THIS POST CONTAINS POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR "THE FLASH" SEASON 4 EPISODE 4 "ELONGATED JOURNEY INTO NIGHT". IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THIS EPISODE YET, AND DO NOT WANT TO SEE OR READ POSSIBLE SPOILERS, DO NOT CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE BELOW OR VIEWING THE PHOTOS AT THE BOTTOM. . . . last warning . . On this shoot, I caught the crew and cast of The Flash shooting scenes over 2 (technically 3 if you include the overnight shoots) days shooting scenes in & around an alley in downtown Vancouver. During The daytime they would shoot scenes out on the street. On the first day, those scenes included Grant Gustin and Candice Patton shooting a scene as Barry Allen & Iris West where they both find themselves looking up at "something". On the second day, a scene with Grant & Jesse L Martin as Barry & Joe West was shot where they are interacting on the opposite side of the street. Of course, on set at all times was The Flash star, Tom Cavanagh. Mr. Cavanagh was making his 2nd appearance as a director for the show. There was not a lot to tell from the scenes, as they were pretty generic scenes. There was also night scenes during both of those shoots, with a few different cast involved. I will have a post on those shoots coming up in the near future that will include the first looks at 1 of the shows advertised guest stars/recurring stars for this season.... so watch for that, The Flash returns to The CW in the U.S. on October 10,2017 and to CTV in Canada If you want to see my past behind the scene shots for The Flash go HERE If you want to see my autograph gallery for The Flash go HERE
THIS BLOG POST IS FOR THE FLASH SEASON 4 EPISODE 1 "THE FLASH REBORN" AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . The cast & crew of The Flash got their season off to a start with filming in early July in downtown Vancouver in & around an area known as Cathedral Square. In the early part of the day, a scene was shot with Carlos Valdes as Vibe, Keiynan Lonsdale as Kid Flash, Jesse L Martin as Joe West and returning guest star Britnie Oldford as Peek-a-boo shooting a scene I got there in time for the very last take of it, so I didnt really get to see much of that filming. After a break, they resumed filming further down the alley. This time, a scene involving Keiynan, but he wasnt dressed as Wally west, or Kid Flash, but he was dressed in the Barry Allen Flash uniform. In this scene he was taking on a samurai looking creature that I have seen referred to as a Samuroid in most places. The pair seem to get into a fight that sees the Samuroid throw Wally..err Kid Flash...uhhh I mean .... Flash? by using his samurai sword as a catapult. During breaks, Keiynan tried to stay cool by using a portable fan, and kept himself alert by doing little sprints in the alley after takes. The Flash returns to The CW in the U.S. on Tuesday October 10, 2017 You can view my other behind the scenes photos of The Flash HERE You can see my autographs gallery for The Flash HERE ![]() THIS IS A POST ABOUT SCENES SHOT FOR THE FLASH SEASON 3 FINALE. IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THIS EPISODE, AND DONT WANT TO SEE OR READ ABOUT ANY POSSIBLE SPOILERS FROM THE EPISODE, DO NOT CONTINUE READING OR VIEWING THE PHOTOS BELOW. . . . . last warning . . * - article revised to include information after the episode aired. Original article stated Anne Dudek (Tracy Brand) and not Michelle Harrison (Nora Allen) was in the scene. It is info that was on the official call sheet for the day. The Flash shot several scenes out in public in the last week of filming, including the much talked about Funeral scene HERE. This set is about their 2 night shoots. The first one was the same night as the funeral scene. They moved to B.C. Place to shoot the big spoilery finale scene you have likely seen almost everywhere. In the scene, you can see Grant Gustin (Barry Allen), Tom Cavanagh (Harrison Wells), John Wesley Shipp (Jay Garrick), Jesse L Martin (Joe West), Keiynan Lonsdale (Wally West), Candice Patton (Iris West), Carlos Valdes (Cisco Ramon), Tom Felton (Julian Albert), Jessica Camacho (Gypsy) and Michelle harrison (Nora Allen) The scene shows Barry go around to everyone in the group and say some good byes to them, including a kiss with Iris, before he turns around, and for reasons I dont really know.... leaves with Nora*. In the other night scene shot a few days later at Victory Square. The crew and cast shot scenes in the same location we all know as where Iris dies in episode 309. A few cast were there at various times throughout the night....but I was too tired to stay in the wet weather to watch it all happen. Tom Cavanagh, Jesse L Martin, Candice Patton and Grant Gustin were all scheduled to work that night. I only saw Gustin and Patton working during the time I was there. What I did see though was a confrontation between The Flash & Savitar. Grant was doing scenes where he holds a big ass gun and shoots at Savitar. But does he hit him?? the way the scene plays out, it seems he doesnt. You can catch The Flash on Tuesday nights on The CW in the U.S.A. and on CTV in Canada. You can find our other BTS blog posts on The Flash HERE You can find out autograph gallery for The Flash HERE ![]() THIS POST CONTAINS POSSIBLE MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE SEASON 3 FINALE OF THE FLASH. If you do not want to see or read any possible spoilers for this episode, please do not read on or view the photos below. . . . last warning . . The Flash shot scenes for their 3rd season finale in a couple locations last week. First was a scene at Mountain View Cemetery in East Vancouver with every main cast member, and a couple guest stars. In fact the only notable member missing for the scene was Violett Beane. So, start your theorizing now on whos funeral they were there for. At the cemetery we had Grant Gustin (Barry Allen/The Flash), Jesse L. Martin (Joe West), Keiynan Lonsdale (Wally West/Kid Flash), Candice Patton (Iris West), Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost), Carlos Valdes (Cisco Ramon/Vibe), Tom Cavanagh (H.R. Wells/Harrison Wells), Tom Felton (Julian Dorn), John Wesley Shipp (Jay Garrick/The Flash), Jessica Camacho (Cindy Reynolds/Gypsy) & Anne Dudek (Tracy Brand) So whos funeral is it? Well, if you take the time to look down the cast list, your first instinct would be to assume Jessie Quick, since Violett Beane is not on set. A smaller possibility could be Cecile, Joes love interest since Danielle Nicolet is also not there & it would seem more probable to kill off a secondary characters love interest than 1 of the iconic speedsters. But the answer isnt as clear as that theory would suggest. The one thing we all know about The Flash universe, and I have seen almost no one talk about is, the infinite versions of each others characters there are. We've seen Tom Cavanagh play 5 different versions of himself already.... so when I finally tell you whos funeral they were all at, you'll go "ohh of course... I forgot about the multiple versions of each other.". So yes, the funeral is for a character played by someone that is also at the funeral. Thats the first thing we all need to know before I go any further. So you can cross Jessie Quick & Cecile off your list. Now its reasonable to assume that the crew didnt get together for a tear filled funeral to mourn a 2nd version of Anne Dudeks character since we barely know her 1st version. You know what, I could go on for an hour telling you why it could/couldnt be each other. Its for H.R. Wells. The version of Wells we see in the photos is Harrison (E2) "Harry" Wells, Jessies father, version of Wells. With the team all there I know it left a lot of people theorizing (I've read/watched some of these theories, and I have seen the more obvious assumptions like Iris West, or Joe West, to the more improbable ideas that its Barry Allen or even "Savitar".) about who is it and why and how etc. So you can start going around to all the different bloggers/vloggers you follow who had their sure fire ideas on who it could be and were wrong, and tell them they are wrong.... I know you want to. Its what the internet lives to do. Just remember when you do so, you were almost definitely wrong yourself. There was very little of the scenes we could see and nothing we could hear. So piecing together what some of the photos during takes, which were few & far between is hard to decipher the context. I can tell you 80-90% of the photos in this post are from the cast AFTER the scenes were cut, as the vast majority of the scene took place behind two massive low lying trees (convenient, or intentionally planned). The one part we do see is Barry consoling Cisco. Theres also a scene were we see Barry, Cisco and I believe someone else (not entirely sure anymore) over at a different tree talking with Caitlin. At the end of their talk, Caitlin walks away from them thru the graveyard. In between takes, many of the cast were in pretty great moods on the rare sunny day Vancouver has had of late. Tom Felton walked around playing his guitar from time to time, and even let Mr. Cavanagh use it for a bit. Danielle Panabaker seemed to either be skipping thru, or maybe trying not to step, on the gravestones after one of her takes, of course theres the post I tweeted with Carlos Valdes seemingly trying to lift up the dead weight of Grant Gustin in 1 moment. For the most part, the cast seemed to be 1 big happy group. With more or less everyone, including newcomer Anne Dudek, seemingly walking to & from set with other cast chatting. The why & the how, is a bit less clear... although I had my own theories on it. But I wont go into that, because I dont do theory posts here very often/ever. This set was pretty rare by The Flash standards, as most of the time a location shoot has 1-3 characters on set. With 10 (9 regulars/recurrings & Anne Dudek) this was easily the largest single day of cast on set I can recall. So no shock, it was also the best for meeting the cast. with the exception of Anne Dudek (who no one but me even knew), Jesse L Martin & Candice Patton, everyone in the cast signed autographs &/or took photos with people at some point throughout the day. A later shoot, which many of you found on youtube saw that same cast shooting a scene, minus Danielle. I will have a post on that coming up soon.... but for now, here is the daytime shoot photos. The Flash airs Tuesday nights on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. You can dind my other blog posts on The Flash HERE You can find cast autographs from The Flash HERE THIS BLOG IS FOR EPISODE 305 OF "THE FLASH". If you have not seen this episode yet, and do not want to see any possible spoilers from it. Do not continue reading, or viewing photos. . . . last warning . . Back in August I caught The Flash shooting in New Westminster for episode 5 "Monster" with the shows director of photograph Kim Miles as director. In the scene I saw, Jesse L. Martin as Detective Joe West, Danielle Nicolet as Police Chief Cecile Horton and Candice Patton as Iris West were on set shooting. The scene wasnt terribly complex to follow. It starts off with Joe and the Chief sitting down on a bench talking. The tone of the chat didnt really tell me much about whether it was a professional chat or a personal chat between the two. But what was clear was after the Cecile leaves when Iris shows up with a bag of Big Belly Burger (apparently the ONLY restaurant in the entire DC Universe) is that Iris did not seem impressed with her dads choice of conversation partners which makes me believe this chat wasnt so much professional, and a bit more personal as the daughter storms off in a huff. In whats becoming an all too familiar pattern when 1 certain cast member is on set for a scene, the crew tried pretty hard to prevent people from being able to see much of the scene by putting up extra things to block the view & where they couldn't block it out, they had crew members stand holding umbrellas in the middle of a sunny August day... but as usual, I still managed to get my fair share of photos. Before this scene, they shot across the street at the brand new Anvil Centre. Unfortunately that shooting was inside, so I cant tell you what was going on in there. The Flash is on Tuesday nights on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. This episode is currently scheduled to air November 1, 2016 You can find our other BTS photos on The Flash in our Flash Blog Section, as well as autographs of the stars of the show in our The Flash Autographs section. ![]() A couple months ago I caught the cast & crew of The Flash shooting a couple scenes in the Chinatown area of Vancouver. One of the scenes was a short shoot with Grant Gustin and Rick Cosnett for an episode that already aired. The other, was for a scene that I believe will be in tonights episode (based on the shooting schedule I feel it was for tonights ep.... could be next weeks) with Grant and Jesse L. Martin and an actor I didn't get the name of. In this scene, we see The Flash and Det. Joe West dressed in combat gear out on a street with a armoured truck stopped. There is a scene where The Flash speeds into the scene & body checks one of the bad guys into the side of the truck (thats gotta hurt). Earlier in the day they shot a scene around the corner with a woman (Jane Hancock) walking some kids to an ice cream truck. Not sure what the scene was setting up, but I have to assume 1 of the people in the scene was relevant to the episode. I took some pics of the scene at the time, but wasnt happy enough with them. So I didnt add any to this post. The Flash & Barry Allen are in this years May Madness tournament to find everyones favorite TV Show & Character. Going on RIGHT NOW. You can vote HERE. The Flash cast autographs can be found HERE The Flash airs Tuesday nights on The CW in the U.S. & on CTV in Canada THIS BLOG MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 118 OR 119. If you have not seen these episodes and want to avoid potential mild spoilers to them. DO NOT continue reading or viewing the photos.. . . last warning . . I ran into The Flash a couple times in mid February, as they shot scenes for episode 118 (and possibly 119) The 1st set I know were for 118 as Emily Kinney and Amanda Pays were on set that day. The shoot took place at a massive business park in South Burnaby that's used by most productions at some point. The shoot was all interiors, but I can tell you I saw Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Rick Cosnett, Tom Cavanagh along with previously mentioned 2 guest stars there that night. Uunfortunately, the location left no chances to shoot any parts of the scenes. However, meeting the cast was plausible. I went out there that day & night to meet The Walking Dead star Emily Kinney. While I did meet everyone else that was there that night, Ms. Kinney was less than receptive to meeting fans at any time I was there. Allegedly she met fans earlier in the day, but, during the 11 hrs I spent there, she never did. Even as she wrapped, and KNEW the whole TWO of us that were there were still waiting, and that she had earlier denied when she said "I just got to go to set (a small lie... she went to set 20 mins later.. after going to hair & make up, then coming back to her trailer for a few mins), so its not like she didn't know why we were there.... she speed walked from her transport vehicle, into her trailer, they speed walked from her trailer to her awaiting shuttle vehicle. I rarely take it too personally if a celeb denies signing for me. I get it. But this particular instance, I took pretty personally. She COULD have said "no" one of the 3 or 4 times prior, or even as she was leaving for the night. Instead, just left the pair of us there hanging. Classless move by her. A simple "no" would have solved everything. This episode of The Flash comes up this week. Just two days after that I found the set for The Flash 2 times that day. First up was a shoot at Victory Square with Danielle Panabaker as Caitlyn Snow and Candice Patton as Iris West and a young girl. It was hard to make out what all was going on in the scene, but it appeared the little girl was speaking quite annoyed/angrily at Iris and Caitlyn who were in a car. Unfortunately, I got there near the end of their shoot, so I never saw a lot of the scene, just 3 or 4 takes. While I was there, I saw Grant Gustin show up for reasons I do not know (he never did any scenes there...and seemingly wasn't there very long). Shortly after, the crew moved to their second location, about a 20 minute walk away at a residential area in Strathcona. At the 2nd location there was not much to see besides the actors going in or coming out of the house they were shooting at. I've been to sets like this 100X, they are pretty bland, mundane interaction experiences that don't require a lot of "security". However, this particular small, irrelevant set had more security than most high profile big budget films do. I even asked the 1 main guard what the deal was, he responded that he was just as perplexed by it as we were. There was no spoilers to be seen as they were filming indoors, the wasn't even any "special guest stars" of note to hide. This really shouldn't have been a "high security" situation, and as I pointed out to the main guard, and he seconded my observation, MOST of the security they had brought in were utterly pointless & more in the way than anything they were "guarding". I got a few pics of Rick and Grant coming out of the house 1 take, then left.... which was for the best Just as I got to the porch of my house, which was only a 8-10 minute walk away, the skies opened up and a substantially intense downpour erupted for the next 1/2 hour or so. Had I been even 2 minutes longer, I would have got soaked to the bone... so I guess the extra security and interior shoot DID something positive for me, it inspired me to leave early. The scenes on that 2nd day I believe are for episode 19, but could be 18 just because of how close it was to the filming date of the scenes that I know were for 18. Guess we'll find out soon enough. The Flash returns from its 1 week hiatus Tuesday on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. You can see more of my Flash blog posts HERE. My Flash autographs for sale can be found HERE. |
****UPDATED JAUNUARY 2021**** All photos posted in this blog are shot by Canadagraphs. Permission to use the photos on your site, blog, tumblr, facebook or other online outlets is allowed if you follow the rules stated in THIS POST Main rules include 1- DO NOT remove any watermarks on the photos, this includes cropping around them, Without prior written permission or emailed permission from this site. (contact form is on the left) 2- Credit this blog page or the individual blog post in your posting. 3- Adhere to the LIMIT of photos allowed for the type of post you are making. If you would like to use photos seen here unedited, contact me thru my contact page, and depending on your need I may be able to accommodate smaller requests. Depending on the orders/photos, I may charge a fee for my time (usually about $2-5 an image depending how many you want) About The ShowThe Flash is a superhero TV program on The CW network. Archives
February 2023