on Youtube. You can now get exclusive first looks on our Patreon ahead of these blog posts for as little as $2 a month for photos, and $5 a month for videos. If you want to see my past behind the scene shots for The Flash go HERE If you want to see my autograph gallery for The Flash go HERE The Flash season 8 airs on Wednesdays on The CW. ![]() THIS IS A POST ABOUT SCENES SHOT FOR THE FLASH SEASON 3 FINALE. IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THIS EPISODE, AND DONT WANT TO SEE OR READ ABOUT ANY POSSIBLE SPOILERS FROM THE EPISODE, DO NOT CONTINUE READING OR VIEWING THE PHOTOS BELOW. . . . . last warning . . * - article revised to include information after the episode aired. Original article stated Anne Dudek (Tracy Brand) and not Michelle Harrison (Nora Allen) was in the scene. It is info that was on the official call sheet for the day. The Flash shot several scenes out in public in the last week of filming, including the much talked about Funeral scene HERE. This set is about their 2 night shoots. The first one was the same night as the funeral scene. They moved to B.C. Place to shoot the big spoilery finale scene you have likely seen almost everywhere. In the scene, you can see Grant Gustin (Barry Allen), Tom Cavanagh (Harrison Wells), John Wesley Shipp (Jay Garrick), Jesse L Martin (Joe West), Keiynan Lonsdale (Wally West), Candice Patton (Iris West), Carlos Valdes (Cisco Ramon), Tom Felton (Julian Albert), Jessica Camacho (Gypsy) and Michelle harrison (Nora Allen) The scene shows Barry go around to everyone in the group and say some good byes to them, including a kiss with Iris, before he turns around, and for reasons I dont really know.... leaves with Nora*. In the other night scene shot a few days later at Victory Square. The crew and cast shot scenes in the same location we all know as where Iris dies in episode 309. A few cast were there at various times throughout the night....but I was too tired to stay in the wet weather to watch it all happen. Tom Cavanagh, Jesse L Martin, Candice Patton and Grant Gustin were all scheduled to work that night. I only saw Gustin and Patton working during the time I was there. What I did see though was a confrontation between The Flash & Savitar. Grant was doing scenes where he holds a big ass gun and shoots at Savitar. But does he hit him?? the way the scene plays out, it seems he doesnt. You can catch The Flash on Tuesday nights on The CW in the U.S.A. and on CTV in Canada. You can find our other BTS blog posts on The Flash HERE You can find out autograph gallery for The Flash HERE THIS BLOG POST IS ABOUT "THE FLASH" EPISODE 309. If you have not seen this episode & dont want to see possible spoilers from the episode, do not continue reading or viewing the photos. . . . last warning . . The next episode of The Flash will be the 9th episode of the 3rd season..... which means the shows 3rd annual appearance of Mark Hamill. This seasons appearance by the Star Wars legend & 1990s The Flash guest star will see his James Jesse character looking a little bit different than usual. The Flash shot scenes for this episode with Hamill on set in downtown in Vancouver. Also on set was Grant Gustin as the shows lead character, Barry Allen aka The Flash. But also on set this time was John Wesley Shipp as Jay Garrick aka The Flash on earth 3. More importantly, he was ALSO in the 1990s version of The Flash.... as the shows version of The Flash. Despite some exceptionally aggressive efforts from the crew to block the scene from being seen by the public on the VERY public & busy corner of Burrard they chose to shoot it on.. I still managed a few shots. On this day we saw James Jesse shoot scenes with purple hair & his face painted up, he was walking out of a bank with bags (probably full of money). Then he drops the bags, and pulls out a tommy gun and seemingly shoots it at someone/somewhere that was off camera. Eventually they did a scene where Jay comes in and apprehends James. A little while later they did a scene where James is taken away to a Police van while Jay stands around and eventually is joined by Barry. A scene with the two Flashes just chatting was next. Just before they went on lunch break, director Kevin Smith showed up on set to say hi to some of the cast & crew that he had worked with in the past. Smith was in town working on Supergirl at the time. I know a lot of blogging sites, and even a "news" site commented on this shoot. The big question being "is Mark Hamill playing "the Joker" in this episode?" Of course James Jesse is better known to Flash fans as "The Trickster" but it was clear from his entire ensemble, he didnt look like the regular Trickster we are used to. Since Hamill is also known as "the voice of The Joker" to many for his work voicing the iconic DC character in a a plethora of projects going back to the early 90s, a lot of fans jumped to this assumption. However I dont think The Flash writers would have gotten the ok to use that characters name with the character currently being in use by the movie portion of DC. A more probable role is "the Jokester" who IS another DC character with some similiarities to the iconic Joker, and even is from Earth 3 and has purple hair. Speaking of that hair... Mark Hamill didnt cheap out & have the wardrobe department concoct a wig for him, he actually dyed his hair purple as I found out the next day when I caught up to Mr. Hamill leaving town & noticed the purpleish locks poking out from under his togue while he was signing autographs for some of us. The Flash airs on Tuesday nights oN The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. This episode will be on next week December 6, 2016. You can find our other BTS posts on The Flash filming HERE. You can find our autographs from the stars of the show HERE. The Flash shot scenes for an upcoming episode in Gastown a few weeks ago. The first scene they shot was with newcomer Teddy Sears as Jay Garrick in a S.T.A.R. Labs van with Danielle Panabaker as Caitlyn Snow shooting a scene where the pair get pretty cozy. There was then a scene with a mysterious woman shooting a scene where she was staring towards the van. When I tweeted about this woman, I got several replies stating its Kimiyo Hoshi, aka - Doctor Light. Even other more in the know sources on all things comic book related suggested it was her as well. So for now, till I hear differently, that is who I am suggesting it is. The Flash season 2 is on now with episodes airing Tuesday nights on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. |
****UPDATED JAUNUARY 2021**** All photos posted in this blog are shot by Canadagraphs. Permission to use the photos on your site, blog, tumblr, facebook or other online outlets is allowed if you follow the rules stated in THIS POST Main rules include 1- DO NOT remove any watermarks on the photos, this includes cropping around them, Without prior written permission or emailed permission from this site. (contact form is on the left) 2- Credit this blog page or the individual blog post in your posting. 3- Adhere to the LIMIT of photos allowed for the type of post you are making. If you would like to use photos seen here unedited, contact me thru my contact page, and depending on your need I may be able to accommodate smaller requests. Depending on the orders/photos, I may charge a fee for my time (usually about $2-5 an image depending how many you want) About The ShowThe Flash is a superhero TV program on The CW network. Archives
February 2023