![]() Updated November 22, 2017 THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "LEGENDS OF TOMORROW" SEASON 4 EPISODE 8 "CRISIS ON EARTH X" AND MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read possible spoilers about it prior to seeing it, do not continue reading the article or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . Today was the day that the worst kept secret in the Arrowverse happened. Of course, depending how you feel about particular ships in the Arrowverse, this was joyous, or the death of the franchise in your mind. A duo wedding took place today. Yes, a DUO WEDDING. With the crossover episodes almost done filming, the cast of The Flash and Arrow found themselves shooting a scene on LOT today with no LOT cast in the scenes. The scene consisted of Arrow cast members Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak and David Ramsey as John Diggle, along with The Flash stars Grant Gustin as Barry Allen and Candice Patton as Iris West shooting a scene in downtown Stanley Park for the much hyped double wedding between the commonly shipped duos West Allen & Olicity. While Barry & Iris looked dressed for the occasion, it was pretty clear the Arrow characters wedding plans were pretty spur of the moment, as they were both dressed in casual clothes. The ceremonies were officiated by Arrow character John Diggle. For reasons that I am sure the storylines will eventually explain, neither of the couples friends or family were in attendance. The couples instead, acted as each others witnesses. The scene starts with Diggle appearing, clearly after Barry speeds him there. Diggle freaks out, then goes and vomits, before coming back to the two couples, and after a brief talk, starts the ceremony. At the end of the ceremony, the two couples kiss, then the scene ends. While many fans on both sides are outraged that their couple had to share their moment with the other, many others were just as overjoyed to know their couple of choice at least finally were married. Earlier in the day scenes were shot with Barry, Iris, Oliver & Felicity, along with characters from Legends Of Tomorrow and Supergirl. I will have a blog on that shoot at a later date.... but for now.... enjoy shippers. For other behind the scene blog posts of The Flash go HERE For The Flash autographs gallery go HERE The Flash returns TONIGHT for season 4 on The CW in the U.S. and CTV in Canada. More photos will also end up on the Arrow blog post section, and will also be added to this post later down the road when more editing has been done... but for now, here you go. As promised when I originally posted this. Here are a few more photos from this days shoot. As promised when I posted this...... here is some MORE from the shoot.... a video from the scene. UPDATE #2 - Second video posted.... as promised to the fans when they got to 10K views on the first one. WARNING - if you attempt to upload this video elsewhere. If you DO NOT use the official link of the youtube video below, it WILL be removed.
![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR "THE FLASH" SEASON 3 EPISODE 8. If you have not seen the episode, and do not want to see or read about any spoilers, please do not continue reading or viewing the photos below. . . . last warning . . The 3rd annual all-DC Comics programs on The CW Cross Over event is about to happen. This time, 4 shows join the mix, as Supergirl joins on with last years additions to the party Legends Of Tomorrow. Of course they will team up with the original 2 from the first cross over, The Flash & The CW's pioneer of this superhero themed show push, Arrow. On a night in October, I managed to catch The Flash filming scenes outside B.C. Place (aka - the exterior of S.T.A.R. Labs) for their portion of the cross over. On set was a variety of characters from 3 of the 4 shows. From Legends Of Tomorrow was Mick Rory (Heatwave) & Sara Lance (White Canary). From Arrow was Oliver Queen (The Green Arrow), John Diggle (Spartan) & Thea Queen (Speedy) and from The Flash was Barry Allen (The Flash) and Wally West (Kid Flash). ![]() While I was told that ALL the actors of these characters were going to be on set the night of this shoot, I cant confirm ever seeing some of them. I saw Grant Gustin, Stephen Amell and Keiynan Lonsdale at various points. But whether or not Caity Lotz, Dominic Purcell, David Ramsey & Willa Holland ever were on set the night I was there is unknown. I certainly didnt stay for the whole shoot, as it was dark, cold and the only vantage point was from a bridge sidewalk nowhere near anything. MOST of the scenes I saw shot consisted of the stunt team doing work, with Grant, Stephen and Keiynan coming in for the required close up scenes. There seemed to be a lot going on, and frankly I didnt make a lot of sense of what I saw. I know at one point the Green Arrow & The Flash are tossed thru the air, and another time Kid Flash gets tossed thru the air. But what exactly caused all the chaos, I dont know. The 4 show Cross Over event starts Monday November 28th on Supergirl, followed by The Flash on Tuesday, Arrow on Wednesday & finishing on Legends Of Tomorrow in Thursday December 1st, all on The CW. To see other BTS photos from previous shoots for The Flash, check out my The Flash Blog section. For BTS Arrow pics, my Arrow Blog section. For Supergirl, my Supergirl Blog section. Currently a Legends Of Tomorrow blog section does not exist. To find autographs of The Flash cast, you can find them HERE. For Arrow HERE, for Legends Of Tomorrow HERE. Just in time for the Holidays. ![]() THIS BLOG POST IS FOR EPISODE 208 OF "THE FLASH". This is the three show Crossover event episode with Arrow & Legends Of Tomorrow. If you have not seen this episode and want to avoid possible spoilers, do not continue reading the post or viewing the photos. . . . last warning . . As you are all aware by now, tonight The Flash will air the 1st half of a 2 part triple cross over episode with Arrow, and featuring cast from their upcoming combined spin-off Legends Of Tomorrow. A few weeks ago, I caught them in downtown Vancouver shooting scenes for this very episode. On set this day was Grant Gustin as Barry Allen and Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon from The Flash. Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen from Arrow. Along with Falk Hentschel and Ciara Renee as Carter Hall and Kendra Saunders. There wasnt a lot to the scene that had the 5 of them together in it. They all just were walking along down a staircase. However, after Barry & Oliver part off from the scene, theres a scene where Carter & Kendra share a hug as Cisco awkwardly lurks around waiting for it to end. Then Carter leaves, leaving Cisco and Kendra alone. Cisco then presents Kendra with a pendant, and she eventually reaches out & kisses Cisco.... and thats it. That was the end of the scene there. After they wrapped there, My friends & I managed to get Ciara & Falk to sign some autographs, while a little fan got his photo with Carlos at his transportation vehicle. Grant was telling everyone he was quite sick that day, so he avoided interacting with anymore. Later that evening, they filmed a scene at a location near the original location, with Grant, Stephen, Falk & Ciara. It was apparently on a roof top, but I never did find out for sure. After that, Stephen Amell came out and met a few fans there & chatted for a bit before heading off. You can follow the stars of The Flash, Arrow and Legends Of Tomorrow on their social media sites The Flash Twitter Facebook Grant Gustin Twitter Facebook Carlos Valdes Twitter Facebook Arrow Twitter Facebook Stephen Amell Twitter Facebook Legends Of Tomorrow Twitter Facebook Ciara Renee Twitter Falk Hentschel Twitter You can catch The Flash Tuesday Nights on The CW in The U.S. and on CTV in Canada. Arrow is on Wednesday on the same stations (and will have the conclusion to this cross over event Dec. 2, 2015.) CW in the U.S. and CTV in Canada. Legends Of Tomorrow will star in January 2016 on the CW. THIS BLOG POST contains possible spoilers for The Flash episode 122 "Rogue Time". If you have not seen this episode yet, and want to avoid any possible spoilers for it, do not continue reading or viewing any of the photos. . . . last warning . . As some of you who follow me on twitter recall, I caught The Flash shooting their penultimate episode "Rogue Air", directed by Douglas Aarniokoski, of their inagural season down at BC Place in late March a couple times. The first shoot was a stunt scene filmed at the side of B.C. Place in the early evening. It had the Reverse Flash falling from high up. The scene probably will make more sense on TV, but my guess is he falls from the top of S.T.A.R. labs, which BC Place often stands in for on exterior shoots. I also saw the stunt man for The Flash, Cody Laudan there, but did not see him partake in a stunt during my limited time there. Another man went up as well, dressed in just some stunt gear rigging. The first shoot that I saw with actors included of course the now well known, thanks to their promo pics, stand off with Arrow star Stephen Amell guest starring along side, Grant Gustin & Robbie Amell facing off against Tom Cavanagh at Terry Fox Plaza. The crew did a great job of using the statues that get larger in size of the Canadian Cancer awareness icon Terry Fox as placing spots to put a "STAR Labs" sign. While they did spend much of a night there filming this scene, not a lot seemed to be apparent from it to the rare few onlookers that stayed around till well after midnight to see the scenes shot. Besides the fact that Arrow in his Warith al Ghul outfit, The Flash & Ronnie Raymond in his Firestorm outfit were facing off against Eobard Thawne in his Reverse Flash outfit, there seemed to be very little in the way of action at this point, and any dialogue that took place happened when we were too far back to really hear it. In any case, with the earlier stunt I saw performed, and these 4 on the concourse, I am sure all hell is about to break loose in Central City. PS - Yes, I am aware many of these shots were used in a previous blog post about this episode. Just re-posting them in here for new viewers, and a couple newer ones were added. A couple days later they were back at B.C. Place shooting more exterior scenes. They started with a daytime scene that had Rick Cosnett and Candice Patton walking along at what seemed like a Central City Police Station set up. The topic of their conversation was not apparent to me at the time of the filming...but knowing what I know after the fact. It clearly revolves around Eddie Thawne's proposal to Iris west, as Iris is holding the green ring box Eddie had. From the body language of the scene, I am guessing Iris did not react with the overwhelming excitement she might have before Eddie was grabbed by Eobard. After they were done shooting, I told my friend to wait where we were, as the rest of the fans moved on to Terry Fox Plaza to see the crew set up the next scene. Eventually Rick & Candice came out where they were filming tog et into their shuttle vans, and signed for the 4 or 5 of us that were smart enough to realize what was happening. After that scene, there was prep work being done for a stunt scene that was going to happen later with Simon Burnett, the stunt man for Stephen Amell's Arrow character. The weather was at best, unpleasant that evening, and after a quick dinner at Boston Pizza, my friend & I decided to opt out of waiting around for the scene that had MANY more onlookers around for it than there was at the shoot a couple days prior. We saw Tom Cavanagh leave after rehearsals, and tried tog et him but he said he would get us when he returned.... so we waited a bit longer for him to come back. When he did, my friend & I got a couple autographs from Tom Cavanagh as he arrived to film, after the security team tried to sneak him in by driving him 50 ft up from where the crowd had huddled under the awning of the Boston Pizza. We opted to risk the wind & rain to get tom & he rewarded us for our effort. Asd we were leaving, I noticed him stop to shake hands with someone, it was Stephen Amell. We packed up our things and took off from the wind & rain that was beating down on the set by that point. The Flash is in this years May madness tournament along with Barry Allen/The Flash. Voting on each match up lasts a couple days at a time. you can check and vote HERE on current matches. The Flash autographs can be found HERE The Flash airs TONIGHT (May 12, 2015) on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV in Canada. The season finale will be next Tuesday May 19, 2015. THIS POST CONTAINS PHOTOS & A BREIF DESCRIPTION OF SCENES SHOT FOR EPISODE 108 "THE FLASH VS ARROW" A FEW WEEKS AGO. If you have not yet seen the episode, and do not want to read or see any possible spoilers from it... please to don't continue reading the article, or viewing the photos . . . last chance . . So, as everyone reading this likely knows. Episode 8 of season 3 of Arrow, and season 1 of The Flash will be a cross over episode in which characters from both shows will be featured on each episode, starting with The Flash next Tuesday night & concluding the night after on Arrow. A few weeks ago, several scenes were shout downtown for The Flash episode, titled "The Flash VS Arrow". I intended to have some of these up sooner, and put up the final batch this week...but I got sidetracked. So, heres 1 whole megapost of pics from the 3 days of shoots. The 1st day was the only day I saw any members from Arrow on set shooting. Of course, it happened to be THE ARROW. Stephen Amell and his stunt double Simon Burnett were on the set shooting a scene with Grant Gustin & his stunt double Cody Laudan for the episode. I never really got a chance to SEE much of the scene, but it seemed to be some type of confrontation between the two heroes, which makes me think Flash VS Arrow is going to have some friction between the masked men. The next day saw scenes done in a building that featured Jesse L. Martin as Joe West. I also saw the stunt doubles of Grant Gustin & Stephen Amell around that day, but not sure what the scenes entailed since they were all indoors. On the final day, they had multiple scenes happen. First off was a scene where they had The Flash star Grant Gustin running into what seems to be the ONLY bank in Central City (and 1 that seems to have a lot of bad luck). They filmed a couple other scenes in & around the bank with guest star of the week Paul Anthony (aka Roy G. Bivolo aka - Chromo) who did a solo scene a block over earlier in the day that I'm guessing was of him getting ready to enter the bank....then he moved over to the actual bank set where he enters the bank and soon after scenes were shot where a scene like something out of the WWE Royal Rumble took place where everyone in the bank just started fighting each other. I honestly don't know what the scene will look like on camera, but from outside it looked pretty wild & funny. After the bank scene was shot. Grant Gustin poked his head out the door in his Barry Allen attire, waved at the fans standing across busy Pender Street. Then, in what has so far in the time The Flash has shot here, been a rare occurrence, a few seconds later, came back out and came across the street to meet the handful of fans before he headed off to lunch. After lunch, the crew & cast returned to a side street around the corner from the bank scene for a night stunt scene involving Grant Gustin, Rick Cosnett & Candice Patton and their stunt doubles.
The scene seems to have The Flash using his body to slow down/stop a car from hitting Eddie Thawne who was standing in the middle of the street. After Eddie jumps out of the way, The Flash comes over to him to confront detective pretty boy as Iris comes running in from the distance. This scene was an interesting one for me, because I never really thought Grant could muster up a menacing volume of speaking, but the verbal tongue lashing he put on Eddie there was quite intense. Needless to say if Iris was close enough to hear his conversation with Eddie, she would HAVE to know its Barry now after what he said, and as loud as he did. During 1 of the re-positions of the scene and equipment Grant came over to a couple of fans still waiting at the set in the early hours of the morning. He briefly chatted with them, but said he couldn't take photos while in the suit. I asked him if he could once the show airs (it had not aired yet) and he said "maybe".... so far, I haven't had the chance to test that. Shortly after, we were moved back further & I felt there was not much more I probably would see worth sticking around at such a late hour & went home. The Flash is currently up for several BEST OF TV AWARDS 2014 going on right now HERE. The Flash airs Tuesday nights on The CW in the U.S. and CTV in Canada. The Flash/Arrow cross over episodes will air December 2nd for The Flash, December 3rd for Arrow. |
****UPDATED JAUNUARY 2021**** All photos posted in this blog are shot by Canadagraphs. Permission to use the photos on your site, blog, tumblr, facebook or other online outlets is allowed if you follow the rules stated in THIS POST Main rules include 1- DO NOT remove any watermarks on the photos, this includes cropping around them, Without prior written permission or emailed permission from this site. (contact form is on the left) 2- Credit this blog page or the individual blog post in your posting. 3- Adhere to the LIMIT of photos allowed for the type of post you are making. If you would like to use photos seen here unedited, contact me thru my contact page, and depending on your need I may be able to accommodate smaller requests. Depending on the orders/photos, I may charge a fee for my time (usually about $2-5 an image depending how many you want) About The ShowThe Flash is a superhero TV program on The CW network. Archives
February 2023